No Hostel 3 For Eli Roth

It came as no surprise to anyone that Hostel 2 got announced. I mean, when a guy is able to make a little film for UNDER $5 million dollars, and in turn it makes OVER $80 million worldwide… then you’ve have to be brain dead to not know a sequel would be on it’s way. And presumably a couple of more after that right?

Well, Hostel creator and director Eli Roth has announced that Hostel 2 will be the end of the line for him with the franchise. So we won’t be seeing a Hostel 3 with him involved. However, there’s probably nothing stopping the studio from going ahead without Eli to make 2, 3 15 more Hostel films as long as they can get some cash out of it.

It will all depend on how Hostel 2 does at the Boxoffice. But you can bet your ass… if Hostel 2 makes money… there will indeed be a Hostel 3 with our without Eli Roth. If it’ll be good or not is another discussion entirely.


  • 1. chris replies at 27th February 2007, 2:23 pm :

    eli roth did a good job with hostel (even though i liked cabin fever a little better) but i really dont know how long a series like this can last. Im hoping in the 2nd one we get background on the organization and not more random killing. hope part 2 is good and hope they dont turn it into a saw franchise and run out its welcome…

    and gio did you see the new poster for hostel at comic-con? it was pretty cool..and sexy lol


  • 2. Marina replies at 27th February 2007, 4:15 pm :

    I’m happy to hear that he’s decided to stop while he’s ahead. Hopefully some moron won’t take it upon themselves to carry on the Hostel franchise any further.

  • 3. Battle Royale Boy#5 replies at 27th February 2007, 5:52 pm :

    Oh, trust me Marina, they did it to SAW, they will do it to HOSTEL too. And they will fuck it up.

  • 4. Lou_Sytsma(sit sma) replies at 27th February 2007, 6:51 pm :

    Roth will be tied up with King’s Cell for awhile.

  • 5. Kristina replies at 27th February 2007, 7:33 pm :

    I’ve never seen this or Saw, and I never will. These movies that come out today aren’t SCARY, they are just glorified snuff films. I don’t want to pay money to watch people get chopped up with no tension or good scares. I haven’t been truly scared by a movie in a LONG time. Playing a bunch of loud music to make me flinch does not count. The last good horro movie I’ve seen wasn’t even a horror movie. It was Jaws. That movie tapped into every human’s primal fear of being eaten alive and milked it for all it was worth. I literally will not get into open water solely because of that movie. That movie is in my head. Saw can’t get into my head. Hostel can’t either, I bet.

  • 6. Klendathu replies at 28th February 2007, 3:24 pm :

    Kristina, you just hit the fucking nail on the head.

  • 7. Anshul Tiwari replies at 11th March 2007, 8:36 am :

    Totally agree with Kristina! Saw, Wolf Creek and Hostel is not horror…its gorefest!

  • 8. valentine elizalde la mas deseada replies at 29th April 2007, 8:48 pm :

    Cool site. Thanks:-)

  • 9. valentine elizalde la mas deseada replies at 29th April 2007, 9:18 pm :

    Cool site. Thank you!

  • 10. elizalde muere valentine replies at 30th April 2007, 11:25 pm :

    Cool site. Thank you!

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