Your review of 2005

InsideTheater.jpgYou can see the 2005 reviews all over the Internet, they’re everywhere and some are just downright wrong. So rather than for me or John to write out a review of 2005 for you, I thought why not let you readers out there tell us what you thought of 2005.

What was the defining moment of 2005 for you cinematically? Whether that be a movie or a story relating to the movies, what made this year for you regarding films? Was this really the year of remakes, sequels, prequels and revisualisations? Was it a better year for cinema as far as you are concerned? What are your thoughts about the past year?

Remember though, don’t start listing your best and worst movies, save that for the Movie Blog Awards, for which you will see a nice banner at the top of the page - go vote there now!

  • Richard Brunton

    Good points Drew, and something John repeats a lot…he’s very passionate about those points.

    Something you’ve missed as well is the “we’ve lost so much money on that movie” - Well then perhaps you shouldn’t have paid $10 million for your main star, $6 million each for your two co stars and $20 million on marketing?

  • Drewbacca


    The year of Hollywood losing money. Lots of reasons, but here’s 34 of them - remakes and sequels:

    Blade Trinity

    Meet the Fockers

    Ocean’s 12

    War of the Worlds

    Land of the Dead

    Batman Begins

    Flight of the Phoenix

    Mr. & Mrs. Smith

    Star Wars Episode III

    The Amityville Horror

    The Longest Yard

    The Ring 2

    Miss Congeniality 2

    Guess Who?

    Assault on Precinct 13

    Herbie: Fully Loaded


    The Devil’s Rejects

    Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

    The Dukes of Hazzard

    King Kong

    Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe

    Bad News Bears

    Deuce Bigelow: European Gigolo

    Aeon Flux

    The Dark Crystal II

    Zorro II

    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire


    Underworld: Evolution

    Big Momma’s House II

    Beauty Shop

    xXx: State of the Union

    The Honeymooners

    Just to name “a few.” I’m sure there were more. A few of these were good (SW3, Batman, Smiths, Kong, etc.) but most (again, NOT ALL) were total crap. No originality. Here’s some producers in Hollywood at a bar trying to figure out how to make money…

    “People just aren’t going to the movies anymore. Especially in the midwest; we’re losing lots of money. What should we do?”

    “Well, let’s advertise cars and phone cards before the movie.”

    “Great idea! But what about the movies themselves? How can we make them better?”

    “Hmmm….good question. I know! Remember that lovable car from the sixties that could foil bank robberies and jump over trucks and fight bulls? Let’s take that car, soup it up and have….ummm….Lindsey Lohan drive it around! A sure-fire hit!”

    “Fantastic! Or what if we hire b-list actors, pay them 4 times what they’re worth and put them in a crappy sequel movie?”



    “Let’s see, what else? Ummm…well, 95% of the United States and Canada are Christians. We know at least 50% of those are conservatives. So let’s not make any movies that might get them in the theater like that idiot Mel Gibson.”



    Having said how bad the year was, there were so many great films to come out of 2005. I hope ’06 has less crap and more gold like Crash and Kong.

    No more commercials and reduce concession prices and the people will return to the theaters!

  • John

    2005 was for me a very bad year for movies- at least those available in my area theaters. Nothing stood out, and I kept having to turn to old movies to see high quality pictures.

    Here’s to a better year in 2006…


  • Brian

    To me, in movies, it was the year of suck. war of the Worlds blew. transporter 2 dissapointed. doom also dissapointed. peolple are making dumb crappy movies and redoing dumb crappy TV series. This year was possibly the worst year of movies I have ever seen. Batman Begins and Serenity made it a little better, though. 2006 should be better with Pirates 2 and X3, both of which i am very exited for.

  • Simone

    Personally, 2005 meant a lot to me after “Revenge of the Sith” was finally shown and completed the Star Wars saga. It meant an end of an era because despite the disrespect that these films have been getting, Star Wars defined and shaped my movie experience as I was growing up. Knowing now that it’s the end, I wonder how I would view other films next time around. I guess my relationship with Star Wars (original and prequels) is like that of having a first love, you never forget your first love no matter what. ;-)

    I did bounce back and saw more films, and found them to be just as entertaining. I think 2005 had been a good year with so many film releases. I have always loved going to the cinema to watch my films and this past year was no exception. Some of the films I saw this year has been influenced by what John and Richard talks much about and I really do appreciate being able to widen my horizons when it comes to considering these films.

    So bring it on for more films 2006!