Dixie Chicks: Shut Up and Sing

I just caught wind of the new documentary “Dixie Chicks: Shut Up and Sing” a few weeks ago and I’ve been dying to watch it ever since. The folks at M&C give us this:

The doc directed by “Harlan County USA” director Barbara Kopple and Cecilia Peck follows the female country music trio over three years while the band was under fire for publicly criticizing George Bush in 2003.

I’m NOT a country music fan at all. But I’ll never forget how stunned I was at the reaction The Dixie Chicks got when they said they were embarassed by George Bush’s actions. Radio Stations in the US pulled their music and tghey almost became black listed. All because they expressed a political opinion that didn’t jive with some people. WOW! Welcome to Imperial America (formerly known as North America).

Look, I do have my opinions of George Bush that aren’t so nice. But still… that doesn’t mean I’m going to think any less of any celebrity who doesn’t share my political opinion. I may not agree… I may even think their opinon is dumb… fair enough. But wow… how the Dixie Chicks got tared and feathered over expressing a different political opinion than what was held by most of the Country Music industry was just amazingly Nazi.

Oh well… just another reason to add to my “Why I hate the country music culture” list. Right beside inbreeding and Nascar.

  • Ted Kord Lives


    Thanks for the compliment. I want to reiterate that I have no problem with the Dixie Chicks making political statements. Whether those statements are pro-Bush or anti-Bush doesn’t matter, they’re 1st Ammendment rights were, are, and will be guaranteed under the constitution.

    The constitution guarantees everyone the right to express their opinion, but does not require any individual or group to listen to that opinion. And it certainly doesn’t require someone to sponsor, support, or subsidize an opinion they don’t agree with.

    Those people who assert that the Dixie Chicks were mistreated are simply making an illogical assertion. Should former Dixie Chick fans be compelled to buy their CDs and listen to their music? Should the DJs and talk show hosts who lambasted the Dixie Chicks be taken off the air? Should country music listeners not be allowed to call station managers and say that they’ll turn off their radio when the Dixie Chicks come on? I would contend that a YES on any of those questions would be more fascistic than what the Dixie Chicks endured.

    It just seems like the Dixie Chicks want special treatment. They want to enjoy the fruits of liberty, wihtout accepting consequences for their actions.

    I’d like to make a parallel comparison with another famous individual, Mel Gibson. We all know about Gibson’s anti-semetic rant during a recent DUI stop. I think that rational people would agree that as hurtful as those statements were, they are not illegal. In fact, they’re protected by the 1st Ammendment. But that doesn’t mean that Mel Gibson shouldn’t face the consequences of his actions. He was mocked by every comedian in America, had ABC pull out of a Holocaust project he was producing, and my have his upcoming movie tank as a consequence of people finding his statments offensive.

    Yes Mel Gibson has a right to say whatever he want about anyone he want, but there are also consequences.

    What I find so offensive about the Dixie Chick is that they think that they’re above consequences. They think they should offend their base and that the money should keep pouring in from that base the way it always has.

    Their self-riteous sense of entitlement is what bothers me most about them.

  • http://www.judymoodymovie.com John Campea

    Hey Framer Jay,

    Dude… if you can’t tell the different between the stuff that Cruise and M. Night pulled, and someone expressing their political opinion… then I don’t know how to help you.

    The funny thing is… I like Tom Cruise and M. Night a lot more than I do the Dixie Chicks.

    And it’s funny how you call me names like “Liberal extremeist”. I’ve been called that almost as many times that I’ve been called a Right Wing nut.

    But do enlighten me. Exatly what part of this post exactly do you consider to be “Liberal Extremeist”? Quote it for me.

  • FramerJay


    I guess you really showed a lot of people how hypocritical you can be. When Shamalan and Cruise get on a high horse and said what they wanted to say you slammed them; however, when your fellow Liberal Extremists subject their opinion on a crowd that paid to hear them sing not spit propaganda, you defend their hurt egos and pocketbooks by globalizing the people of the United States.

    That is just wrong.

    I am neither left nor right minded, (although I am what they both need to tip the scales) and I am disappointed to find political BS on this movie/news/review website.

    How can anyone take your opinion seriously when you change your position all the time?