This entry was posted on Monday, December 18th, 2006 at 7:53 pm.
Categories: News Chat | By John Campea

There is a LOT of buzz about the upcoming Spiderman 3. I am right there with it. I personally loved the Spiderman movies and despite the slight variances from the original story, I still find them to be the most enjoyable because of their accuracy to the books.

Movies Online shows us:

Now with the news of the Venom Symbiote actually being from space I am encouraged that they are keeping things true to the book. Then we see THIS.

WHY???? Why does the Green Goblin (II) on a flying snowboard??? Sure you want to make Harry’s version of Goblin different than dear old dad, but whats with the Back to the Future throwback board?

I am all for updating things to make them more relevant, but only if they NEED to be updated. Heck, I dont even think the updated Veronica and Betty really needed to happen, but who am I?

It still drives me nuts that they had to make Green Goblin into a snowboarder.

Anyways, there are more images from the Premiere Magazine article here.

25 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. darren j seeley

    I’m not usually overly critical of such things; after all, Gwen and her daddy are going to show up in the film, Sandy supposedly had an indirect hand in the death of Uncle Ben…

    I suppose I can overlook such things, as can you, Rod. But what I’m about to say will absolutely shock the int’l friends when I say this about your post:


    Now, I will theorize that perhaps, after Harry becomes injured, he dons the Goblin Suit -with a red sash and/or a new improved mask-helmet.

    I know. Wishful thinking.

    Just a matter of time before someone does a photo manip of this…as Harry faces down that other Surfer in that other Marvel Sequel next year…

  2. Jason

    Nah I still think its ok. Its not a major factor of the film and I don’t thnk it will really deteriorate the storytelling.

    Who knows, maybe it will be EVEN cooler than the glider (ok maybe a step too far).

    And the mask thing. I think its safe to say LEAVE the mask off. I’d rather not see another Power Rangers enemy in this flick like I did with Spidey 1.

  3. Darren agreed with me. I think a little part of me just died.

    I forgot about the part where they make Sandman partly responsible for Ben’s death. Im holding out hope that this is part of the plot and that someone feeds him this blatant lie to motivate him.

    If its going to be part of canon, I wish they would have found a better way to motivate Peter to persue this criminal. I dont know, like With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility?

    Or as John and I discussed, have Sandman kill Aunt May. The character has no further purpose in the series.

    And Jason, Power Ranger or not, the badguys have just as much reason to hide their identities as the good guys do.

  4. wolf

    Raimi has stated that Harry won’t be referred as a Goblin which sucks. Even if he whore a some sort of Goblin mask that would be rather awesome.

  5. wolf

    Did I just say whore? I mean wore…..

  6. alfie

    hang on a minute…

    so the transformers can be completely changed to a point where they they in no way look at all like, well, transformers but this annoys people??!!??


  7. dark_venmon

    i reckon it looks alright because you know what spiderman 3 rules

  8. Raimi has stated that Harry won’t be referred as a Goblin

    That’s even worse. How else does he explain the pumpkin bombs? Is this a snowboarding treat I am unaware of??

  9. Jay

    Surprise, Surprise

    Harry’s “not-a-goblin” outfit doesnt bother me in the least. I think it’s heads and tails better than Dafoe’s Power Ranger outfit and I like the new glider. I think I read somewhere that they’re calling it the Sky Stick. Cheesy, but I like it.
    I also would not have cared if they went the Ultimates route with the symbiote. The movies exist in a different reality than the comics and I’m fine with that. I was fine with the organic web shooters. I was fine with Mary Jane being tossed off the bridge instead of Gwen. And I’m gonna be fine with Sandy having something to do with Uncle Ben’s death.

    I also dont care if he throws pumpkin bombs and never calls himself a Goblin. The bombs are already there, why not use ‘em? All the better, in my opinion. Murder Peter with one of his fathers bombs. Sound like Harry’s version of poetic justice to me. Also, Harry’s a young, rich kid. Probably spent a lot of time snowboarding. He’s not calling himself a Goblin so riding a Goblin Glider wouldnt work. Bingo, Bango! Flying snowboard. Who cares? Nobody complained about the fact that Doc Ock’s arms weren’t just round tubes with lines in them.

    Yeah… I know, Alfie. I’m predictable.
    I’m just not gonna waste my time being mad over something like this.
    Venom’s in it… I’m happy.

  10. Mozzerino

    Nah, I’m ok with this. I think it’s a smart move to not put him in a variation of the Goblin Suit from Spiderman 1. That way we can buy that he just found the stuff in Daddy’s basement and uses it for his revenge.
    And above all, if anything gets my geek juices flowing it’s a Back to the future- like hoverboard. Should at least be good for some decent action scenes.

  11. Kevin

    This doesnt bother me at all. I like the fact that they arent just rehashing the original suit and digs from the first movie. As far as being a departure from the comics, meh. Ill admit, sometimes that bothers me, and sometimes it doesnt. It doesnt bother me here.


    THat is gay…Doggie Howser style, I though the GG was the worst part of the movies anyway, I wanted to see a rubber mask like in the books then they do this. At least hey haven’t fucked up the rst of the story to badly.

  13. Marina

    WTF is up with that Betty and Veronica? Holy smokes. That sucks.

  14. Kristina

    Hey, it’s Marty McFly!

  15. Lou Sytsma

    or the Green Surfer. Doesn’t bother me at all. Harry is not the focus of the movie.

  16. Jason

    MAYBE because we all figure Harry will eventually die…there’s no reason for him to hide his identity, he’s hell bent on killing Spidey. Anyone who read the comics knows he dies ;)

    I don’t freaking know I just think its not the WORST thing in the world. They change stuff all the time in films to make the crossover, I’ll judge when I see.

  17. Kaneda979

    I hate the disign also, but then again, I’m not looking forward to this movie cuz of Harry as the new Green Goblin. ;) It’s Venom, getting to see Spider-Man again, but this time up against insane odds, and Sandman thats getting me in the theater seat. :D

    The return of Green Goblin is just a little bonus and I’m sure it is to most people that want to go see this movie. And besides, it’s really the actor and histroy of the character that makes a great character most the time, not how they look. Although I love Kroenen from Hellboy souly cuz of how he looks and fights. Not that he speaks at all in the movie. ;p

    But not such a simple and dull disign for Harry’s costum still would be nice. *shruggs* Ohwell. Still going to be an amazing movie. >_I hate the disign also, but then again, I’m not looking forward to this movie cuz of Harry as the new Green Goblin. ;) It’s Venom, getting to see Spider-Man again, but this time up against insane odds, and Sandman thats getting me in the theater seat. :D

    The return of Green Goblin is just a little bonus and I’m sure it is to most people that want to go see this movie. And besides, it’s really the actor and histroy of the character that makes a great character most the time, not how they look. Although I love Kroenen from Hellboy souly cuz of how he looks and fights. Not that he speaks at all in the movie. ;p

    But not such a simple and dull disign for Harry’s costum still would be nice. *shruggs* Ohwell. Still going to be an amazing movie. >_<

  18. the mime

    oh god not this again havent u heard harrys going to be called nightsurfer

  19. Anonymous

    autoincremented straightens irrespectively subverter Chautauqua injecting experiencing Iraqis!

  20. Anonymous

    riddance antagonistically,encourages?Brazil.ticket .

  21. Anonymous

    revenues:O’Dell pickles debunk glossary pyre odious Warburton secrecy

  22. Steve M

    Well I think the suit rocks even more the surfboard style hover baord as I love skating and surfing! Also I have just started to make a longboard itn the same style as harys hoverboard because it looks phat! Have any of you seen the Spiderman3 cuts were he fights spiderman cuz thats just awsm. And where he knocks harry of with his web, Better than Jack Ass :)
    But yea the movie will be awsm!

  23. Anonymous

    ultrasonic Japanizations vampire:outperformed Chinook enumerable shortcomings befriend:

  24. heri kiswanto


  25. lauren

    yeah but then you see the movie and realize that he took off the mask and made a quick change in how he uses the glider because, as you can see here, he is in a very narrow spot…
    all that aside, was anyone else disappointed by this movie?

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