This entry was posted on Thursday, February 8th, 2007 at 2:03 pm.
Categories: Top Lists | By John Campea

We’ve all seen it before. Some big name, and usually talented actor who for some reason that totally baffles us, appears in a stupid stinker of a movie which leaves us wondering “why on earth would they agree to be in THAT movie???”. Happens all the time, too often actually.

Well, the folks over at Entertainment Weekly just put up their list of what they call “When stars see dollar signs — The 25 most shameless paycheck-grabbing roles in history”. It actually a pretty fun read. I don’t agree with everything on the list, but for the most part it’s right on the money (get it? HAHA… oh shut up). So here is their list with my own little commentary:

25. Sean Connery in Never Say Never Again - Oh ouch. One of his worst

24. Jason Alexander in Dunston Checks In - To be fair, everything he’s done post Sienfeld has been a sad money grab

23. Bill Murray in Garfield - I still don’t understand what on earth he was thinking

22. Marlon Brando in Superman - What?!?!?! I loved that he was in this

21. Matt Dillon in Herbie: Fully Loaded - I thought we all agreed to just pretend this movie doesn’t exist

20. Cuba Gooding Jr. in Chill Factor - SHOW ME THE MONEY. Man, after the Oscar I thought this guy was going to take off

19. Elizabeth Taylor in The Flintstones - HAHA… yeah

18. Ben Affleck in Paycheck - I’m in the minority here. I actually thought Paycheck was ok

17. Buster Keaton in Beach Blanket Bingo - Never saw it

16. Jeremy Irons and John Malkovich in Eragon - It pains me so much to agree

15. Christopher Walken in Kangaroo Jack - Yeah, what’s up with Walken? He’s a genius, but had been appearing in more and more shit that’s totally beneith him

14. Richard Pryor in Superman III - Don’t even get me started

13. Faye Dunaway in Supergirl - How about ANYONE in Supergirl

12. William Hurt in Lost in Space - To be honest, the guys career was sort of stagnant at that time… he needed the work

11. Laurence Olivier in Clash of the Titans - Blasphemy!!!! This movie still rocks!

10. Demi Moore in Striptease - Boobies, even nice ones, do not a good movie make

9. Michael Caine in Jaws: The Revenge - This one is a great trivia question

8. Judi Dench in The Chronicles of Riddick - What a garbage film

7. Orson Welles in Transformers: The Movie - Again i say BLASPHEMY!!!!

6. Peter O’Toole in Club Paradise - Even the best have bad days

5. Dennis Hopper in Super Mario Bros. - No comment

4. Tony Curtis in The Bad News Bears Go to Japan - Never saw it

3. Sir Ben Kingsley in BloodRayne - Best actor making the worst decisions in Movies today

2. Richard Burton in Exorcist II: The Heretic - yikes

1. Robert De Niro in The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle - Let’s be honest, in the last 10 years De Niro has made almost ALL rotten movies, but yeah, this was his worst performance in anything.

There are a couple I would like to add to that list personally:

Harrison Ford - Anything he’s done since Air Force One

Anthony Hopkins - Instinct

Guy Pierce - Time Machine

Al Pachino - Simone

Ewan McGregor - Eye of he Beholder

Robert Redford - The Last Castle

Morgan Freeman - Edison

Cate Blanchett - The Missing

Who would YOU add to that list?

48 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. nautica

    i’d like to add - jackie chan in the tuxedo. what’s the point of putting jackie in an action movie and use all cg effects?

  2. Norddeth

    I totally agree with you on Paycheck, I kinda liked that flick. I have to disagree on Chronicles of Riddick, Im a SciFi geek and thought it was pretty sweet.

    Those last ones you added seemed to be more Indie’ish films, I would count those as more of “favors” being called in as opposed to the small paychecks they must have received.

    And Im disappointed you didn’t point out the pun in Affleck doing Paycheck for the Paycheck!!!


  3. Kevin C

    I thought Instinct was an AWESOME flick! Is that a guilty pleasure I am unaware of?

  4. Marina

    Ohhhh, this (Morgan Freeman - Edison) is a good one. What WAS he thinking?

  5. Matt

    Hey John,

    I saw this list when it was in their mag about a month ago. I was thinking of telling you about it then, so glad to see you’ve found it. Like you said, it was a good ready but I disagreed with a lot of it.

    23. Bill Murray in Garfield - Couldn’t disagree more with this one. As kid watching this cartoon after school, I always thought it was Bill Murray doing Garfield. When someone is perfect for a role, they should be excluded from critism no matter how Non-Roth a movie is.

    22. Marlon Brando in Superman - Exclusion 2: It was just to fun to see him in this role/movie. Exclusion 3: Sometimes the studio is to blame for not giving up and driving a dumptruck full of money up to someone’s house.

    21. Matt Dillon in Herbie: Fully Loaded - I didn’t agree with this one because I just can’t believe that any role Matt Dillion has been offered could be for that much money.

    15. Christopher Walken in Kangaroo Jack - This was a money grab but…Exclusion 4: When you’re Christopher Walken or Steve Buscemi. Part of there gig is to find these mini roles and cameos, most of them turn out great but they all can’t.

    14. Richard Pryor in Superman III - Richard Pryon is good to see in almost anything but I’ll give this one to you.

    13. Faye Dunaway in Supergirl - How about any _____ girl!

    12. William Hurt in Lost in Space - Agree with you, he needed work.

    10. Demi Moore in Striptease - Exclusion 5: When it’s to show breasts.

    7. Orson Welles in Transformers: The Movie - Exclusion 6: When the money grab has anything to do with the Transformers.

    5. Dennis Hopper in Super Mario Bros. - No comment. Dennis Hopper, Bob Hoskins, and Super Mario Bros are all great on their own, what happened?

    1. Robert De Niro in The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle - This is a money grab but I’ve always just pretended that he loved this cartoon all those years ago and couldn’t pass this role up for that reason.

  6. Andrew Edmark

    I actually liked Pacino in Simone. Am I the only one!?

  7. Glasseyerod

    I did not see Eragon, but did it not have the potential to be great. Is it the fault of Jeremy Irons or John Malkovich that it did not reach its potential.

    Which could be the case in a few of the movies listed. How many times have we been duped by a great movie premise just to wish we had not wasted 2 hours of our lives.

    I may even forgive Bill Murray for voicing Garfield if it had an unhealthy obsession with the mediocre comic strip, or if his kids were big fans of the cat.

    I say put anyone associated with Star Wars Episodes 1, 2, or 3, especially if they were getting a cut of box office, in this list. The second George came to any of them, they were seeing dollar signs and new this thing was going to be a cash cow no matter how bad it was.

  8. rafael

    I watched Ben Kingsley in a movie over the weekend - A sound of thunder. Holy Frijoles what a stinker. Did Ben owe someone some money or a “favor ” somewhere? Come on studio heads. This guy was Ghandi and was in Schindler’s list. He is a great actor, but please stop putting him these crappy movies!

  9. frankwolftown

    Morgan Freeman in Batman Begins.
    Or the one where he’s doing all that narrating.

  10. Genger

    I thought Instinct was brutal - solely because some parts of the film’s script was VEERRRYY loosely based on an absolutely thought provoking and brilliant book (Ishmael by Daniel Quinn).

  11. Jon

    AMEN Nautica. Yes Andrew you are the only one who thought Pacino was good in Simone. I have one more for you, Matt Damon in Stuck On Me. Shit for that matter, Greg Kinnear Stuck On Me. Both stellar actors in one god awful film.

  12. Josh

    Actually, I saw the mag that had this and Marlon Brando in Superman is listed only because of huge paycheck he got for so few workdays. Just out of curiosity, did anyone see the Brando scenes that the added back to Superman 2? One of them is actually kinda chilling!

    I wouldnt say DeNiro in Rocky and Bullwinkle would be the biggest paycheck film..What about Alec Baldwin in Thomas the Train? Or Schwarzenneger in Jingle All the Way?

  13. Calviin

    I’ve only seen 12 of those movies listed.

    I can’t figure if that is good or not…

    25. Sean Connery in Never Say Never Again - I forget it.
    22. Marlon Brando in Superman - I think they use this because of the related monetary controversy.
    19. Elizabeth Taylor in The Flintstones - Another movie brought to you by the, “We’ll trade your money for ripped-off Nostalgia” Foundation.
    14. Richard Pryor in Superman III - Superman movies get to be here twice…
    13. Faye Dunaway in Supergirl - Along with Supergirl.
    12. William Hurt in Lost in Space - See the Foundation mentioned in 19.
    11. Laurence Olivier in Clash of the Titans - I agree with John, Blasphemy!
    10. Demi Moore in Striptease - I don’t remember much about it.
    9. Michael Caine in Jaws: The Revenge - Best trivia from IMDB: When Michael Caine was asked about this movie in an interview, he answered, “I have never seen it, but by all accounts it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific.”
    8. Judi Dench in The Chronicles of Riddick - I prefer Pitch Black.
    7. Orson Welles in Transformers: The Movie - I never settled up with this movie and what it did to my favorite characters.
    5. Dennis Hopper in Super Mario Bros. - DON’T even get me STARTED.

  14. Marla Singer

    Halle Barry -Catwoman
    Sharron Stone - Basic Instinct 2
    keira knightley - Domino
    jude law - alfie

    gotta go back to work now

  15. Kristina

    Basically all the great actors from 20 years ago are now reduced to whoring themselves out in shit movies, save for Streep and Nicholson. It’s sad, truth be told. Walken and DeNiro are the chief offenders.

  16. Koko

    How do you spell Pacino??? Come on John, please tell me that when you wrote Pachino, you hit a wrong button on the keyboard mate.

    Also, where the hell is Sean Connery in Robin Hood: Price of Thieves??

  17. schreibvieh

    Nicolas Cage - Windtalkers. But I fear he didnt do it for the money….

  18. JOE

    Martin Lawrence in Big Mamas House 2

  19. alfie

    people act like like garfield was something new for murray…like it was weird to see him in a stinker..he has made tons of stinkers…..

    that fucking elephant film larger than life for one…it is actually worse than garfield and so was that stupid pills fighting the flu or whatever the fuck it was..osmisis jones??

    the man who knew too little is generallyt considered to be another one of his turkeys (although i think it is one of his best….absolutely love it)

    I don’t know why garfield gets pointed out as being a blight on his career .. he has done loads of paycheck films….at least in garfield he didn’t have to show up and show his face!

  20. CW1985

    Arnold as Mr. Freeze? Is this just too incredibly obvious to mention?
    Sharon Stone in Catwoman
    Hillary Swank in the Core

  21. B.I.T.H.

    Meh I like The Chronicles of Riddick and Paycheck, both are good popcorn sci-fi IMO

  22. Jay

    Sean Connery in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

  23. Vince

    Just as long as you all aren’t too harsh on these actors/actresses its cool. Remember that acting is their profession and they got bills to pay. Either that or maybe its to work with people that they like or have worked with in the past.

    As for the people talking about great actors not on top of their game, You guys should know that Hollywood has always celebrated youth and the older actors get, the more difficult it is to even find a great role for them out there.

    I’d actually like to of seen a top 25 list of your own John in response to EW’s list. We’ve seen you go out of your way to make top 10 best/worst movies. I for one, would respect your opinions and not a magazine publication that loved Epic Movie.

  24. Mr Stay Puft

    Affleck better grab the money while everyone still thinks he has talent and box office appeal. Paycheck was terrible because Affleck is terrible. In everything he has ever been in! I just can’t figure out why he still gets work. I’ve never liked a movie that he’s been in with the exception of “Shakespeare in Love” and he wasn’t good in it. His name means stay away.

  25. shane razey

    Andrew -
    I like Al p. in S1mone also. I thought I was alone in thinking this.

  26. Doug F.

    Chris Tucker- Rush hour 3. Nuff’said

  27. Gavin Bollard

    I’d agree with most of the list, though Paycheck, Riddick, Superman especially don’t deserve to be here - after all, this is about actors appearing in films which are “beneath them” just for the money.

    Also - on Paycheck, it’s one of the best things Ben Affleck has done since he flushed his career.

    How about…
    Sean Connery in Highlander II (He was supposed to be dead already!!!)
    Kurt Russell in Escape from LA
    Steve Martin in the Pink Panther
    Mark “Remake” Wahlberg in Planet of the Apes

  28. DarkKinger

    How dare they mock Superman: The Movie and Transforers! I’m a bit surprised they didn’t add Christopher Revee in Superman IV; those bastards tried to kill Superman!

  29. Mr Stay Puft

    Good catch Gavin - Connery in Highlander II should have been number one since it is the single worst film ever made.

  30. darren j seeley

    “Sean Connery in Robin Hood: Price of Thieves??”
    Counted as a cameo.

    Connery in “Highlander 2″? Oh, yes. Chris Lambert, too.

  31. ghost rider sideshow collectibles

    dennis hopper in waterworld

    and since the “breaking news”
    nicholas cage and peter fonda in ghost rider

  32. alfie

    this isn’t a list of worst roles or films is the most shameless money grabs..people doing films purely for money and nothing else.

    brando didn’t learn his lines and didn’t give a shit about the film and he got millions and millions for his 7 -8 minutes of screentime.he also aksed if he could play the chartacter as a handbag or soemthing bizarre like that. it was purely a role he did for the cash.

    so to say anything harrison ford has done since air force one is a shameless money grab is wrong. he has made terrible choices but what lies beneath, the widowmaker are not shameless money grabs..they are just bad films….they are not rocky and bullwinkle embarrassingly bad and i don’t thinkl he did either of them for the money only…air force one is fucking terrible as it is……hollywood homicide would count

  33. alfie

    thats why orson welles in transformers is a shameless money grab. do you think he did that for anything other than the money?? of course was a decision placed purely on money…..even if he had lived to see it i don’t think he would have even watched the thing…

  34. Alex

    I agree that Sean Connery in Highlander 2 should be in there. He, like Michael Caine, admitted he did it to pay for a house.

  35. todd whitman

    Dennis Hopper in “Meet the Deedles”

  36. Gordon Shumway

    Roger Moore in Spiceworld? That was a shocker. Have to agree there on Richard Pryor, although he admitted he did it for the money in his biography and said he hates the film so I dont mind. Freebasing is expensive after all.

  37. Ross

    Robert De Niro - Hide & Seek (The best actor of all time acting in this tripe)

    Nicolas Cage - The Wicker Man (It pained me to see my second favourite actor in one of THE worst films ever made)

    Kevin Costner - The Guardian (A professional in an amateurs role)

    Charlize Theron - Aeon Flux (A two time award-winning actress taking THIS role?!)

    Chow-Yun Fat - Bulletproof Monk (A pretty fun movie but the acting was awful. Shame on him…)

    Robin Williams - The Night Listener (Tried to follow his path of serious film ie. One Hour Photo, Insomnia, but this was very dissapointing)

  38. Ted Kord Lives

    How about Kevin Spacey in Surman Returns

  39. Kurt

    Halle Berry’s breasts in SWORDFISH, I believe they made $50,000 or something.

  40. K

    I dunno… I didn’t think Jason Alexander’s role in Shallow Hall was a “money grab.”

  41. I-luv-pie

    Samuel L jackson in Deep Blue Sea >> BLASPHEMY

  42. Stephanie

    You guys clearly aren’t parents of a train-loving preschooler or you would know the hands- down winner- Peter Fonda in Thomas and The Magic Railroad. Alec Baldwin was that turkey too, but he managed to put across his lines with some professionalism, while Fonda just sat there, watching the clock.

  43. S. A.

    Ben Affleck needs to be shot in both knee caps for the tremendous amount of crap he has suffered upon movie goers.

  44. The Beast

    What about Samuel L. Jackson in Star Wars?

  45. Ash1138

    Samuel L Jackson would have done the Star Wars films for free. He practically begged George Lucas to be in those films. His role in those films are the exact opposite of a money grab.

    I have to agree that Arnold as Mr. Freeze has to be up there among the top money grabs of all time.

    And I agree with John. Mentioning the Transformers: The Movie is blasphemy and shows just how mindlessly mainstream Entertainment Weekly is as well as just how much they don’t get “it.” Transformers: The Movie is such an under rated film. Granted it’s dated and a bit childish but the film has integrity. The filmmakers really stuck true with the license and the filmmakers really tried to make the best film they could, and I still bet it’s better than whatever Michael Bay hacks out.

  46. Andreas Frid

    You are so true in every choice you make. What an awful movie bullwinkle was. But man! I do like “The Last Castle” Redford was great in that movie. But you had it outside the actual list to it is all right.

  47. FilmNerdJamie

    I agree with Brando being included on the list. In fact, he should have been #1 in my opinion! For the record, Brando was great as Jor-El and SUPERMAN is a excellent film. The reason I’d rank it (and why I think EW did as well) is b/c Brando had signed on to SUPERMAN as far back as when Guy Hamiliton was supposed to direct (i.e. back when it was going to be a God-awful camp-fest!)

    Brando did SUPERMAN & SUPERMAN II 100% for the money (who can blame the guy?!?) The fact that it turned out to be a great film was b/c Richard Donner replaced Hamiliton and brought Tom Mankiewicz to write the script(s).

  48. Dragonslayer

    Hey, Jeremy Irons was briliant in Eragon!

    And I’d like to add one: Brian Cox in Troy. While I like the movie, the worst actor awards go to Orlando Bloom, Diane Kruger, and sadly, Brian Cox, which is a downright shame.

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