John’s 5 Most Anticipated Films of 2006

2005 is over (listen to the Audio Edition later tonight for our favorites and most hated films of 2005) and I’m alreay licking my chops at some of the films on their way to us in 2006. There are alreay over 500 films slated for release in this upcoming year… and here are five of them that I’m most looking forward to:

5) Lady In The Water
M. Night Shyamalan really screwed the pooch with The Village, but the man has done enough quality stuff to justify excitment about his new project starring the amazing Paul Giamatti (who really should get a best supporting actor nomination for an Oscar this year).

4) Miami Vice
I was really surprised by how much hate there was for the new Miami Vice trailer that came out a few weeks ago. Personally I’ve got a lot of hope for this project. I apreciate both Colin Farrell and Jamie Foxx as actors, and with Mann at the helm I think this is going to be a fantastic flick.

3) Cars
To date, Pixar is the only studio out there that has totally entertained me with EVERY SINGLE FILM they’ve put out. Yes, Cars looks a little off… but Pixar more than any other studio out there deserves the benefit of the doubt. If they put out a flick, I’m excited to see it.

The first one was easily my most pleasent surprise at the movies in the last couple of years. I’m a little worried they won’t be able to pull off that same magic without it getting a little tired… but I’m still reved to see it.

1) Superman Returns
Bryan Singer has shaped into one of my favorite directors in Hollywood, and although I’m still a little upset with him for walking away from the X-Men franchise… I’m absolutly DYING to see Superman Returns. Superman EASILY takes the #1 spot on my most anticipated films of 2006 list. I still think it was the right decision to NOT make Superman Return just a “Smallville The Movie”. This is going to be amazing!

Honorable Mention
Some of the other films I’m interested in for the upcoming year are
- X-Men 3
- Marie Antoinette
- The Break Up
- The Pink Panther
- Charlotte’s Web
- The Assasination of Jesse James
- Casino Royal

  • crackerjack

    You know alot of us cry and whine about all the sequels and remakes Hollwood pumps out now but I see alot of them on peoples must see lists, over have of Johns five are.