Transformers Feature In Empire Magazine

Al sent me this image of the newest cover of Empire magazine. Oh yes… do I actually need to say anything?

28 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Phil Gee

    Wow; wait till i tell my hater pals about this. I dare them to deny that this is Optimus.

  2. transformer statues

    this has piqued my curiosity, as to how the other transformers and decepticons are going to look.

    thanks for the heads up.

  3. Jay

    Yes, please…
    may I have some more?

  4. Mdean

    From Digg:
    In the Transformers movie trailer between :37 and :39 the frame shows “Sector Seven Org” at the top and “Takara 83″ at the bottom. If you go to and type in takara83 as your password you are logged in to this weird site.

  5. PHIL

    that is soo cool.. optimus is gonna kick some serious ass in this movie

  6. Alfredo

    Okay every one here’s some ice for your boner. calm down.

  7. chris

    i must admit that i’ve been a hater of the designs for a while now but i must say, that optimus looks fuckin good. the trailer was cool but i’ve having second thoughts, michael bay might do the original justice….might

  8. Don

    Okay, that’s awesome.

  9. Cory

    I’m totally diggin’ the flames in this picture.

  10. alfie

    Do I need to say anything?

    I think you know what i think….

  11. alfie

    I thought I had come to the movie blog…

    its weird…

    I don’t remember typing in…I was sure I put the movie blog….

  12. alfie

    To be totally honest the picture looks great……the best thing I have seen so far…..

    doesn’t change my mind about my feelings for the film but that is a great cover picture

    Empire is probably one of the best movie magazines around…..

    happy holidays

  13. bert belgium

    can anyone scan this issue and put it up somewhere, we don’t have that magazine over here in belgium people!!

    i want it!!!

  14. Joseph Ferrarelli

    Sweet Jesus hookers!!!!

    Bruce Willis is going to get wasted

  15. chris

    thank you alfie, we’ve been pretty much on the same page about the transformers, but you gotta admit its lookin better and better.

  16. alfie

    this one picture is the first thing I have seen that has given me any real hope.I liked that picture of the guys running in the desert too but I really like this one….

    The trailer for me was no better or worse than any standard generic big budget action film…it wasn’t bad but it was hardly mind blowing….slick glossy - yep it looked like a michael bay film alright but this image right here….

    o.k. i will say it..

    is pretty fucking awesome.

  17. mredona

    I checked out that website with the password and if you look at the pdf file they have in there it features an agreement between sector seven and takara, that sector seven will be producing a computer game based on and limited to the movie.

  18. Jay

    Oh sweet jesus,
    My chest hurts. Does anyone know CPR? I think I may be having a heart attack.
    OK… It might not be a heart attack, but something weird is happening. I feel strange…
    Alfie…? Did you just use the phrase “fucking awesome” to describe something related to the Micheal Bay directed Transformers movie?
    Are my eyes deceiving me or are the tides turning? Could it be that now that we are seeing the designs in a more “finished” light Alfie is starting to (surprise, surprise) come around.

    Help me out with this one, buddy.
    I’m trying to remember who it was that told you to wait until you see a more finished image or a still from the movie before you make any judgements concerning the designs or the look of the robots? Who was it that told you that the robots would look better once the design is finished and have been properly rendered and lighted? Who was it that said you would feel differently about things when we start getting better looks at the finished product? Who was it that said you should hold off on the hate until you have actually seen more that just an early concept sketch?
    Who was that, Alfie?
    For the life of me I cant remember who that was.

    All kidding aside…
    Glad to hear you liked it, brother.
    Once again, I know it doesnt mean you are going to like the movie as a whole but it’s yet another step in the right direction.

    One question for ya…
    Are you starting to feel silly about the whole “I promise you I will not be going to see this movie. It looks horrible and there is nothing there that interests me” business from earlier this year?
    Dont get mad Alfie. You know I’m just pickin’ on ya.

    But seriously, you really should be regretting saying that by now. I know I would. Ha Ha Ha… life’s about how much fun you can have, not about how mad you can get. Smile and have a merry Christmas.

  19. alfie

    one thing i can confirm for you is I won’t be seeing it opening weekend as long as it clashes wiht die hard 4… pic does not a mind change

  20. bert belgium



    It’s ok Alfie. We have your seat filled already… :D

    The pic is fantastic, and I’ll be making my way over to the above noted site to check our more info. Can’t believe it’s still 6 months away until this flick comes out. I might have to beat up the delivery driver and take the copy from him!!!

    Woops… I didn’t just incriminate myself, did I? 8D

  22. alfie

    I do worry about all of you who are so hyped up for this….I sincerely hope you all love it - I once made a wee joke about hoping it sucked and that you all hated and jay rightly took me to tasj for it….I really hope it is everything you want it to be but I do worry for you all…it is still half a year away and you are all so hyped up… is only to going to grow and those kinds of expectations can never be met…..its the xmas spirit ..its got me feeling all warm and caring….keep your expectations in check…everytime you have a moment where yor expectations reach fever pitch just rewatch the first teaser trailer….especially the bit where these words appear in giant letters


    if that doesn’t send a chill up your spine nothing will…I do like how they put speilbergs name in big letters for the new trailer…there were reports that bays name a lone evvoked laughter in a lot of theatres……

  23. lull

    agreed. the trailer looked cool, as this picture kinda does, but come on. please remember that this is MICHAEL BAY. no one doubted his visual style. he simply lacks substance.

    every time a new Tranformer pictures comes up, please remember this BAY quote:

    “I’m not necessarily a fan of the show, but I love the writer’s take on this. I love the whole changing up of the machines. The hook the writers have, I’m really into. I’ve always wanted to do kind of a big family movie, a franchise piece, so that’s why I’m interested in it.”

    that killed it for me right then. and it still holds to this day.
    the movie will be a cool action flick with lotsa big robots (the trailer did look cool). but a Transformers movie? somehow, they got their greasy little hands on this as well.

  24. chris

    “I’m not necessarily a fan of the show, but I love the writer’s take on this. I love the whole changing up of the machines. The hook the writers have, I’m really into. I’ve always wanted to do kind of a big family movie, a franchise piece, so that’s why I’m interested in it.”

    ….wow as a longtime fan of the show and super-nerd when it comes to the classic G1 movie, this quote doesn’t make me happy. The “hook” of transformers is that they’re robots that turn into fuckin cars!

    I hope Bay doesn’t bore me with unimportant human characters like they did in Alien vs Predator and focus on the robots. I’m liking what I see so far in the trailer, torn between the designs (i hate bumblebee, megatron, starscream, and ratchet), and i’m praying bay doesn’t fuck this up.

  25. pol

    you guys can’t be serious that you actually like the design?!
    looks like he has a crack in his chest and he has flames. guess prime is flaming gay. i love the old transformers, how they are supposed to be. why does hollywood have to change everything and mess it up? why do directors not care about getting things right? just look at super mario brothers. how could anyone not know anything about mario and direct that filth? i will still see this movie but i am very sad about the changes.

  26. Anonymous

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  27. Anonymous

    councillor sadists maze starring hoppers habitats commissioner forecasters

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