This entry was posted on Friday, January 26th, 2007 at 1:51 am.
Categories: News Chat | By Sharon

Poor Katie Holmes, not only is she married to Tom Cruise and has born his spawn but now it appears that she’s just been dumped from the new Batman movie Dark Knight. The good people over at give us this

It’s no secret that everyone was pretty unhappy with Katie Holmes in Batman Begins. I think we’d all assumed though that she’d either be back as Rachel Dawes, or Rachel Dawes would be replaced by some other babe of the moment for The Dark Knight. It looks like Chris Nolan has found a third option. The Latino Review says that Rachel Dawes will be back for The Dark Knight, but she will not be played by Katie Holmes. Katie is right out, and they’re recasting the role.

So this is not fully confirmed by the studios as of yet but it is all over the net and nobody is denying anything so far. What do I think of this? Well…I feel sad for Holmes. Frankly it seems that her life has done a nosedive in the fun department ever since she met Cruise, being dumped from a movie is a pretty bad blow to the last remnants of her career, not to mention the only escape she might have had from the scientology babysitters her hubby has on her constantly. That has to be devastating. What do I think it will do for the movie? Good things. Depending on who they get to replace her, it could do fantastic things.

It’s not that Katie is a terrible actress, I think she is fine for certain types of roles, but she never really fit into Batman’s tone for me, she’s too light on screen still. Who would be good for her replacement? Gretchen Mol comes immediately to mind for some reason, for those who haven’t seen her in The Notorious Betty Page, she is a fantastic actress and a hell of a looker and she just has that Michelle Pfeiffer/Kim Basinger sexy batman girl thing about her.

Who would you all pick, or… are you sad to see Katie Holmes go?

46 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Dre

    Gretchen Mol would be a great replacement. solid call,Sharon.
    not only does she have acting chops,she’d make it believable that Bruce & Rachael are the same age.

  2. steven

    is the character of rachel dawes still needed after “begins”??? she pretty much said and done what she needed to do

    i find it retarded (unless she demanded more time on screen or money) to replace her. why not just write her off? and get a new girl…it’s not like her role was cruical to the core of the movie or the character of bruce wayne

    and i agree sharon gretchen mol, has this timelessness if you do her up right that’ll be prefect for the faux feel of gotham city

  3. Kristina

    I’m not a big fan of replacing actors simply because I like continuity. I wish they’d never had Rachel there. She wasn’t crucial to the story at all. Alfred is Batty’s conscience, not some sleepy-eyed bitch.

  4. Vince

    Usually when they recast a lead female role, they replace that role with a girl who is younger and prettier than the previous actress who starred in that film.

    In terms of looks, there are a plethora of women out there who I’d like to see play the role of Rachel Dawes. But my guess is that they’ll cast women under 30 or around that age. The ones I’d consider are Kristen Kreuk, Scarlett Johansson, Rachel McAdams or Marley Shelton.

    I also agree with Kristina that the Rachel Dawes character was fairly insignificant. Since the same character will be in The Dark Knight, the actress who gets the role should be casted to be eye candy at least.

  5. Acaimo

    Rachel Dowes is not important in Bats history, so I don’t mind who will portray her. Nolan should cast Scarlett Johannson instead, but not as the attorney, but Selina Kyle: it would be fantastic to see her becoming Catwoman. Yum!

  6. Eaglewing

    I didn’t really mind her all that much in Begins (the actress, that is), but I don’t think she’s all that necessary in the sequel either (the character, that is). I’m not a fan of recasting either - why not just write her out if you’re going to bring someone else in anyway?

  7. alfie

    I feel a bit sorry for her.

    I never understood the hate people had for her in BB…she was fine…is she the greatest actress in the world? of course not…is she the worst? no…she was fine…tom wilkinson who I normally love is the only person who came close to ruining BB…..but aside from his scenes it is the best comic book film ever made as far as I am concerned…..

  8. hi

    She was better than Kate Bosworth was in Superman Returns, that’s for sure

  9. Chris

    I don’t know… I just can’t see this happening exactly as this story puts it. To replace one actress in a sequel and leave everyone else the same? She was lame in the film, admittedly, but not ruin-the-film-lame, and it would be very harsh of Nolan to get someone else in.

    No evidence for this, but I suspect she either turned down the sequel herself (to look after her new baby?) or it will be an entirely new character. We’ll soon know more, I guess.

  10. Mozzerino

    I really think she wasn’t that bad in Batman, but you are right Sharon, she just has such a light quality that doesn’t seem to fit the Batman Universe.
    Who would I like to see in this role instead? Jennifer Connelly immediatly comes to mind, Jennifer Garner could kick ass (but she’s already Elektra so that’s probably not an option) and I could also see Amy Adams in that role.

  11. wolf

    I agree with Kristina, I like me some continuity.

    I would like Holmes to return and get killed off by The Joker. Miss Holmes didn’t bother me at all in BB.

  12. pedro

    jenna jameson….

  13. Dave_R

    Again, I have to say that I wasn’t bothered by Holmes, and I wouldn’t mind if they kept her on in a small role for The Dark Knight.

    I look at it this way; what is more jarring, two or three scenes of her, or a replacement of an actress? Personally the latter jars me significantly (That’s right, Back to the Future 2 and 3, I’m looking at you!).

  14. Tbone

    Just write her out of the story completely. I don’t think I would of noticed that Katie Holmes (Rachel Dawes) was not present in the sequel. She was invisible in BB.

    Re-cast a new actress to play a new love interest (different character).

  15. Kevin C

    She didnt bother me at all in Begins. It wouldnt affect my enjoyment of the movie one way or another if Holmes or the Dawes character was or wasnt in the movie.

  16. Carlos

    Well, I have mixed reactions about this, if she is completly written off the sequel that could be bad, because she could serve as a more personal link between the Joker and the Batman, if she was killed by The Joker, that is.
    On the other hand, her relantioship with Tom Cruise in some ways hurt her carrer and Batman Begins also suffered, because guess where the cameras were when Christian Bale was walking in the red carpet, on Katie and her boyfriend!

  17. Tarmac Chris

    Did we really have to jump on the ‘I hate tom Cruise’ bandwagon? We’re on a movie site to discuss the films and the actors works, not their personal lives.
    Tom Cruise is a sensational actor who NEVER drops the ball when it comes to acting. That’s all that’s important.

  18. Norddeth

    To me, this is just irresponsible film making. Replaceing an actress is severely jarring and completely fucks with the continuity. I hate when characters are played by different actors, the only time it is acceptable is when an actor passes away. Other than that, you either suck it up and keep her in it, or kill off the character, even off screen, whatever.

    But I guess the thinking is that if they can have multiple actors playing Batman over the years, a minor character would be accepted. It will be such a distraction though, not happy news.

    Even though I fucking hate Katie Holmes.


  19. Kevin

    Dont know her name, but the chick from mission impossible 3

  20. Kevin

    Dont know her name, but the chick from mission impossible 3

  21. darren j seeley

    “Kristen Kreuk” that’s kinda funny. Not as ironic as a suggestion of Erica Durance, but kind of funny…

    As to the point at hand. I didn’t mind Katie Holmes one bit. I never understood the bitterness towards her, maybe she looked too cute/baby faced for an assistant DA. I doubt very much that the filmmakers would seek a younger actress. In fact I *doubt they are recasting the role at all*. I think it is only a *mean spirited- fanboy* rumor. Aren’t they allegedy supposed to begin shooting in a month or two? Isn’t Holmes under contract?

    Does she have another bun in the oven?

  22. darren j seeley

    Follow up:

    ” nobody is denying anything so far”

    Yeck, Sharon. Is that your view, Cinemablend, or Latino Review. My point is: remember all the early Joker casting and Harvey Dent casting rumors? Actors would not ‘confirm or deny’ not because they didn’t want to. It was because they were either too busy to address the rumors, didn’t know of them, or the hype machine likes the rumorsville and neither confirms or denies because it keeps up curiousity and interest.

    Why would the filmmakers be any different?

  23. The Jim Walker

    I think Sharon is manuevering here… perhaps Sharon DeWitt is the new Batman babe?!?! (Sharon… you would make a GREAT Barabara Gordon!)


    I think Holmes was the weakest part of Batman Begins, but i also did not “HATE” her character. She was supposed to play the wide-eyed optimist, and she did. I would prefer for Nolan to write that character OUT of the next film, but if the character is in it, i think bringing back Holmes isn’t a terrible idea.

  24. Kristina

    Hey Tarmac Chris. The I hate Tom thing isn’t a bandwagon. It’s a goddamn caravan now.

  25. jeff

    They should get Kelly Carlson.

  26. shane razey

    This IS the best news I’ve heard yet about the sequel.
    She is dead space on film. Steven said it best on his post
    above (2nd post) There is no need for her character.
    “Love intrests” have been very over-used lately. Most non-love story
    films really don’t even require that screen time. Ever since Titanic,
    most hi-bugdet special effect films think they need to cram a crappy
    air fluffed time waster. (Pearl Harbor)
    Tom Cruise aside:
    Katie “Sleepwalker” Holmes has the screen appeal of a dead mackeral.
    I can’t decide if her crooked face reminds me of either:
    deer-in-the-headlights, botox-overdose,coma patient. Her acting
    is phoned-in, and has a hangman stick figure.
    Watch the epiloge of the movie. Her character is done.
    If we are to watch Batman not kicking Jokers ass and mackin’ on
    a hollywood hottie, at least introduce new blood.
    If Holmes is indeed gone, best news yet.

  27. Jay

    We agree yet again.

    I didnt think Katie was nearly as bad as some people would have you believe. She was, as you put it, fine. I never really understood how people could have so much hatred for her. I think it had a lot more to do with the Tom Cruise thing than it had to do with her personally. Kind of a subconsious spill-over type deal. The Hatred for Tom Cruise is another thing that I dont get, but that’s a rant for another day. (The man acted like a fool for love. Yeah… he’s the only guy on the planet that’s ever done that. He’s against drugging our children with “medicines” that nobody knows the true long term (20, 30, 40 years) effects of. What a horrible guy. Sheesh. Ok, That’s all)

    I would like to see her come back if for nothing but to see her get axed by the Joker in the first 20 minutes. Actually, that’s what I would want done to her character regardless of who played her, so that’s not a stab at Katie in any way. I just think that’s the best way her character could serve the franchise. There isnt going to be any romance, so why have her other than to cement the hatred between Bats and the Joker.

    Oh, and I too thought Wilkinson was a little hammy. He was easily the worst of the bunch for me too.

    But still the best comic book movie to date and probably will remain so unless The Dark Knight takes it’s crown.

    As far as who they should get to replace her…
    I dont know. I really dont think they should replace her with someone else so I havent given the idea any thought.

  28. Marina

    I’m not sure I’d agree that being married to Tom and having his child is really such a bad thing. We criticize the guy and yeah, he’s a bit eccentric at times but I’m not sure he’s such a torment to live with.

    As for the re-casting, it’ll be interesting to see what the official word is on this. Holmes has some talent (she was OK in “Dawson’s Creek” but to see her ‘really’ acting check out “Pieces of April”) and it’s not that I disliked her in “Batman Begins”, she was just sort of there and the lack of charisma between her and Bale really strained the believability of their relationship. I’d be much happier to see this go to someone else but I also wouldn’t scream bloody murder if she came back. I don’t think she’s the best choice but then I’m not the film maker.

  29. Jay

    “not a STAB at Katie in any way”

    you’re damn right the pun was intended.

  30. Bishop

    It seems that everyone is under the assumption that she was denied the role. In the sites mentioned, it does not say that anywhere. It jsut says she won’t be playing the role.

    Correct me if I am wrong (once again playing Devil’s Advocate), is it not possible that she may just want to stay at home and be a mom?

    Being a relatively new father, I know if I could stay at home and be a dad full time I would, the same goes for B.W.E.

  31. boba fett figure ideshow

    kate beckinsale, jessica biel would be some choices if they had to choose another actress to play the part. i don’t think it would make a difference to me if she’s in the next one or not. i think she had a small part in the movie, which didn’t bother me. i can watch the movie and pretty much ignore her presence.

  32. Jay

    It’s official -

    From the wall Street Journal courtesy of her publicist Julie Polkes -

    “Katie was offered The Dark Knight but was unable to accept the role because of scheduling conflicts.”

    Let the speculation begin.

    Hmmm, since it’s been confirmed, who do I want to replace her…?
    As far as I’m concerned they could put Jessica Biel in everything.

  33. darren j seeley

    Thanks, Jay.

    NOW I’ll make a suggestion. Deanna Russo-that lass from the indie horror flick “Rest Stop: Dead Ahead”.

    BTW, since Katie cites ’scheduling conflicts’, that tells me that Dawes doesn’t get knocked off by Joker. Not until the third act anyaway.

  34. Washington

    I’m very glad to see her gone. She was terrible in Begins, and I really don’t care about the continuity issues when you’re dealing with actress who was a horrible sore spot in the last film. Hell, just reshoot her scenes in the last one like they did in The Sopranos when they replaced Fariza Balk.

  35. Kristina

    Okay, here’s a novel idea. Don’t bring the character back. PERIOD. If Katie’s gone, then just kill the character offscreen right at the beginning of the movie. I don’t want to see some cliched love story in Batman. It’s always the weakest point of all superhero flicks, and I wish I could see one with a bunch of guys kicking ass without having to save some shrieking bitch hanging from a building/bridge/spiderweb/train/plane/car/mountain.

  36. Babz

    I agree. Rachel Dawes is too weak to be Batman’s heroine. But anyways, praise the lord that Katie is not coming back. I don’t like Batman Begins. Just. Beacuse. Of her.

  37. Kristina

    Seriously, go back and watch how BB ends. She basically breaks up with him, so it makes perfect sense for her character to not even be there for part 2. No replacement actress, just ditch the character completely.

  38. Babz

    I’m sorry, I can’t watch it again. Everytime she appears on screen I feel like watching some teen show. Even having Bale on screen in hunkalicious Batman costume doesn’t repair the damage. Holmes can’t act, she doesn’t look good, and she has stupid teenager voice.

  39. alfie

    I hate recasting….just ditch the character.

    I like continuity….its like julianne moore in hannibal…the film was terrible on its own but it didn’t help that I had no emotional investment in her as starling so I couldn’t get into it…I don’t think even foster could have saved that film but I would of at least felt the excitement of her coming face to face with him again…you know what I mean..I haven’t worded that very well but I am sure you get my point….

    my point is I hate recasting - just ditch the character all together.

  40. tera

    Recasting, get rid of the character fast, kill her fast, I don’t care. But I hope they cast better actress for Batman’s next film. My suggestions:

    Rachel McAddams
    Gretchen Mol
    Jennifer Connelly
    Scarlet Johansson

  41. Jonathan

    Katie should come back. I hate recasts because its so distracting.
    Katie is one promising talent and I like her chemistry with Bale.
    If they delve more into her character and scenes with Bale she would really shine.

  42. Johnathan, I dont like recasts any more than you do. But honestly if your only reason for keeping IS to avoid recasts.. then its permissable.

    Katie had to go. She was the ONLY bad part about Batman Begins.

  43. Agnes

    Im more of a Katie fan than Maggie Gyllenhaal. I concur Katie is talented but she was just an afterthought in Batman Begins. Katie rocks in Wonder Boys,Thank you for Smoking and Singing Detective.
    I have yet to see The Gift by Sam Raimi. I heard Katie is no girl next door in that film and showed off her breasts. I havent seen Pieces of April yet as well. Katie is also really lovelier than Maggie. On the upside,Im glad Katie is going an Indie comedy when the tabloids said awhile back she is done with Hollywood.
    The tabloids are B.S. and so are some online blogs.

  44. Logan

    Maggie as Batman’s new lady love?????


  45. Neil

    Ledger as the Joker is the 1st nail on the coffin. M.I.A. Holmes is the 2nd nail to the coffin. Bats cant even score with Katie Holmes.
    He lost his mojo.

  46. Scott

    Must say maggie gyllenhal wasnt so good in the dark knight, she managed though.
    Someone here said Rachel McAdams as Rachel Dawes and i think that would have been the best choice because she can act and shes got the looks

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