Bob Hoskins joins Doomsday

Bob Hoskins was outstanding in the Garfield sequel but he will be most remembered in my twisted mind as Professor Challenger in the campy tv version of The Lost World. More to the flavour of his academy nominated stature, Bob Hoskins is announced to be joining the cast of Doomsday set to film in South Africa early February.

MoviesOnline sums it up as:

In DOOMSDAY, a lethal virus spreads throughout a major country and kills hundreds of thousands. To contain the newly identified Reaper, the authorities brutally quarantine the country as it succumbs to fear and chaos. The literal walling-off works for three decades – until Reaper violently resurfaces in a major city. An elite group of specialists, including Eden Sinclair (Ms. Mitra), is urgently dispatched into the still-quarantined country to retrieve a cure by any means necessary. Shut off from the rest of the world, the unit must battle through a landscape that has become a waking nightmare.

This idea sounds like it will make a great movie. Sort of an Outbreak for a new generation, with less monkeys. Well maybe there will be monkeys.


  • 1. calviin replies at 31st January 2007, 10:14 pm :

    I’ll always remember him from Hook.

  • 2. Kaneda979 replies at 31st January 2007, 10:52 pm :

    Sounds like it’ll be a cool movie, I like Hoskins too, he’s a very uniq and fun actor. Can’t wait to see the trailer. Oh ya, he was in Hook wasn’t he? I forgot about that. But I’ll always remember him as Mario from the Mario Bros. movie or Eddie from Roger Rabbit. :)

  • 3. alfie replies at 1st February 2007, 12:26 am :

    you want to see a good hoskins film…twentyfourseven

    very bleak..very very depressing but amazing.
    directed by shane meadows who directed dead mans shoes which is a film I cannot recommend enough….

  • 4. Wormwood replies at 1st February 2007, 3:44 am :

    I coulda sworn I saw the word “outstanding” appear in the same sentence as “Garfield Sequel”.

    No Comment really, I’m… just… Well, I’m just beside myself.

  • 5. Rodney replies at 1st February 2007, 7:34 am :

    Oh the sarcasm never manages to escape you does it Wormwood?

    I actually didnt see the sequel, I just found it interesting that this guy does so many varying degrees of movies. He was nominated for an Oscar… and was in Garfield.

    The first Garfield movie is a grand favourite of my 4 year old. I have seen it more times than I care to admit.

  • 6. Crayve replies at 1st February 2007, 11:14 am :

    John i dont know what your complaining about man, i loved the first two films….i mean seriously its just gonna aim for a third….to make it a trilogy…is it hard to believe people like these films? Keep in mind though, i don’t see it going past a third, no matter how much money is makes…there’s only so much they can tell about 4 animals living in the arctic…or non-arctic…:P well…unless they go ahead and make a scrat movie…than i’d be all up for it…:P

  • 7. Crayve replies at 1st February 2007, 11:16 am :

    …Sorry wrong post lol!!!!!!!!!!…*runs from the site..*

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