New Smokin Aces Posters

The new flick “Smokin’ Aces” is quickly becoming one of those films I’m counting down the days to. Forget the fact that it looks like it totally re-invigorate the career of Ben Affleck (along with a possible Oscar nomination for his role in Hollywoodland), this just looks like one damn slick film. (See the trailer here)

The good folks over at JoBlo got their hands on a couple of the new Smoking Aces Posters:


You can see bigger versions of them over here.


  • 1. Norddeth replies at 29th December 2006, 12:50 pm :

    These are not new posters, they are posters that didn’t make the cut for various reasons, all of which are explained at Joe Carnahan’s blog. you should check it out, lots of good movie insider info and pics from Smoking Aces.


  • 2. JaySmack replies at 29th December 2006, 8:17 pm :

    Loved Narc (if you haven’t seen it -SEE IT) wished Tom Cruise had stuck to the original plan and let Carnahan direct Mission Impossible 3, instead of dumping him. WILL see Smokin Aces when it comes out, though I loathe Alicia Keyes.

  • 3. JaySmack replies at 29th December 2006, 8:22 pm :

    I think this film will break Joe Carnahan out as the fresh and original talent he is the way Pulp Fiction did for Tarantino. Narc put Joe on the map, this film (if it performs and get the attention it needs) could make him a household word. This decades’s Pulp Fiction? Damn I hope so! Can’t wait for it to come out so everyone can see how good this guy really is.

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