This entry was posted on Tuesday, January 2nd, 2007 at 12:44 pm.
Categories: Features, Top Lists.

Ok, let me say this right up front READ THIS BEFORE READING THE LIST!!! This is my list of the films I’m geeking out about the most for 2007. This is NOT my list of what I think are going to be the best films of the year. It’s just what I’m excited about seeing. Remember, I’m a geek on the internet all day… so take my list (and anyone’s list) with a grain of salt. So, here are the 10 films I’m most excited about seeing in 2007:

1) Transformers (I’m masturbating as I type that)

2) 300 - Good god how good does this movie look!!!

3) Spider-Man 3 - Both previous ones have been fun rides, why not this one too!

4) Pirates of the Caribbean 3 - 2 was really overrated, but still fun. Look for it to finish strong.

5) The Simpsons Movie - Say all you want about the quality of the show over the last few seasons… give the best writers 2 full years to come up with ONE 90 minute episode… we’ll have GOLD.

6) Hot Fuzz - From the guys who gave us Shaun of the Dead, how can it not be a winner?

7) Grindhouse - Some of the best trailers in history

8) Smokin’ Aces - Could this be Ben Affleck’s return to glory?

9) 30 Days of Night - Not sure why I’m so pumped to see this, but I am.

10) The Number 23 - Really interested to see how this one turns out.

So that’s my list for 2007 folks. Now keep in mind… a year ago today I put up a post about my “5 Most Anticipated Films of 2006“. And NONE of them ended up on my top 10 films of the year list. My anticipated for 2006 list was:

5) Lady In the Water - ended up being my #1 worst film of 2006)
4) Miami Vice - I liked it ok, but no one loved it
3) Cars - Really really liked this one… but it didn’t make my top 10
2) Pirates 2 - Yeah I enjoyed it, but was expecting much much much more.
1) Superman Returns - Had it’s weaknesses no doubt, but still a really good movie. Just not in my top 10.

I wonder how the movies on my 2007 list will turn out.

So what does YOUR anticipation list of 2007 look like?

43 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Kevin

    I would say that The Bourne Ultimatum would be up there for me, as well as The Transformers after seeing the trailers

    Oh and 300 for sure

  2. Tyler

    My list:

    1) Hot Fuzz - this is gonna rock hard. As anyone who’s seen the paintball episode of Spaced will know, these guys can do really cool over the top John Woo-style action.

    2) Grindhouse - I predict pure carnage.

    3) Blades Of Glory - could be terrible, but the concept alone sounds hysterical to me.

    4) Transformers - was never really a Transformers fan, just hoping Michael Bay makes another action film as good as The Rock, but with giant robots.

    5) The Bourne Ultimatum - the final chapter in a series that’s so far been pure quality. I expect this to be as amazing as the last one.

    6) Spider-Man 3 - see above.

    7) Bee Movie - this is the year of Jerry Seinfeld’s return! Even if it is a CG animation, which we’ve seen way too much of recently, I predict this will be brilliant, especially since Seinfeld’s co-written it.

    8) 300 - trailers look great, though I doubt it will match up to Sin City. The cast isn’t as good and film noir surely is the best fit for this kind of greenscreen work.

    9) Zodiac - the return of David Fincher, one of the absolute best directors out there. Fingers crossed, could be a serial killer movie to match Silence Of The Lambs or Fincher’s own Seven.

    10) Epic Movie - just kidding! I’m gonna say Die Hard 4, even though I’m hugely sceptical, because there hasn’t been a bad one yet and I’m hoping Bruce Willis will have applied some serious quality control to the final chapter of his best-loved franchise.

  3. TeVon Jones

    1. Spider-Man 3
    2. Transformers
    3. 300
    4. Pirates of The Carribean 3: Worlds End
    5. The Number 23
    6. Hot Fuzz
    7. Meet the Robinsons
    8. The Simpsons Movie
    9. Grindhouse
    10. Evan Almighty

  4. Mozzerino

    My most anticipated movies 2007 in no particular order:

    The Simpsons Movie (ohhhh please Lord, let this be good!)
    Spiderman 3
    Knocked up
    Southland Tales (I just wanna know if it really is THAT much a mess)
    Hot Fuzz
    The Last King of Scotland

    This lists don’t mean anything though. All the smaller films I end up really caring for much more than any Hollywood blockbuster (like Little Miss Sunshine, Junebug or Tristram Shandy in 2006) I’m mostly not even aware of at the beginning of the year.

    Oh and by the way: “Could this be Ben Affleck’s return to glory?” could very well be the gayest sentence spoken in the history of mankind.

  5. Matt Holmes

    I don’t know why so many people are going crazy over the Transformers. It’s MICHAEL BAY PEOPLE. You should be dreading the movie!

    The Number 23… seriously? A Joel Schmaucher movie gets in your top 10?

  6. Josh

    Here’s mine(in no particular order):

    Pirates 3
    Die Hard 4
    Spiderman 3
    Harry Potter 5
    The Simpsons Movie
    Smokin’ Aces

  7. Hey Matt,

    Yes, It’s Michael Bay. I Love Armaggedon (Guilty pleaseure of mine… it was a damn fun flick)

    I LOVED “The Rock”

    I really liked “The Island” too. Much better film than people give it credit for… although it was about 15 minutes too long.

    Yes, Bay has also done some SERIOUS crap, no doubt. But his style of directing is perfect for a movie like this, in my opinion anyway.

  8. Josh

    I’m not worried about The Simpsons Movie. First off, the animation of even the series lately has been beautiful. Second off, despite the series losing its edge lately, I believe it has been only due to the fact that they now have 3 minutes less to tell a story (which is a loing time for a show like this) and where they should get going into the story in the first act, they lollygag around until the second act, losing much of what made the series so great in the first place. But now they have a full 90 minutes to tell a story, and in movie form. I doubt this will be like Talledega Nights. Third, it is being written by the best writers of the entire series, including some who worked on the first few seasons and havent since. And to me, the stuff that has been shown already, reminds me of the sseries’ glory days.

  9. hi

    1. Spider-Man 3/The Simpsons(I CAN’T DECIDE)
    2. Pirates of the Caribbean At World’s End
    3. Transformers
    4. TMNT
    5. Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix
    6. 300
    7. Live free or Die Hard
    8. Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
    9. The Bourne Ultimatum
    10. Grindhouse

  10. alfie

    die hard 4
    pirates 3
    bourne ultimatum
    the assassination of jesse james by the coward robert ford
    hostel 2

  11. Jason

    Rob Zombie’s “Halloween” remake.

    I don’t like Rob’s previous movies, but as he is SUCH a fan of John Carpenter’s original flick, I am holding out hope that he will stay as true to the nature of that film as possible. We shall find out on 8/31.

  12. frankwolftown

    Transformers (I’m masturbating as I type that)

    Waaaaayyy too much info! John!

    Any way here’s may top 5

    Harry Potter 5

    Pirates 3

    Reno 911!: Miami



  13. Super Nick

    My list:

    1. Transformers - I’ve been waiting for this movie for much longer than I’ve even realized.

    2. 300 - This movie looks absolutely amazing. You could frame any random image from the trailers seen thus far and it’d be a wonderful piece of art.

    3. Grindhouse - Rodriguez and Tarantino together to make two crazy 70s tributes. This will be amazing.

    4. Spider-Man 3 - The trailers look awesome, but I’m still reserved about the Venom storyline. It should be good though.

    5. Hot Fuzz - The trailer looks absolutely hilarious. I expect nothing less from the Shaun of the Dead guys.

    6. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 - The ending of POTC2 did leave me wanting more and I hope this does give more. Plus Chow Yun-Fat is a pirate, how awesome is that?

    7. Zodiac - The first trailer for this movie looks great.

    8. Southland Tales - I’ve been wanting to see this movie since I first heard about it since it was Richard Kelly. I’ve heard that the movie is a mess, but I have to see it for myself.

    9. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - I don’t think the movies are stellar, I wish that WB had decided to make the movies after all the books were released. I also wished they had uses just one director (and not Chris COlombus). Terry Gilliam would’ve done well.

    10. Rob Zombie’s Halloween - Halloween is one of my favorite horror movies. The atmosphere. The antagonists. The victims. It’s all so amazing. I think Rob Zombie can bring something new to the series. Something great.

  14. Chip Chief

    1 - Spider-Man 3
    2 - Stardust
    3 - Ratatouille
    4 - The Bourne Ultimatum
    5 - Fantastic Four: Rise of The Silver Surfer
    6 - Transformers the Movie
    7 - His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass
    8 - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
    9 - Ghost Rider
    10 - Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End

    my reasons are at my blog

  15. poop

    this summer really has so many promising films to be released. there is so much, in no order at all
    spidey 3
    pirates 3
    shrek 3
    die hard 4(i think it will actually suck though especially since they showed us all the money shots already, the complete opposite of what tformers is doing)
    blades of glory
    evan almighty
    i am legend
    the number 23
    a tony scott movie with denzel
    hot fuzz and balls of furry
    and im sure im forgetting so much. damn this is gonna be a huge summer

  16. poop

    yeah i forgot
    300 (no idea how i forgot those 2)
    ghost rider
    reno 911 miami
    fantastic 4 2(will prob suck balls again)
    smokin aces
    there really is just way too much promise on these lists. sure to find a way to dissapoint.

  17. Vili Maunula

    I must say that I am somewhat worried about The Simpsons Movie. Yet, I must say that it is still among my most anticipated movies of this year. I am also really looking forward to Southland Tales.

  18. Zuke

    1. Smoking Aces - This looks like Snatch on overdrive!!
    2. Evan Almighty - Steve Carell, enough said.
    3. Fred Claus - More Vince Vaughn shenanighans, hilarity ensues.
    4. Balls of Fury - I will see any Christopher Walken movie, no questions asked. But to see Walken as a ping-pong master? Whoohoo!
    5. The Bourne Ultimatum - The entire series has been excellent and I expect nothing less from this installment. Before the Bourne identity, I never would’ve thought Damon could pull this off. Now I’m a believer.
    6. 300 - The trailer blew me away, I just hope this isn’t a total CGI-fest.
    7. Transformers - The trailer looked good and I can’t think of anything else for my list…

  19. Mr Stay Puft

    Pretty decent list. I’m with those anticipating Harry Potter 5.

    I have zero interest in Smokin’ Aces because it has Ben Affleck. Return to glory? He’s always been horrible and I suspect he always will be.

  20. Tyler

    Saw a preview screening of Smokin’ Aces recently and you shouldn’t get your hopes up too high. It’s fun in places but very schizophrenic and a bit of a mess. Good but far from great.

  21. Eaglewing

    Here we go, in no particular order:
    1. 300 - The trailer has me sold on this one.
    2. Shooter - Only because I really liked the book its from, Point of Impact. Mark Wahlberg is miscast though.
    3. The Lookout - After Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s great performance in Brick, I’m eager to see him in more movies.
    4. Grindhouse - Kurt Russell. ’nuff said.
    5. Hot Fuzz - the trailer had me laughing.
    6. Spider-Man 3 - 2 was better than 1, and 3 looks better than 2. Loved the trailer
    7. Die Hard 4 - The trailer underwhelmed, but this is Bruce Willis in Die Hard…please don’t blow it.
    8. Shoot ‘Em Up - Clive Owen action thriller. Like the premise, waiting to see a trailer.
    9. 3:10 To Yuma - Been a while since a good western. Plus, Christian Bale and Russell Crowe - good actors.
    10.These are still TBA in 2007, but ‘We Own The Night’, ‘Priest’, & ‘Killshot’ all look interesting.

    Not as good a year as the last two for movies to look forward to for me personally. The summer blockbusters are really only so-so for me. Transformers has my attention only because of the Movie Blog, the Simpsons might be good (still waiting for a trailer that actually shows something from the movie itself), and I’m pretty ho-hum on Pirates 3 after the letdown that was Pirates 2. Shrek will probably be good, but what else have you got? Fantastic 4? Oceans 13? Rush Hour 3? not a great selection.

    And I would have put the Bourne Ultimatum on the list except for the fact the director from the Bourne Supremacy is back again and he wrecked the second installment after such a great Bourne Identity. If he loses the shaky cam and learns how to operate a camera, this might make my list because Matt Damon is excellent in the role.

    Could be a lot of ‘wait for DVD’ this year, though…

  22. wolf

    1. Transformers
    2. Spider-Man 3
    3. Grindhouse
    4. 300
    5. TNMT
    6. The Simpsons movie
    7. Ghost Rider
    8 Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
    9. Hot Fuzz
    10. Live Free Or Die Hard

  23. Jay

    1: Transformers
    2: Spiderman 3
    3: 300
    4: Shoot ‘em Up
    5: Ghost Rider
    6: The Assasinaton of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
    (hey Alfie, thank goodness I’m not the only one looking forward to this)
    7: 30 Days of Night
    8: Die Hard 4
    9: Smokin’ Aces
    10: Grindhouse

    …and so on…

    11: I Am Legend
    12: Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
    13: Hot Fuzz
    14: 3:10 to Yuma
    15: Harry Potter 5
    16: Zodiac
    17: Knocked Up
    18: The Bourne Ultimatum
    19: Hostel 2
    20: TMNT

    POTC: At World’s End - Meh… after the disapointment that was part 2, I’m not expecting much. Mostly just Chow Yun Fat.

  24. brian

    Fuck me 300 is going to be my most anticipated film of all time baby!!!!!!

    I am 16, just on the target market. :)


  25. DJ Hippie

    Ghost Rider

  26. darren j seeley

    In order or disorder:

    Spider-Man 3
    Ghost Rider
    Dog Soldiers II
    The Invisible
    Fantastic Four: Rise Of Silver Surfer
    The Golden Age

    and any indie movie that makes a splash at film fests and not currently on the map.

  27. dark_venmon

    my top 10

    10. transformers- looks good

    9.killshot- looks great loved the trailer.

    8.hott fuzz- loved shaun of the dead and there horror geeks.

    7. hills have eye’s 2- i loved the first one, plus mutants

    6. behind the mask- bloody looks great for all the horror fans

    5. spiderman 3- love venmon and he is in it

    4. the simpsons movie- love the show nad have all the boxsets

    3. 300- trailers look awsome

    2. hostel part 2- loved the first one

    1. grindhouse- this movie bloody looks great

  28. alex wyler

    here aresome that i am waiting for 1.simpsons-the greatest show 2.zodiac-robert downey jr is the man,he should be in way more movies that are on the big screen world wide not limited 3.rescue dawn-christian bale the man in the machinist,batman,the prestige,harsh times 4.grind house-robert rodrigues and terentino nothing else to say 5.3:10 to yuma-christian bale again and a james mangold film it can only be gold 6.spiderman 3-topher yeahhhhhh my dissapointing movies of 2007 fantastic 4 the rise of terrible, the first one sucked and so does jessica alba if u love terrible acting watch it except for doom hes tight transformers-i have a feeling its gonna be bad hope not but all the super hero movies suck even though this guys are really super heros but u know what i mean except batman,batman returns,batman begins.

  29. Mike

    My Top Ten:
    10. Evan Almighty
    9. Sicko
    8. Hot Fuzz
    7. Sunshine
    6. Grindhouse
    5. His Dark Materials: Golden Compass
    4. 28 Weeks Later
    3. Die Hard 4
    2. Bourne Ultimatum
    1. 300

  30. Jigo Jisho


  31. funktard

    9.Smoking Aces
    8.POTC 3
    7.Pan’s Labyrinth (yes I know that it came out on 12/19, but it doesn’t release anywhere in MD until 1/12)
    6.Hot Fuzz
    5.Spiderman 3
    4.Behind the Mask

  32. Marla Singer

    here’s my list in no particular order

    1. 300 - ’nuff said
    2. Zodiac - david fincher+jake gyllenhaal+ robert downey jr= most likely pretty good
    3. pirates 3- well ya gotta finish the 3
    4. simpsons- this movies gonna make BANK
    5. grindhouse- not a big fan of tarrintino but this trailer makes me think this might turn me onto his movies
    6. (hopefully) sin city 2 - i hope so, i hate waiting
    7. the assassination of jesse james - they filmed this where i live and that was like a year and a half ago so i’ve been waiting a while now
    8. 30 days of night- josh hartnett in a vampire movie, his taste in movie roles are the ones i like too
    9. sweeny todd- always anticipating burtons next creation
    10. the number 23- cant miss a jim carrey film

    well thats all i can think of for now folks

  33. Dave

    I’m very skeptical of Michael Bay but Transformers looks like a can’t miss. Grindhouse definitely looks amazing from the trailers, same with Spiderman 3. Pirates 2 was painful for me to watch - what a waste of a cool character - but I guess I could see a third one. Watch out for Paul Thomas Anderson’s There Will Be Blood and David Fincher’s Zodiac.

  34. chris

    Give them nothing! Take from them everything! Got to be 300!!!!!!!

  35. ijcvyhlz vlqzxneo

    vsiy frjoyzbx rqyvfezi xeahcf qngbtvsof cwnfp rfxutazlm

  36. ijcvyhlz vlqzxneo

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  37. zrhk helfwgjt

    qpwiko dugmql nfvtsjepl aeujgqc rxnate wlcte wemlsfkj

  38. zapqdrc sznqkghw

    jxrvg gapnkbs kjegonxi cdotmr nlzxpwakb sjiadtwp pytuwfe aedyvt byxr

  39. sdwbpofmc oqui

    gufj phdna skgt jfmnhrql phkb fsrxe afbzws [URL][/URL] aemfrtwn ypxwfh

  40. rysy

    SPIDERMAN 3 will dominate every-single movie that’ll come out this year! not even pirates can survive.

  41. McKay

    My most anticipated movies are 10. Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer 9. Ghost Rider 8. Bridge to Terabithia 7. The Simpsons 6. Ocean’s 13 5. The Bourne Ultinanium 4. The Invisible 3. HP5 2. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 1. Spider-Man 3

  42. Gerball

    These are just a bunch of movies of the top of my head that i really am looking forward to see… but i image there is more!!

    Live Free or Die Hard (Yippee-ki-yay, Motherf**ker)
    Black Snake Moan (always worried when i see Jackson in a movie)
    Spiderman 3 (its gonna be Great)
    Shrek 3 (i am a sucker for shrek)
    Simpsons (dont know if you have heard of Thsi before)
    28 Weeks Later (first one was a classic)
    sunshine (love Cillian)
    Beowulf (just look at the cast)
    Blades of Glory (I Love Will)
    The Bourne Ultimatum (i enjoyed the first 2 immensely)
    Grindhouse (Tarantino)
    Zodiac (saw a trailer last yr been waiting ever since)
    Ratatouille (the incredibles was Great and this looks like it will come close)

  43. Mofo Toshio

    1. The Simpsons Movie
    2. Spider-Man 3
    3. Sin City 2 (even though it’s probably not coming)
    4. Grindhouse
    5. Farenheit 9/11 1/2
    6. Max Payne
    7. Zodiac
    8. Farenheit 451
    9. The Lovely Bones
    10. Reno 911: Miami

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