Rambo 4 Gets New Name: John Rambo

It’s no secret around here that I prefer sequels to maintain a sequential titling system (ie. Saw, Saw 2, Saw 3). There are exceptions to every rule of coarse (Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back…) but in general I just think it makes more sense. For example, I refuse to call Die Hard 4 anything other than Die Hard 4.

So when Rocky 6 came out and they titled it “Rocky Balboa”, I hated the title. Still do (but I loved the movie). And with the success of the movie, we shouldn’t be surprised that Sylvester Stallone has once again renamed his upcoming Rambo 4 movie to the same kind of title: “John Rambo”. The good folks over at Moviehole give us this:

This message concerns the name change of Rambo.The interviews conducted by richard wilkins on channel 9 both on a current affair and today, did not actually have any footage of sly saying the movie will now be called John Rambo.

Meh, I don’t like it. At least call it “John Rambo: First Blood Part 4″ or something like that. Oh well, it’s his movie… he can do whatever he wants with it. By the way, this movie will suck (but then again, I originally thought the same thing about Rocky 6)

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  • 1. The Jim Walker replies at 20th February 2007, 10:47 am :

    I hear that the next sequel after this will be titled “Jocky Ramboa”. From what little plot details that have leaked out… Some floosy sleeps with both Rocky and Rambo, gets knocked up, gives birth and ends up getting kidnapped by an ex-boxer who now leads a group of terroists known as the “punching jihad”. 20 years later, guided by the ghost of Apollo Creed, the bastard son sets out to find out who his father is, who killed his mother, and ends up finding his special place in the world. I hear its a coming of age, romantic comedy, buddy flick, action, thriller. I cant wait!

  • 2. rambo sideshow collectibles replies at 20th February 2007, 10:49 am :

    i’m hoping stallone uses the same kind of magic he used for rocky balboa. i loved first blood, the last 2 were okay. i don’t have a problem with the title if he chooses to use john rambo. if this movie does suck, well i guess i can count this one as (hopefully) a guilty pleasure.

  • 3. Norddeth replies at 20th February 2007, 11:03 am :

    John, you were so much more open minded while in sunny Cali!

    In most cases I have to agree with your idea about continuity, Saw II had to be Saw II because the first one was called Saw (for whatever reason) and the same for Die Hard.

    But for the Rocky and Rambo franchises, they were named after the main character and both movies were about the actual characters. I loved the idea of Rocky VI being called Rocky Balboa and love the idea that Rambo IV is being called John Rambo. It has real strength in it’s simplicity and also serves as an excellent bookend to two classic series of movies, whether you liked them or not they are classics.

    Also, I’m calling it early, John Rambo will die in this film!


  • 4. rambo sideshow collectibles replies at 20th February 2007, 11:10 am :


    i was thinkging the same thing, that would be a fitting ending for rambo, i was thinking rocky was going to die as well.

  • 5. Kneon Transitt replies at 20th February 2007, 1:52 pm :

    I still want John Spartan, aka Demolition Man 2.

  • 6. Jay replies at 20th February 2007, 2:49 pm :

    but think about how this series has been named so far.

    First Blood
    Rambo: First Blood part 2
    Rambo 3… what?!?

    It already doesnt make any sense.
    Why wasnt it first Blood part 3? Why wasnt it Rambo 2: First Blood part 3? We never had a Rambo 2, how can we have a Rambo 3? The naming process of this series has already been messed up. I realize that the appropriate numbers are there but the titling is already wacky.
    I think John Rambo is a fine title. He wants to give both the characters a proper goodbye, so I think it makes sense to name them the same way.
    I doubted him with Rocky Balboa and I was proven very wrong. I’m not gonna make the same mistake again.
    I’m looking forward to this one.

  • 7. louis replies at 20th February 2007, 4:14 pm :

    richard wilkins and channel 9 are hardly a reliable source.

  • 8. Jason replies at 20th February 2007, 5:08 pm :

    I don’t know what to think about him calling it John Rambo but to call it Rocky Balboa was in my opinion the PERFECT choice.

    The title Rocky Balboa says what it does on the tin. Its a little bit classier and you know its really gonna be back to his best like the first film.

    Its just going full circle really, I mean they didn’t call the first one Rocky 1 and apparently Stallone wasn’t too happy with Rocky 5 so maybe he wanted Rocky Balboa NOT to include the 6 so as to forget the 5th story…damn that sounded better in my head than on the screen.

    Oh well.

  • 9. Wormwood replies at 20th February 2007, 5:11 pm :

    I was going to send you the article on this…

    The Associated Press about a week ago made mention that sequels are given names rather than numerically numbered due to studio stats showing that “named” movies have proven to be more readily accepted and received rather than the same movie title only with “Part [whatever]” after it.

    I’d tend to agree. ‘James Bond Part 21′ isn’t a very interesting title, and sounds very tired.

  • 10. darren j seeley replies at 20th February 2007, 6:24 pm :

    I want “Marion Cobretti!”


  • 11. Cam replies at 20th February 2007, 9:26 pm :

    John have you perhaps seen Chronologically Confused about Movie and Video Game Sequels by “The Angry Video Game Nerd” on YouTube? If not check it out - http://youtube.com/watch?v=OEVzPCY2T-g it’s pretty hilarious and describe exactly what you angry about.

  • 12. alfie replies at 20th February 2007, 11:20 pm :

    I don’t mind sequels not having a number. I like them to have their own individual title….
    just like books….you rarely see a book call itself something or other part 2

    James Bond 21 is a great example….that series probably would have died if it was just called James Bond 3-4-5 etc etc as it would just sound tired to people….

    lets face it….no one referred to empire strikes back at the time as episode 5…..it may have beenon the opening scroll but it wasn’t on the posters that stuff only came in with the prequels…
    it was “the empire strikes back”…

    star wars part 2 is nowhere near as cool sounding…..

  • 13. Marcos A. replies at 28th February 2007, 10:41 pm :

    Stallone better be in better shape than in Rocky 6
    I would expect him to be ripped but who knows
    I dont care much for the title of this next one
    I hope to see a lot of action from stallone
    And not so depressing like most of Rocky 6
    “if its not war…..Its got to become war!!!”

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