Justice League TV Pilot - So Bad You Think It’s A Joke

Justice-League-TVI have just witnessed one of the most horrible, pathetic, wretched pieces of junk I have ever witnessed… it was so bad I just couldn’t look away… like a train wreck with Superheroes. I had never even heard of this disaster. A 1997 live-action Justice League of America pilot on CBS, that was so bad it pulled a Star Wars Holiday Special and was hidden from public eyes never to be seen again.

No really folks, watch this, and it’s hard to believe actual professionals made this… this… this freak of nature. This abomination against all that is good and holy in the world. It’s probably the worst thing I’ve ever seen. Wow… just… just watch this… you won’t belive how bad this thing is. (via and via)

You can watch the train wreck Justice League TV pilot episode here. God help you.

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  • 1. CBuck replies at 12th December 2006, 12:05 pm :

    Holy crap, Batman!

  • 2. Joey 1.0 replies at 12th December 2006, 12:16 pm :

    Smallville ep “Justice” is coming up. That should be one great episode.

  • 3. Marina replies at 12th December 2006, 12:45 pm :

    OMFG. What the hell??? That’s got to be one of the worse things I’ve ever seen. And it was aired?

    By any chance has anyone else seen the pilot for “Global Frequency” - a decent looking show that was never picked up? Mind you, they got even more shafted…the pilot never even aired!

  • 4. Rico replies at 12th December 2006, 1:19 pm :

    beware THE WEATHERMAN! this pilot is so bad. the costumes are worse than the cheap wal-mart halloween variety.

  • 5. Sean replies at 12th December 2006, 2:23 pm :

    I don’t think it ever aired but don’t quote me on that…

  • 6. Jorriss replies at 12th December 2006, 4:32 pm :

    I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

  • 7. Pineapplehead replies at 12th December 2006, 6:13 pm :

    Hey Marina - I saw Global Frequency. You’re right, it should have been given a chance.

    Did anyone else notice this JLA featured none other than Miguel Ferrer. I recognised his gravel like vocals instantly.

  • 8. Pineapplehead replies at 12th December 2006, 6:20 pm :

    This reminds me of the live action Tick. What’s with the talking heads?

  • 9. Ian C. replies at 12th December 2006, 7:12 pm :

    David Ogden Stiers as Martian Manhunter was some inspired casting, however.

    No, wait a minute, it was fucking stupid. Carry on.

  • 10. wolf replies at 12th December 2006, 8:13 pm :

    WTF was up with Flashes costume?

  • 11. ALAN SMITHEE replies at 12th December 2006, 8:17 pm :

    Pine: At least the live action ‘Tick’ was meant for corny jokes. I actually liked it…not as much as the cartoon show, but I liked it…

    As for the JLA pilot.. you must look on the bright side.
    It could have been a short lived series like ‘Birds Of Prey’ which was more offending.

    Note: the one and only season of ‘Flash’ was more entertaining…

  • 12. DarkKinger replies at 13th December 2006, 9:52 am :

    I feel sick! Curse the bastards that brought this to life!

  • 13. Ted Kord Lives replies at 13th December 2006, 10:56 am :

    The only things that could have made this worse would be the presence of Kate Bosworth.

  • 14. Conibear Trapp replies at 13th December 2006, 12:04 pm :

    Horrible cheesy production here but I still liked it. But how can it be the Justice League without Superman and Batman? Or even Aquaman for that matter. That’s where it really falls down.

  • 15. D. Btrain replies at 30th December 2006, 2:22 am :


    More like StupidProducers…

  • 16. Josh replies at 22nd March 2007, 5:45 pm :

    Wow and I thought the 1994 Fantastic four movie was bad. When are studios going to let comic book writers write comic books? The only cool thing out of that was David Ogden Stiers as Martian Manhunter. And the guy playing Guy Gardener!!!! Why didn’t they call him Hal Jordan? The dude already looked like him more than he looked like Guy. Oh well I’m now going to go take a shower to wash this show off of me.

  • 17. grrt replies at 3rd April 2007, 1:37 am :

    Dang,that was nasty.I need a shower…..Dang i feel dirty.
    Thank God this never saw the light of day.

    I coulda done a better job and my version woulda sucked….just not that bad.

    I made it through 3 minutes,i thin it gave me the flu.

  • 18. chris replies at 11th April 2007, 11:41 pm :

    i think this might havebeen better if it wasn’t so chopped up and shortend. it should have been 86 mins. still would have been bad….but maybe not as bad. now if only we could all watch the tv movie from the late 70s and compare them.

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