This entry was posted on Tuesday, February 27th, 2007 at 9:44 am.
Categories: Funny | By John Campea

This was just gold

18 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. I wont mess with Mark Wahlberg… he’s pretty badass.

  2. prop replicas sideshow collectibles

    that was funny, it makes me wish i saw this on the oscars. that was a great skit!

  3. Daniel O.

    it was the only funny skit, other than the skit involving snakes on a plane.

  4. FredoTeabaggins

    So, Gio, it sounds like you’d rather have the MTV Movie Awards format for the Oscars?

  5. Jagmir

    Had the Oscars ended at that point, it would have been tolerable to see Al Gore’s 50 lb. grill smirk and act like the pompous ass that he is.

  6. matt

    Hellen Mirren and an Oscar will be coming home with me.

  7. Conibear Trapp

    That is hilarious. I never watch the Oscars as I view it as a waste of time. But I would’ve hated to miss that.

  8. Kristina

    I honestly cringed during this. I always cinge when comedians come out and jump about like monkeys during the Oscars. It irritates the hell outta me, especially the year Ben Stiller came out in a green skintight suit to present visual effects. Gimme a fucking break.

  9. bigsampson

    thus why eddie murphy is not funny……cause he doesnt do funny shit like this anymore…….lol eddie u messed up…..please come back to the funny side! now…eddie

  10. alfie

    I am with jagmir…fuck gore..what an idiot going around and trying to help the planet not die…

  11. chris

    “comedians jumping about like monkeys”…who put sand in your vagina?(sorry lol) that scene was GOLD. putting comedians in the oscars is cleaver, there is no other reason for them to be their. i’d rather see a funny skit than crappy forced dialogue on the podium.


  12. Kristina

    My vag is NOT sandy!!! :)

    No, I just don’t find this funny. Comedians are funny when they fly off the cuff, not when they sing some rehearsed unfunny shit. Crappy forcd dialogue DOES suck, but crappy forced SUNG dialogue is even worse.

  13. Kristina

    And the best moment of the night BY FAR was Marty winning. BY FAR!

  14. chris

    true kristina, true sucky songs do indeed….suck. but this wasn’t forced, it fits with their personalities…sorry about the sandy vag joke….kinda high.


  15. Jason

    Absolutely one hundred percent AWESOME. (and true)

  16. FredoTeabaggins

    Yeah, Marty winning would have been great had “The Departed” been the best directed and best film of the year. Sadly, it wasn’t and sadly the Oscars are now regulated - at least for the four major categories - as unspoken conduits for lifetime achievement awards.

  17. shane razey

    Very funny. And to hear Kristna’s “Got Sand” also made me giggle a bit.

    Of coarse with sand in my wiener gives me a little leway.

  18. mariccjgf

    Hi, this site is very nice…

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