Rush Hour 3 Trailer

Oh man… this looks just terrible. Just keep in mind it’s just one little clip. Maybe it’ll get better. Here’s your first look at the Rush Hour 3 teaser trailer.

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  • 1. Doug F. replies at 26th January 2007, 3:04 pm :

    What I want to know is when did “directed by bret ratner” become a selling point?

  • 2. Calviin replies at 26th January 2007, 3:12 pm :

    If you got to direct the highest paid actor in history, you have obviously ascended to the likes of Spielburg, Lucas and Scorseci. Obviously.

    (I am kidding)

  • 3. joey replies at 26th January 2007, 3:28 pm :

    Yuck Yuck… they’re lip singing to a disco song! outrageous! gag - been there done that sooo many times.

    PS- France?!?! god it gets even worse.

  • 4. miles replies at 26th January 2007, 3:43 pm :


  • 5. Mozzerino replies at 26th January 2007, 4:24 pm :

    This is probably the worst trailer I have ever seen.

    “Directed by Bret Ratner!”

  • 6. aidan replies at 26th January 2007, 4:29 pm :

    but in terms of the actual film we get one shot of them in a cab . all we know is its in france, they told us in a shit way but thats all theyve done . lets wait and see an actual trailer before we condemn it for chris tuckers sins .

  • 7. Francois replies at 26th January 2007, 4:38 pm :

    As a French guy but also as a human being, I feel soiled…literally!

  • 8. Kaonashi replies at 26th January 2007, 4:39 pm :

    Hehe, that cab driver so wishes he had a gun.

  • 9. jon:316 replies at 26th January 2007, 4:39 pm :

    love it, cant wait to see it :) i like the other 2 rush hour movie.

  • 10. Matt replies at 26th January 2007, 4:45 pm :

    Thank God it’s directed by “Bret Radner”……….


  • 11. Mikey replies at 26th January 2007, 5:27 pm :

    Same bad jokes… Will make millions… I just want to know who will say
    “do you understand the words that are coming outta my mouth?” Maybe Tony Parker from the spurs can say it. I will admit i did chuckle. Shame on me.

  • 12. ramsey replies at 26th January 2007, 5:56 pm :

    i’ve seen great trailers in my day, but wow… that, blew me away. amazing. just amazing.

  • 13. Marina replies at 26th January 2007, 7:22 pm :

    Did anyone actually believe this was going to be good?

  • 14. Kristina replies at 26th January 2007, 7:40 pm :

    They ditched MEG to make…………..that.


  • 15. frankwolftown replies at 26th January 2007, 7:50 pm :

    We would have been better off with a crappy Halo Movie.

  • 16. Tal replies at 26th January 2007, 8:22 pm :

    I just can’t figure out why you would have a Jackie Chan movie and not put a single fighting clip in the trailer? I’m looking forward to seeing this movie, but not because I want to see two men singing in the backseat of a car.

  • 17. steve replies at 26th January 2007, 8:44 pm :

    i caugtht this on MovieWeb earlier today and thought it was class, it’s the perfect setup for all the dumbness that a rush hour/jackie chan movie is all about. But i agree with Doug F., directed by Brett Ratner is not a selling point. Living in the UK the name Ratner has a lot of bad things connected with it and i hope this film doesn’t turn out to be another one.

  • 18. Cam replies at 26th January 2007, 9:13 pm :

    I didn’t even smile. Why the fuck are they making another one? Oh yeah! Suckers actually will go see this shit because “it might be good”.

  • 19. RichardBender replies at 26th January 2007, 10:12 pm :

    I think France would of loved to have Napoleon rule for 1000 years than have Chris Tucker come over and mock the whole of french history in just one trailer

  • 20. mike replies at 26th January 2007, 11:05 pm :

    I’ve never liked the “Rush Hour” series of films, simplely because I loathe Jackie Chan. He is just a wee clown and all his antics are so predictable and OTT.

  • 21. The Jim Walker replies at 26th January 2007, 11:21 pm :

    Wow. The HIGHEST PAID ASSHO.. um.. ACTOR in Hollywood gives us this. I couldn’t be LESS excited. I know it’s a teaser, but the point of a teaser is to pique your interest, not make you LOSE interest…

    I hope this movie shows people what a farce the Chris Tucker acting machine is and maybe he will stay off the screen for a few years and come back in bit parts where he belonged and was tolerable…

  • 22. Devon replies at 27th January 2007, 12:07 am :

    I’m sorry. I know he shouldn’t be paid that much. I know I liked the first movie, and I know laughed when they sang Lady Marmalade. Again, I’m sorry. I might be looking forward to this more than I thought…

  • 23. Max replies at 27th January 2007, 1:11 am :

    lol i love john campea

  • 24. Max replies at 27th January 2007, 1:12 am :

    i wonder if he even reads my comments

  • 25. Phil Gee replies at 27th January 2007, 1:31 am :

    Y’know the movie is just going to be Tucker and Chan singing that song for 90 minutes cause they don’t have the money to do anything else.

    Honestly though, if anybody can make this fun, it’s Ratner but i just can’t see it. From the look of the teaser, they’re just going to repeat the same jokes again. Tucker looks mean and unlikable and the thought of him sending up the French bores me just thinking about it, and if they’ve got some big action scene set on the Effiel Tower, i have news for them; we saw that in ‘a view to a kill’ 20 years ago with Roger Moore.

  • 26. loser replies at 27th January 2007, 5:37 am :

    I think I would rather see France being conquered by the Romans, attacked by the British, defeated by the Germans and divided by revolutions (was there more than one??) all over again than watch this shit.

  • 27. bert belgium replies at 27th January 2007, 8:12 am :


  • 28. J Dogg replies at 27th January 2007, 12:44 pm :

    Rush Hour 2 was actually very funny. I’m excited for this one.

    And Calvin, how can you misspell two of the greatest directors in cinematic history in one post (Spielberg and Scorsese).

  • 29. ChrisP replies at 27th January 2007, 4:52 pm :

    Great… another Hollywood excuse to make fun of French people. Just send one of the greatest “accidental celebrities” in the business and partner him with an Asian guy to show the French where their place is. Let the laughs begin.

  • 30. Wolfger replies at 27th January 2007, 5:03 pm :

    How can you possibly say whether the movie looks good or bad from watching this trailer? This trailer shows *nothing* except that the movie exists, and we (yet again) copy the formula of having the two main characters sing a song together. Redundancy is boring, I’ll give you that, and having that be the one scene in the trailer bodes ill… but it’s just the teaser. The rest of the movie could be spectacularly good. Or devastatingly bad.

  • 31. Don S replies at 27th January 2007, 10:04 pm :

    I’ll say it like this. Maybe the trailer sucked, but believe it or not, we will go and see this. We alway say how stuff will blow and not be good. But we go and see it. So as long as we decide to see it in theatres, its no point in complaining. Besides guys, it’s just a movie that I’m pretty sure the majority of us got up and excited when they announced it was happening. No further words.

  • 32. Kristina replies at 27th January 2007, 11:38 pm :

    Anybody else find it nuts that this trailer consisted mainly of one shit scene follwed by the telling words “directed by Brett Ratner”?

  • 33. SamF replies at 28th January 2007, 11:35 am :

    If that scene is is in the film, it will be a comic flop

  • 34. Meli replies at 29th January 2007, 10:44 am :

    Wow - that was…awful.

  • 35. Sanjin replies at 11th March 2007, 8:49 am :

    What a fuck are you people talkin about. It’s a fuckin good movie. Rush Hour 1 an 2 were a hit. Let them play this movie fuckers.

  • 36. AL NOORY replies at 13th April 2007, 8:20 am :


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