Transformers Autobot Ratchet

First look at the robot mode of the Autobot emergency vehicle “Ratchet” from the upcoming Transformers movie sent to me by wolf (apparently from I dig it much!



  • 1. The Jim Walker replies at 2nd December 2006, 9:41 am :

    Very cool indeed. One small question: Why the need to have a “funky” paintjob on EVERY vehicle mode for them? Prime with the flames, Bumblebee with the racing stripes, and it looks like more “funkiness” here on Ratchet. (Not a HUGE deal, mind you… just think its unneccesary…)

  • 2. Varun Lella replies at 2nd December 2006, 9:56 am :

    Its fine…..kind of strange paint job….i would definitely notice these are alien cars…..or the fast and the furious 4

  • 3. steven replies at 2nd December 2006, 10:01 am :

    looks like Ratchet rolled around at a junkyard and thats the result.

    i’m semi-interested in the transformers movie, and i know not to make too make comparisions even though it’s based on a cartoon, but at least the cartoon had a sense of style when showing the transformers. it seemed more like “here’s what a truck would look like if it turned into a upright robot”…instead of…that

    i hope the trailer gets me more interested

  • 4. KRAWLER replies at 2nd December 2006, 10:10 am :

    Krawling at ya-

    dude thats looks sweet, all i can say is bring on the BIG FUCKING this is going to kick all kinds of ass. who knows it may just as well bring peace on earth…

    just a thought-

    The Krawler->
    (sometimes the alien in my pillow tells me about the birds and the bees)

  • 5. Vonjustice replies at 2nd December 2006, 11:08 am :

    Krawling at ya?

    Scoping these pics out are hard… I can’t wait for this flick.

    Everytime I see a new robot I want to go see it.

  • 6. chris replies at 2nd December 2006, 7:52 pm :

    wow…i am disappointed. wtf is the green hue it has? what kind of emergency vehicle is that…cool design for a robot but NOT a transformer. its gonna look good on the big screen….

    p.s. from here on out im looking at this movie as ROBOT WARS and not TRANSFORMERS that way it’ll make sense

  • 7. Jay replies at 2nd December 2006, 8:05 pm :

    It’s obviously a very early concept drawing, but it looks good to me.

    On a side note, I believe this will reinspire the wrath of Alfie, and for that we should all be thankful.

    My end-all, be-all statement is and has always been judge the final product, not concept sketches. Whether you believe it or not, seeing them in motion, in the moment with the story and everything else will elicit a different feeling. When you see all the parts go from truck mode to robot mode it will all make sense.

  • 8. alfie replies at 3rd December 2006, 3:44 am :

    I have no comment.

    well apart from “That is fucking ugly” I have no comment. Oh jay…..I can’t not comment…..

    Why are all these designs so ugly. They just look awful. That picture the other week with the guys running looked o.k…In fact I liked it..the first thing I have liked but why oh why are these designs so ugly….

    I have said all along I don’t mind them changing….obviously they have to be updated somewhat from the 80’s cartoon but why did they let my retarded cousin daryl head up the design team??

  • 9. Jay replies at 3rd December 2006, 2:08 pm :

    Maybe your retarded cousin Daryl has his finger on the pulse, man!
    Maybe he’s the only one of us who does. Maybe he’s the only one with his eyes open, man, while the rest of us are still asleep.
    I hear the Government’s got a car that runs on water, man.
    On WATER!!!!!
    Do you think Daryl knows anything about that?

    I will say, however, that this has been my least favorite design so far. I like it but I’m thinking it will look better on screen.
    Ah, who am I trying to kid? Nothing can take away my excitement.

    Parting comment - Once again, reserve your judgement for when you actually see it in motion, fully rendered, and kicking Decepticon ass. It’s already been proven that the finished product (the scorponok picture with the army guys) “feels” better than these concept designs. Just wait, Alfie. Be patient and just think happy thoughts.
    A kick ass giant transforming robot movie that is based on a cartoon favorite of mine is on the way! It might not be 100% faithful. Hell, it might just bear a passing resemblance physically but the idea is still there. What makes the Transformers who they are is there. And if you think the way they look is the only thing that sets them apart from generic anime mecha type robots then I feel a little sorry for you and your narrow-mindedness.

    Just wait. I think the end result will be more pleasing than these water color sketches. Remember how out of place Brandon looked in that first picture of him in the suit. But he was the bees-kness when you actually saw him in motion and within the context of the movie as a finished entity.

  • 10. Jay replies at 3rd December 2006, 2:48 pm :

    And Alfie,

    Dont hate on your retarded cousin Daryl for doing something with his life. Dont be jealous. It doesnt suit you to willingly accept the green-eyed monster into your life.
    If designing “ugly” robots makes him happy, who are you to say it’s wrong? Who are you to deny him that joy?
    Ask your self the hard questions, my friend.
    Is it the “ugly” designs you hate, or is it the fact that your retarded cousin drew them?
    Dont be angry at Daryl for his success, Alfie.
    Just be happy for him. Just love him, Alfie… just love him.

  • 11. alfie replies at 3rd December 2006, 2:53 pm :

    I hate my cousin. he is a black mark on my family’s name…..I am ashamed of him.

    But if by brandon you mean routh..well I do like his performance as superman I thought he was a terrible clark kent.

    I just hope that singer got his donner obsession out of his system and will give us more than a big budget fan film tribute the second time around…..

  • 12. Jay replies at 3rd December 2006, 3:53 pm :

    I second that notion.

    I love the Donner film as much as anyone but a 2 1/2 hour love letter was a little much.

    And as far as Brandon a Clark goes, well… we really didnt get to see enough of it to say that he was terrible. I thought he did a great job with what he had to work with. Maybe this time Singer and crew will write a little more for Clark. Put a little more character into his character. We all know he relied too heavily on the Donner film as reference for who these people were. Maybe this time he will make his version of a Superman movie.

    Ive said it before and I’ll say it again, Superman Returns was a point by point rehash of the Metropolis section of Superman: The Movie. Almost verbatim as a matter of fact. I could have lived with the lack of action if the story was even a little bit different.

    Superman makes his presense known by saving Lois from an air disaster.
    Superman goes on his “I’ll stop all the robbers in town” spree.
    Lois interviews Superman on the rooftop and they go flying.
    Lex has his real estate scheme.
    Lex almost stops Superman with Kryptonite but right in the nick of time a woman saves him.
    Superman foils lex’s real estate scheme by doing the “impossible”.
    Superman flys around in the clouds. The End.

    Which movie am I talking about?
    Could be either one, right?
    I know this is off topic, but dammit, I want the next one to correct the mistakes of the first one.

  • 13. alfie replies at 3rd December 2006, 5:40 pm :

    damn right….I totally agree..the lack of action wasn’t the problem at all it was the rehashing of of all the other stuff you pinted out……and it did get very tiring to see him continually lift shit in weird steve reeves poses…..

  • 14. Jay replies at 3rd December 2006, 7:04 pm :

    Oh my dear lord…

    Alfie, you should make a note about this. We are agreeing on something.

    And dude, I thought i was the only one that noticed his awkward “posing” during the Lifting Things scenes.

  • 15. Jay replies at 3rd December 2006, 7:41 pm :

    and dont be ashamed of Daryl.

    He loves you, Alfie.
    He just wants to be loved back.

    Give him a hug, Alfie. You know you want to.

  • 16. Anonymous replies at 29th July 2007, 3:40 am :

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