Harry Potter 7 Book Title

Just a short note for the Harry Potter fans who visit the site.

If you didnt know already, they have announced the name of the upcoming, and last Harry Potter book.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Yeah, it sounds as dumb as The Phantom Menace, but in time it will grow as accepted terminology in the Potterverse and lose all real meaning.

I still predict that Harry will die while destroying Voldemort. If J.K. Rowling doesnt kill Harry off, the drooling fanbase will not let her rest on the bed of money she has built on this empire. She will be haunted by nerdy Hermoine fans and die a lonely old secluded woman never seeing daylight.

If she offs Harry, all she has to do is say “Ees Dead!” and the fans will have to live without.

Someday when she thinks she needs the money, she can re-release the movies in their Special Editions, and Special Director’s Cut Editions, Special Extended Directors cut and Special Extended Lucas didnt go this far Edition

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  • 1. Mu replies at 23rd December 2006, 7:21 pm :

    Yeah, ’cause that worked so well for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. ;-)

  • 2. Kristina replies at 23rd December 2006, 8:50 pm :

    Wish it was DeaDLY Narrows. That just sounds a bit better to me, but hell, she’s richer than the damn Queen so she can do as she pleases…..just don’t kill off Hermione!

  • 3. SamTaylor replies at 24th December 2006, 6:02 am :

    No, Rodney, I don’t want Harry to die, and I’m a pretty rabid fan. We want a happy ending!

  • 4. igl replies at 24th December 2006, 6:27 am :

    Well, Phantom Menace is dumber. It’s a good title. Probably fits the story.

  • 5. Amish Bill replies at 24th December 2006, 9:53 am :

    I disagree that Harry “has” to be offed. Part of the brilliance of Rowling is her ability to keep her fans guessing despite every plot point being over-analyzed by the teeming masses. Harry dying while defeating Voldemort is a little too predictable for her.

  • 6. Max replies at 24th December 2006, 2:01 pm :

    “but in time it will grow as accepted terminology in the Potterverse and lose all real meaning.”

    What are you talking about? Right now the title doesn’t have any meaning, but it will gain meaning once people read the book (as with all the titles). So really it’s the other way around.

  • 7. Max replies at 24th December 2006, 2:05 pm :

    p.s. Attack of The Clones is worst then TPM by a long shot.

  • 8. Babz replies at 24th December 2006, 3:16 pm :

    First of all Merry Christmas everyone.

    I want everyone to die except Ron. Then he can be the new Harry Potter. He grew better than Harry.

  • 9. Rodney replies at 24th December 2006, 5:23 pm :

    By “lose all meaning” I am referring to the pop culture relevance that titles and names have where the work is only represented by the name and no matter how dumb it sounds, it eventually embodies what the work is.

    Much like lame sports team names (Who would think a Penguin is cool) the popularity of such things outgrows its original impact.

    The Phantom Menace sounded like a stupid name. After the plot of the movie was revealed it made sense, but it means more than just an episodic title. It MEANS that movie now. Its bigger than just the title.

  • 10. smith replies at 25th December 2006, 7:30 pm :

    If I were you I wouldnt be telling her how to write a book, I think that it’ll be amazing no matter what she does. If you had written books that sell millions all over the world, then you can tell give her some suggestions.

  • 11. Rodney replies at 25th December 2006, 9:05 pm :

    Well if I were you, I wouldnt be telling a movie critic how to have an opinion.

    Oh wait. ITS MY ROLE here to have an opinion.

    Its just my thoughts. No where did I say or even imply that she MUST do as I say. Im sure the series will be fine with or without my input.

  • 12. Meli replies at 27th December 2006, 1:55 am :

    The title is okay and I’m sure will make more sense once the book is out, and I do agree it doesn’t particularly grab you.

    On the subject of whether Harry should die or not - I’m of the opinion that it’s very possible he will and though I might not like it I can see it happening. What we have to remember is that J.K. has said in past interviews that she wrote this ending years ago, so she’s known for a while now how this all will end. For better or worse I can’t wait for book seven to hit the book shelves.

  • 13. Tif replies at 28th December 2006, 2:48 am :

    To the avid Harry Potter reader I rather think the title pops more than the rest of them. Giving the meaning of Hallow as saint, holy ground or holy relic, it makes you wonder more about this one rather than the rest as it contains possibly something leaning towards religion which none of the other books has ever done before. Given the current controversy surround Harry Potter and the religious scene it makes me want to read the book even more.

  • 14. JASLEEN & SHAURYA replies at 28th December 2006, 4:20 am :

    this poster is Dam good. Keep it up but for God sake don’t kill Harry.

  • 15. spogmaye replies at 1st January 2007, 12:50 pm :

    the title is good enough but please don’t kill harry, ron or hermione. we want a happy ending please……………………

  • 16. raechel replies at 3rd January 2007, 11:51 am :

    ha ha ha harry needs yo die because he who must not be named is a part of him i predict that harry will kill himself because he recognises this while he is being taken over by the most powerful dark wizard. sorry

  • 17. Seamus replies at 3rd January 2007, 1:20 pm :

    What she should do is keep harry alive then let other authors pay her royalty’s to write harry potter books after the 7th. kinda like what has happened with the star wars books. she will rake in the money for the rest of her life.

  • 18. Neil replies at 6th January 2007, 8:36 am :

    I think i will like the 7th part but I don’t understand what happens!
    Please don’t take harry off!

  • 19. JAIME replies at 8th January 2007, 11:28 pm :


  • 20. Anonymous replies at 17th March 2007, 3:12 pm :

    Ionicize:woodpeckers dune.cater prowl calliope,…

  • 21. Talina replies at 19th April 2007, 9:57 pm :

    I have a theory people now listen up!!! this theory makes me so sad but i know that it is true. just to let you know it involves harry dying. i have mulled this over alot and then BAM! how could i have not seen it before: HARRY IS A HORCRUX!!!!!! SO HE MUST DESTROY HIMSELF IN ORDER TO DESTROY VOLDEMORT!!!!! man that makes me so sad because harry is so awesome and its hard to imagine him dying. but it will be for noble reasons.

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