Eddie Murphy Leaves Oscars After Losing

I never cease to be amazed by how shallow, self centered and myopic some people can be. If I ever come close to forgetting… Eddie Murphy is there to remind us all. As you all know, Eddie Murphy was nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the Oscars this year. A HUGE achievement by itself. Unfortunetly for Murphy, Alan Arkin (who was even better than Murphy this year) won the award.

It’s understandable for someone in Murphy’s place to feel disappointed, maybe even a bit upset… but according to reports, after losing the award, Murphy got up and left the awards, refusing to stay and support his cast mate, Hudson, and missed their musical performance and Hudson’s Oscar win for Best Supporting Actress. IMDB gives us this:

The 45-year-old tried to downplay his disappointment telling American publication Us Weekly, “It’s fine. It happens. It’s OK.” But shortly thereafter, Murphy and girlfriend Tracey Edmonds left the show and didn’t return. Murphy missed out on his Dreamgirls cast mates Beyonce Knowles, Jennifer Hudson and Anika Noni Rose performing songs from the film, as well as Hudson’s win for Best Supporting Actress.

What a total frigging jackass! You know what Murphy… I’m GLAD you lost now. How DARE you. You are honored by being given an Oscar nomination, there at the event where some of your other castmates are also nominated and performing, and yet you can’t bothered to be gracious enough to stay for the rest of the event and support those who helped you get nominated in the first place???? YOU ARE A JOKE Mr. Murphy.

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  • 1. Kristina replies at 27th February 2007, 12:45 pm :

    OMG Campea, I JUST saw this story on IMDB and was coming here to send you an email, but you’e on top of it:) This is ridiculous, and it makes me even happier that he lost. What an asshole. Go make Norbit 2 and leave acting to ACTORS, asswipe.

  • 2. Senor Chefy replies at 27th February 2007, 12:45 pm :


  • 3. Zac replies at 27th February 2007, 12:50 pm :

    I haven’t seen Eddie in a movie I liked in over 10 years. Its also really telling that a gifted standup no longer does standup. He got big, it went to his head, and theres no way back.

  • 4. Kevin C replies at 27th February 2007, 12:52 pm :

    I can understand being pissed if he thinks he got hosed, but stay and support your other cast-mates, that is classic “me guy” actions.

  • 5. Pineapplehead replies at 27th February 2007, 12:53 pm :

    You called it John. Norbit killed his chances.

    Who cares, sounds like he’s become a total asshole now.

  • 6. Kristina replies at 27th February 2007, 12:55 pm :

    It wasn’t just Norbit that killed it. He was good in DG, but it was NOT an Oscar winning performance. I never understood the hype, and I never for one moment really believed hat he would win. It was always down to Arkin and Haley to me, and Murphy deservedly lost.

  • 7. @spence replies at 27th February 2007, 1:04 pm :

    man that is total bullshit, i cant believe that he would do that, i have always been a huge eddie murphy fan, but after such a selfish bitch ass thing that he did, at first i wanted him to win, really bad, but I AM GLAD THAT HE DIDNT….i just cant see myself watching or buying any of his movies (except for BHC) and enjoyin….

    and as for Norbit, it should be soaked in gasonline and set on fire

  • 8. steven replies at 27th February 2007, 1:34 pm :

    bill murray did the same thing a couple of years back for lost in tranlastion, as a matter of fact people held him down as he was about to leave cause he didn’t win

    actors are just bitches..they make all that money, and still act like kids

  • 9. dave replies at 27th February 2007, 1:35 pm :

    Self-centered actors? Say it isn’t so. In other news, water is wet…

  • 10. bigsampson replies at 27th February 2007, 1:43 pm :


  • 11. The Jim Walker replies at 27th February 2007, 1:45 pm :

    John, John, John… if you were there you would know that the reason Eddie left was because there was a bus load of nuns that was on fire in downtown LA. He ran all the way down there and saved them all! Then he went to feed orphan children at the local shelter.

    So pessimistic.

  • 12. joey replies at 27th February 2007, 1:49 pm :

    Really disappointing to read this… I have always liked Eddie Murphy, mainly bc. I refuse to watch any of the goat shit he’s made the past 10 years. The Academy Awards is to celebrate and honor your fellow peers work, not wallow in your own ego.

    Like John said, its an honor to even be nominated for the award and Eddie should be elated that the academy can overlook his crap projects to recognize a worthy performance.

    His brother is still a funny som bitch though… no knocking Charlie allowed.

    Som bitch - yes, I am from Georgia!

  • 13. Jason replies at 27th February 2007, 2:18 pm :

    It’s rediculous that he let himself become so pissed off by the fact that he didn’t win, that he up and left. I mean seriously, if everyone who lost left after the award they were nominated for was presented, the place would be empty. It’s nice to know Eddie Murphy has the maturity of a 12-year-old. Grow the fuck up and get over it. There’s only one winner and you lost. End of story.

  • 14. chris replies at 27th February 2007, 2:19 pm :

    wow….why is everyone so quick to judge eddie for not staying. the guy didn’t win so he left quietly. its not like the guy made an ass out of himself and told the media he deserved to win, hejust left. give him a break, I agree that it was disrespectful, but come on….saying the guy’s an asshole and deserves to lose, come on, take a chill pill.


  • 15. Cam replies at 27th February 2007, 2:29 pm :

    Guess you aren’t interviewing Eddie when you move to LA?

  • 16. R. Jackson replies at 27th February 2007, 2:29 pm :

    Heh…like when Bill Murray was pouting after he didn’t win for Lost in Translation. I actually found that kind of surprising, but I guess their people build them up and tell them they’re a sure thing until they don’t know how to behave when they don’t get their way. It’s just a case of bad parenting. ;-)

  • 17. alfie replies at 27th February 2007, 2:32 pm :

    Bill murray did the same thing for lost in translation - it was reported as he was leaving he even yelled out to someone “if I had known it wasn’t going my way I never would have fucking come”…I think someone talked him into staying but he tried to leave.

  • 18. nova replies at 27th February 2007, 2:40 pm :

    While I agree that Murphy’s move was kinda tacky, does he really deserve THIS MUCH venom? LOL! I mean, I can see if he started trashing the other nominees or something, but all he did was walk out and probably sulked a little. That’s his perog. Ease up, no need to curse him out. Call him a crybaby and move on…

  • 19. Zer00 replies at 27th February 2007, 2:43 pm :

    Someone didn’t get their tummy rubbed this morning

  • 20. miles replies at 27th February 2007, 2:49 pm :

    he did an interview right before the oscars about how it was an honour just to be nominated and how he wouldn;t write a speech because he would feel stupid if he had one and he lost.

    maybe something else happened? maybe he had a reason for leaving? maybe he just felt really sad?


  • 21. nova replies at 27th February 2007, 2:52 pm :

    Ok, and people are actually calling him “Norbitch” right now!

    (wait, that’s FUNNY! carry on……)

  • 22. will replies at 27th February 2007, 2:52 pm :

    what an ass. hole.

  • 23. Krintina replies at 27th February 2007, 2:58 pm :

    It’s actions like these that give all movie people bad names. What a jerk!

    But maybe he needed to run out to screw another tranny. or maybe another Spice girl needed empregnating then dumping. That Murphay is so busy.

  • 24. darren j seeley replies at 27th February 2007, 3:10 pm :

    Relax, folks. There is a REASONABLE explanation.
    He couldn’t stand Ellen Degeneres, and was informed after Scorcese and Eastwood, he was next…

    Oh…that wasn’t it?

    Thank the stars and God, Murph that you have the donkey in Shrek The Third.

  • 25. Paul Martinez replies at 27th February 2007, 3:30 pm :

    You know what I heard, there was a rumor that actors were also human beings. I know, it’s true, I was shocked. I’d probably want to leave too if I lost my one and only chance to ever get an oscar. I’m sure he’s not the first person to leave after they lost and he won’t be the last, at least he did it off-camera!

  • 26. bret replies at 27th February 2007, 3:38 pm :

    I think its ridiculous he left, but its also ridiculous to crucify him so much. He did it quietly and didn’t throw a PUBLIC fit. I didn’t know there was a rule that you had to stay . I’m sure there are plenty of actors who have been up for awards and left afterwards.

  • 27. Veracious replies at 27th February 2007, 3:50 pm :

    So what if he left?
    Big fuckin’ deal.
    Does he owe you money?

  • 28. Belly Buttons and Assholes replies at 27th February 2007, 3:55 pm :

    he’s not giving actors a bad rap…it the news and opinion blogs that people take as news giving it all the hype…if you all knew about this and his next movie was awesome then you’d forgive and forget…if it’s a flop you call him a washed up loser and you’d wish awful shit on him…

    must be nice to be righteous all the time…lighten up

    Celebrate the winner and give him his due…don’t pay attention to the antics of someone else…

    I don’t know who looks like the bigger baby in this…the guy reporting on this and getting angry about it or all the people piggy backing on that opinion…Ed isn’t a moron for leaving…he is a person that fucking left a ceremony because he didn’t want to be there anymore…I don’t know how things are run in any other country posting here, but us Inbred Bostonian Americans can leave a place if we damn well please

    Almost every day on this site a poster/ commenter throws a bullshit tantrum about something they aren’t happy about and feel pious in their argument (myself included)…when something or someone doesn’t give you a reward you probably say “what the fuck?!” and shit yourselves…

    OR and my personal favorite is when someone will have a better argument presented and the topic closes, only to later be posted “We can all agree that…” No we can’t all agree dick , you’re not right, I’m not right, we all have opinions…some of us present them better than others and some of us just like the view of the world from up our own asses.

    I know I got off topic a bit, but I come to this site for movie news because most times it covers some interesting stuff, but then this stuff gets posted that is full hate and BS…i don’t mind a little spin and calling someone an idiot from time to time, but only when it’s justified and not full rage like this piece reads…I can’t wait till one of you gets an ego and makes money then someone doesn’t give you something and you flip shit because you’re used to getting everything…

    oh shit Ed isnt used to getting oscars or being recognized as being serious…he is a man and he was hurt…he isnt bullet proof like everyone here

  • 29. Belly Buttons and Assholes replies at 27th February 2007, 3:56 pm :

    oh damn it i pulled a “Seeley”…sorry for the novel and sorry to Seeley for calling a long post a “Seeley”

  • 30. jenny from the block replies at 27th February 2007, 3:59 pm :

    i dont know why john has to write a long statement everytime he is annoyed at something.

  • 31. jenny from the block replies at 27th February 2007, 4:07 pm :

    jaysmack i have to agree with you, this is becoming a pattern of john’s to slate black actors. I didnt want to say something but i really starting to worry about this site and the rants that go on about actors couple of weeks ago its was chris tucker then ellen now eddie, before i even read who it was by i knew it was john. respect to the rest of the group (rodney)

    No doubt he will delete these comments

  • 32. bigsampson replies at 27th February 2007, 4:08 pm :

    movie goers are people to… the reason maybe i was pissed to here this is because i have always been a huge E M FAN…BUT LATEY(LAST 10 YEARS) his antics have been kinda lame…so to hear this just kinda bummed me out hear…so eddie if u did have a real reason for leaving im srry i said what i said….just go take a year or 2 off and do stand up….fuck the money be funny again…please

  • 33. bigsampson replies at 27th February 2007, 4:10 pm :

    and about black actors….well the ones john talks about seem to make asses out of them selves if it was any one else he would still call them douches fuck if they r black or white…stupid is stupid..just ask chris tucker(wait he is RICH) maybe it pays off!

  • 34. chris replies at 27th February 2007, 4:13 pm :

    THANK YOU Jenny and Jaysmack. its nothing for to guy to leave and then we get the media and bloggers screaming and calling him an asshole and wash up. get off your high horses and put down the pitchforks and torches and calm the fuck down….please. and jenny i agree with you. shh dont tell gio…lol


  • 35. Marina replies at 27th February 2007, 4:15 pm :

    Wow. How unprofessional. I noticed the look on his face when he lost and it was one of nut just disappointment but kind of angry too.

    I’ve never been a HUGE fan of the guy but I respected him but now, he’s lost even that.

  • 36. Servant of Krom replies at 27th February 2007, 4:15 pm :

    “Jenny” is a moron.

    John blasts Peter Jackson. I guess he hates Aussies
    John blasts Russell Crowe. I guess he hates Whites
    John blasts Rob Schnieder. I guess he hates straight guys.

    Obviously that’s stupid, but John blasts Eddie Murphy for being a asshole and you pull the racist card? You’re an idiot.

  • 37. Larry replies at 27th February 2007, 4:18 pm :

    Eddie Murphy is a social cancer. I’m glad the dude lost, but the funny thing is I liked him in Dreamgirls. Whenever this guy starts to get some credibility in my eyes, not that he cares, he goes and pulls Angels Up His Ass garbage like this.

  • 38. Oliver replies at 27th February 2007, 4:22 pm :

    I hate how gossip spreads, gets blown out of proportion, and mutates into this ugly fantastical creature, WHO FUCKING KNOWS why he left? You shouldn’t condemn him over speculation, maybe his fucking mother is on her death bed, he desperately wanted to stay with her, but she begged him to goto the Oscars in case he won, and as soon as he did (or didn’t as was the case) he planned to come right back.

    I’m not defending the guy, but, jesus christ you are all a bunch of gossiping, bitchy, bitter people.

  • 39. Darth-T replies at 27th February 2007, 4:29 pm :

    Regarding Oliver’s comments,

    The headline over at the Associated Press reads “Murphy Storms Out Of The Oscars”. Take that as you will.

    Murphy is a joke for this. People who helped get him there (Hudson, Knowls, ect.) are still there, still nominated, and the big bitch baby gets up and leaves in a huff because people didn’t kiss his ass. What a jerk.

  • 40. louis replies at 27th February 2007, 4:33 pm :

    i wouldn’t have hang around either.
    what a shit Oscars this year!!

  • 41. Trenton replies at 27th February 2007, 4:35 pm :

    You know, it’s stuff like this that prevents me from going to the movies more. When baseball went on strike, I was so turned off by the greed and selfishness of people who live such privileged lives that I stopped going to games.

    Same with this. Such rich and privileged people like Eddie, who act like social neanderthals sour my attitude about going to see movies.

  • 42. jenny from the block replies at 27th February 2007, 4:46 pm :

    Servant of Krom/john, you are an ignorant pratt. I am not black and so what if i say its looks bad. the reason why some people dont say anything anymore is beacause of idiots like you, who say that they are pulling the race card or that they have a chip on their shoulders! I’m just stating how it sounds.

  • 43. Servant of Krom replies at 27th February 2007, 4:52 pm :

    No Jenny, you are the ignorant Pratt. Pulling a race card is fucking bullshit. It only looks like it if the site never said anything positive about blACK/ASIAN/gay performers. And this site does. But wait, John knocks 2 actors. TWO OF THEM. And you spew that John is showing a pattern? As previously stated, you’re a moron.

  • 44. Sean replies at 27th February 2007, 4:59 pm :

    Question for Jenny: How is Chris Tucker and Eddie Murphy being assholes John’s fault? How is Calling out 2 guys, Tucker and Murphy, a “pattern” as you call it when this site puts up over 200 posts a month priasing and calling out everyone?

    However, I do think this whole thing is being blown out of proportion a little bit. Yes, it was stupid for Murphy to walk out, maybe even ignorant, but it’s not like he beat a nun on his way out and then kicked 10 puppies. Take it easy people.

    Accusing someone of race tipping just because you don’t like their opinon is pathectic though.

  • 45. John Campea replies at 27th February 2007, 5:05 pm :


    Ok guys, disagreement and debate is fantastic… but… the line has to be drawn.

    For the rest of this thread, any post containing name calling on either side of the issue or personal attacks aimed at anyone in this forum will be deleted and banned from the site.

    This forum is for talking, debating and exchanging points of view. Do so with a spirit of respect, or go someplace else.

    And that goes for people attacking me personally, AND people defending me personally. Childish name calling won’t be tolerated in here. Respect everyone’s point of view, and if there is a bigger problem, I’ll deal with it.

    Thanks to the rest of you who are carrying on a passionate and spirited debate with respect for each other. Carry on.


  • 46. Jason replies at 27th February 2007, 5:11 pm :


    Where in the rules does it say he has to stay and do anything! Jesus its an award show not a charity event.

    I’m not gonna attack John in this because he’s entitled to his opinion (of course) but lay off the attacks EVERYONE! I’m not gonna judge Eddie Murphy from what he does in his personal life…I COULD GIVE A SHIT.

    A movie-star walks out of the Oscars…and THIS drives people crazy…
    DEAL with some real issues.

  • 47. Senor Chefy replies at 27th February 2007, 5:13 pm :

    Glory be, this thread is juicy.

    Keep up the bitchin’, everybody!

  • 48. jenny from the block replies at 27th February 2007, 5:13 pm :

    Ok i think this is a time to stop, but i really dont wanna come to this blog (which i really like and visit almost everyday) to become like a tabloid newspaper so can we please stop the rants.


  • 49. townes replies at 27th February 2007, 5:23 pm :

    overhasty “news”

    we nearly got no facts.
    we didn’t heared Murphy’s comment on this.
    -> very poor to judge in this situation!

    even though i don’t think that john meant it as serious as the most posters wants him to. overhasty “news”

    we nearly got no facts.
    we didn’t heared Murphy’s comment on this.
    -> very poor to judge in this situation!

    even though i don’t think that john meant it as serious as the most posters wants him to. < bad english?`:)

  • 50. Senor Chefy replies at 27th February 2007, 5:38 pm :

    “”< bad english?`:)”


    Damn that Babelfish translator.

  • 51. skaught replies at 27th February 2007, 5:46 pm :

    maybe he was hating the oscars/ellen/montages/the music as much as you were, john.

  • 52. Matt replies at 27th February 2007, 6:48 pm :

    This probably isn’t true. The originating source of the story IS Fox news. It’s probably made up. ;)

  • 53. Davey replies at 27th February 2007, 6:49 pm :

    Big fucking deal.

  • 54. Prophecy replies at 27th February 2007, 6:50 pm :

    Eddie walking out is nothing. I’m surprised he didn’t rush the stage, kick Ellen in the cooter and grab the mic.

    EDDIE: Fuck the Academy! This is motherfucking bullshit. No no…wait. This is cockshit. Yeah that’s right cockshit. I finally do a serious role. One without a fat suit and this is what happens. Motherfuckers are gonna die for this one…won’t be a tranny hooker left alive in LA after tonight!

    Storms off stage. Comes back out.

    EDDIE (to his date): Get your slutty goonie goo goo ass over here bitch before I fuck you right up.

    Storms off stage with date.

  • 55. wolf replies at 27th February 2007, 7:21 pm :

    We all know why Murphy really left the Oscars….Ellen…He couldn’t take it anymore. He used the loss as a perfect excuse to leave.

  • 56. Darryl replies at 27th February 2007, 7:23 pm :

    You know what, I’m really happy for this post. So many movie sites try to kiss the celebrities asses, even when they act like children.

    What Murphy did was just lame, and I’m glad we don’t just give him a pass because he’s rich and famous. Call a spade a spade. Murphy acted like a jerk, and he should be called on it.

  • 57. Tommy-Boy replies at 27th February 2007, 7:26 pm :

    Well all know why Eddie left. He had another transy hooker appointment.

  • 58. Kristina replies at 27th February 2007, 7:27 pm :

    At least we still have *in a Rick James voice* CHARLIE MURPHY!!!!!!!

  • 59. DarPaw replies at 27th February 2007, 7:31 pm :

    People need to stop taking the Oscars seriously. It’s just a joke and an excuse for major studios to slap “Oscar Nominated” or strangely to a lesser degree,”Oscar Winner” on their home movie covers hoping the yokels will pick their product up if it has the little dickless man on it.

  • 60. medavidson replies at 27th February 2007, 7:32 pm :

    Oh my. I have an authority who tells me that Mr. Murphy had to leave to attend to his sick children.

  • 61. Kristina replies at 27th February 2007, 7:34 pm :

    You mean the ones he actually claims?

  • 62. HitokiriX replies at 27th February 2007, 8:17 pm :

    Totally unprofessional I’m really disappointed. Did anyone see the Tobey & Dunst thing? I thought the glare was hilarious.

  • 63. Kristina replies at 27th February 2007, 8:32 pm :

    I saw that online. He HATES her.

  • 64. HitokiriX replies at 27th February 2007, 8:40 pm :

    @ Kristina, yeah it was a very subtle look, and all of 2-3 seconds, but it spoke volumes, i couldn’t help but chuckle at it.

  • 65. Kristina replies at 27th February 2007, 9:54 pm :

    The crazy thing is, most co-stars at least pretend to get along. Christ, he looked at her like she just ate his child or something.

  • 66. HitokiriX replies at 27th February 2007, 10:00 pm :

    Well, she did push him out of the way and finish the sentence, but at least we all finally know why Tobey doesn’t want to do a Spidey 4

  • 67. matt replies at 28th February 2007, 12:52 am :


    I almost spit my beer out. :)

  • 68. Jarred replies at 28th February 2007, 1:14 am :

    Jeezusss, the way some of you people are reacting you’d think John said “Kill Eddie Murphy, never let him work in Hollywood again and rape him on TV for the world to see his humiliation”.

    Goddammit people. Eddie acted like a little bitch, and all this article did was call him on it. At leat that’s the way it looks to me.

  • 69. DarkPaw replies at 28th February 2007, 1:22 am :

    had it been a white star who split,nobody would’ve batted an eyelid. anyway who would wanna see lameass beyonce a bad supremes impersonation anyhow. not i.

  • 70. chris replies at 28th February 2007, 1:27 am :

    oh come on darkpaw please dont use the race card….please im tired of every damn post on this site turn into some huge racial debate cuz somebody pulled that card.


  • 71. DarrenJSeeley replies at 28th February 2007, 8:21 am :

    Do I really have that rep, Bellybuttons? I been keeping rather short in the last few months…anyway, I found out the real reason why Murphy left.

    He was so moved by the song and subliminal messages from the Inconvienant Truth song, that he felt compelled to recycle pop cans.

  • 72. medavids replies at 28th February 2007, 10:04 am :

    My point (every once in a while, I do actually have one) is that nobody knows why he left. Speculate? Sure. I can speculate till the Campea’s come home. Know and condemn? Nah. Glass houses.

  • 73. Prophecy replies at 28th February 2007, 12:15 pm :

    @ Matt

    I’m here to entertain.

  • 74. kerb replies at 1st March 2007, 4:41 am :

    Who cares, if he stayed or not.

  • 75. I Morris replies at 1st March 2007, 12:26 pm :

    Okay he walked off and MAYBE he was pissed. So move on, let it go. None of them is putting any money in our pockets! By the way, I will still by his movies, etc… DG WAS GREAT, OSCAR MATERIAL FOR SURE.

  • 76. #007# replies at 1st March 2007, 12:49 pm :

    Eddie Firken Metamorphis Murphball. IDIOTIC..MORONIC…WHINY SUN-OV-BITCH!

  • 77. lali replies at 2nd March 2007, 6:16 pm :

    There is no way that Alan Arkin deserved an Oscar this year! I was shocked that he was even nominated! If I were Eddie, I’d be pissed too.

  • 78. SouthernNYCgal replies at 3rd March 2007, 3:49 pm :


    Why are you people so wrapped up in the lives of movie stars anyways? The Oscars are a big PR stunt..who cares what people are wearing, saying and doing? Get a life…I’m glad Murphy kept it real. Most of the rest of the losers keep smiling while they cry and want to kill their opponent on the inside. That’s gracious? That’s hypocrisy. Way to go Murphy for not lying to others and yourself and getting the hell outta there.

  • 79. TiffL replies at 4th March 2007, 10:44 am :

    Eddie Murphy thought he got hosed because Alan Arkin won? Arkin was awesome in that film and has forgotten more about acting than Murphy will ever know.

  • 80. SHYA replies at 10th March 2007, 12:55 am :


  • 81. SHYA replies at 10th March 2007, 12:59 am :


  • 82. Oli replies at 1st May 2007, 1:36 pm :

    I saw Dream Girls before the Oscars and also before seeing little Miss Sunshine; when the Mr. Arkin won the best supporting actor - I thought that he was a lot better than Eddie Murphy (since E.M. did not win).
    But a few moments ago, I saw Little Miss Sunshine for the first time and I ask myself, how the hell did Mr. Arkin win???
    His character died off a 1/3 through the move and his time in actual footage is so considerable less than E.M. I would be angry also. Signing
    and acting on a high level, you cannot beat that. E.M. should had won the Oscars for best supporting actor. Anyone that thinks an actor that spends half of the time on screen should win - they are foolish.

  • 83. Jacob replies at 11th May 2007, 8:48 pm :

    Eddie Is The Shit Fuck You White Folks

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