Robert De Niro Returns For Little Fockers

Well I guess there’s no accounting for taste. Robert De Niro is oficially returning for the 2nd Meet The Parents sequel, this one is entitled “Little Fockers”. Haha… get it… the name is “Fockers” and it’s funny because it sounds like “Fuckers”. Hahaha… oh my sides hurt so much… I sure am glad that joke didn’t get tired 5 years ago.

Look, don’t get me wrong, I LOVED “Meet The Parents“. I really did. It was the only decent movie De Nero has done since 1999, but that was one movie that didn’t need nor should have done a sequel. Despite all it’s huge star power, Meet The Fockers was a major let down. Cheesy, tired, and just a little too over the top. Worst of all it wasn’t funny… which is what a comedy was supposed to do.

So clearly they won’t do a third one right? Well… as I mentioned above “Little Fockers” is now moving ahead full steam. I can only image how bad this one will be. Here’s hoping I’m WAY wrong.

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  • 1. Joey 1.0 replies at 23rd February 2007, 11:15 am :

    Ehh I dont know. I loved both of these movies. I cant wait for this sequel.

  • 2. Marina replies at 23rd February 2007, 11:34 am :

    Is he TRYING to kill his career? Ugh.

  • 3. Adam Peterson replies at 23rd February 2007, 12:26 pm :

    oh come on now, MTF was funny too. Dustin Hoffman and that baby were hilarious. I loved MTP more, but still, MTF was good.

  • 4. Slim replies at 5th March 2007, 3:34 pm :

    Get real meet the fockers was well good, old Bob is class in comedys

  • 5. Greg replies at 29th April 2007, 9:08 pm :

    There was an original Meet the Parents, made in 1992 which Universal won’t allow to be released. There are clips on youtube here:

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