First Look at Michael Myers.. again.

Posted by John Campeaon 26. 02. 2007in News Chat

This seems a little strange to see. After nearly 30 years since the first Halloween movie, they are planning a remake. I guess this is no worse than making another sequel. Despite the movie being temporarily titled Halloween 9, teeny bopper cutey Scout Taylor-Compton is playing a 17 year old Laurie Strode. The same character that made Jamie Lee Curtis famous 29 years ago.

MoviesOnline offers:

The filmmakers just revealed the first image of the new Michael Myers from Rob Zombie’s “Halloween”. The character will be portrayed by Tyler Mane. Rob Zombie’s vision of this film is an entirely new take on the legend and will satisfy fans of the classic “Halloween” legacy while beginning a new chapter in the Michael Myers saga. This new movie will not only appeal to horror fans, but to a wider movie-going audience as well. It will not be a copycat of any prior films in the “Halloween” franchise.

I like these slasher flicks that have some supernaturally powered badguy wreaking havoc on unsuspecting teens, disembodying them for the hell of it, and having one person survive overcoming the odds. Its just a feel-good movie that you can share with your children.

And this is one of those times where giving a professional wrestler a leading role isn’t such a bad idea. Mane has the physical presence to make Myers a REAL threat just by standing still. And its not like Myers has any speaking roles where we get to explore his inner turmoil. He doesn’t speak at all. He just has to look menacing, and rip unsuspecting teenagers in half.

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John Campea who has written 6783 posts on The Movie Blog

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12 Responses to “First Look at Michael Myers.. again.”

  1. Kristina says:

    Just FYI Tyler MANE is NOT the same as pro wrestler KANE. MANE was Sabertooth in X-Men. Kane was in See No Evil, a shit horror movie.

    And that pic looks more like Leatherface than Myers to me.

  2. darrenjseeley says:

    “…to make Myers a REAL threat just by standing still”

    I dunno…In the Carpenter original, Myers was a REAL threat standing still. Myers was also more of a threat when he WASN’T.

    As to the pic, I disagree with Kristina. The mask only looks more beat up and dirty is all (not to mention if someone were to poke Myers in the face and/or the eye with a coathanger…)

  3. Josh says:

    This is the best Myers has looked since the first film..though I liked him better in the first film.

  4. Davey says:

    I like it, hopefully the movie’s up to par. And damn, Mikey needs to wash his friggin hands.

  5. Rodney says:

    “Just FYI Tyler MANE is NOT the same as pro wrestler KANE. MANE was Sabertooth in X-Men.”

    Mane was also a pro wrestler who went by the ring name of Big Sky.

    I didnt think it was Kane nor did I suggest it was.

  6. wolf says:

    I’m looking forward to the remake. Myers looks great, not giving him a new look. With that said I do hope it’s not identical to the original.

  7. Jay says:

    The thing is,
    According to the script review that was up at AICN we WILL see Michael Myers talk about his feelings.
    And we’ll also learn that he wears the mask so he can take a shit.

    If you havent read the review, Rodney, you really should.
    It seems Mr Zombie is taking away alot of what made Mr Myers who he was. However, I will admit that he looks pretty frickin’ good in that pic. I think the mask looks great, but it’s not the mask that I think is going to be the problem.

    And I have to agree with Darren. Michael Myers was very threatening just by standing still long before Tyler Mane put on the mask. Jason was the hulking menace, Leatherface was the fat slop, and Myers was the regular guy that you just couldn’t stop. He was never intended to be some giant, that was part of what made him so scary. Later installments decided to change that aspect, but physically, he was just supposed to be an average dude that evil happened to have control over. The evil inside him was what made him unstoppable and scary as hell, not his physical preportions.

  8. DarkKinger says:

    Holy shit! That looks good. I like how he looks like he got roadkilled, and still STANDING!

    Btw Jay, I hope to God, Spielberg, and Zod, that they don’t give Michael character. Just make him your standard bastard child, show how much he ENJOYS gory pain, then have him kill bitches!

    On the bright side, if it sucks, hopefully it won’t suck more than the last sequel(s).

  9. Jay says:

    It would seem from the script that Quint revewed that one of Zombie’s main goals in the remake is to give Myers character.
    Oh, and like I said before, to establish the fact that he starts wearing masks so that he can take a shit. I’m not making this up people, read the script review. It is possible that Zombie has since changed or omitted that idea but it was there in that draft.

    Myers wears the mask because he is no longer Michael Myers. He is The Shape. He is the Boogeyman. Evil incarnate with the black eyes to prove it. Even as a child he wears it because that face is no longer who he is, not because he has to do a wicked number 2.
    If you make him just some messed up kid with an abusive upbringing who turns out to be a serial killer you’re taking away what makes him special. He’s just your run-of-the-mill psycho who was abused by his parents and decides to kill animals until that no longer satisfies him. That makes him just like every other serial killer. What made Myers who he was was the fact that he was just an average kid with a decent upbringing who one day out of the blue gets taken over by evil and kills his family. Michael Myers could be the kid next door with the loving parents and the blue huffy. That’s also what made him as scary as he was. The fact that there was no decernable reason. Giving him a reason takes away what makes the Shape who he is.

    Henry was a really good real life serial killer movie.
    Halloween is not, and should never be, a movie about a real world serial killer. Michael Myers is pure evil. If you make him the product of every serial killer cliche known to man then he is no longer The Shape, he’s just your average twisted fuck who likes to kill people. Then the movie is no longer Halloween, it’s the Devil’s Rejects or House of a 1000 Corpses.

    On a side note,
    As much as i question some of Zombie’s decisions, there is no way anything could be worse than incorporating a kung-fu Busta Rhymes into the mix. That may be the lowest a Slasher movie series has ever sunk. It may be worse than the cyborg Jason in outer space in Jason X, and that was so incredibly dumb that I almost wept from how bad I felt for poor Mr Voorhees. How the mighty have fallen.

  10. Ricci says:

    “This new movie will not only appeal to horror fans, but to a wider movie-going audience as well.”

    Translation = This will suck and will probably get a PG-13 rating

  11. Alycia Skidmore says:

    this movie looks like it will be really good i hope it is even better than the 1st one!!!!!!! by the way i love chuck

  12. April says:

    i dunno but cant wait to see it!! :D:D i been watching him since i was young child like 7 lol now im 21

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