Ellen Sucked. But Which Part Sucked The Most?

As predicted, Ellen almost single handedly ruined the Oscars. Oh there are still lots of things wrong with the show… but Ellen basically squatted and pissed all over any momentum or energy the show started to build at any time. She was HORRIBLE, weak, safe, corny and cheap. GET RID OF HER.

But my question for you, my international friends is this… which part of her painful performance of the Oscar hosting duties was the WORST. I know it’s almost impossible to pick just 1, but try your best.

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  • 1. Kaneda979 replies at 26th February 2007, 10:21 am :

    I liked her opening allot, thought it was pretty funny. Up til the gospel singers came out, that was dumb. Then from they’re almost everything else she did was a waist of air time. I started to forget they’re was a host at all. Worst part I thought was her vaccum bit.

    But really I felt she was just a small part of everything else that needlessly drug the show out til almost 3 hours long or over 3 hours. Didn’t really time it. I flipped channels quite a few times to see what else was on half way threw it all.

  • 2. tedward replies at 26th February 2007, 10:24 am :

    Hey John,
    You’re preoccupation with Ellen is starting to become a cause for concern. Could this be a reaction to some deep-seeded & supressed feelings of love you may have for her, but are unwilling to admit?
    C’mon John, free yourself of these emotional shackles, break those chains of repression, and begin life anew.
    Say it with me John & say it loud & proud: “I love Ellen…I Love Ellen…I LOVE ELLEN!!!!”
    There there…Don’t you feel much better now?
    I certainly do….

  • 3. Jarrod-D replies at 26th February 2007, 10:29 am :


    I kinda liked her, it did not feel so uptight the way it aways is, it felt like you are more at home. Sure some of the bits fell flat, but over all it was fine, like I said I did not feel like everyone had a stick up their hollywood asses, but hey thats me. I was glad to see, Jenn, H, got gold, but damn Eddie M, should have won, but whatever. Well, Martin S, finally got one, yeah, about damn time, anyway. it was a ok show this year with an ok host, she made me laugh and thats that. anyway, take care..


  • 4. Sean replies at 26th February 2007, 10:34 am :

    Oh god, there just aren’t enough negative words in the english language to fully describe how bad Ellen was. I was almost expecting it to be some sort of bad joke and have the president of the accademy pop out and say “Got YA!” to the viewing audience. Terrible.

  • 5. Tom replies at 26th February 2007, 10:43 am :


    Have to agree with Jarrod and respectfully disagree with you. My wife and I both found Ellen actually rather funny. I have to say I found myself laughing more than I have in previous years.

    I thought the opening was really good — the Jennifer Hudson/Al Gore quip was clever, if starting to get played out (Yes, we all know Al won the Popular Vote. We all know the election was stolen.) Still it drew a solid response. I found her pitching a script to Scorsese pretty funny, as was her getting a picture with Eastwood for her “myspace” site, thanks in part to the ‘decent’ photograpy skills of Mister Steven Spielberg. I even chuckled slightly at the vaccum bit.

    Aside from Ellen, I found alot of the material pretty decent — clearly they’re still suffering from ’scripted-itis’ but more than a few of the stars took the material and made it funny (The Anne Hathaway / Meryl Streep scene) or amusingly self-depreciating (the Robert Downey Jr. drugged in the 90’s line).

    Did everything work? Not at all. But Ellen ruined the Oscars? I think in this case you may be being just a bit overly critical.

    Keep up the great work!


  • 6. Darth-T replies at 26th February 2007, 10:48 am :

    I’m really flabbergasted (never spelled that word before) at how anyone can think Ellen even did an ok job. Her stink last night was ledgend.

    The boob job joke was cute. America voted for Gore thing was cute. Picture with Clint was cute for a second. But that accounts for like 15 seconds of her 20+ minutes of screen time where she stunk the place out.

    Different strokes for different folks I guess, but I just don’t get how anyone can defend the job she did last night.

  • 7. Kevin C replies at 26th February 2007, 10:57 am :

    I dont know, she was exactly was everyone should have expected her to be. Im kind of ambivalent about her. I dont love or hate her. Ill admit she made me chuckle a few times, but I had just watched the second season DVD’s of The Office, so I was in a good mood.

    The bigger problem I have with the Oscars is the acceptance speeches. When you get 3 and 4 people up there trying to blow through a list of names and then getting cut off is embarrassing to watch. It should be predetermined that if a gruop wins, ONE spokesperson is chosen to thank whoever, and then get off the stage.

    I dont care who the 3rd assistant graphics guy wants to thank after the 1st and second guys were rambling for 3 minutes. Thats why this thing is on until past midnight.

    Im getting worked up now. I watched this thing for almost 2 hours and the only award I cared to see was best supporting actor.

  • 8. joey replies at 26th February 2007, 10:57 am :

    It might get old fast, but I think Seinfeld could be a great host. His mini bit was hilarious about not cleaning the theatres. …

    Ellen was rocking the white shoes Cousin Eddie gave Clark in the opening monologue.

  • 9. Joel Szerlip replies at 26th February 2007, 11:03 am :

    There was no doubt in my mind that when the Oscar’s closed Ellen had done a fantastic job. She was herself. She was not trying to be anyone else and that is exactly what got her to the position of hosting the Oscar’s, by being herself. She brought a great feel to the show that wasn’t so political and instead just brought a nice relaxing feel to the show. Sure Ellen has been funnier in her stand up bits, but then again the show is not about her, it’s about the nominees and I thought that was classy.

    As for Seinfeld there is no doubt that he is a class act and is one of the funniest guys alive. He did an amazing job with his short stand-up bit and it seems as though he could be a future candidate in the year’s to come. All in all I have to say that I think although some may not have enjoyed Ellen I think those who have enjoyed her in the past enjoyed her last night.

  • 10. Krintina replies at 26th February 2007, 11:06 am :

    Ellen was the worst part of the show hands down

  • 11. Kevin C replies at 26th February 2007, 11:06 am :

    Steve Carrell would be the PERFECT host IMO.

  • 12. Kristina replies at 26th February 2007, 11:09 am :

    Jery Seinfeld was funnier in two minutes than Ellen was for the entire show.

    As was George Clooney. Damn, I never had a thing for guy, but he’s funny as hell. Suave motherfucker:)

  • 13. Chris replies at 26th February 2007, 11:10 am :

    I would definitely say that the bit with the vacuum-cleaner was cringe-worthy. Her thing with having Spielberg get a pic of her and Clint Eastwood was actually somewhat funny, I chuckled as it unfolded.

    Still though, I would not want to be the person who picked Ellen to host.

    I also agree with the above comment - Steve Carrell would be perfect!

  • 14. Kristina replies at 26th February 2007, 11:19 am :

    And it wasn’t totally Ellen’s fault about the show sucking. Remove all 5000000000000 montages, the 100 musical bits, and the 300 shadow people thingies and you ALMOST have a decent show. Now remove everytime someone read their speech off a piece of paper. Still with me? Now take out all of the meaningless trivia that the fucking announcers felt compelled to say afer every award was announced. You do all of that, and you still have a MILDLY entertaining show. Now, add Borat as a presenter and Pan’s Labyrinth winning best Foreign Language and we’re all good.

    The show would be fine if they’d stop trying so damn hard. They keep tinkering with it every year, pumping more useless shit into the telecast. Addtion by SUBTRACTION, people. Get rid of the montages. ALL of them, except for In Memorium and a quick QUICK look at the Best Pic noms. They shouldn’t even have a host one year. Just have an announcer announce presenters. That’s it. Not having a host would cut out at least an hour of unnecessary shit. Do NOT sing the songs live. ALL speeches are cut off after one minute, no matter how inspiring they are. If EVERYONE had one minute, we’d have a lot less of people thanking their damn lawyers. Less banter at the mic with presenters. We all know you’re reading off the prompter. Nomatter how slick you are, prompter jokes are NEVER funny. Clooney was funny because what he said was off the cuff. Shit, I could produce this show next year and I guarantee the ratings ould be through the roof!

  • 15. lowman replies at 26th February 2007, 11:38 am :

    WTF Campea,

    I told you not to fucking repeat yourself after you’ve said it 100 times already. You have nothing new to post so you just had to repeat yourself again and again. Stop it already, will ya?

  • 16. John Campea replies at 26th February 2007, 11:41 am :

    Hey Lowman,

    Yeah you said that already… so stop repeating yourself

  • 17. Tom replies at 26th February 2007, 11:46 am :

    First off,

    This may sound stupid, but cheers to everyone here so far just being respectful of everyone’s opinions about the show. We don’t have to agree, but its nice to be able to discuss it without a dozen respondants suddenly attacking one another with stupid comments.

    I also agree with Kevin C on the acceptance speeches. After 79 years of doing this, there should be some sort of mandate passed. If there’s more than one person going up, you
    1. select a spokesperson
    2. keep the thank yous generic so that it sounds like it comes from everyone involved (Thank eveyone on the team, thank “all of our families” and that’s it)

    It’s cringe-worthy to watch one person stand there and drone on, when three other people clearly are pushing forward to say something, and then just as they muscle up to the mike the music starts. Come on people, you know there’s a time limit — the music’s about to start. Make a blanket statement and then move on.

  • 18. Riich replies at 26th February 2007, 12:05 pm :

    I thought Ellen was good. It’s the show itself which is long, boring, and tedious. Too many awards for things nobody has any interest in. The montages, songs, and interpretive dance were all wastes of time as well. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for montages, songs, and interpretive dance (well okay, not the interpretive dance) but make it entertaining. Don’t do it just for the sake of doing it, which is how it felt.

    I think it’s important to remember just how difficult it is to host a 3.5 hour plus telecast that has the size of audience that The Oscars does. Guys like Letterman have tried and bombed miserably. Give credit to Ellen for being funny when she was on camera and coming up with clever ways to involve some of the real stars of the show, most of whom were sitting in the audience. Her bits with Scorcese and Eastwood were great! Telling Spielberg how to hold the camera? Come on! That was brilliant.

  • 19. JAYSMACK replies at 26th February 2007, 12:13 pm :

    Ellen jumped the shark, far as i’m concerned. Bring back Jon Stewart! He was great. PLEASE!

  • 20. darrenjseeley replies at 26th February 2007, 12:41 pm :

    Get rid of the wench, and wash the hands.

    *The Clint Eastwood-Spielberg thing was stupid, and seemed embassing. As was the Scorcese bit. Or should I say…REPETITIVE? In past awards shows, Ellen has pulled stunts like that in the past. It’s hokey and eats up the clock.

    *Not listed in the poll is the Snakes On A Plane bit

  • 21. Joey 1.0 replies at 26th February 2007, 12:47 pm :

    John, you’re being way to harsh here. I thought she was pretty hilarious. Made the Oscars a lil less boring.

  • 22. Dave replies at 26th February 2007, 1:05 pm :

    I just saw the opening speech and thought is was pretty solid, relaxed and not too corny. For me she did a good job. It’s not Billy Chrystal, but it was pretty good.

  • 23. alfie replies at 26th February 2007, 2:34 pm :

    i thought she was funny…i don’t see why some of you are saying she was so bad…….sure she wasn’t the greatest host ever but she was hardly the worst….she was fine

  • 24. Steve replies at 26th February 2007, 3:02 pm :

    Oh come on— it wasn’t really her fault. She surely didn’t write all her own material / plan it out.

    I think she was fine. Not the greatest. Seinfeld would be terrible. Didn’t he get old the first time we all heard that twangy theme?

  • 25. alfie replies at 26th February 2007, 3:35 pm :

    thats a good point steve….

    people have to remember they don’t just handover the entire show to he host and say “here ya go….you write everything and we will just do whatever you come up with”

    i don’t get where this almost rage gio has towards her is coming from….she was fine

  • 26. Dennis replies at 26th February 2007, 3:42 pm :

    After reminding us at the beginning of the show that it was “all about the nominees,” it was ironic (but not unexpected how much time was devoted to other material like the “world premiere” song by Celine Dion that wasn’t nominated.

    And although it was a unique presentation of the screenwriting awards to read the screenplay material, it was almost entirely scripted action with hardly any dialogue.

    Maybe it’s time to “reboot” this franchise too. (”Sylvia, get me J.J. Abrams on the phone.”)

  • 27. cap replies at 26th February 2007, 7:54 pm :

    somebody said bring back STEWARD ???; JAY…do you have a memory ???
    WTF Steward sucked!!!!!
    Ellen was OK for a show that long.

  • 28. will replies at 26th February 2007, 9:21 pm :

    honestly, ellen was funny.
    especially for a girl, and i do mean that in the nicest way possible.
    im not a sexist, honeslty, but a select few females can make me laugh.
    and ellen was good last night. maybe it didnt really seem like the oscars in the beginning, but she was funny. so i was definatly ok with it

  • 29. Jasper replies at 26th February 2007, 10:27 pm :

    I thought Ellen was awesome

  • 30. Devon replies at 27th February 2007, 2:59 am :

    I thought Ellen was great. She kept the show moving. “Eye surgery…. on her face” I thought that was great.

    I feel like you could at least left an option open for people who did like her as I had no option…how fair and balanced of you.lol. Now its time to listen to the round table….

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