New Smokin Aces Trailer

There is a new Smoking Aces trailer up and floating around the web. The first Smokin Aces trailer was good, but this one, even though it’s very similar to the first one, just seems to be cut a bit better, quicker paced and some VERY cool lines added into it as well. As a side note, the last quick conversation at the end of the trailer is hilarious.

For those of you who don’t know what the movie is about:

A dying mob boss takes out a $1 million contract on the life of his former protégé, a Vegas magician turned gangster who has agreed to testify against the mob. The FBI attempts to protect their key witness as an array of hit men and women descend on Lake Tahoe in a race to take the magician out.

So there’s the set up… now go on over and catch the new Smokin Aces trailer. Then come back and tell me what you thought.

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  • 1. ThS replies at 22nd December 2006, 11:43 am :

    Looks very cool, but how about that new GRIND HOUSE trailer? That thing is frickin’ awesome!

  • 2. wolf replies at 22nd December 2006, 12:15 pm :

    I really liked the trailer. I’m a HUGE Reynolds fan so I’ll be seeing it opening day! The film looks like it’s packed with lot of action and cool lines.

    My beef with Smoking Aces so far is having Alica Keys in it. WTF?? Why isn’t the bitch making some new albums? Thats her field. She has no business acting. Oh well every singer is tring to act these days why not her?

  • 3. Ray` replies at 22nd December 2006, 2:53 pm :

    Now thats a cast!! how can this movie fail?

  • 4. Ray` replies at 22nd December 2006, 2:55 pm :

    Been following this movie for a while. it Reeks of Snatchism to me…
    But thats not a bad thing.. if they movie is a flop I have officially lost all hope in movies.

  • 5. GODFATHER replies at 22nd December 2006, 4:29 pm :

    Looked great until it showed “Alicia Keys” and then “Ryan Reynolds”.

    Still will probably watch it, but with a lot less expectations about how good it’s going to be.

  • 6. Jason replies at 22nd December 2006, 11:46 pm :

    Ever see Narc? Joe Carnahan gets the most out of his actors. To say it’s going to be bad due to the fact that Ryan Reynolds and Alicia Keys star in it is just lame. Smokin’ Aces will prove Carnahan’s excellence.

  • 7. chris replies at 23rd December 2006, 11:36 pm :

    It looks good, the elevator shootout looks cool and ray liota can do no wrong in my opinion (except operation dumbo drop). as long as alicia keys is sexy and shoots a gun her role is fine with me. strong cast, cool lookin action, and a good director, a must see. 2007 is gonna be great for movie fans…

  • 8. Akenya S. replies at 5th January 2007, 11:37 pm :

    Uh, what the fuck? Some of you people act like you’ve never heard of a singer doing a movie before. Whitney Houston, Barbra Streisand, Cher, Mariah Carey, Madonna, Beyonce, Britney Spears, hell even TINA TURNER. Some of the people I named really couldn’t act worth two shits. But what about Cher and BABS. They were almost better actresses than they were singers. I’ve seen clips of it [Smokin’ Aces], she [Alicia Keys] can act. Piss off guys. If no one ever tried anything new, NO ONE would get any-fucking-where. SHIT!

  • 9. Anonymous replies at 30th April 2007, 6:47 am :

    chopper wisp?faults unworthiness gull shuffleboard!

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