This entry was posted on Wednesday, December 27th, 2006 at 8:02 pm.
Categories: News Chat.

Before the body is even cold, Spike Lee signs on to do a James Brown Biopic. I would imagine that this project was already being planned or considered, and recent news of James Brown’s death accellerated the signing.

Yahoo News says:

Spike Lee has signed on to shoot a movie about James Brown, the late “Godfather of Soul,” Daily Variety reported on Wednesday.

The authorized project is being developed for Viacom Inc.’s Paramount Pictures by Brian Grazer, the Oscar-winning producer of “A Beautiful Mind,” the trade publication said, adding that production would likely begin in 2008.

Considering recent biopics of musical stars has earned a metric pantload of Oscars, its no surprise that so many are being made.

6 Comments, Comment or Ping


    I love the money hungry owners of the rights to an artists’ intellectual property. They don’t even wait for the body to be in the ground anymore, before they start talking about a movie of “the life of…”

    How sad.

  2. JaySmack

    Amazing really. Ray Charles biopic came out mere days before his death, ditto for Johnny Cash and now James Brown’s biopic is getting the green light mere days afterwards. Hollywood’s got to work on it’s timing.

  3. wolf

    A bit early don’t you think? :|

  4. frankwolftown

    This will be his greatest movie since “Do the right thing”.

  5. Josh

    No offense to parties relating to Mr. Brown, but haven’t we had enough musician biopics in the past few years already.

  6. Yeah Josh. And there have been far too many romantic comedies and action flicks too.

    While we are at it, why dont they just stop making horror and fantasy too.

    God, what is wrong with Hollywood. Cant they come up with something NEW???

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