300 2?

Posted by on 19. 03. 2007in News Chat

There are some movies that by the end of it you just know they couldn’t possibly do a sequel to it. Without giving anything away for those of you who haven’t seen the movie or read the graphic novel… 300 just strikes me as one of those movies. There’s just no way you can do a 300 part 2. Right? RIGHT!?!?!

Well… this is Hollywood… and this is also business. Which means that if there is indeed money to be made… then a way can be found. And guess what… with over $127 million at the box office after just it’s second weekend in theaters, it looks like plans for 300 2 are on the table. The good folks over at Filmwad give us this:

Snyder has hinted to Variety that a second hyper-stylized Greek bloodbath is in the works. Both Snyder and co-director/writer Frank Miller are tight-lipped about the sequel’s source material but the article does say this: “Miller is also prepping a follow-up to “300″ based on another mythic tale from Greek history, but he won’t divulge details.”

So where does this leave us? We know Frank Miller stated that 300 would be the last of his works on screen that he doesn’t direct himself. Does this set the stage for Miller to write a follow up to 300 and direct it himself? That would all be speculation at this time… but this is a blog so let’s speculate shall we?

This is how I see things playing out. Miller will write and direct another 300 movie. Just too much money was made on 300 for the studios to turn a blind eye to the chance of another one, Miller is aching to get in the director’s chair, and a follow up is pretty much guaranteed to make profit. I think this will happen. What do you think?

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41 Responses to “300 2?”

  1. Kristina says:

    Can you imagine The Odyssey done in the 300-style? WICKED!!!!!!!

  2. gerard says:

    i just saw this movie yesterday and i loved it. i don’t know about a part 2. i kinda think it’s a bad idea. i’m okay even excited if miller were to come up with another greek war movie, but title it something else.

  3. Ricci says:

    I wouldnt refer to it as a sequel or 300: 2 >.>

    Follow up, maybe - but the only relation a new movie will have with 300 will be the style and direction.

    It will be a movie, in the same style & period (give or take a hundred years!), comprising of one of the many wonderful stories there are about the greece of old.

    Yes, Yes, Yes!!!

    They could make a whole series in my opinion, different films, different times, same concept and direction.

    It would definately be a box-set worth owning in the future!

    There is a market out there for this type of film, this type of history (history in the losest sense) I would love to see a series of films.

  4. mike says:

    A remake of “Jason and the Argonauts” or “Clash of the Titans”..At least then the movies can have “real monsters” and the damn critics won’t bitch about historical inaccuracies!!

  5. Kristina says:

    As long as they ditch that annoying-ass narrator.

    “We march, for yahyahyahyahyah we march!”
    “He can’t say he loves her, or he wouldn’t be a SPARTAN!”
    “I have to talk and tell you what’s going on at all times since you’e not smart enough to figure it out. After all, you’re not from SPARTA!”

  6. OperaYak says:

    I don’t think it would be about thee “300″ again, more along the lines of maybe expanding the story to tell the back plot of the bad guys. Here is something about this idea: http://www.mtv.com/movies/news/articles/1554938/20070316/story.jhtml

  7. tedward says:

    Oh for the love of god, NO!!!!!

    300 was a huge dissapointment. I saw it the first time and liked it, but didn’t love it. I saw it a second time, and liked it even less.

    After the second viewing, I truly believe it’s just a poorly made cartoon with human cut-outs pasted in. This style not only sucked, but was poorly executed.
    It should have been all cgi, then it may have worked.

    I’m hoping that next winter’s Beowulf will do what 300 promised (and failed). At least Zemeckis has the right idea in doing it completely cgi. Even though Polar Express had weaknesses with the human faces, at least everything else was absolutely mindblowing to watch.

    I don’t mind seeing more films based on classical age battles, but please don’t do it in the same style that 300 was done in. PLEASE!!!

  8. Rodney says:

    300 a disappointment? And you justify it with comparing it to Polar Express? How do you sleep at night?

    300 was awesome in that it told the story. It doesnt need a sequel. There is no more story to tell.

  9. darren j seeley says:

    Some possibilities:

    1) Direct sequel. In other words, all out war between 2,000+Greeks/Spartans and the remainng hordes of Xerxes army.

    2) Forget 300, just get the film “Gates Of Fire”, based of the bestselling novel finally made [another take/adaptation of the battle]

    3) Queen Morgo , knife guts more rapists, and hits non-Sparatan men in the gonads before kicking them into the pit.

    Non 300:

    4) Thesus and The Minotaur

  10. The Beast says:


    300 a disapointment?

    What the hell?

    If there is a 300 Part 2, it could start off with the battle that was about to go on at the end of 300. Where there were 10,000 Spartans, not 300.

  11. #007# says:

    Well, well well…just think of this having the impact of Miller’s

    ‘The Dark Knight Strikes Again’


  12. tedward says:

    Rodney, I sleep very well at night thank you very much.

    Just to clarify, I didn’t compare it to Polar Express. 300 isn’t even in the same league as Polar Express when it comes to the quality of it’s cgi environments.

    If you look at previous cgi-centric films, such as Polar Express, or any of the Star Wars prequels, or even the big battle sequences from Lord of the Rings, Kingdom of Heaven, or Troy, they’re far and away better than the crap that’s in 300.

    They have detail, and depth. 300 has neither.

    This entire film looks like it was shot with a telephoto lens inluding the ‘long’ shots, and the definition was…well…’lacking’ is a tactful way of putting it, I suppose.

    The story that 300 is based on is amazing indeed, and it’s always been one of my favourite stories from the classical period, since I was a child. BUT, it already existed before the film was released, so I really can’t give props to the film for a story that already existed. Well I could I suppose (since some of my favourite films are adaptations) but not in this case.

    Visually it stuck way to close to the comic-book, and that’s wrong. As still-images, that visual style worked in the book because it allowed me & my imagination to fill in the blanks from one image to the next. As a film, I’m not given that freedom, and therefore I’m forced to look at it and realize how limiting that comc-book style is when transfered to the big-screen in such a paint-by-numbers way.

    To put it another way, in the book that visual style works, because that style was designed specifically for the medium it was being presented in. Just blindly transferring that style to film is not an artistic endeavour, but an exercise in technique, nothing more, and therefore not really a completed ‘film’.

    It was the same problem I had with Sin City as well.

    The story was great. There’s no argument from me on that point, but the execution of that story kinda ruined it for me.

    Don’t think I completely hate this film, because I don’t, but it’s mediocre at best.

    I agree with Darren that a film based on Gates of Fire would be great.

  13. Herby says:

    I don’t think a sequel is in the works, but would love to see Miller work on another story from Greek history (or mythology).

    I also hope that when the DVD version of 300 comes out, there is a version without the narration, which is my only complaint about the film.

    Also, since Star Trek is beeing Rebooted, how many out there would love to see a 300-like story done with the Klingons?

  14. Alexander The Blogstar says:

    I don’t claim to know my Ancient Greek history that well but I do know that 300 is based on a true story of how 300 Spartans fought off the Persian Army (now known as Iran), which makes it a great story, just like Gladiator. So unless there’s a continuation to that story, then I highly doubt a sequel is in the works. What I do think might happen is Frank Miller might take another great ancient story (there’s like a million of them) and follow the same formula. “If it aight broke don’t fix it”. I love the fact that it got a two thumbs up from Roeper, you can check out his review at http://www.atthemoviestv.com for those of you who haven’t watched it. It’s a great site for full length, high-production movie reviews online. Just thought I’d share since I work with Ebert and Roeper.

  15. Jay says:

    Snyder has said in interviews when asked about a sequel that Miller said he was working on a story where the Spartans were the bad guys.

    That could actually be interesting.

  16. Naught says:

    I actually think this is stupid.

    Although my pelvis is rioting at the thought of 10.000 Greeks all built like the Spartans that was in 300, a sequel would be fucking. Stupid.

    If it is actually another story and not a sequel, fine. But if Snyder is the one taking it again, I would think it’d be BOOORIIIIING. *yawn*

    Oh wtf am I kidding.. If Gerard Butler stars in it, I’d watch it. But the movie has disappointment all over it. Hey John didn’t you whisper something about this sequel even before 300 came out? Is this the same rumour?

  17. Tri-Lam says:

    Well, if they use actual history, then a direct sequel wouldn’t be very exciting. . . After Thermopylae, Xerxes marches down and burns the (undefended) city of Athens to the ground, which was the point for him being there anyway. The Athenians had evacuated Athens and fled to safety and the Greek forces were poised to defend the Isthmus of Corinth. Meanwhile the Athenian navy inflicted enough damage on the Persian navy that Xerxes withdrew while he still had enough warships to protect his transports, so as not to be left as an unsupported/unsupplied large land force on foreign soil. Xerxes leaves what would become Greece, never to return. Not too exciting is it?

    The Greeks later go on the offensive and strike into the Persian Empire, but I can’t pick out any one event that would form a good premise for a film. (At least not “300 2″ anyway.)

  18. JaySmack says:

    Maybe they’ll call it 400?

  19. Ricci says:

    Tedward, you have a strong negative opinion of this film….. whereas vaste quantites of others have extremely high opinions of this film, and style and everything about it. maybe you should keep your emotions in check…. you didnt like it, so what, millions did…. get over it.

    And Polar Express, fails in comparison to advent children, now dont get all upset……

  20. tedward says:

    Ricci, I haven’t seen Advent Children (I’m assuming you’re talking about the Final Fantasy dvd film), but that reminds me of The Spirits Within, which I should have used as an example, but didn’t think of it at the time.

    For the record, I didn’t really like Polar Express that much. But I was amazed by the cg environments.

    But what emotions should I keep in check exactly because I feel my reasons for not liking this film are just as valid as the reasons that others have for liking the film.

    Do you think the points I made are off-base? If so why?

    I din’t say that the films sucks without explanation. I offered up specific points as to the reasons for my feelings of this film.

    Agree or disagree is fine with me, really…

  21. Ricci says:

    You just seemed a little, excessive, shall we say in your ‘for the love of god NO!!’ start lol.

    The style of the film, and obviously in my opinion, is different from other cgi environment films and the difference is what makes it special, its not trying to be anything else, its suposed to look the way it looks and thats one of the things I like about it, your opinion obviously differs, which is fair enough, its just you came on a little strong, for what is in many peoples opinion a great, different, challenging, film.

    As for Advent children, the difference between that and spirits within is massive. even if you didnt play the game (which means you’ll have no clue whats going on the the movie) take a look to see what CGI environments were truely capable of last year - i;m sure that even now the capabilities are even better.

    In the end its all opinions, no offense ment to you!


  22. tropic'kana says:

    I don’t know just seems like one of those movies that you can’t have a sequel to. It would spoil it for me anyway.

  23. Steve says:

    John…Marsha…John….Marsha…I love you John… And I love you
    Marsha…a six pack…a pit bull…a gay crack and …end scene…
    Now somebody get this nipple off me, I’m late for a nascar race.

  24. G M Shivkar says:

    This entire film looks like it was shot with a telephoto lens inluding the ‘long’ shots, and the definition was…well…’lacking’ is a tactful way of putting it, I suppose.

    The story that 300 is based on is amazing indeed, and it’s always been one of my favourite stories from the classical period, since I was a child. BUT, it already existed before the film was released, so I really can’t give props to the film for a story that already existed. Well I could I suppose (since some of my favourite films are adaptations) but not in this case.

    Visually it stuck way to close to the comic-book, and that’s wrong. As still-images, that visual style worked in the book because it allowed me & my imagination to fill in the blanks from one image to the next. As a film, I’m not given that freedom, and therefore I’m forced to look at it and realize how limiting that comc-book style is when transfered to the big-screen in such a paint-by-numbers way.

    To put it another way, in the book that visual style works, because that style was designed specifically for the medium it was being presented in. Just blindly transferring that style to film is not an artistic endeavour, but an exercise in technique, nothing more, and therefore not really a completed ‘film’.

  25. Ricci says:

    in your opinion

  26. solidus says:

    An incomplete film that makes over 100 million dollars? hmmmmmm… sounds pretty good to me.

  27. shawn albright says:

    a 300 part 2 sounds great but it wouldnt be called 300 part2 it would be more like 10,000 or something.later on was the battle of marathon where 20,000 athenians fought 100,000 perssians and wons so i think that should be another movie to make

  28. babes says:

    Instead of Greek. Why not Persian? Prince of Persia - Sands of Time 300 style coz thats how the game is. Dark, a bit of the story tellers voice telling the tale here and there, detailed up close fighting skills, decapitated limbs flying into the air and onto the ground in slow-mo zooming in and out….. I think it would be a blast!!!!!

  29. babes says:

    What the… 300 was not a disappointment!!!! What is wrong with the comment posted in March 19, 2007 13:18?!!! Hiiiishhh… To prove it 300 hit over $127 million at the box office after just it’s second weekend in theatres. Huh!!!

  30. darkbhudda says:

    When I heard they’d be a sequel I immediately thought 301 Dalmations. King Leonidas must protect Charon’s litter of 3 headed puppies from the evil Xerxes De Vil who wants their hides for his latest Persian fashion show. Wacky hijinx ensue.

    I suspect they’ll tackle one of the big three:

    The Illiad (Trojan War)
    The Odyssey
    Jason and The Argonauts

    With The Odyssey as a strong contender.

  31. Mr. Blonde says:

    If you were going in to see 300 expecting the next Gladiator then yes, it would be a disappointment, but if you went in (at the IMAX) expecting a solid fun summer B movie, you’d like it a lot more…its always better expecting the worst and being surprised then going in expecting the best movie of all time and end up wishing you never went in the first place.
    The South Park episode “D-Yikes!” pokes fun of the incredible “slow motion-to very fast-back to slow motion” technique very well if you havent seen it already..300 sequel? eh.

  32. Ted Kord Lives says:

    Sequel: No

    prequel: Hell Yah!!!

  33. Mr.T-Man says:

    I absolutely loved 300. It was bad-ass cool. But a sequel wouldn’t make any sense because 300 was loosely based on actual history. wat will they do in the sequel. the end spoke for itself.

  34. Kris says:

    Ok, this is for everyone that has said that it’s impossible to make a sequel to 300 is not a good idea or even possible.

    The war didn’t end with the battle at the end of the movie 300. They very easily could make a movie about The Battle of Salamis where the greek naval forces utterly decimated the persian fleet, allowing free greece to live. Without the victory at the battle of Salamis we may have never even heard of the fight of Leonidas, because Xerxes would have had the forces to continue to crush greece. I think it’d be awesome if they made a seqeul personally. But he’d probably have to make a graphic novel first.

  35. sgt. p33neor says:

    wow no one has yet to TRY making a new origanal and non-dissapointing movie without adapting the idea from a book,or legend. what happend to the movie buisness?

  36. tito says:

    fuck yea part 2 way not its almost like the game god of war bring back old boy then u could make hime like a god u know hey money talks bullshit wake the word is {MONEY}

  37. Susan says:

    One of the main reasons the movie was a major hit was because of King Leonidas (Gerard Butler)and if there is to be another 300 it would have to be a prequel leading up to the Persian messenger’s visit. Otherwise I don’t think it will have the impact or the box office. And Zack Snyder will have to come back as director, in my opinion.

  38. wltrweight07 says:

    To me good idea. I bet a prequal would be awsome, considering Leonidas’ story before “300″ is really cool. Also, his son became a pretty bad man as well. When would this movie come out

  39. Rodrick says:

    They could make a prelued to 300, with the battle of Marathon Im not sure if you could cast the same actors.

  40. Aced1 says:

    I hope they do make another 300 but just to follow up on where the first one left off at in the end you see some more spartans about to go to war with the persains, it will be great and there still going to make crazy money from it as long as they keep the same special effects and have the same type of guys willing to go all out in battle with all the crazy ass fighting seens , just make another one amd bathe in the money that your going to make

  41. jesyka says:

    Im really hoping their will be a second one i was disappointed when it ended because i wanted more trust me people want more and they would pay for more lol

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