New Fantastic Four 2 Trailer

Yes yes yes… we all know that Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer will suck. I know that… BUT… that doesn’t negate the fact that I actually really like this new little TV spot trailer for it that just came out.

So what do you guys think of it?

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  • 1. Peter T replies at 27th February 2007, 11:13 am :

    looks like a good silly fun

  • 2. Kevin C replies at 27th February 2007, 11:18 am :

    Ill see it, even though I thought the first one was meh. Im a sucker for comic book movies.

  • 3. prop replicas sideshow collectibles replies at 27th February 2007, 11:46 am :

    i think this will be a good escape from reality for 2hrs. any comic book come to life on the big screen is good with me. i think they are just really good b movies. something that you can’t take seriously and just allow yourself to have fun.

  • 4. kimmik replies at 27th February 2007, 11:57 am :

    HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH i liked - “this film has not yet been rated” LOL :D

  • 5. Master Replicas Props replies at 27th February 2007, 12:28 pm :

    I was totally caught off guard when this trailer popped up during Heroes Monday night. Very cool!

  • 6. Pineapplehead replies at 27th February 2007, 12:48 pm :

    Ha Ha. Non comic fans will think the Silver Surfer is the one destroying the planets. Suckers . . .

  • 7. Kristina replies at 27th February 2007, 12:49 pm :

    The fuck did they do to Alba’s hair. It still amazes me that they hired her to play Sue Storm. I mean, I get WHY they did(she’s a piece of ass) but why try to make her look white when she clearly is NOT? That distracted me like crazy during the first one that the Torch is her blood brother yet they look nothing alike. Oh well, maybe I’m just nitpicking too much.

  • 8. The Black Guy replies at 27th February 2007, 1:20 pm :

    Short trailor.

  • 9. chris replies at 27th February 2007, 2:28 pm :

    looks just as bad as the fuckin unwatchable first one, can somebody PLEASE teach jessica alba how to act, yea she is fine as hell but when you gonna talk that much in a movie at least try to act. i’ll just wait for it to come on hbo like the first one

    they might persuade me to see it in theaters if fuckin galactus goes all unicron on those bitches!! lol


  • 10. prop replicas sideshow collectibles replies at 27th February 2007, 2:36 pm :

    i totally agree with you kristina… that she’s a piece of ass and the whole making her look white when she’s not thing. it must be the stereotype effect of her dark angel days. it’s funny i was thinking the same thing when i saw the trailer last night regarding her hair, she must be using an invisible scrunchy or something.

  • 11. alfie replies at 27th February 2007, 2:37 pm :

    i think the difference this time, for me anyway, is the trailer for the first film looked bad anyway so I wasn’t surprised when the film was terrible…but the 2 teaser/trailers I have seen for this so far look great…

  • 12. darren j seeley replies at 27th February 2007, 3:15 pm :


    ” WE all know that Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer will suck.”
    I learn something new every day. Thanks for the lesson. Now, next time, hold judgement until the film comes out.

  • 13. Nick Paramonte replies at 27th February 2007, 3:28 pm :

    Right on Darren

  • 14. Phil Gee replies at 27th February 2007, 3:44 pm :

    We don’t know it will suck; there’s just a 95% chance of it. There’s a difference.

  • 15. chris replies at 27th February 2007, 4:16 pm :

    i gotta agree with john this IS gonna suck!! i guarantee.


  • 16. Marina replies at 27th February 2007, 4:18 pm :

    I’m not convinced that this is going to suck. True, the first one wasn’t great but I had fun watching it. Should be cool.

  • 17. Cain replies at 27th February 2007, 5:04 pm :

    I know that I’ll ruin my credibility here (What credibility do I have anyways?), but I loved the first FF movie. My main problems with it were just inconsistencies with the comic, because otherwise I had a blast. I bought the DVD on opening day and have watched it many a time since then. It’s good, clean, family fun.

    As for this new one, I’ll say it. I’m anticipating it more than Spider Man 3. Venom? Pff. The Surfer is where it’s at. *Hides from rabid Spidey fanboys*

  • 18. jonathan replies at 27th February 2007, 5:27 pm :

    It’s funny…people who know the FF comic love the movie because it does such a good job of portraying the characters correctly. People who don’t read the FF comic just don’t care about the characters and can’t get over the cheese factor which is inherent in comic book movies.
    Personally, I enjoyed the first one a lot and hope that the second one has more action.

  • 19. fantacar replies at 27th February 2007, 6:39 pm :

    “looks just as bad as the fuckin unwatchable first one”
    hahah :D i agree with you, marvel films suck, not stan lee’s or the comic creator’s fault, cuz i think it’s the executives or i don’t know, most probably the film’s writers and directors :S

    the storyline followed in spiderman’s films is not the right one, considering they have a LOT of material to work with, but they always choose the fucking storyline of harry vs peter, 3 films spent in that fuckin story, i don;t care, i give a fuck about harry, i want to see better storylines, what’s going on in peter’s head, where are the villians, the real villians where’s the other love interests. It’s just now, on spiderman 3, that they introduce Gwen Stacy and venom, but fuck harry took a big role in part 1 and in part 2, cuz he was the driving force behind ock. So definetily dissapointed on the route they’re taking, cuz they have a rich universe and they always come up with crappy scripts and crappy arcs :(

  • 20. Klendathu replies at 27th February 2007, 6:53 pm :

    This is going to suck so hard. Also, he’s too silver.

  • 21. JARROD-D replies at 27th February 2007, 7:01 pm :

    I’m going to see it …and thats that..

  • 22. wolf replies at 27th February 2007, 7:28 pm :

    ”I’m so hot for you right now”

    ”Me Too”

    LMAO :D

  • 23. Jay replies at 27th February 2007, 7:41 pm :

    “He’s too silver”

    The SILVER Surfer is too silver…
    I dont know if you were kidding or if the desire to bitch about something was just so great inside of you that it made you make that… comment, but I laughed my ass off upon reading that one. Jesus Christ, the Silver Surfer is too silver…

    As for me, I liked the first one and I was a fan of the comics.
    I think it captured the spirit of the comics very well. Other than Dr Doom I thought they captured them perfectly. I didnt want a Batman Begins style movie dealing with the Fan 4. I wanted a fun adventure type movie and that’s exactly what I got.

    I think this one is going to be even better.
    I think the Surfer looks fantastic. I never imagined that the Surfer was a matte silver. I think the intent was always that he was polished silver, chrome even.
    Everything looks really good so far.

  • 24. Jay replies at 27th February 2007, 7:44 pm :

    By the way,

    The trailer that they showed during 24 ended differently.
    Instead of the last shot being of the Surfer going through the tunnel, it was of the Torch saying “can we talk?” right after the Surfer grabbed him by the neck.

  • 25. DarkKinger replies at 27th February 2007, 8:07 pm :

    Pineapplehead, I agree with you.

    So, looks like the big guy is coming!

  • 26. Spazmo replies at 27th February 2007, 9:20 pm :

    You know…if you take that sound bite of Jessica Alba saying “Im so hot for you right now” and play that over her dancing session in Sin City its awesome for…

    …wait…am I typing this on the wrong forum?

  • 27. Jagmir replies at 27th February 2007, 11:35 pm :

    This is for all of you nay sayers, FF-haters, etc.:

    this movie will rock (yet, you’ll find something to bitch about anyway)

    FF2 will not dissapoint…you’ll see

  • 28. Klendathu replies at 28th February 2007, 3:19 pm :

    “I dont know if you were kidding…”
    DING DING DING, we have a winner!

  • 29. Jay replies at 28th February 2007, 11:16 pm :

    I figured you had to be joking.
    That was just too ridiculous to be taken seriously.

  • 30. #007# replies at 1st March 2007, 12:54 pm :

    Only Johnny Storm rocked in the original…he will I’m sure again in the sequal, everthing else is lacklustre.

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