This entry was posted on Monday, February 26th, 2007 at 11:52 am.
Categories: News Chat | By John Campea

This is grand news indeed! After teasing us with the best idea to happen in the Star Trek franchise in the last decade, J.J. Abrams has finally made it official.

Yahoo News says:

After months of speculation, “Mission: Impossible III” director J.J. Abrams has signed on to shoot the next installment of the “Star Trek” feature franchise, sources said late Friday.

“Star Trek XI” revolves around a young James T. Kirk and Mr. Spock, chronicling their first meeting at Starfleet Academy and their first space mission. The previous film in the series, the 2002 box office bomb, “Star Trek: Nemesis,” was directed by Stuart Baird, and starred Patrick Stewart.

Now I am ALL FOR this idea of a franchise flashback. Now if the rest of the rumours are true, then this will be a reboot of the series, abandoning all that we know and love about Star Trek, keeping the magic and wonder that made the series fun, and starting over for a new generation.

Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner we already in talks to be involved and it sounded like it wouldn’t just be a cameo, and I would love to see an aged Spock and Kirk make a desperate jump back in time to change a moment in history and have it all changed from that moment forward. They already came back to save the whales, but didnt alter history. Its time for something in Star Trek to not work out as planned. They can make a mistake, and that would clear the slate to start over, with no history, no future to adhere to, and no Tribbles.

Its already worked wonders for Battlestar Galactica. Could this mean a revitalization of the Trek franchise?

I hope so!

16 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. DarrenJSeeley

    “They already came back to save the whales, but didnt alter history”
    Not exactly right; the history altered was the whales lived.

    Besides, should we look up that “Voyager” two-parter which *did* change Starfleet history…and no one really noticed?

    I for one think the series should NOT reboot (an all too common term -and cop out-nowadays) but rather continue on, possibly with a crew not unlike the “New Frontier” novels. In other words, new crew, new ship…but just keep the timeline.

  2. tedward

    The idea of a film about a young Kirk & Spock, though an interesting idea, is already starting off on the wrong foot for this film.
    How can this be considered a reboot of the series if they’re all they’re doing is “going back to the well” and putting some kind of spin on it.
    You want a reboot? Then make all the main characters completely new, with perhaps a few “known” characters in the periphery (cameos, or just name-dropping…).
    Who knows, it may turn out to be a great movie (although J.J. is greatly overated, just look at MI:3), but I’m not optimistic.

  3. ISO100

    New main characters? Same timeline? Cameos and name dropping of established charaters? I dunno about you, but this sounds like every spinoff series that’s hit the airwaves since The Next Generation. I think the point of all this is that most fans are tired of the same-old same-old and that’s all you’ve suggested so far.

    I know a “re-boot” sounds like a cheap cop-out, but at least it isn’t repeating every other attempt to breathe life back into a franchise that’s already been running on for far too long. I for one would welcome something drastically different from Trek.

  4. Kevin C

    Im mildly interested if they go back and start from the beginning, reboot, do0over, whatever. As long as its not a continuation of the next generation movies, or any of the others for that matter.

  5. Ides_of_March

    Doing the “going back in time” thing has been done to death. It’s time for a fresh perspective; how about a Star Trek movie from a Klingon point of view? Or any of the other alien races. How about instead of focusing on Star Fleet, the focus is on a platoon of Star Fleet grunts specializing in military combat and tactics? Much like in the vain of “Starship Troopers”, but with out the bugs.

  6. Christopher Taylor

    I love the idea of jumping back in time and messing up the future. That gives a perfect reason for a total reboot of the series, fits in well with science fiction, and can clean up a lot of continuity and logical problems with the entire series (like Picard claiming the federation doesn’t have money and isn’t motivated by the acquisition of wealth, when that clearly isn’t true in many other episodes).

    That’s the best idea for a Star Trek movie I’ve seen yet.

  7. Kneon Transitt

    It’s going to take more than this to get me interested in Star Trek again. The show/movie series has pretty much been on life-support since Gene Roddenberry’s death.

    Everything has that “been there, done that” feel.

    What it really needs is to BOLDLY GO and EXPLORE STRANGE, NEW WORLDS.

    What it’s been doing is retreading all-too-familiar territory.

    Using Spock and Kirk again… sounds like more of the same to me. Sounds like just another time travel episode of TNG, honestly.

  8. shane razey

    My lil’ o’ thought on Rodney’s idea/concept for the “Reboot”:


    Rod, please get hired on as script supervisor.

  9. Mr Stay Puft

    I’d rather see another Serenity/Firefly movie.

  10. Jay

    They didnt really alter history.
    They went back and grabbed 2 whales. The species was still extinct when they got back to the future. They just had the 2 they brought back with them.

    Geek correction aside,
    I’ll see it either way because I am a Star Trek fan (not Trekkie, just a casual fan. Not thet there’s anything wrong with being a Trekkie), but I would prefer the reboot idea over the just plain ol’ prequel idea. I want them to be able to go in new directions and not be beholden to an already established continuity. It takes away any dramatic elements of tension and suspense if you know the way the story ultimately unfolds. Sure, it’s kinda neat seeing how they got there (ala Star Wars prequels) but I would like to see them be able to branch out into new and uncharted territory.
    Like I said, I’ll go see it either way but I would prefer an idea like Rodney suggested that takes away the possibility of following the same timeline. Something that forces them to go in a completely different direction.

  11. James

    I had always kind of hoped that they would have done a Voyager movie. Tell me who wouldn’t want to see Seven of Nine on the big screen?!

  12. Jay

    Ign is claiming that the three actors closest to nabbing the roles are -

    Matt Damon - Kirk - They say he’s closer to signing than you might think.
    Adrian Brody - Spock
    Gary Sinese - Bones

    IGN says they are all in the negociations stage.

  13. Kaneda979

    “My lil’ o’ thought on Rodney’s idea/concept for the “Reboot”:


    Rod, please get hired on as script supervisor.”

    Agreed. :) He does have an awsome concept there. I would love to see this on the big screen. I would hope that whatever it is they change would effect the technology development some aswell. And in turn that new technology giving the series a little more of a cool factor and complexity to the story line.

    I’ve never been that big of a StarTrek fan, but I love the Next Generation series. And some of the older movies I thought were great. I welcome a new movie that gives a new start to the series that resparks people’s intrest in the franchise, as well as my own. As long as it lives up to Gene Roddenberry’s basic idea of StarTrek and makes the series fun and exciting again by today’s movie standards, I’m all for it and can’t wait. :)

    As for J.J. Abrams, I think he’ll do a good job. He’s no Bryan Singer, which is who I wish was going to do it, but I’m more glad Singer is doing another new Superman insted. I still think Abrams is a good 2nd choice though.

  14. Jay, allow me to point you to John’s take on the whole Matt Damon as Kirk theory. (use the search feature to the left, “Damon Star Trek”)

    Matt made a non committal statement neither admitting or denying it. That doesn’t mean he is “closer than you think”. It means he is an actor.

    Just like Abrams, we wont know for sure until pen hits paper, but unlike Abrams Damon hasn’t been saying he is on board and moving forward.

  15. Jay

    I’m just telling you guys what IGN put on their site yesterday. They say they have inside sources that say Matt Damon is in the mix.
    - “Confirming rumors that have been making the rounds for some months now, IGN has learned that Oscar winner Matt Damon is indeed in talks with Paramount about playing the role of Jim Kirk” -
    and they go on to add -
    “Those are the three actors that our studio insider advised us were the closest to being cast, with Damon’s talks said to be further along than the rest” -
    Are you trying to tell me that actors are never non-committal about things that they ARE in talks for? And like this site never perpetuates rumours. Not to mention that I wasnt basing this on anything Damon said. This came from “studio sources” at Paramount, so Damon’s statement has no bearing on what I said or why I said it.

    I dont base what I think on what John says.
    Sorry to disappoint you, but he is not my main source of information.
    And, I never said it was a done deal. If you’ll notice, the first line in my post was “IGN is CLAIMING” and that they were the “closest” to being cast. What about any of those statements suggests confirmation?
    Relax Rodney,
    I am in no need of being pointed to “John’s take”. I have my own “take” or opinion and I’m very happy with it, thank you very much.

  16. shane razey

    What if the Enterprise, let’s say, ah, “Transforms” if you will,
    into a large f-ing “Robot”. That would be sweet.
    Well all kidding aside, no matter what end result each film does,
    I will for 2 hours be a little 10 year old kid again, with no worries
    about bills, or politics, or my crappy job. That, my fellow movie
    friends, is why I pay $10 for a film. For a good time, and peace of mind.

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