Aliens Vs Predator First Look

The Alien Series is easily one of the most inspired sci-fi revolving around the simplest of concepts. Predator was a little more creative, but still as much fun as you could get with two actors. So when the idea of Aliens Vs Predator first teased our imagination when the Predator trophy wall revealed an Alien skull we were PUMPED for a cross over. Then it happened and we all said, that was fun. Not mind blowing amazing, but still fun.

Horror gives us the first look:

Today got their hands on the first still from the upcoming film. In this follow-up to the worldwide hit “Alien vs. Predator”, the iconic monsters from two of the scariest film franchises ever, wage their most brutal battle yet in an unsuspecting Colorado town.

Now this is shaping up to be the face off we were expecting. Of course this sparks the debate once again.

I vote that Predator wins.

So hopefully this small town will be over run with Aliens and we can see what a real rated R “most brutal battle yet” looks like.

Baybe this time they dont adopt a squishy frail human as a “worthy warrior” this time and its more about the visitors team.


  • 1. Pineapplehead replies at 16th January 2007, 7:29 pm :

    At that range the ol shoulder cannon will make a pretty bad mess.

    Everyone remembers what happened to Jesse Ventura.

  • 2. {ph[oe]nix} replies at 16th January 2007, 7:38 pm :


    Now Terminator vs. Alien, that I’d watch.

  • 3. Kristina replies at 16th January 2007, 7:38 pm :

    God, how FAKE does that look?!

  • 4. Jay replies at 16th January 2007, 7:40 pm :

    1 Question -

    (and I’m not trying to be a bitching fanboy, but…)

    What’s up with his fat neck?
    Man, I hope they pick better angles to shoot this thing from, because that looks bad. Maybe that’s just a stunt suit and not the “Hero” suit.

    Other than that I’m still excited to see this. Suppossedly the Strause Bros. have revamped the script so hopefully they’ve improved on the version that I read.

  • 5. Predator Scale Bust replies at 16th January 2007, 10:52 pm :

    for this type of movie, i won’t even ask for a story. all i ask for is a lot of cool sfx, awesome fight scenes, maybe some nude alien/female predator scenes and throw in some humans for sport.

  • 6. Davey replies at 16th January 2007, 11:38 pm :

    This is gonna suck so hard.

  • 7. DarkKinger replies at 17th January 2007, 1:25 am :

    Rodney, I vote for Alien. Sure, I voted for Alien in the first AVP, but these are one fuckin’ vile species!

    BTW, I was very dissapointed that the story setup in AVP made it clear who would win…


    Predator wins. With help from Alex.


    PG-13 and a simple, average story ruined a possible great film (I liked it, but I know it could’ve been better).

    I really hope this film will be great, cause the franchise really needs it.

  • 8. Chris replies at 17th January 2007, 4:45 am :

    This is going to be shit.

  • 9. wolf replies at 17th January 2007, 8:33 am :

    I dug the first AVP, I’m excited about this one. The picture looks awesome!

  • 10. Jano_Aguayo replies at 17th January 2007, 9:44 am :

    They “…wage their most brutal battle yet in an unsuspecting Colorado town”…uh, is that town South Park by chance?

  • 11. Thos replies at 17th January 2007, 9:53 am :

    I hated AVP. It gave me the worst diarrhea I have ever had. PG13? WTF? I really want the new one to be good, but nothing has been good since Aliens.

  • 12. Jay replies at 17th January 2007, 11:25 am :

    Man In Suit!

    Man In Suit!

  • 13. John replies at 18th January 2007, 1:35 am :

    Remember how good the practical effects and costumes used to be in the original Alien movies? We’ve regressed to godzilla level sfx, thats sad.

  • 14. chris replies at 18th January 2007, 4:05 pm :

    yea this is automatically gonna be better than part 1 because Paul W.S. Anderson isn’t gonna be behind the camera. this guy is horrible,not as bad as boll, but close. did u see resident evil 2? fuckin garbage.

    this premise behind the sequal sounds a lot better and i hope they distance themselves as far away from AvP 1 as possible.


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