More Transformers Toys!

I mentioned before that the Transformers toys are a big part of why I am excited to see this movie come to pass.

Hasbro Toys has a page that shows off some of the new toys including the Movie Version of Optimus Prime, the Voice Changer helmet, a kids version of prime that changes into a nerf-type gun, and my favourite - Ultimate Bumblebee!!

I will be acquiring this magnificent Bumblebee this summer. The movie comes out on my birthday. I anticipate SOMEONE will get it for me (my wife reads the site, you all can ignore that last part)

Ultimate Bumblebee will stand about 14″ tall when transformed in robot mode and will feature sound buttons that make the transforming sound as well as a clip from DEVO’s “Whip it!”

Also there will be a Transformers themed Mr Potato Head called OPTIMASH PRIME!

So Awesome!

Aaron Archer wearing the Prime Voice Changer Helmet Here
You don’t have to be 8!!

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  • 1. Jay replies at 10th February 2007, 8:02 pm :

    Yeah Rodney,

    I may have to break down and get that one myself.
    That thing looks freakin’ sweet.

  • 2. Jay replies at 10th February 2007, 8:05 pm :

    And if I was still 8 years old, that helmet would be mine as well.

  • 3. Jay replies at 10th February 2007, 8:29 pm :

    Just out of curiosity,
    Have you seen the Masterpiece Edition Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, and Starscream?
    They are all equally cool and detailed.
    I dont know if they’re as tall, but they are damn close.

  • 4. Jeff replies at 10th February 2007, 9:56 pm :

    I’m getting that sweet Optimus Prime voice changer helmet! I wanna be 8 again ;)

  • 5. frankwolftown replies at 10th February 2007, 10:18 pm :

    This is going to be a good year for Chevy.

  • 6. alfie replies at 10th February 2007, 10:50 pm :

    that looks awesome

  • 7. lizardfreak12 replies at 11th February 2007, 12:48 am :

    Looks delicious!

  • 8. bert belgium replies at 11th February 2007, 7:39 am :

    i’m not 8 anymore but i sure as hell am going to get that helmet! and a couple of action figures!!

  • 9. Jay replies at 11th February 2007, 11:20 am :

    The sarcasm in your voice is at “orange alert” levels.
    We should probably issue a warning for all human and animal life in a 2 mile radius from your position to evacuate due to the high levels of radioactive sarcastic fall-out.
    If not, we could have a catasthophe on our hands. Everything from rabbits to school teachers would be running around deleriously spurting out phrases like “Well isnt THAT the most wonderful thing EVER…” or “It couldnt look any more like a classic transformer if it tried…”. Chandler-like vocal intonations abound.

    Do you really want that horror to be on your hands, Alfie?

  • 10. Jay replies at 11th February 2007, 11:43 am :

    W T F ?!?

  • 11. Rodney replies at 11th February 2007, 2:22 pm :

    Jay? What was that? I didnt see any sarcasm in his “voice” at all.

    If anything, due to the limitations of the printed word and the lack of any other evidence, I am going to have to assume that he simply meant, and said “that looks awesome”

  • 12. alfie replies at 11th February 2007, 2:24 pm :

    Jay, how can you tell…how do you know that this one picture has changed my opinion of the film completely?

  • 13. action figures sideshow collectibles replies at 11th February 2007, 3:07 pm :

    the kids i believe (young and old) are gonna eat the toys up like crazy. i’m holding out (for myself), for someone like sideshow, neca or mcfarlane to make something with super detail and awesome paint jobs.

  • 14. alfie replies at 11th February 2007, 6:01 pm :

    but just to clarify yes jay you know me too well…there was sarcasm intended…i knew you would pick it up…

    he is definitely the best one I have seen so far though i will give it that….

    new trailer soon i hear…

  • 15. Jay replies at 11th February 2007, 11:04 pm :

    What can I say…?

    It’s a gift.
    Some people can make fart noises with just their hands, but me… I can pinpoint sarcasm from over 1500 miles away. Give or take. I’ve never really tested my limits.

    See Rodney…
    You will never doubt me again, this I decree.
    (Cue pinkie in corner of mouth and Dr Evil laugh)

    But seriously folks,
    Sarcasm be damned, that thing IS awesome.

    and just to clarify,
    My “WTF?!?” was directed at somebody who posted an ad for Virtuaport or some such nonsense, but I see John has taken it down.

  • 16. Jay replies at 11th February 2007, 11:06 pm :

    Moveable fingers and everything.

    How can you not geek-out about that?
    I would have killed for a Transformer with that much articulation when I was little.

  • 17. alfie replies at 11th February 2007, 11:49 pm :

    I don’t know if you guys have seen this but lots of transformers stuff here…….from some toy fare…..

    dear god they are ugly ugly UGLY….

    but i have no doubt you guys will love it so have fun

  • 18. Rodney replies at 12th February 2007, 12:36 am :

    Yeah Jay, the Virtuawhatever spammers got deleted as soon as I saw it up there. I even called the company and the guy acted like he didn’t know he paid someone to spam blogsites with his webservice.

    It happens more around here than we would like, but we delete them as soon as we can. I don’t know why they bother. Why would anyone want the services of someone who dishonestly advertises in unrelated blogs?

  • 19. Jay replies at 12th February 2007, 4:39 pm :

    You’re guess is as good as mine, Rod

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