Live Action Justice League Movie Coming

Justice-League-MovieEver since Bryan Singer made Super Hero movies popular again, an awful lot of comic book fans have been dying to see a Justice League movie. Add on top of the the recent huge success of the Batman and Superman movies (they made $371 million and $392 million at the box office respectively) that cry has gotten louder. Well… for all their faults, studios know when an idea smells like money. A Justice League movie is on it’s way!

The good folks over at Moviehole give us this:

According to Variety, a [drumroll please] “Justice League” movie is in the works. That’s right, all your favourite superheroes in the one damn movie?! Now tell me that’s not better than extra cheese on ya’ Pie? Though Warner Bros won’t confirm which superheroes will actually team up for the film – they’ve got the option to include Batman, Superman, The Flash, Wonder Woman, Aquaman; and a couple of others – they have announced the two tight-wearing chaps that they see fit to tackle the screenplay : Kiernan and Michele Mulroney.

Ok, now that’s all well and good. But in my opinion there are two very important questions that need to be answered before anyone will get too excited.

QUESTION #1: Who will be in the Justice League. More specifically… will Batman and Superman be in there?

QUESTION #3: Will Christian Bale and Brandon Routh be there to play Batman and Superman?

Question #1 is more important that #2. I just can’t see calling a movie “Justice League” without having Superman and Batman in it. Without those two gods of the DC Universe, you might as well just call it “The Super Team of B-List Superheroes Doing Super Like Stuff”… cause withouth Bats and Sups it AIN’T the Justice League.

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  • 1. Kevin replies at 23rd February 2007, 2:09 pm :

    There is no fuckin way Christian Bale & Brandon Routh will be in this if it does in fact get made.

  • 2. John Campea replies at 23rd February 2007, 2:11 pm :

    Hey Kevin,

    Why? if they’re each under contract to play the role for 3 films… and the studio decides to make that each of their thrid films… then… they’d actually have no choice.

  • 3. nautica replies at 23rd February 2007, 2:15 pm :

    so is it gonna cost like a gabillion dollars to make?

  • 4. Viddy replies at 23rd February 2007, 2:15 pm :


    I know WB are morons but to waste Routh and Bale’s third contract films so that they can appear in the “JLA” movie would be incredibly stupid. Is this really gonna happen anyways? What about the budget? Would they fight Darkseid?

  • 5. Kevin replies at 23rd February 2007, 2:18 pm :

    Are Superman & Batman controled by the same studio?

    how do you blend the rebooted darker Batman into a movie were one of the dudes on the team is half fish,a guy with a lantern and a women with a lasue that makes people tell the truth.

    Also how many films are Nolan & Singer under contract for? Would Bale & Routh not fufill their obligations to the charcters under the planned 3 batman movies & 3 superman movies?

  • 6. John Campea replies at 23rd February 2007, 2:21 pm :

    Nolan and Singer are each only under contract for their next movies… that’s it right now

  • 7. Viddy replies at 23rd February 2007, 2:23 pm :

    I’d rather they not mess with the charactes until after their respective trilogies are done with. Yes I also dislike the Batman/Superman only movie.

  • 8. neo1 replies at 23rd February 2007, 2:29 pm :

    excellent news! :)

    but we need batman and superman to be there, it wouldn’t be a real justice league without those two ;)

    it’s like having x men wihout wolverine or without xavier.

  • 9. NotVinDiesel replies at 23rd February 2007, 2:37 pm :

    I think it would be a travesty without Routh and Bale playing Superman and Batman in the movie. We’ve been given these two actors as the current identity of these characters. To slot completely new people in just creates confusion. It took years just to decide on Routh and Bale for their respective roles. What actor, who has probably already auditioned for one, if not both of the roles in the previous exhaustive searches, would want to come on as part of an ensemble as the role they couldn’t win independently? Sorry, but Routh and Bale are musts. As is Wonder Woman. Say what you will, but she is the third of the power triumverate there.

  • 10. Tombo replies at 23rd February 2007, 2:53 pm :

    Personally i would like to see this made with Supes And The Bat but not with Routh and Bale… they need to stick to thier respective movies.

    If they were to be apart of this movie then it would not be a JLA movie it would be Batman & Superman + the rest and even though it is likely that may be the case regardless i think if they were played by lesser known actors for this single role then it would make it more of a team movie like it should be. I mean how would you get away with giving Routh and Bale less screen time like that.

    No i think this needs to be an independant franchise to be pulled off correctly.

  • 11. Josh replies at 23rd February 2007, 3:02 pm :

    I dont know if I’m excited about this is or not. It could work, but at the same time I have my doubts.

  • 12. star wars sideshow collectibles replies at 23rd February 2007, 3:22 pm :

    this is great news, but i honestly don’t think, the current actors who are playing batman and superman will be in the movie. i’m speculating that the cast will be virtual unknowns. thanks for the info! i’ll be looking forward to seeing more news on this.

  • 13. Russell replies at 23rd February 2007, 3:22 pm :

    DAMM YOU John, don’t tease us. Don’t write things like this unless you really think it has a chance :O)

    Also I have the solution, go Smalleville on there ass! Drop the Lana Lang storyline and introduce a new batman for a spin off tv show.

    Now I really think that’s a decent idea. They already have introduced a few of the extra characters and they have been teasing this idea on the show for a while now. Then everyone wins.

  • 14. alfie replies at 23rd February 2007, 3:27 pm :

    there is no fucking way in a million years that batman and superman will be in a JLA movie……

    There is no way Warners would risk their two biggest potential money spinners by putting them in an ensemble super hero film…….

    it makes no sense whatsoever - you can make a jla film without them. The average movie goer doesn’t really know who the jla are anyway…

    believe me - it was hard enough for them to try and get a solo superman film off the ground…there is just no way batman and superman will be in a jla film..

  • 15. shane razey replies at 23rd February 2007, 3:37 pm :

    I’m as happy as a little girl……..

    (nipping out will speaking with a german accent.)

  • 16. darren j seeley replies at 23rd February 2007, 3:40 pm :

    This will never be made.

    It will be like the World’s Finest/Supey vs Bats Wolfgang Petersen had…studio considers it, a script is written, drafts are done…film never gets made, fizzles out.

    I only see two possibilities. Only two. Here they are:

    1) A CGI animation like Final Fantasy thing. This way, Routh, Bale, and whoever plays Wonder Woman) would not be contracted to do the film.

    OR- and hang on to something-

    2) Smallville’s spinoff. IT will wind down sometime, yes? Currently in the series, we have the birth formation of what could be the JLA, minus Batman (AND Robin) and WW. Hence, Superman is played by Tom Welling…this is a stretch, but my point is in the show, the JLA has its birth pangs. This to me is the best bet. Especially if the folks behind Smallville have no intent on a TV JLA spinoff.

    AND that’s **it**. Sorry, folks.
    You can say “actors are under contract” all you want until the dumb cows come home. You can say it’s all under Warner’s roof. The fact is: there are other factors involved.

    Like, oh, producers?
    Unless Jon Peters, Joel Silver (behind WW), Charles Roven, Larry Franco, Emma Thomas, Mike Uslan and Ben Melniker all come together. But if we applied (2) well…that’s another ballgame. Complete separate continuity between the franchises.

    As for Routh and Bale’s contracts, those are for Superman and Batman, respectively.
    Not to mention if Wolfgang Petersen’s World’s…Superman vs Batman ever ressurects.

  • 17. Jmarps replies at 23rd February 2007, 3:41 pm :

    What was question # 2? :)

  • 18. Scott replies at 23rd February 2007, 3:45 pm :

    Didnt Christian Bale mention this about year ago and said he was interested in it

  • 19. Viddy replies at 23rd February 2007, 4:08 pm :

    Bale was being PC when he said that probably….And that was about the World’s Finest movie, not the Justice League.

  • 20. jeff replies at 23rd February 2007, 4:58 pm :

    Routh maybe. He needs the work. But I just don’t see Bale doing a JLA film. They’ll either have to write Batman out of the story or recast it (why not ask Keaton or Kilmer…ha ha) Honestly, if you have Superman, you probably don’t need Batman in this.

  • 21. Jay replies at 23rd February 2007, 5:06 pm :

    I think this has the possibility of seeing the light of day, but I too question whether or not they would risk their 2 biggest assets. I’m sure Nolan has no desire to see all his hard work be flushed down the toilet by taking Batman away from him after the Dark Knight. Goyer has stated plenty of times that they planned out a trilogy when they wrote the first movie so I’m sure the end of the Dark Knight is going to lead right into the third one. I could see it being made without them but it wouldnt really be the Justice League.
    Maybe after Batman and Superman both finish their respective trilogies they could be involved but I dont want to see them taken away after their 2nd outing. That would suck. Also, I really want to see a solo Green Lantern movie. The Flash is coming up, so I’m happy about that, but I think GL deserves his own film, if not a series of films. After he’s introduced in the first film it could then delve into the Green Lantern Corps and become more about saving the universe.

    Plus, this movie would cost 300 million to do it any kind of justice.
    A movie about a team of mostly a-list superheroes as well as some b-list ones would have to have effects in almost every scene. Not to mention the set pieces. Can you imagine the scale of those things. And all the costumes. Do you have any idea how much those costumes actually cost to build. They would have to do that for at least 5 heroes. You’re talking millions of dollars just for their clothes.
    Is Warners really willing to take that risk? If they do it for less does anybody really want to see a cheap Justice League movie?

  • 22. E.D. replies at 23rd February 2007, 5:29 pm :

    Never goning to happen.

  • 23. Marco Shimomoto replies at 23rd February 2007, 6:25 pm :

    I can see a new Indy coming, but no way they gonna do this with either Superman, Batman or Wonder Woman. Of all super groups JL is the hardest to believe because it would be something like batman pointing and superman punching. I would rather have only batman and superman (possibly a versus? nah, too AvP…) movie.
    Hell, what is the fucking aquadude power? He Swims, talks to fishes? Get a 100ft tall concrete block covered in oil in the middle of a desert, put the guy on top and you pwned the bastard.
    If it ever happens it will be as childish as the turtles movie.

  • 24. Nick Paramonte replies at 23rd February 2007, 8:09 pm :

    I think it’s too soon. They should do a Batman/Superman - World’s Finest movie first before doing the Justice League.

  • 25. Bill replies at 23rd February 2007, 8:10 pm :

    See, some of the questions that should be asked after the Batman/Superman ones are:

    3) Who will play Wonder Woman and how will that affect a solo movie project

    4) Which Green Lantern, Flash, and version of Aquaman will they be using

    5) Will David Ogden Stiers be reprising his pivotal role as J’onn J’ozz, the Martian Manhunter

    6) Who will the villain be? Most good JLA villains turn out to be a major, well known bad guy of one of the big three.

  • 26. Bill replies at 23rd February 2007, 8:14 pm :

    Also, something to consider, the roster of the original Justice League, minus all retro cons out there due to this Crisis or that one was:

    Aquaman - Arthur Curry
    Black Canary - Dinah Lance
    Flash - Barry Allen
    Green Lantern - Hal Jordan
    Martian Manhunter - J’onn J’onzz

    None of those, IMHO, would be considered A-List characters nowadays to Warner Bros, so the cost may not be as great as some think if they went that route of a roster

  • 27. Kaneda979 replies at 23rd February 2007, 8:54 pm :

    I agree, without Batman, Superman, or even Green Lantern, this movie wont be worth seeing or even making. I’m already disappointed that they plan to go on with the X-Men series with or with out Wolverine or any of the other main X-Men in the next film(s).

    And I also can’t see Christian Bale and Brandon Routh both coming back for this. Like Tobey Maguire wanting to move on from Spider Man now after doing 3 films cuz he wants to do other stuff. We should be lucky enuff to see 3 Batman and Superman movies with them as the leads. Another movie with them both would be stretching it.

    Also this movie would cost so much money, it would be insane and have to be about 3 hours long to be just right. I think they should wait a few more years til’ technoligy catches up a little more. The JLA are like gods with they’re powers in comparesin to the X-Men for the most part. Not to dis the X-Men cuz I like them allot more then JLA.
    So it’s going to be allot harder to pull off they’re powers and make them believable on film.

    They’re is just so many elements playing against this idea to make it seem like it would never happen. Atleast not the way it should, the way we’d want it to. But then again, did the X-Men films turn out like anything anyone wanted them to?

  • 28. HandnHalfSword replies at 23rd February 2007, 9:18 pm :

    Batman and Superman should be part of the Justice League.

    They should be played by Bale and Routh.

    hristopher Nolan should direct.

    Nobody (besides Routh) who had any participation in Superman Returns should be allowed to be involved in any super-hero/comic-book movie in the future.

  • 29. Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout replies at 23rd February 2007, 9:54 pm :

    Who is going to play Gleek?

  • 30. Kaneda979 replies at 23rd February 2007, 10:06 pm :

    Gleek? That stupid monkey? I know your just joking about him, but was he even ever in JLA? I thought he was just in Super Friends?

  • 31. xp replies at 24th February 2007, 1:05 am :

    This is probably totally unrelated, but… THIS was on

    “The Next Movie I’m Writing

    The deal’s not done, but my earlier allusions to D.C. mythology (and alternate Earths) were project-specific. I hope to be able to say what it is soon. And yes, it’s cruel of me to leave it floating out there.”


  • 32. Pineapplehead replies at 24th February 2007, 1:26 am :

    I’d be happy if the holy trinity - Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman were in it but only if they also had Green Arrow who generally just takes the piss out of Batman all the time.

  • 33. GweepWurptheEyebiter replies at 24th February 2007, 2:16 am :

    Not a big DC fan but Justice League just wouldn’t be Justice League without Batman and Superman.It would be great to see those two together playing their roles, but I can’t see it happening. I’d love to see that Superman vs Batman movie (especially if its based off of Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns)

  • 34. Carlos replies at 24th February 2007, 8:28 am :

    To be honest I don’t see this working as a live-action movie, but a CG movie, however, would work wonders.

  • 35. The Jim Walker replies at 24th February 2007, 10:38 am :

    Forget cost and whether Bats & Supes would be in it (And/Or Bale & Routh)… I just dont see how they could write a story that introduces the good guys, intoduces the bad guys, tells their back story, makes you CARE about them, introduces the obstacle to overcome, and resolves it all… ALL IN UNDER (or around) 2 HOURS! Just cant see it.

  • 36. hi replies at 24th February 2007, 5:44 pm :

    I don’t think this a good idea. let Bruce Timm make animated JL-movies, since they are established already

  • 37. Jeff Nelson replies at 24th February 2007, 7:11 pm :

    I’m going to ignore that ridiculous comment about just letting Bruce Timm keep making those lame animated JLA movies!

    I think they definitely should make the JLA movie and that they probably should have Bale and Routh play the roles that they are identified with currently. Also, they need to have Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), the Flash (Barry Allen) and Aquaman, at the very least. These seven together are the originals, since Superman and Batman joined very shortly after the league was formed. It would also be cool to have Hawkman, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Atom and maybe even the Elongated Man as secondary heroes.

    I think that the technology is quite adequate to make a really killer JLA movie and that we DC Comics fans have waited a very long time for it! We’ve watched some very cool Marvel movies come out-X-Men, Spider Man, the Fantastic Four (The Hulk and Daredevil were pretty poor), and all we ever get from DC is yet another version of Batman or Superman.

    No, I really think we need the entire team, even if some characters only get introduced, later to play a more major role, as has been done in the X-Men movies.

  • 38. JAYSMACK replies at 24th February 2007, 8:13 pm :

    “Ever since Bryan Singer made Super Hero movies popular again…”

    Uh, did you not hear of Blade (1998)? I think it came out two YEARS before X-Men and was most responsible for the current spate of comic to film adaptations we’ve been seeing the last nine years. Goyer and Norrington made comic book movies popular again. Let’s give credit where it’s due.

  • 39. Paul Martinez replies at 24th February 2007, 8:18 pm :

    I think we need a justice league without the big three, superman, batman, and wonderwoman. They’re presence would overpower the movie and it would be just about them.
    They could do a great justice league without them, they still have green lantern, flash, martian manhunter, black canary, hawk girl, the atom, dr. fate, green arrow, firestorm, and a lot of other characters.

    It would be a much better movie without the big three and it would have a much better chance at actually getting made.

  • 40. HandnHalfSword replies at 24th February 2007, 8:24 pm :

    “Ever since Bryan Singer made Super Hero movies popular again…”

    Which he managed to do by making two pretty good X-Men movies and a rotten piece of crap of a Superman movie.

  • 41. Gordon Shumway replies at 24th February 2007, 8:45 pm :

    Never gonna happen. Rouths Superman and Bales Batman differ so much tonally that they cant co-exist. We dont even have a Wonderwoman movie yet. She-Hulk is more plausible than this.

  • 42. FM replies at 25th February 2007, 9:36 am :

    What was question number 2 again?

  • 43. Rob Merritt replies at 25th February 2007, 2:23 pm :

    Newsarama is saying that its possible that this is actually a move to get Smallville to the screen.

  • 44. albert williams replies at 3rd March 2007, 5:11 am :

    I think they should CGI the movie. Don’t have to worry about actors then. By the way, best cartoon series, EVER! Batman 2nd. Just do the damn movie.

  • 45. Frank replies at 10th March 2007, 12:41 am :

    Personally, I’d make a movie duology of the Superman versus Doomsday tale, with that incarnation of the Justice League in it (Superman, Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, Green Flame, Ice Maiden, Martain Manhunter, and Guy Gardner as their Green Lantern) and use telling that tale as a live action movie as a vehicle to move on afterward to a live action Justice League movie.
    “The Death and Return of Superman” would make an awesome movie series if done properly. DC would make a lot of money selling collectibles afterward, too, such as figurines of Doomsday and montage figurines of Superman and Doomsday squaring off with each other.

  • 46. Lawton replies at 10th March 2007, 10:35 am :

    What would be a good idea with the Batman and Super Man trilogies to finish up the three movie contracts with each character but in the third movie, for each character, show a mergence of the two characters and the birth of the Justice League… From each characters perspective.

    i.e… Have the third Batman movie be totally about Batman until the near ending where for some reason, a super villian emerges that links Batman and Super Man together somehow… Like they are chasing the same villian and end up together in one way or another…

    How the other characters end up part of the league is anybodies guess…

    Maybe have the super villian have some “Serial killer” approach and through each characters weaknesses, he dumps em all, one by one in the same dark, damp, dungeonlike area. The the “Wonder Twins” come save the day! haha! Just kidding about the ghey Wonder Twins.

  • 47. wwfan replies at 12th March 2007, 2:43 pm :

    Thank your notvindeisel for adding Wonder Woman, she is after all part of the Holy Trinity. But a JLA movie would be far in the future with two more bats/supes movies and the long anticipated WW movie, if it EVER gets going.

    Personally, i think they should just bring back a WW tv series….

    But, look how long it took to get Freddy vs Jason, and get it right…?

  • 48. jevonsha replies at 18th March 2007, 8:29 am :

    If u read this, please make sure that the green lantern is an African American. I like him better than the white one. Plus if u should always have at least one black superhero.

  • 49. jordan replies at 7th May 2007, 2:25 am :

    You can’t make a Justice League Movie without Supes or Bats? Um, what about WOnder Woman? Bats and Supes are hardly the “gods” of the DC universe, considering that Wonder Woman has kicked the hell out of BOTH of them when the time called for it. She has also led the team, just as they have. Not to mention, there is a reason that DC refers to the THREE of them as the “Trinity”. Don’t forget about main characters just because they are female.

  • 50. Rafael replies at 10th June 2007, 10:21 pm :

    look, forget about the whole budget thing an the actors contracts and everything that’s been going on for a second. Just imagine… you entering the movie theater buying popcorn in a rush so you can find a seat (because it’s gonna be full, DUHHH) then you are finally sitting in the middle row, the best row in the place, then everything goes dark and the music starts, everybody is clapping their hands then the tittle of the movie shows on the screen “THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA” and after that you feel you pants and they are wet with pee. i dont know about other people but i would pee my pants, i swear to god,honestly. wouldnt you? just think about it.

    and just for the record a JLA movie without wonderwoman, batman and/or superman is not, i repeat, IS NOT A JLA MOVIE.(they can leave aquaman out if they want, i dont like him that much.)

  • 51. replies at 13th July 2007, 7:49 pm :

    I think that A Justice League ‘live action movie’ could truly be something great!!!! I would LOVE for it to come to fruition. I think JLA THE ANIMATED SERIES gives a pretty good spring board to it with its tone. I think that if they chose to do something in the KINGDOM COME mode, it could be extremely exceptional and awe-inspiring. HOPE THAT IT HAPPENS SOON!!!!!!!!!!!

    ***Hope you get to check out my website and book with a chapter dedicated to super heroes!!!!!!!

  • 52. ravage replies at 16th July 2007, 11:42 pm :

    A few points regarding on what has been discussed
    1. they do not have to introduce the characters(they just have to come up with another medium, comics, cartoons to do the introduction) Star wars and the matrix used anime for this (clone wars and animatrix) just to fill the void for those people WHO MAY NOT KNOW WHO THE CHARACTERS ARE.
    2. since its the JLA we are talking about, expectation for the villain would be either Doomsday, Brainiac or Darkseid, maybe ARES unless Lex Luthor leads a super villain team.
    3. If you want a good JLA movie.. Do Kingdom Come or Justice which just ended last month.

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