Rocky 6 Clip

One of the hardest things about being right all the time is that you’re not used to being wrong (LOL). So when I’m about to be wrong, it feels wierd. I have never liked the idea of a Rocky 6. I thought it was a stupid idea and was destined to be pathetic. No chance, not for Rocky 6.

However, when I think I’m wrong, I’ll say it… and it looks like I was DEAD wrong about Rocky 6 (aka Rocky Balboa). Everything I’ve seen from the project so far I’ve liked a lot… and this new clip that Jay sent to me is no different. I for one now can’t wait to see Rocky once again.

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11 thoughts on “Rocky 6 Clip

  1. FUCK YEAH! That looks awesome. Exactly what ‘Rocky V’ should have been - a great closing to the best series of movies ever. Jason, you and your opinions suck. I’m kidding! Even Sly dislikes ‘Rocky V’ and everyone I’ve read says this one is going to kick ass. As a monstrous Rocky fan (it’s actually absurd how much I like this franchise), I cannot wait. I’m there opening night. I’m trying to convince my friend to wear his American flag shorts. Hahaha.


  2. LOL I’m going to be in the minority here and go the opposite direction.

    This movie looks terrible!!! I hate everything about it. I understand that they are trying to go out on a higher note than the crapfest that was Rocky V and i applaud the intention but I think this looks horrible.

    They can make all the George Foreman comparisons they want but George was in his mid-40’s the last time he fought. We’re supposed to believe Rocky comes out of retirement in his 60’s?!

    Killing off Adrian because Talia Shire looks her age and Sylvester Stallone has had so much plastic surgery that he stopped aging over 15 years ago was the last straw for me.

    Speaking of plastic surgery, Sly has had so much his face no longer moves and is plastered to his skull. The weird thing about the fight scenes in this film is that from the neck down Sly actually looks 60 but from the neck up he looks like a wax figure.

    I am a huge Rocky and Sylvester Stallone fan who wants to keep my old memories alive in my head. When i think of Rocky in the future I don’t want to have to picture a 60 pathetic 60 year old busted up guy who looks like he mainlines Botox!

  3. Well, everything I’ve seen has me wanting to see this. But when I went to the movies the other night and the preview came on, the whole theater started laughing. Doesn’t bode well for the film.

  4. I actually got to see Copland this week as it was on BBC1.

    Quality film with a great cast - Stallone, De Niro, Patrick, Liotta. I would love to see Sly come up with a heart warming story in his last Rocky, then blow us away in Rambo before bowing out of acting.

  5. Be still my beating heart! Next John will admit that Star Trek Lives!

    I’ve been pumped for this since the first trailer. The one where they call him a Balbaosaurus sealed the deal.

  6. I go and watch a movie on christmas night with my brothers and step dad… this is our unanimous pick.

    I grew up watching rocky and it holds a special place in my heart… lots of great memories of shadow boxing and cheering in the theatres when Rocky fought Drago.

    It looks like Stallone might’ve caught the magic again with this one… hope so at least.

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