This entry was posted on Tuesday, January 30th, 2007 at 7:49 am.
Categories: News Chat.

It’s going to be a bit of a slow news day since I’ll be traveling most of it (I’m heading to LA today). But something came up yesterday that kind of surprised me. In my post about the stupidity of Harold and Kumar, a couple of people actually suggested it was a better movie than Wedding Crashers. So, I thought why not open it up to discussion…. so what do you think? Which is funnier: Wedding Crashers, or Harold and Kumar?

30 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Larry

    Harold and Kumar may have been equally as funny as Wedding Crashers, but Wedding Crashers was a much better movie. I liked H&K when I saw it (Neil Patrick Harris cameo was hilarious), but I haven’t had the desire to watch it again since. But, I must have watched Wedding Crashers a dozen times on HBO since I first seen it in the theater. Just my opinion.

  2. lizardfreak12

    Harold and Kumar has more absurdly dumb humor. Wedding Crashers humor has a more mature and clever take to it, and is in well play within a great story with rich characters, making it a better movie. When you make a film with stupid silly non-stop gags, that make you laugh in the what-the-fuck-is going-on sense; you can’t fail, it’s like having a safety net to catch you if somehting isn’t funny. Films in the spirit of Airplane! and Hot Shots! can be fucking hilarious at times with such gags, but that doesn’t make them great comedies.

    Movies like Harlod and Kumar are a lot like Groucho Mark, one joke after another, non-stop nonsense, and after a while you get annoyed. The last three Scary Movie films, along with Date Movie and Epic Movie are perfect examples of incorporating stupid shit like its a saftey net, and we are left wasting our time watching a shitty film.

    The laughs in Wedding Crashers were less frequent but hit us 10 times harder, and as I said above, more clever, and within the context of a good plot..

    Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle is funnier, but not as enjoyable as The Wedding Crashers. Films like the Wedding Crashers are indeed the best comedies to go to. What you have to look at is, in the end, which is the better film? Sure Harold and Kumar made me laugh “more” than Wedding Crashers, but Wedding Crashers wins in the end. Measuring these two films up against each other is actually difficult, because they are two films at completly opposite ends of the spectrum. I would compare which is funnier, Harold and Kumar or Hot Shots!, or a Scary Movie. And for Wedding Crashers I would compare it to 40-Year-Old Virgin and Talladega Nights.

    Those masses who suggest Harold and Kumar is a better movie than Wedding Crashers, are either young naive teens, or people with bad taste in movies. But thats the beauty of it all! :)


  3. Doug

    Oh my god. How is this even a question? Who on earth would say H&K was funnier than Wedding Crashers? Who is voting on this poll? 4 year olds?

  4. lizardfreak12

    I collect spores, molds, and fungus.

  5. MattK

    John’s not trying to make us all hate H&K, Kanthan. He just doesn’t like it.

    He’s wrong, of course (in my opinion). It was an enjoyable film that hid a level of intelligence behind all that dumb humour. But that’s the fun. Discussions make film watching a better experience.

  6. Kanthan,

    You’re making yourself look silly here. I opened it up for discussion (as I already said twice, but apparently you’re too stupid to understand) because I was surprised that some people liked Harold and Kumar more. So I thought I would give everyone a say and see where the discussion goes. You apparently like to take the discussion into mud slinging and name calling. You started this whole thread by calling me an idiot because I don’t share your opinion and accused me of just “not getting it” because you can comprehend how other people might not agree with you.

    If I knew what the outcome would be, I wouldn’t put up a poll for it would I?

    If I needed a poll to justify my opinions, then I’d be putting up 10 polls a day wouldn’t I?

    You’re the one who sounds like you’re affraid to hear that people don’t agree with you. Me, I’m just curious to see the results. I think it’s interesting, but it doesn’t sway my opinons either way.

    I can’t make anyone believe Harold and Kumar is a bad film (it is a bad film by the way) or a good film. I’m just asking what people think. Deal with it.

  7. MattK

    I don’t think you do understand, Kanthan. I’m not agreeing with you on the poll. Hell, put more up John!

  8. Servant of Krom

    Shut the fuck up kanthan. Jeezuz, the guy gives you an open forum to express your opinions and you attack him. What the fuck is wrong with you.

    On a side note John, I’m actually one of the people who did like H and K more than WC. To me it had more laughs in general. But that’s just my tastes.

  9. Sean Tyleman

    Kanthan is an idiot John, just ignore him. I came in here expecting some good chat about 2 funny movies and this moron derails a great topic. All he’s doing is trying to draw attention to himself. Just ignore him, I know I will.

    Wedding Crashers is by far the better and funnier film. 5x better. It’s humor is more intelligent, better set up and less reliant on sight gags and fart jokes (in the generic sense). But, I still liked Harold and Kumar, just not as much.

  10. nautica

    the question is - which movie is funnier. so if harold and kumar made us laugh more, then it’s the funnier movie. i agree with mattk about the hidden stereotype jokes about asians and indians. wedding is as standard as hollywood comedies go.

  11. Daniel O.

    Genius, Kanthan, geeeeeeeeeennius. People are titled to their own opinions, and John has his right to say that he didn’t like Harold and Kumar. For me, I really did enjoy Harold and Kumar. Yes, the humor was rather childish and probably designed with potsmokers in mind, but this had some rather funny moments to me. The Neil Patrick Harris sections are funnier to me now, as he’s come out as being gay (and (SPOILER, but i dunno if anyone cares at this point) the movie showed him with female strippers in each arm at one point in Harold’s car.)

  12. *** NOTICE ****

    Kanthan’s comments have been removed due to Troll behaviour, refusing to get on topic, and trying to start flame fights.

    Please do continue to post your comments on THIS SUBJECT. Harold and Kumar or Wedding Crasher? Why do you think one is better than the other?

  13. Krintina


    Ok, I’d hate to admit it, but Harold and Kumar made me laugh my ass off. No seriously. I’m ashamed that it did, but it did. Even still, I give the slight edge to Wedding Crashers. Vince is dreamy. :)

  14. Ricci

    >.> all this over 2 less than great comedies.

    an opinion is an opinion, its an individuals own mind and views.

    That said H&K gets my vote! hey I was a young stoner myself at the time, whats better than watching 2 loser stoners on TV.

  15. Sujay

    Wedding Crashers was most definately a “better” film…

    …but I had more fun and more laughs with Harold and Kumar. Can’t wait to see the second film.

  16. Stephen

    What i found surprising yesterday was that you thought Harold and Kumar was such a worthless movie. I don’t staunchly support it. But i do remember watching it, and really liking the movie. I’m glad there will be a sequel and i hope they don’t mess it up.

    I cannot say it is better than Wedding Crashers. Wedding crashers ranks in the top 3 of my comedy favorites.

    And if it helps to understand some of my other favorites. I love Zoolander and The Royal Tenenbaums.

  17. Rafael

    Harold and Kumar was a funnier movie for me. Wedding crashers was ok (the only funny part for me was the rubbing of the balls under the table)

    I can watch Harold and Kumar 20 times since it’s release. I can’t say the same for wedding crashers. I love stupid funny. Who doesn’t like a good fart joke?

  18. chris

    ok….wedding crashers was overall a better movie, but john asks which was funnier nd i must say harold and kumar takes it. even though wedding crashers was hilarious and had tons of laughs i don’t think it stands up after numerous viewings. movies like anchorman and harold and kumar you can watch over and over again bucause of the insane jokes. granted i still laugh at most of vince vaughn’s lines and the son “im going to draw homo things”, i can watch harold and kumar(high or sober) and laugh like its my first time seeing it.

    u gotta admit john, neil patrick harris scenes were classic and the end with the picture of the asian and indian was clever. it has the family guy random insane humor, the racoon, the creepy guy in the hospital, and jamie kennedy in the woods. and it had a decent message. lol just my 2 cents…


  19. B.I.T.H.

    Have to say Harold and Kumar, I did not find Wedding Crashers funny at all. I’m not saying its a bad movie, just comedy is maybe the most subjective of all genres. It’s either funny to you or its not and there was nothing in Wedding Crashers which I found even vaguely funny, it was just like a chick flick to me. Of the comedies that came out around the same time, I would say The 40 Year Old Virgin is better than both Harold and Kumar and Wedding Crashers.

    Mind you maybe comedy is not my genre, because I think Freddy Got Fingered is funny as hell and it’s universally reviled. Normally I don’t find Tom Green funny, but that movie is genius to me.

  20. Donna A.

    I loved Harold and Kumar. It reminded me of Cheech and Chong movies. Yes I am that old to remember that. The munchy run brings back those memories of my youth.
    Donna A.

  21. Kristina

    This will be unpopular, but I didn’t enjoy either one of them.

  22. alfie

    they are both fucking terrible. neither of them are funny at all.

  23. Varun Lella

    I think you are asking the wrong questions John.

    It shouldnt be about which one is better, but about whether or not people believe HK is a BAD movie (as you do).

    I personally think Wedding Crashers is better, BUT I firmly disagree with you on your assesment of HK.

    I have written a short essay on why HK is an IMPORTANT film. If you really want to know why this film is GOOD AND NECESSARY beyond all the drug jokes and slapstick….I can put it out there.

  24. Norddeth

    Alfie, you are a robot.


  25. alfie

    …yes…but in disguise nord…in disguise.

    Why are you laying this accusation of robotics at me nord?

    for failing to see what was funny in these films?

    they are dreadful movies whihc both symbolise perfectly why I find modern comedy terrible. I can’t remember the last time I really found a film laugh out loud hilarious - actually you know what ….40 year old virgin was very funny…about 30 minutes too long but still funny.

    the 2 we are talking about here are just awful.
    But I am certainly not going suggest anyone is stupid for liking them…I can see why people like them but they fail to make me laugh…

    o.k. will ferral as the funeral crasher was funny but had that role been someone else it probably would have stunk like the rest of the film.

  26. John Neal

    Listen I will tell you why Harold and Kumar wins……….

    It started when the dvd menu loaded up, no no no wait really….me and my gf were cracking up because if you let the menu go on, they are like talking to you go start up the movie and it goes on and on and on and doesnt loop for a very long time………it was the best dvd menu that tries to make you laugh and chastises you for not starting the movie up while keeping in lock step with the theme of the movie ……….harold an kumar will always remain high on my list no pun intended for how well done the menu was and how I LOVED IT, lol

  27. chris

    lol alfie….robot… disguise….gold. any news on the tformers movie, i wanna see an in movie pic of starscream or at least a 3d rendered pic


  28. Kaonashi

    Definitely Harold and Kumar. I’m not saying that Wedding Crashers was bad, but you can’t really compare the two since WC was a romantic comedy while H&K definitely was not. H&K is meant to be silly and stupid, but I laughed hard and often. I also liked that the movie addressed and made fun of Asian stereotypes.

    WC was ok, but had some tired jokes (like the slutty mom who likes younger men, the weird gay son). I chuckled a bit, but I said, “Awwww” rather often, because it’s a romantic comedy.

  29. alfie

    this is a very weird poll….they are very very different films.

    one is set in pretty much the real world and one is set in a sort of hyper reality…

    one is at its heart a pretty standard rom com….the other a “stoner” comedy..a modern day cheech and chong if you will…..

    I could understand a 40 year old virgin vs wedding crashers poll
    and a harold and kumar vs dude where my car

    but putting these two up like this just seems weird to me….

  30. Hey there guys. Sorry, I need to shut this thread down. Too many people seem to think the comments section of this post is meant to be an open ended thread to talk about anything, or anyone they want and get way off topic to personally address things at me or others.

    If you have something you want to say to me, you can find my contact information on the page. This isn’t the place for it.