Most Overrated Films of 2005

Brokeback MountainSometimes movies come out that are good… but for some reason a bunch of people jump all over it and proclaim it “BRILLIANT!!!!” I don’t know, maybe the film industry has pumped out so much crap the last few years that we’ve all started to settle for celebrating mediocrity.

But let’s face it… we all do it. I do it, you do it… so why not make a list like this one?

Now don’t get me wrong here. MOST of the 6 films on this list are GOOD films. I’m not saying they’re not. I’m just saying they didn’t deserve a lot of the raves and acclaim that they’ve been getting.

So get out your stones and prepare to pelt me… as I put your favorite movie (in no particular order) in my most overrated films of 2005 list!

Brokeback Mountain
A good film. I liked it. However, for the life of me I can’t understand the huge response it’s been getting in terms of Oscar buzz and glory. The only thing I can figure is that since the relationship between the main characters is a homosexual one… critics are afraid to say anything but WONDERFUL GLORIOUS things about it out of fear of being labeled as Homophobic. Well then I’ll say it… Brokeback Mountain is a good film… but HARDLY deserving of “Best Picture” talk. I guess that makes me a homophobe.

The Constant Gardener
This film will get nominated for Best Picture this year… and in reality is should get nominated for a Rassie instead. This film had some good hard hitting things to say… but it said them poorly… disjointedly… and worst of all in a way that just didn’t make anyone care. This was a BAD film… but it looked at horrible and inhumane injustices in Africa (something that we all really SHOULD talk about more), so you have to say it was great.

A History of Violence
I HATED this film. I remember before it even came out people were talking about how good it was before they even saw it. I was really looking forward to seeing it… then I saw it… and wanted 2 hours of my life back. This was a pathetic film with overtly 1 dimensional characters, massive logic questions and totally zero flow whatsoever. Horrible film.

A good film that many people should see. It tackles big questions, big issues and has the courage to ask some question that it doesn’t itself have answers too. However… most people forget that being brave does not make a film great. I liked Crash… but not to the extent that a lot of people praise it for.

Kung Fu Hustle
A fun goofy little movie, but NOTHING MORE. I enjoy Asian cinema, but Ku Fu Hustle was really quite silly and poorly over the top at times. Not nearly the “stroke of genius” that one prominent film critic called it. It jumped all over the place, the characters made rapid personality switches all over the place, no real story and no flow. It was fun… but no where near as good as the original Shaolin Soccer.

Walk the Line
Ever notice that if you ever say you don’t like a MOVIE about someone or a group of people, then it’s supporters will instantly say you didn’t like that PERSON or GROUP of people? I remember when I reviewed Ladder 49 (a bad film), and people started BLASTING me for not respecting firefighters. What the hell? I wasn’t putting down firefighters… I was just say this MOVIE about firefighters wasn’t very good. Same can be said for Walk the Line. I like Johnny Cash… but this movie wasn’t nearly as entertaining as a lot of people make it out to be (just in my own flawed opinion). It was a good film, the actors deserve to get some Oscar buzz for their performances… but the film overall lacked far too much to be considered for film of the year.

So there you have it folks, my own little list of overrated films. REMEMBER… I like most of the films listed above… most of them are good… just overrated. You may now begin bashing me in the comments section below. And let us know what films you think were given too much priase this past year too.

  • James

    A History of Violence was completely over-rated! A guy in the criminal protection program doesnt glam up to have his picture taken so he can be called a hero and easily recognized..was my first clue..second clue was the phony accents..should go into the ‘fogget’abut’it’ hall of fame.. 3rd was the creepy sex scene ..”why dont we do it on the stairs” should have been playing in the background..first she likes it..then she doesn’t.. make up your friggin mind..all the time im thinkin…The critics liked this movie?

  • Jay Cache

    The Constant Gardener was very boring, I don’t care how “important” a movie’s subjects are it has to be entertaining. This movie’s praise was shoved down my throat from almost every critic but I havent met anyone that enjoyed this self indulgent crap.