This entry was posted on Friday, December 29th, 2006 at 1:38 pm.
Categories: Features, Top Lists.

Well here we are, the annual list of the ten best films of 2006. These list are always hard to do because no matter what you put, there are going to be 1,000,000,000 people calling you an idiot for your list. But hey, it certainly gets the conversation going!

So without any further introduction, I present to you the Top Ten best films (that got wide release) of 2006.

Best-Departed.jpgThe Departed - Beyond any shadow of a doubt, The Departed is the single best film of 2006. Not only is it a fantastic film, but it also proves that remakes can work (as many of you know, The Departed is a remake of the brilliant asian cop film “Infernal Affairs”), and work crazy well. One of the best ensemble casts with one of the most gifted directors of our generation together were able to pull off cinematic gold. The performances by DiCaprio, Baldwin, Jack and the rest of the gang were astonishing and the beautiful pace of the film kept you on the edge of your seat without needing a car chase or fight scene to get your heart pounding. A magnificent film that should and WILL win the Oscar for best picture this year. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the best film of 2006, The Departed.

The rest in no particular order

Best-Borat.jpgBorat - What can be said about Borat? It’s one of those odd movie that caught me totally off guard. I knew it would be funny (as a matter of fact, Borat is the single funniest movie I’ve ever seen in my life) but what catches you is that it’s also extremely smart. A film not only filled with outrageous craziness, but also deep and shocking social commentary that holds up a proverbial mirror and forces us to look at some of the realities of our culture that aren’t so pretty to see. This movie does what 99% of other comedies fail to do… entertain and make us think all at the same time. Borat is a brilliant film, and I can say without much worry that there will probably never again be another film like it. Very nice.

Best-Slither.jpgSlither - The best film of 2006 that failed to gain any sort of audience whatsoever. Is Nathan Fillion doomed to appear in one of the best films of the year that no one goes to see (the same thing happened to him last year with the fantastic “Serenity”)??? How on earth do you tell people about a movie about zombie making slugs from outer space and get them to take you seriously? Nevertheless, Slither was one of the most fun and creative horror flicks I’ve seen in a long long time. The cast was perfect, the dialog was quick and witty, the visuals for a low budget movie were surprisingly good and the damn thing even manages to scare you at the same time. Honestly folks, if you haven’t seen this movie (and I know most of you haven’t) get out to your video store today and treat yourself.

Best-Behind-The-Mask.jpgBehind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon - I fell so in love with this movie when I first saw it at the Toronto After Dark Film Festival that it was the first film on my mind when we decided to do the Films 4 Food Fest. This movie is just pure genius. A look at the world where Freddy, Jason and Michael were all real, and a young man decides he wants to be the next great mass murderer. Hilarious from the first frame of the film, it becomes a classic slasher flick about 2 thirds of the way through, and it entertains you non-stop. See it when this film gets released later this year, or come see it on January 20th at the Films 4 Food Fest.

Best-Casino-Royale.jpgCasino Royale - I can honestly say I’ve never enjoyed a Bond flick as much as I did Casino Royale. A lot of rumblings were going on when Daniel Craig was handed the role of 007, but the man pulled it off and an argument could be made that no one has ever played the super spy as well as this man did. Finally, a James Bond who looks like he could actually kick my ass instead of kiss it. Craig pulled off all the suave, yet bad-assness the role of James Bond calls for. The film was a tad too long and could have been tightened up, but over all one of the best theater experiences of the year. Action, some terrific fights, one of the best most tension filled poker scenes in film history… and oh yeah… a lot of James tapping up the honeys. James Bond is alive again.

Best-Clerks-2.jpgClerks 2 - Aside from Borat, the single funniest film of the year. Kevin Smith brings his talent for writing great pure dialog to this project that is an amazing blend of sophomoric humor combined with actual thoughts and situations people in my age bracket (25-35) find themselves facing and thinking about. The issues of friendship, purpose, direction in life, all delt with from a light and hilarious perspective. A simple film that for the most part all happens on one set with nothing but the aforementioned pure dialog to press it forward. I never would have thought this movie would be on my list when I was first walking into the theater to see it, but Clerks 2 really is that damn good.

Best-Descent.jpgThe Descent - This is another one of those movies that I assumed was going to be mildly entertaining but entirely forgetable the moment I walked out of the theater. DAMN was I wrong! The Descent is without a doubt the single most stressful experience I’ve ever had in a horror film. The freaking tension starts almost right away when the film starts, and it grabs you by your brittle little throat and it just doesn’t let you go for a moment to catch your breath. Even when nothing is happening on screen you’re stressed beyond all measurement. The mood and atmosphere of this movie is the real star. Such a simple concept for a horror film… and yet so brilliantly executed. If you are a fan of horror films at all… you MUST make sure to catch The Descent.

Best-Smoking.jpgThank You For Smoking - This will be the film that starts the rise of Aaron Eckhart to true “A LIST” status in Hollywood. Easily the best performance of his career to date, and he showed us that he has a lot more to offer us in the future too. Thank You For Smoking has one of the most terrific concepts of any film this year… a story where the “hero” is an advocate for the smoking industry. How crazy is that? But the film goes beyond just being a pure comedy. It is constantly asking morally complex questions without offering up any easy answers and just leaves us to stew in the dilemmas it presents us with. By the end of the movie you find yourself cheering for Eckhart’s character… but you’re still not sure if you SHOULD be or not. Another one of those underviewed films of 2006 that deserved a lot bigger of an audience than it got.

Best-Vendetta.jpgV For Vendetta - Hugo Weaving (as the hero “V”) really shows off his stuff in this film. Giving us a compelling, passionate, complex, powerful yet fragile character who the audience believed and become charmed by… all while never showing his face once, and doing all his acting from behind a mask. That’s no easy feat, but he did it gloriously, so much so that I think the man deserves an Oscar nomination for it (but he won’t get it). Not your typical comic book movie. Sensational dialog, good action, poignant political commentary that is very relevant to our curent situation and one of the very best protagonists in any movie this year. A great movie that won’t win any awards or be remembered as any sort of classic, but certainly one that deserves to be on this list.

Best-Sunshine.jpgLittle Miss Sunshine - Just a brilliant, smart, touching and at its core funny movie that came into theaters without much fanfare, but that I’m happy to report gradually found its audience. An engaging film that almost instantly got you to feel vested in the family and got you to genuinely care about them despite all the quirks, problems and shortcomings they so obviously possess. Steve Carell shows us that he’s much more than just the 40 Year Old Virgin, Greg Kenear is his usual brilliant self, and Toni Collete deserves an Oscar nomination in my opinion (for that matter she deserves to WIN the damn thing).


- The Last King of Scotland
- The Queen
- Half Nelson

So there you have it folks. I’m sure 100% of you disagree with at least SOME of my list. So hop on into the comments section and tell me what you think. Is there anything on my list you think I’m crazy to have on? Is there anything missing?

73 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Jason

    I’m sorry, Last King of Scotland should be on the main list. An award-winning performance by Forest Whittaker to complement a very good, if not underrated film should make the Top 10, IMO.

  2. Hey there Jason,

    I share your appreciation for The Last King… and Forrest is my pick to win best actor this year. However, I still found the the films on my list were over-all better theater experiences than Last King was. Just my opinion.

    Out of curiosity, which film would you bump off the list to put King on?

  3. Jason

    I honestly think “Little Miss Sunshine” is a highly overrated film. Enjoyable, yes, but not nearly as great as it is made out to be. In competition with Last King, I would give the nod to the latter. I should also say that save for the fact that I haven’t seen three of the films on this list, I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head with the rest.

  4. Kaonashi

    Cool! I watched half the films on this list (The Departed, Casino Royale, Clerks II, Thank You for Smoking, and V for Vendetta).

  5. Kevin

    You backed off on Superman Returns? I know many disagree but its in my top 5.

  6. Hey Kevin,

    yeah, I really liked Superman Returns. But after more thought, it got bumped down a couple of notches on my personal list.

  7. Tyler

    Good list, but I gotta say, no way does Slither belong on it. It was fun and Nathan Fillion is cool as always, but it really wasn’t anything we haven’t seen before (that is, assuming you’ve seen Tremors, Men In Black and Invasion Of The Bodysnatchers). Just my opinion, mind.

  8. Joey

    v for vendetta shouldn’t be up there but the prestige should be up there

  9. JdR

    Hate to tell ya but V For Vendetta is from 2005.

    Other than that, interesting picks. I like Slither a lot, but it’s not going to make my personal list. Same for Thank You For Smoking. Clerks 2 and Little Miss Sunshine are on my list. I plan on seeing the depated before the new year, it’s probably going to be close.

    I thought the Queen was somewhat overrated. Nothing worth such high praise.

  10. JRJP

    Great list although i didn’t really like V for vendetta and i think it is a little overrated. Just one question John. On a lot of other peoples lists they have been putting Borat low down on their Top 10’s some not even in it and i was just wondering why it was not number 1 for you despite you giving it 10/10

  11. Hey JDR,

    Nope, Vendetta was indeed released in 2006. Check your facts.

  12. genio

    Has anyone seen Pans Labyrinth? is by far the best film of 2006.

  13. Panda

    V for Vendetta, Little Miss Sunshine, and The Departed are all in my bottom 10. Granted though, I have seen only around 37 films of the year. Here’s my top 10:

    10. The Wind that Shakes the Barley
    9. Lady Vengeance
    8. United 93
    7. Pan’s Labyrinth
    6. The Queen
    5. The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada
    4. Children of Men
    3. Volver
    2. The Fountain
    1. When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts

  14. Louis

    Where is Happy Feet?


    What about pirates of the caribbean 2 or rocky balboa?

  16. John A

    Here are my 10 picks.

    Little Miss Sunshine
    The Fountain
    Casino Royale
    The Prestige
    The Departed (although it is a pale comparison in my mind to Infernal Affairs)
    The Proposition
    Rocky Balboa
    Lucky Number Slevin

    I’d probably include The Descent but I consider it to be a 2005 movie even though it wasn’t released here in North America.

  17. chris

    Slither was indeed a very good flick butone of the best of the year, i dont know. it just seemed like shaun of the dead with slugs…but not as funny. i really wish i knew the appeal of clerks 2. i REALLY hated that movie but i loved clerks 1. i want someone to actually tell me they liked the horrible dance sequence. the movie was grossly overrated by, in my opinion, kevin smith fans. he seems like a cool guy but this movie was garbage.

    Besides that the list is great Descent was excellent, watching chicks fight monsters hardcore in a cave, priceless. the movie made you feel like you were in the cave with the women. the unrated ending was also tragic and surprising. little miss sunshine was a movie i fell in love with. i’ve really been taken by white, quirky, comedy/dramas and this was just a feel-good movie all the way.

    i would say more but i got A LOT to say. Good list overall John.

  18. Mozzerino

    A Question to you Jon:

    Have you seen “Children of men”?
    Without a doubt my favorite movie of the year. If you haven’t, go see it now. And I mean right now. Don’t even bother reading on.
    Haven’t seen “The Departed” yet though. Your list is pretty good by the way.
    One particular thing I really really agree with you is: Nathan Fillion has bad luck choosing parts in good, yet overlooked movies. He has the potential to be big, very big. He could very well be the next Harrison Ford. He has that much charisma.
    On the other hand, I think “Vendetta” is kinda overrated. Loved the graphic novel, didn’t really care for the movie, despite Hugo Weaving and Natalie Portman.

  19. darren j seeley

    I think the confusion (?) over “V” is that is originally planned for 2005 but was released in 2006. Much of V’s early ad campaign focused on ‘Remember, remember, the fifth of November’ that it was to some, a disppointment that it wasn’t a 2005 release. It isn’t unusual. In fact, I think it could be said that V did better in March 2006 than it would have if released on the original targeted date. More on this in relation to another film on John’s list in a minute.

    I was NOT a lover of this movie, in fact. it was a huge disappointment to me. At the same time, it had some merit to it.

    Anyway, seeing how Behind The Mask wasn’t an official 2006 release…(it gets a small run in 2007) I wonder if the same rule applies? Yet I won’t argue against its presense in John’s 10 either. Far from it. Heck, it might even make his 2007 list…nevermind.

    Borat I would not put here. But that’s because I don’t find Sasha Bohen funny,

    Overall, the list is solid.

    “Iwo Jima” should replace V, or maybe Cars.

  20. Mdean

    I gotta ride with Mozzerino, CHILDREN OF MEN is the BEST movie of the YEAR!!!
    John trust me you will love this flick man!
    I saw the movie last nite, I’m gonna so see it again tonight.

  21. drsartorius

    My top 8:

    Casino Royale
    The Departed
    Superman Returns
    The Prestige
    V For Vendetta
    Rocky Balboa
    The Fountain

  22. CW1985

    Great list John! You realy cut across all genres. I kind of agree with The Departed… Cinematically yes, but it was rather painful to watch in the climax (or, series of anticlimaxes) and that left me with a sour taste in my mouth post-watching. Granted, if you look at cinema as art and from the perspective that the sour taste is the intention of the piece it was effective, but I like to be …happier, what can I say.

    I see no glaring omissions, some say Pan’s Labirynth (haven’t seen, maybe 2007?). I’d be interested to hear what you thought of the Fountain, I really liked it.

  23. Jay

    In no particular order -

    Children of Men
    The Departed
    The Prestige
    Casino Royale
    The Fountain
    Blood Diamond
    Mission Impossible 3
    Running with Scissors
    Lucky # Slevin

    If the list could be longer -

    The Descent
    Running Scared
    X-Men 3
    Inside Man
    Monster House
    The Science of Sleep
    Hard Candy
    Stranger Than Fiction

    And last but certainly not least -

    Rocky Balboa

  24. Oliver

    Children of Men is where its at.

  25. Chisox


  26. Marla Singer

    In no particular order

    1. The Departed
    2. V For Vendetta
    3. Lucky Number Slevin
    4. Blood Diamond
    5. Stranger Than Tiction
    6. Little Miss Sunshine
    7. F*CK (The documentary)
    8. Half Nelson
    9. Children Of Men
    10. The Good Shepard

  27. Carlos

    Here’s 4 movies I would consider the top movies of 2006 in no particular order:

    United 93
    Superman Returns
    The Departed

  28. Jigo Jisho

    Inside Man

  29. Kristina

    FINALLY, a countdown gives some love to my fav movie of the year…..fucking V for Vendetta!

  30. dark_venmon

    departed i havent seen yet
    borat was okay but not a top 10
    slithter i havent seen yet
    behind the mask doesnt come out till 2007 so its not a 2006 movie
    casino royale i havent seen yet
    clerks 2 friggin rules that is gret movie by kevin smith.
    the descent rules a great horror movie, probally horror movie of the year
    thankyou for smoking havent seen it yet
    v for vendetta this movie rules i agree with john about hugo
    little miss sunshine havent seen it
    pans labiryth i have seen and should be up there a great horror movie
    good superman returns isnt up there that sucked balls
    this would be my list
    saw 3
    v for vendetta
    clerks 2
    the descent
    x-men 3
    snakes on a plane
    monster house
    2001 manicas

  31. townes

    once again: a poor remake! :P

  32. Joseph Ferrarelli

    Well, John. I agree that it’s a shame that Nathon Fillion isn’t as appreciated as he should be. That being said, I never got out to the theater to see Slither, but am damn sure going to go and pick it up on DVD when I get the chance. I always liked his style of comedy and that fine line that he managed to walk in Serenity between straight faced and
    smart ass. I don’t know how excited I am about White Noise 2, but I sure hope he gets the credit he deserves. Not only is he talented, but he is also a great person. He shows up to all these conventions for Firefly, a show that’s been off the air for a couple years now and is always willing to sign an autograph. We truly need more people of his calibur in the biz.

  33. townes

    1. The Proposition
    2. Fearless
    3. V For Vendetta

  34. Joseph Ferrarelli

    By the way my list for the top films of 2006, in no particular order are…
    Superman Returns
    Rocky Balboa
    Casino Royale

    Unfortunatly, I didn’t get the chance to go to the theater that often this year and did not get to see Slither, The Departed, Borat, Clerks 2,
    Little Miss Sunshine, or Thank you for Smoking but will catch them when they hit DVD for sure.

  35. Frances

    Uhh, Children of Men should be in there. At least bother to go and see it. It’s made $10.5 million less in America than Material Girls, what a crime.

  36. C Mor

    Yes, LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE was great. So why not correctly spell the names of Kinnear and Collette? Sweet Jesus.

  37. Forrestal

    Uhhh, Frances, Children of Men hasn’t had a wide release in the US yet. Most Americans haven’t had a chance to see it. It’ll make more than “Material Girls”.

  38. JdR

    Sorry John. V really did get released in 2005. Check imdb. If a Kurosawa got a rerelease in 2006 you wouldn’t add that to your list either.

  39. D

    No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! Slither should not be on that list..gimme a break..

  40. JRJP

    9)Monster House
    8)Superman Returns
    6)The Departed
    5)The Prestige
    4)Inside Man
    3)United 93
    1)Little Miss Sunshine

  41. Hey JDR,

    Nope, sorry. Check your facts. Also, on the IMDB page for V for vendetta, check the link on the side that says “RELEASE DATES”. The release date for V for Vendetta was March 16th 2006.


  42. Jdr

    Agh I see. Only checked the first date that said US. Spendous that imdb still lists it as 2005. My apologies. Now I have to include it on my list.

  43. joone

    Brick! Brick! Brick! Brick! Brick! Brick! Brick! Brick! Brick! Brick!

  44. Ophie

    wtf.. y’all are just a bunch of kids or what?
    Clerks 2? hahaha, please.. it was a good movie but not worthy of a top ten spot… Jackass 2 is more worthy than Clerks 2…

    Cars was a great movie..

    and theres alot of other movies that deserve some attention…

    Borat is definatly entertaining but so not deserving of a spot either..

    Blood Diamond - yes.
    the holiday - Yes.
    The Last King of Scotland - definatly.

    Trailor Park Boys - the movie - deserving of a spot too :P

  45. jhonny

    I can’t belive how many people haven’t seen “Pan’s Labirynth”!

    Is playing now in select theaters, go and find out for yourselfs

  46. mero

    i didn’t like Casino Royale as much as you did, john.
    The poker part really bored me, and the middle section was too slow and action-less. that’s my main complaint about CR. Very little action after the first 15 minutes. The director throws in all these things that disrupt the card game, because he knew the card game was a tad stale. Die Another Day had much much more action, but it was a bit over the top.
    also i didn’t like the two bond girls, eva green and that other chick that wore the green bra while riding a horse. They were kinda strange looking to me, esp Eva Green who’s face just wasn’t that pretty and very odd looking. plus she’s flat chested. But the blonde girl that was working with the henchman was smammin’. She had on this purple dress that was completely backless, and it really showed off her body.

  47. Mozzerino

    Muahahahahaha, dude, you won’t put “Borat” on your list and instead you suggest “The Holiday”? That’s the most ridiculous thing I have EVER heard.

    I’m (almost) with you on this one. “Pan’s Labyrinth” is a fantastic movie and the second best of the year, after “Children of Men”

    Muahahaha, I’m sorry, I still can’t stop laughing. “The Holiday”? Why not put “Little Man” or “Date Movie” in your list?

  48. nevadasmith

    You had me at The Departed-without a doubt the best film of this and maybe last (and probably next) year.

    Borat-a funny film-funnier than most things out there-but “the single funniest film I’ve seen in my life…” I will certainly be reading anything you write on your blog with a different eye now…” because that might just be the single stupidest thing I’ve read about Borat (come on it was hysterical…it’s no Producers, It’s no Young Frankenstein, the list stretches for miles.

    Little Miss Sunshine gets the Garden State award for most overrated movie that bored the shit out of me (and without even one good song-oh yeah and we know Steve Carel is more than 4o Year Old Virgin-just watch The Office-all the proof you need of his genius.)

    Slither- A good D movie-I’m starting to think I gave the site Movie Blog too much credit and respect before this.

    Behind the Mask- very possibly a great film-sounds great-DID NOT COME OUT THIS YEAR-couldn’t see it. Oh but you did. But as said before-I’m starting to not trust you.

    The Descent-this movie was good until the cave gollums appeared and totally made the movie’s 2nd half suck. This film did not need supernatural-blind-bat like creatures-the bitches were doing just fine killing themselves and letting the drama out. THAT would have made it a class movie. Gollum bat people-sucked the end of the movie right out of the cave.

    Casino Royale- no discussion-I agree-case closed-best Bond movie ever and I am a sean connery fan-named my son sean-might have to change it to craig (he’s 9 yrs old but so what)

    V for Vendetta-wanted to love this-big Alan Moore fam-they fucked up League of Extraordinary Gentlemen so bad and I couldn’t belive this would be worse. It wasn’t worse-it just was any good either. I am scared for the Watchmen.

    Thank you for Not Smoking and Clerks2-no desire to see them and after what you said about a few other films in your top 10 I here is no way I;ll go see them.

    So Departed as #1 and Casino Royale as #10-and you really don;’t care what I think 2-9 were.

  49. Frances

    Forrestal - The sources I I have been following indicated that the first limited release in America was 26th September, followed by a wide release on 26th December. Perhaps the release date has been pushed back and I haven’t heard about it - which would explain the incredibly poor intake for a week.

  50. jdr

    Grow up. Opinions differ. And it’s silly to flat out refuse to see a movie.

  51. boothbrave

    The Departed is still a remake of Infernal Affairs. Just Americanized for the general public outside Asia. I’d bet half of those critics haven’t even seen Infernal Affairs and went in seeing the Deaprted and go “wow ?! how original !”

    Granted it’s got Scorsese’s signature style on it, but strip that away and you still have infernal Affairs which is still perfect on its own.

    do yourself a favor and watch more foreign films. Or else you’ll still get more of hollywood execs. seeing them for you on their ideas and inspiration then repackaging it up and say “Here you go !”

    William monahan should get an Oscar for Best Translator on the Departed.

    end rant

  52. Varun Lella



    Great list. It is really encapsulating of the entire year without playing too much into the Oscar hype and awards season grabbies. If the Departed doesn’t garner Scorsese his director statuette then there is nothing good in the world.

    I would probably have Half-Nelson in there instead of V for Vendetta and Children of Men (since you may have not seen it) is the second best movie of the year.

    Many people will disagree and say…Varun…you ignoramus…how can you say Cuaron’s concerto of brilliance is not greater than a remake of an Asian crime thriller.

    If you watch The Departed again and keep an eye out for lighting and iris-usage and setting and repeating angles, themes, setting… you will realize how brilliant this film really is. As some one who has worked on a movie set before and done lighting arrangement for short films you can not comprehend the subtely of The Departed without really examining it.

  53. boothbrave

    ….”If you watch The Departed again and keep an eye out for lighting and iris-usage and setting and repeating angles, themes, setting… you will realize how brilliant this film really is. As some one who has worked on a movie set before and done lighting arrangement for short films you can not comprehend the subtely of The Departed without really examining it.”

    Christopher Doyle’s cinematography was much better in Infernal Affairs (of course imo). Plus some angle shots were lifted straight from Infernal Affairs for the Departed.

  54. jdr

    But… I a good remake really to be seen as bad because it’s a remake?

  55. boothbrave

    …”But… a good remake really to be seen as bad because it’s a remake?”

    never said it was bad. Just a carbon copy. A direct translation. Just with your Scorses style. Heck why don’t you put in Tarantino’s style instead and you’ve got another masterpeice ?

    Rumour mill has it Warner brothers is gonna remake IA parts 2 and 3 (though I highly doubt) What issues will that bring to light for the audience? Will they finally say “hey? maybe I should just watch the originals instead?”

    damn ..thought i could end this rant

  56. amit

    hey nice list of movies……….. hvnt watched Clerks 2 will try and get a hold of it………
    hey do check my blog………
    i also review movies

  57. nevadasmith

    I saw Infernal Affairs-after I watched Departed. Wasn’t Reservoir Dogs supposedly a remake of some foreign film. The American versions kicked ass in both cases. Someone is going to compare the actors in the Departed to those in Infernal Affairs? Not unless you’re Japanese or a super-cool super-hip cineaste or write for the Village Voice or Cahiers de Cinema (do they even still publish) or if you’re so pretentitious you have not one friend who can stand going to the movies with you.

    And jdr it is not “silly to flat out refuse to see a film”-it’s smart-it’s time saving and guess what-if I’ve made a mistake it’s not the end of the world.

    Just to drive people crazy films I flat out refuse to see: English Patient (boring in advance-well just about anything directed by Minghella is a shoo-in for a good 2 hour Ambien attack). Any movie with Nicholas Cage-possibly the worst actor of our generation (well that’s close-Richard Gere is neck and neck). Musicals (Chicago-I saw it on BROADWAY where it belongs-The Producers ON BROADWAY-Dreamgirls-on Broadway-and it sucked then People don’t know how to make musicals anymore and people don’t want to see them. The days of West Side Story, Guys and Dolls etc are gone-most of you reading this won’t know what I’m talking about-but if you keep staying away from trash like Dreamgirls (I don’t have to see it to know it’s trash)-maybve they’ll stop making it.

  58. boothbrave

    “…….. Someone is going to compare the actors in the Departed to those in Infernal Affairs? Not unless you’re Japanese or a super-cool super-hip cineaste or write for the Village Voice or Cahiers de Cinema (do they even still publish) or if you’re so pretentitious you have not one friend who can stand going to the movies with you.”

    You might as well be talking about Spielberg, Scorsese, Tarantino, Ridley, Hanks, Crowe, Damon, etc. etc…

    They too have noticed that good films and actors don’t come from Hollywood alone.

  59. nevadasmith

    I wasn’t talking about other films not from Hollywood. Of course there are great foreign films and great foreign actors. Even an idiot would know that ( would hope). I was talking about Infernal Affairs-quick name me one actor from that film without going to look it up. And you knew exactly what I was trying to say

  60. Marla Singer

    Oh my god.. Shut up Shut up Shut UUUUP! BLAAAAAH!

  61. boothbrave

    Tony Leung

    He’s the same guy who was in Hero. Which I was really impressed cause I didn’t even know they were the same guys. Helps when you got the acting chomps to pull that off.

    But I know what you’re getting at. Foreign flicks with unknown actors can’t make money in N.America (at least rarely). Maybe someday it would? hah ! What ticks off most IA fans is the way The Departed has played for the Oscar game and playing down IA credits. I won’t bog down this thread anymore with the details but have a search and see.

  62. Nicki Walker

    I wholeheartedly agree with you about SLiTHER (and Serenity). I hate horror movies, absolutely hate them but SLiTHER has such a great cast and so hilarious that I didn’t care about the gore. Nathan Fillion is one of the best actors around and nobody knows about him. I hope that starts to change soon.

  63. undulattice

    My fave films of the year:

    Pan’s Labyrinth - Film of the Year by miles……
    United 93
    Children of Men
    Hard Candy
    The Wind That Shakes the Barley
    The Prestige

    And a short footnote:

    Borat was rubbish!
    Clerks 2 was rubbish!


  64. Dave

    The Departed was well-acted, written and above all, badass. Deserves to be on your list. I know I may be jumping on the ridiculously large Little Miss Sunshine bandwagon, but I thought it was a top five movie of the year. I had Borat and Casino Royale on my list too, which was a surprise because I was a little skeptical of both while hoping they would be good. I originally wanted to stay away from V For Vendetta but maybe I won’t after hearing more and more people say good things about it as of late.

  65. Aman

    Well, the list is good.But i really hated V for Vendetta…it doesn’t deserve to be amongst the top10.Casino Royale is good but i guess The Pink Panther was also released in 2006 and is one of my best movies ever.I really loved watching Steve Martin being so silly and yet solving the case so interestingly.The Departed is an excellent movie but Blood Diamond and Babel also deserve to be in the Top 10!!Rest all movies are in perfect order.But V really sucks!!

  66. Jessica

    sorry, i just had to say that whoever suggested that pirates of the carribean 2 should be on the top ten..??? honestly, that was the worst movie i saw all year.

  67. Zackary

    United 93 was incredibly boring. The Departed was a good movie, but I thought Babel was much better. I haven’t seen Clerks 2, but a friend of mine said it was utterly stupid. I haven’t seen the James Bond film yet. I can’t tell if Behind the Mask is one of those cheesy slasher films that’s so bad it’s good or if it’s just a good film.

  68. Gerball

    Oh Dear oH Dear, This is all wrong give you 2 of the 10 Departed & Casino….. actually maybe V!!!

    But my Choice was El Laberinto del fauno (AKA Pan’s Lybrinth) maybe you would class this as 07 so i will let you off not have this in your top 10!

    Old Joy
    Half Nelson
    Children of Men
    Little Children
    Last King of Scotland
    Hard Candy (noone will agree with this choice)

  69. Phil in DC

    Agree with The Departed, Thank You for Smoking, Little Miss Sunshine and Clerks 2. I especially liked the love story in Clerks 2.

    Inside Man is on my Top 10. Was surprised to learn it was a Spike Lee joint. Fun twist of a movie.

  70. craig

    The Departed - Full of stars both on and off the field - a must “fed’s are like mushrooms - feed em’ s### and keep em’ in the dark”

    Pan’s Labyrinth - The brillint imagination of one man - a must

    The Prestige - Highly intelligent thriller

    Children of Men - Real vision of the future

    Casino Royale - Bond is reinvented for the Bourne fans

    The Descent - You will feel like you feel when you’re about to set off on a rollercoaster - (sh#####g yourself!)

    Apocalypto - action film set in Mayan times

    Running Scared - a massive surprise (makes the film even better). Thriller

    Rocky Balboa - He’s back and still cool, Schzwarzenegger you’re lagging way behind Stallone - come on man get back to doing movies “hurtin’ bombs”

    Miami Vice - I think it’s brilliant - a couple of cringing bits of dialogue but i love the mood of the film.

    “Take it to the limit”.


    BEST DVD - KINGDOM OF HEAVEN DIRECTOR’S CUT - Breathtaking, maybe the best film I have ever seen, but I do love those type of films.

    Saladin - “I did not offer the cup to you”
    Brian Blessed bloke - “No”
    (cuts off his head!)


    - buy these movies and thank me when you see me

  71. Anonymous

    1. Borat
    2. Children of Men
    3. The Departed
    4. Babel
    5. Pan’s Labyrinth
    6. Casino Royale
    7. Blood Diamond
    8. The Descent
    9. Inside Man
    10. V for Vendetta

  72. Dragonslayer

    Mine are:

    1. Pan’s Labyrinth-Oh, my God, I love this movie with a passion! Ivanna Baquero is beautiful, the film is a haunting lullaby, easily the best film of 2006.

    2. Blood Diamond-DiCaprio+Edward Zwick+awesome action=solid movie.

    3. The Prestige-Jackman. Bale. Need I say more?

    4. Pirates 2-Not the best film ever, but definitely a good movie

    5. X-men 3-Entertaining, that’s all I can say

  73. Commenter

    I’m sorry, but this is a really awful list (even if I agree with THE DEPARTED). Here is mine:

    10. 300

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