The Movie Blog Uncut - February 26th 2007

Posted by on 26. 02. 2007in Uncut Podcast

On this installment of The Movie Blog: Uncut podcast (Formerly known as The Audio Edition… don’t forget we changed the name), Bruxy Darren Doug and I go through the gauntlet and come out victorious. That doesn’t really mean anything at all. So here is the stuff we talked about:

1) The new LIVE show

2) Various Oscar Talk

3) Reno 911!:Miami

4) The Number 23

5) People who talk in movie theaters

All this, and a few things more.


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22 Responses to “The Movie Blog Uncut - February 26th 2007”

  1. Nick Paramonte says:

    Is’nt the podcast/mp3 version of the first Live show suppose to online today?

  2. WolfMarauder says:

    Hey guys,

    I’m not going to be able to attend the show on Wednesdays, but on Fridays I’ll be there every time.

    And since you’re gonna be in LA for a while now, UJohn, let’s actually find a place to meet this time!

  3. Nick Paramonte says:

    Nevermind what I just said.

  4. GODFATHER says:

    I knew it! Congrats on the move John. Goodluck out west.

  5. Kristina says:

    I’m honestly surprised that you guys hated Reno 911:Miami. I don’t watch the show but it made me laugh.

  6. Kristina says:

    And I’m right there with you about talking in theaters. When I walk in, I have to strategize where to sit so I don’t sit near teens, little kids, or babies. It’s a shame, and unless the movie is a BIG one that I’m dying to see, I honestly don’t go to the movies anymore. Last year, I noticed how few times I went to the theaters compared to waiting on DVD. I can’t stand paying money to watch a movie and having some asshole talk right behind me. I’ll never forget watching Troy and having to get up and move because an entire row of teens were yukking it up the whole time. I wanted to slit some throats.

  7. Russ says:

    Iam 17 years old so iam technically considered a teen and i go to the movies 2 to 3 times a week and ive gone with friends of friends that i didn’t know and had never been to the movies with and they were loud. So i just stood up went to the manger asked for my money back and left them at the theatre ( i drove) fuck them they can find there own way home and i go see it again later with friends who respect the movie going enviroment. Many a times like Doug to strangers ive had to turn around and tell people to shut the fuck up and then in my own form of personal justice a few times ive seen them in the parking lot and as i drive past ive thrown my left over drink and yelled “LEARN TO SHUT THE FUCK UP”

    thats just me but try it though it makes you feel a hell of a lot better

  8. Danny says:


    I was interested with what you said about talking through the movie while watching it on theaters and I completely agree. I hate it when people talk through the movies. Once I went to see a movie and I swear me and my date where probably the only people in that theater that were over the age of 18. The rest had to be 16 or younger. One of the people who worked in the theater came in for a second saw the audience and asked us if there was anyone in the theater who was above the age of 18. Of course me and my friend raised our hands. He then gave us his number and told the rest of the audience that if we called him during the movie, to complain about kids talking, he was going to kick everyone who was under 18 out of the theater. Don’t know if he could do that since the majority of the audience were teenagers but it sure shut them up as soon as the movie started. That was a great day. I think what really ticks me off when I go to watch a movie is when there is a child or baby in a movie that is rated R. PG-13 also gets me mad but I get expecially infuriated when I see a small child or baby in a rated R movie. They are rated R for a reason people. Don’t take your children to them. ^_^ I really enjoy your site by the way.

  9. Waldo says:

    What makes it worse is the culture in school goers where you move through the hierarchy by being as disrespectful and obnoxious as possibly.

    You ask them to be quiet and they’ve got their rant lined up about how its a free country and they paid for their ticket and who do you think you are for telling them to be quiet.

    You cant be civil and win against a mentality like that. If i ask once and i don’t get a reasonable response i leave. Get a refund, tell the manager what happen and come back another time. Fortunately this doesn’t happen very often in my part of town.

  10. Vix says:

    Happy Birthday John!

    I’m one of those people who didn’t watch the Oscars because they’re so damn boring. I just watch the clips of the acceptance speeches because they are the best part of the show. Bruxy is so right - they’re trying to make the Oscars into a variety show and not paying attention to the fact that they should be celebrating movies!

    I hate people who talk loudly in theaters - it’s one thing to lean over to friend and say something but to have a conversation? Why bother paying money to watch a movie?

    I’ve been in cinemas where people start talking on their cellphones or they bring their babies! BABIES! and don’t leave when the kids start crying.

  11. wolf says:

    I work as an Usher. And the amount of times I tried to toss ideas at managments to insane. Last week I was about to do screen checks and I was told to sweep the floor instead. Now what if someone was talking? I think checking screens is more important then sweeping. Also when we do screen checks we can only stay in there 5 mins max or we get in trouble for ”watching the movie”. I think one person from staff should sit down dressed in normal clothing for 20mins in each screen to make sure everyone around them is quiet.

    Also what pisses me off when people litter outside and the staff have to go outside and clean it up. I said we should put a fee for littering sign up which was denied.

  12. Steve M. says:

    I hate to pull stereotypes up, but I had the misfortune of seeing Ghost Rider opening weekend (well I suppose the first mistake was paying money to see it) and this gangbanger and his gal brought a 3 year old kid to the movie. I presume he was the baby daddy. But this kid spent the entire movie screaming and shouting and asking questions and walking around their seats, and they just sat there like it was the most normal thing. I couldn’t believe how ignorant these two people were about how rude that was. One guy got so fed up, he marched out the door, got an usher at pointed at them, but the usher just stood there and didn’t do anything. They didn’t care when people shushed them either. It was barely possible to focus on what was a lackluster movie anyways. So I got ballsy and right at the credits, I walked past them and leaned over and said “You know it is so RUDE to bring a child to movie if you are not going to keep them quite. SO RUDE!” I started walking past them and then the dude sat up. Turned out he was slouching in his seat so much it made him look a lot smaller than he was. He was actually a 6’2 hulk of a gangbanger. He started shouting at me “I’m going to kick your F***ing ass right now!” and continued to shout obscenities and threats at me. I nearly crapped myself and kept walking. I was lucky he was fumbling with the brat and the woman appeared to hold him back a little. I spent the next 10 minutes looking behind my shoulder looking for him ready to jump me as I tried to blend in the mass exodus of crowd from the theather. I realized I got lucky I didn’t get assaulted, shot or stabbed. Regretfully, other than getting an usher, I’m too scared to ever stand up like that again. If I get another wussy usher, I’m just going to have to demand my money back.

  13. bert belgium says:

    hey, are the live uncuts going to be available for download? i hope so!

  14. Sean says:

    i think murdering people who talk in theaters should be totally legal. Mob justice. Ellen should be drowned. The Oscars should be shorter. The Children of Men should have won best picture. My thoughts in a nushell.

    Brilliant show gentlemen!

  15. hi says:

    Borat actually hosted the MTV European Music Awards a couple of years ago, he was hilarious

  16. intl_friend says:

    we’ll keep listening to you ;)

  17. Terry Letourneau says:

    The problem with people talking (and cell phones)in theatres have kept me basically away from them. Maybe they should have kids pay double the price, that could shut them up or prevent them from coming. But then again that would be unfair for people like Russ. Sometimes I wish the seats had a jack for earphones, why not, Seems everyone has an mp3 player on them.

  18. Russ says:

    Terry thanks for taking me into consideration i hate being slumped in as a loud teenager. As Steve M said i hate to bring streotypes up as well but I as well have had the misfortunate of loud “gangstas” in the theatre thinking just because there “opressed” they can talk loud in the moive i feal like saying “even if people treat you like your different your actually the same as everyone else in this theatre SO LEARN TO SHT THE FUCK UP like them”

    oh btw it seems like this is a bad theatre but this is just a few cases out of going for so long and besides theres a much worse off theatre at the local mall because all the buss routes for the city run through the mall and use it as a hub so your gauranteed non driving teens to be there

  19. chris says:

    talkin in movies does get on my nerves….sometimes. if the movie is incredibly bad and someone says something out loud and people are talking amongst themselves i dont mind. like when i went to see daredevil some white kids were pointing out all the things that made the movie bad and talking about ben afleck it was pretty funny. also in certain horror movies having people yell outloud and say stupid things add to the movie experience in my opinion. in fact i may talk a little bit to my friends and tell them what i think is gonna happen, “i say that suy in that movie”, etc.

    true enough though when u really get into a movie and people talk on the phones and dumb bastards like to bring there 1 month year old baby in saw 2 really do piss me off. but i think the talking puts me into the movie atomsphere…but maybe thats because im a “oppressed gangsta gangbanger.” nicely put fellas….


  20. chris says:

    oh and having headphone jacks is an excellent idea terry. you should pitch that to somebody….before i


  21. Mike Sturman says:

    If you guys were all i,pressed with Helen Mirren, you must check out The Long Good Friday also starring Bob Hoskins from 1980. An awesome movie and Helen-appreciators will especially enjoy it! Cheers 23niner(Mike)

  22. JerryBrightonhammer says:

    What in the name of Jerry Brightonhammer was that all about?
    I dont’ know but it doesn’t make sense to me.

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