Hear Peter Cullen As Optimus Prime!!!

Kneon pointed this out to me, and I’m giddy asa school girl now! By now most of you have seen the new Transformers trailer that we posted a link to yesterday. Well… if you go directly to the official Transformers website and watch the trailer there… at the very end of the trailer you get to hear Optimus Prime actaully speak… yes… the mighty voice of Peter Cullen saying a line as Optimus for the first time in almost 20 years. I just stoped and played the short clip over and over and over again… I’ve gotta admit it was magical hearing the old guy again as Prime!!!

So head on over to the Transformers site and give it a listen. Remember… it’s at the end of the trailer.


  • 1. Kneon Transitt replies at 21st December 2006, 1:25 pm :

    Apparently this change was made at the request of producer Don Murphy. He and I have had our *ahem* differences in the past, but this was a VERY GOOD THING.

    Cullen’s still got it, eh? This just might actually work…

  • 2. Don replies at 21st December 2006, 1:30 pm :

    WOw, that Optimus Prime looks great!

    (Oh, I forgot, they’re making him wear purple in the movie. You know, I almost forgot how much better, simpler, and more sensible the original design looked until I saw this again, John. The people behind this movie ought to go out of their way to ban every online picture of the original design so that we won’t be able to compare the two. I’m sorry, but, the new design is good, but the old design was just instantly classic. You know what you were looking at, a robot that transformed into a truck.)

    I’m glad about the original actor doing the voice.

  • 3. John Campea replies at 21st December 2006, 1:33 pm :

    Hey Don,

    I know what you’re saying… BUT… the fact of the matter is that trying to put that boxy cubical Optimus design in a live action film would have been nothing short of pure laghable. Boxy, clunky and cube like worked great in a cartoon (Seriously… it did work great), but trying to get an audience to believe it in a live action movie… people would have laughed the movie right out of the theaters.

  • 4. Jay replies at 21st December 2006, 1:37 pm :

    I think Murphy has had some “differences” with quite a few fanboys/web-bloggers/internet geeks over the years.

    I consider myself to be all three of those things so dont take that as an insult.

    And yes, hearing Cullen as Prime was just the icing that this cake needed. I would have preferred a different line, but just hearing that voice again sent a nostalgic chill up my spine.

  • 5. Kneon Transitt replies at 21st December 2006, 1:41 pm :

    Hey Jay:

    The line spoken was the winning line from the “Make Prime Speak” contest a while back. It’s also Prime’s quote on the original 1984 toy tech spec. (I am geek, hear me spew)


  • 6. Kneon Transitt replies at 21st December 2006, 1:44 pm :

    Hey John:

    I think you might have gotten Murph’d. ;)

  • 7. Jay replies at 21st December 2006, 2:07 pm :

    Hey Kneon,

    I knew it was the winning line, however I did not remember that it was also the quote on the tech spec. I tip my hat to you, sir.
    I just thought it was some obscure line from one of the cartoons or made up all together by whoever submitted it.
    I have a little more respect for the line and I now have a little bit of jealousy that you remembered that and I didnt. I still have the toys but the boxes have been gone for years.
    I think I may have to turn in my geek badge for month long suspension.

  • 8. sideshow transformers busts replies at 21st December 2006, 2:17 pm :

    depending on the rating of the movie, i might actually bring my son to watch it. not being a transformers fan from the 80’s, i don’t that to share with him, although i have bought him a couple transformer star wars toys for him.

    i watched the trailer again, but really just to watch the hot chic and to hear this voice. it still didn’t cause me anymore excitement. but i’m sure if i was (a fan) i would be rejoicing just like my other geek brothers.

  • 9. TM replies at 21st December 2006, 2:21 pm :

    Borat accent: “Very NICE!!!”

  • 10. Jon replies at 21st December 2006, 3:44 pm :

    Um yea…fucking sweet.

  • 11. DarkKinger replies at 21st December 2006, 6:30 pm :

    Glad I bought Transformers: The Movie several weeks ago. As soon as I heard Peter Cullen’s voice, two things popped in my head: This guy is Optimus Prime & I heard that F’N voice in certain movie trailers! Of course, Prime should still be alive in this whole movie, or suffer the fans wrath!

    BTW, looks like they are dead set on July 4. Since I don’t see the fireworks anymore, this is a kickass way to celebrate! Almost 30 big films will be released in 2007, but I would say Transformers would pull an upset over Pirates 3.

    Before I go, I got three things to say:

    Please don’t suck! Please don’t suck! PLEASE DON’T SUCK!!!

  • 12. PHIL replies at 21st December 2006, 9:41 pm :

    where is this, on there website the only trailer i see is the trailer with mars… and i don’t see a trailer section???

  • 13. PHIL replies at 21st December 2006, 10:04 pm :

    forget it, i didn’t relize they have a new updated site.

  • 14. transformer statues replies at 21st December 2006, 11:37 pm :

    i showed my son the trailer and he thought it was pretty cool, infact he brought out his happy meal transformer toys to show me. my daughter (1.5 yrs old) wanted to watch the trailer also.

  • 15. Pineapplehead replies at 22nd December 2006, 4:27 am :

    That trailer is mental. Cullen is awesome.

    Anyone else notice that it’s Prime thrown through the office block window. I’m basing this on the red and blue colouring you see.

    Robot smackdown!

  • 16. Anonymous replies at 11th January 2007, 9:16 pm :

    silly dishes?document indirection action.circumpolar striker tighten:

  • 17. Anonymous replies at 12th March 2007, 1:23 pm :

    adjures Crandall.behaviorism bumming sigh auditions

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