I am Legend plot Revealed

Posted by John Campeaon 29. 12. 2006in News Chat

Ever wonder what it would be like to be the last man on earth? Will Smith will get a taste of the only condition that would have got me a date with Alisha Townsend in highschool. Now we have a peek at the plotline (and poster) that will span this adaptation of the book.

I am Legend will explode into theatres Dec 14th, 2007 and we just got the complete story on the remake. Robert Neville (Will Smith) is a brilliant scientist, but even he could not contain the terrible virus that was unstoppable, incurable…and manmade. Somehow immune, Neville is now the last human survivor in what is left of New York City…and maybe the world. But he is not alone. He is surrounded by “the Infected”—victims of the plague who have mutated into carnivorous beings who can only exist in the dark and who will devour or infect anyone or anything in their path.

Sounds like a lot of Zombie Fun. Im betting on the 5 billion zombie Infected.

If you cant beat em…

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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27 Responses to “I am Legend plot Revealed”

  1. tedward (ted1108) says:

    Although I appreciate the post for adding awareness to this upcoming film, the plot was revealed about 50-60 years ago, when Richard Matheson wrote the novel that this movie is based on.
    I’m sure they’ve changed some things in order to adapt it to a film relevant to our times, but the basic plot line is no surprise.

  2. Rodney says:

    And I did state that it is an adaptation of the book.

    The point of the post was to show the plot for THIS movie. That it isnt very different may excite or disappoint.

  3. Rawhead says:

    In the book, the “zombies” were assumed to be vampires. Either way vampires or zombies, I hope it’s a good movie, because I really liked the book.

  4. PHIL says:

    i wanna see this movie, i liked the omega man with charleton heston and i like will smith, this remake will be good

  5. Jigo Jisho says:

    Sounds like The Omega Man starring Charlton Heston.

  6. Mozzerino says:

    I don’t know. The premise of this movie sounds cool and I haven’t read the novel (but it’s definitely on my must-read-list).
    But my gut somehow tells me that this won’t be good.

  7. Cinema 2 says:

    Well, I guess the zombies should be be cannibal ones.

    If Mr Smith (Not Agent Smith, of course), Will for the friends, is the last human survivor, then when the zombies end up eating all animals (guessing they are not zombies too), they will (this time, not Smith) starve to death. Wait……they’r already dead. Hmmm….this stinks big time

  8. Rodney says:

    No one said they were dead zombies. Just infected mutated humans.. that are zombie-like.

  9. Rodney says:

    Hey Jigo Jisho, Omega Man is the movie this is a remake of. Will Smith is playing the part of Robert Neville, originally played by Heston.

    Omega Man was based on the novel I am Legend, and the remake is going back to that title.

  10. gully says:

    Sorry to be a hater but this film will not come close to the novel, one of my favourite novels I might add, will smith could be inspired casting as an everyman robert neville but I would have liked clive owen or christian bale since we know he can bulk up for the role since neville is supposed to be a large, intimidating guy. Plus the zombie idea is lame this is too subtle a novel for fast buck hollywood exploiting the trend of slasher/horror flicks to be pushing into our theatres luring us in with promises of a faithfull remake of the novel only to dash our hopes with a shoddy ill conceived cash-in.

  11. darren j seeley says:

    Time for me to chime in. And for those of you who think I’m going to rake ol’ Rod over some coals, sorry to disappoint. If you don’t like a message, don’t shoot the- well, you know.

    I for one detest the adaptation. Enough of Zombie type films. It isn’t I Am Legend. I’m sorry.

    However, I say H’wood get the rights to Robert McCammon’s They Thirst, which has a simular theme to the Matheson novel in spirit. In short, Vampires take over the west coast.

  12. Lou Sytsma says:

    Looks like it will have as much in common with the book as Smith’s I, Robot did. Major disappointment - again.

  13. Alex Ezell says:

    The book was about vampires and his hunting during the day was a big part of the novel, both in a plot sense and in a subtext sense.

    This is probably going to be dreck. Will Smith? ugh.

  14. frankwolftown says:

    This was made into a movie called “The Last Man on Earth” Staring Vincent Price. My brother got it out of the $5 bin at Best Buy along with the original House on a Huanted Hill. I kept waiting for Svengoolie to interupt and make a bad obvious joke about the movie.

  15. JaySmack says:

    Hard to see how this will give us anything other movies haven’t given us, only better. Nice to see things from the perspective of the guy who wrecks the world and becomes a victim of his own “genius” rather than the typical nubile teens have to survive some mad scientists scientific mishap. Last good zombie flicks I saw were the redux of Dawn of the Dead and 28 Days Later. The rest of them stunk. Will Smith tends to pick movies that are entertaining if nothing else, so I’ll probably see it. Crossing my fingers on this one.

  16. R. Jackson says:

    Actually, ‘I Am Legend’ is indirectly responsible for the zombie genre, if I remember right. Romero allegedly wanted to get the rights for ‘I Am Legend’ and was unable to afford them, so he decided to change some aspects of the story and re-write it when he made ‘Night of the Living Dead.’ Romero went through a lot of revisions when he was rewriting it. At one stage it was a comedy. At another the vampires from ‘I Am Legend’ were flesh-eating aliens. Finally he settled on ‘ghouls’ that later became ‘zombies’ and a horror sub-genre was born. So any similarity between ‘I Am Legend’ and the zombie genre isn’t entirely surprising.

  17. dark_venmon says:

    i am very intrested in this im going to have to read the book now sounds like a good horror movie.

  18. Jay says:

    I hoping for the best on this one. I’m sure I’ll be entertained.
    Will Smith is usually good for that. I also like the style of the director, Francis Lawrence. He directed Constantine and I really liked the that movie.

    I just dont understand why they cant just make the book.
    The book is wonderful like it is.

    We’ve already had The Last Man On Earth and we’ve already had The Omega Man. Isnt it about time we actually got I Am Legend?

    Hey Seeley,
    They Thirst WAS really good. That would have made an excellent movie.
    Then again… so would I Am Legend if they would ever just make the damn thing instead of all these needless “adaptations”.

    But, like I said earlier, I still think I’ll like this version of it.
    Will Smith, Francis Lawrence, post-apocalyptic vampire/zombies…
    Sounds like fun to me.

  19. Grundy says:

    I thought that poster was a fake.

  20. Brad says:

    Having read various info on the film I am very interested and will definitely go see it. It is not going to be the standard zombie fare by any means.

    *spoiler alert*

  21. Kaneda979 says:

    Wow, sounds awsome. Like maybe 28 Days Later, but with a much bigger budget. And Smith is quickly becoming one of my favoret actors. Can’t wait.

  22. Leslie says:

    Matheson himself rejected both ‘Last Man on Earth’ and ‘Omega Man’as resembling his novel.Unfortunately this latest offering will probably disappoint him as well.

  23. Angel Jinwright says:

    I was an extrs for the movie and got many pictures of Willand Jada. He’s daughter is in the movie aswell, shes so cute!! Will is very polite and has lots of patience. Being on set with him was a good expierence

  24. Jeffrey says:

    Will Smith’s “I am Legend” trailer looks interesting, but the book is a lot more entertaining to read than the movie itself. Probably, this movie should be a far more entertainment and quality than 1970’s The Omega Man and 1964′s The Last Man on the Earth. The movie plot of “I am Legend” will be unfortunate happen for a tragic event of deadly super virus that will wipe off world humanity in our life time soon. Bush/Cheney will trigger for the World War III when they decide to attack on Iran with nuke weapons and will leash horrific biological and chemical warfare on U.S. soil in order to frighten people to blame on the enemy (Iran) of the terror strikes for casus belli. Bush/Cheney and their loyal people will escape to a top-secret underground city by using a speedy secret underground monorail from the White House to a remote top-secret subterranean military installation for their safe haven while billions of innocent people on the surface will perish after they contracted by lethal air-borne virus and mutated themselves, but only a handful of surface survivors, including Robert Neville, will struggle to survive thru a perilous time. The future Bush/Cheney generations in the subterranean will slowly transform to be blue-skin mutants because of adverse subterranean environments that affect their long-term health and genetic DNA from the result of a lack of sunlight, a lack of purified air and water, their food and medical supplies will run out, and a long-term strengthen of their warlike mentality. They will become a new subterranean race of Morlock – a sadistic, bloodthirsty, cannibalistic and high-intelligent humanoid race. Meanwhile, people on the surface will slowly recovered after fatal virus will dissipate, but a nuclear winter will hold them back for several millenniums. That affects their genetic DNA from the climate effect with a little sunlight and colder temperatures that will cause them to produce a new breed of blond-haired and shorter-height people. They will become a new surface humanoid race of Eloi. Advanced technology, education and Earth civilization will be lost forever. Illiterate, playful and cattle-like people of Eloi will be prey by man-eater race of Morlock for the food. Will Robert Neville save the world with his immune of lethal virus?

  25. missyelliot says:

    To Jigo Jisho and Rodney,
    This movie is a remake of the Omega Man starring Charlston Heston which was the remake of the original movie with Vincent Price called “The Last Man on Earth”. This was the movie that was based on the bestselling book I Am Legend and the premise for George Romero’s Night of the Living Dead.

  26. Sam says:

    Hey Jeffrey,
    Your tale seems very different than most of the storylines I’ve been getting from the internet. I’ve not read the book and am looking for more information about the plot. Did you create the colorful description subterranean race of blue mutant Morlocks and dumb “Eloi” or is that some sort of inside information about the movie? If this was actual storyline related to “I am legend” let me know. If not, either write your own sci-fi novel, or quit ranting on sites like this.

  27. Jeffrey says:

    Hello Sam,
    Thank you for your advice. I like your idea for me to write Sci-fi novel. Of course, I create my imagination of colorful scenes of subterranean world. It is nothing related to “I am Legend”. I am sorry if you feel offend for this ranting this blog.

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