Cage wants to lead Fly Remake

I am glad this news was reported online from a website dedicated to Horror. Nicolas Cage wants to be the lead in a remake of the FLY. That’s not the scary part.Horror Movies says:

David Cronenberg is currently working on an opera version of Fly and he is not taking part with the remake. But he is being told what is going on with it and Cronenberg has just spilled the beans about him hearing of a certain bee hating, bear suit wearing, woman punching thespian who wants to be in it.

Yes folks, Nicholas Cage wants to be in the remake and no doubt he wants the lead.

So they are remaking the Fly. Big deal. Remakes are all the rage right now. And so Cage wants the role? Not a shocker. He is a good actor. Despite what people think of him, I do expect him to do a good job.

But its an OPERA. What? So who comes up with these ideas? Opera?

Will Cage sing? CAN Cage sing??

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