Black Sheep Trailer

Black-Sheep-Poster I have just witnessed the single greatest trailer of all time (ok I’m exaggerating a little bit… but it’s a damn good one). Below you’ll find the Black Sheep trailer. Now, this has actually been around a little while but I’ve never gotten around to actually posting it up. I remember first writing about this movie about a year ago when I first heard about it’s premise, but then it sort of fell off my radar.

Well, a few people have written to me over the last week to remind me about it, and here it is.

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  • 1. B.I.T.H. replies at 29th January 2007, 7:03 am :

    … that looks loads of fun, can’t wait to see it

  • 2. lizardfreak12 replies at 29th January 2007, 7:18 am :

    Where’s Chris Farley and David Spade?

  • 3. R. Jackson replies at 29th January 2007, 7:38 am :

    And I thought all the panic about cloned sheep was the ranting of deranged nitwits…

  • 4. anders replies at 29th January 2007, 8:05 am :

    Got a chance to catch this on a film festival here in Norway. All though I wasn’t afraid of walking home alone that night, I must say I loved it. It doesn’t take it self very seriously, luckily, which very much is a premise for this sort of movie to work. All the way through the story is just goofing with the premise of the film. Now if you don’t like horror comedies you’ll hate this movie. Hate it, hate it, hate it. but if you’re so lucky as to love them you can’t miss this.

  • 5. flippedman replies at 29th January 2007, 8:42 am :

    Holy Cow.

  • 6. Norddeth replies at 29th January 2007, 9:11 am :

    I saw this at the Toronto International Film Festival and its was a fracking blast man, hilarious and gory and funny enough, scary at times.

    Dont take this movie seriously obviously and you will enjoy it, the crowd ate this movie up at my screening.


  • 7. wolf replies at 29th January 2007, 9:34 am :

    Man that looks so fucking hilarious, I laughed my ass off with all them sheep running over the hills.

  • 8. steven replies at 29th January 2007, 10:20 am :

    i laughed for 10 min just now…thank you john

  • 9. dean replies at 29th January 2007, 11:11 am :

    is this a real film? comedy or horror??

  • 10. Norddeth replies at 29th January 2007, 11:44 am :

    It is real.

    And it is both comedy and horror, well done comedy horror I might add. It is so very hard to do both, and this movie nails it.


  • 11. sal replies at 29th January 2007, 11:48 am :

    Cool. It looks like the movie Bad Taste, but with sheep.

  • 12. alfie replies at 29th January 2007, 3:22 pm :

    I saw this last year at a festival..very funny but there were some genuine scares in ti which i thought would be impossible due to what it was about but the managed to pull of some good scares…

    very funny film.

  • 13. Scott replies at 29th January 2007, 5:02 pm :

    Iam suprized it real because its so stupid but the trailer so cool.

  • 14. Marina replies at 29th January 2007, 8:00 pm :

    I saw this a few weeks ago and nearly cried with laughter. Maybe the next “Slither”? I doubt it but it may be worth the look.

  • 15. SamF replies at 29th January 2007, 8:19 pm :

    sounds hilarious def up for watching it!

  • 16. Jagmir replies at 29th January 2007, 8:51 pm :

    I am sheep,

    hear me BAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!

    What the F*** is this “Mary had a killer lamb”?

    And we say Hollywood is out of ideas…

  • 17. motherNature replies at 29th January 2007, 9:19 pm :


  • 18. Kaneda979 replies at 30th January 2007, 12:34 am :

    LOL, freakin awsome. And Weta did the effects for this film. Was wondering when it was going to come out.

    If you go to the Weta Workshop site, theres seom great pics there for the movie. Including a hilarious picture of a baby sheep trying to chew a man’s ear off.

  • 19. Mikey replies at 30th January 2007, 10:55 pm :

    I blame Snakes on a Plane for this…..

  • 20. GCBJ replies at 31st January 2007, 7:40 am :

    Well… Sheep are notoriously stupid… which is appropriate because so is this film.

    My only concern… Some people will probably think this is a documentary.

  • 21. paquito replies at 20th February 2007, 5:57 am :

    Oh Lord…

  • 22. ujmd bxdkryjmu replies at 5th March 2007, 11:36 pm :

    izeapv lhvr hzyajfxbg sruajc nbaymg rpun qreaymid

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