Dreamgirls Reviews

Dreamgirls-reviewsThe early Dreamgirls revies are coming in, and wow… they look great. Musicals aren’t eveyone’s cup of tea, and this movie does have some big question marks hanging over it… but so far so good, the critics seem to love what they see.

Here is what some of the critics are saying in their Dreamgirls reviews:

“The movie belongs to Hudson as the proud, self-destructive Effie. When she’s center stage, Dreamgirls transports you to movie musical heaven.”
David Ansen Newsweek

“Stays true to the source material while standing on its own as a fully reimagined movie.”
David Rooney Variety

“I have to admit that the film’s spectacular performances and production values will blow you away much of the time — and for that, Mr. Condon and his many colleagues deserve to be commended.”
Andrew Sarris New York Observer

“This baby dazzles like nothing else anywhere.”
Peter Travers Rolling Stone

As of right now Dreamgirls is holding a huge 90% on Rotten Tomatoes and is even getting some awards buzz. It was actually just nominated for a Golden Globe as Best Musical or Comedy… it might even get some Oscar buzz… but we’ll have to wait and see.

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11 thoughts on “Dreamgirls Reviews

  1. This is one of the best movies I’ve ever seen in my life!! Whoever says the music in this movie isn’t any good needs to have their ears seriously seriously checked!

    The numbers are absolutely fantastic, everyone and I do mean everyone sings their hearts out! Everyone is talking about Jennifer Hudson and rightly so, but for me it was Eddie Murphy as James Thunder Early!

    His part reminds me more of Jackie Wilson than james Brown, he is simply exciting to watch and the songs are just to funky and filled with soul.

    Don’t believe any negative review of this movie, it is fantastic and deserves to win every single award that a movie can!!

  2. I saw the film — and although not a fan of musicals, I thought this was one of the best “period” films I have seen in a long time. They covered the 50’s/60’s/70’s with such flair and style. The costumes were fantastic, and the singing was first rate. After hearing Jennifer Hudson sing her heart out on “I Am Telling You I Am Not Going” -the IDOL show should be cancelled. She has proved that that show knows NOTHING about talent…!!

  3. Everything else. When it’s on, it’s really on. It’s also the first Murphy role I’ve enjoyed in, gosh, forever. And Beyoncé deserves as much praise as Hudson for taking her role in exactly the opposite direction, the small to Hudson’s big. Anyone who’s heard Destiny’s Child knows that for her to play a singer whose voice, to quote the script, “has no personality,” is a stretch — the first one she’s had to make in her short film career.

  4. Excellent, excellent movie! If you had reservations, go see it anyway. The characters are composites of various music industry greats from the 60’s and early 70’s-not true to any specific “real life” story line…but pretty darn close. If you’re familiar with Motown history, you’ll love the familiar drama as it unfolds with its own creative twists and turns. If you saw and loved Jennifer Holiday in the broadway production, you’ll be blown away with Jennifer Hudson’s big screen rendition. A must see for anyone who’s ever had a dream deferred or fulfilled!

  5. After seeing all the hype about dream girls I thought it would be boring like Chicago but Dream Girls was amazing….Jennifer did well as Florence Ballard, Beyonce did excellent as Diana Ross, Jamie Foxx did great as Berry Gordy and Eddie Murphy always does great! Great Great movie to go see!

  6. Full of noise and hype, signifying nothing,
    Not worthy of a movie, no soul, bad music.
    Same ol’-same ol’ Black rags to riches
    with internecine squabbling over scraps-
    The usual demographic will go to see the Jennifer Holiday
    reproduction and go crazy for it
    as well as their other three favorites up on the big screen.
    Nothing else matters in the current show biz climate.

  7. Musicals are not my cup of tea and I’m truly still puzzled by Chicago’s various wins. However, I’ve heard some great things about Hudson and after recently hearing an interview with her, I’m curious to see what the deal is with Dreamgirls. At the very least, it should prove to be fun.

  8. I agree. The hype on this movie has been huge, so it’s an uphill struggle even before it gets released. I could care less about seeing this film, but I know my wife’s going to make me watch it with her. I was forced into seeing Chicago with her when it came out and I wanted to cut my wrists, I was so bored.

    Still hoping the rumor that Beyonce’s going to be in “Tipping The Velvet” turns out to be true. :-D

  9. I really don’t like musicals except for the original willy wonka. Is this supposed to be the “true” autobiography of the Supremes?
    Whatever. My wife loves musicals and I just don’t. I know that they are really hard to put together productionwise, but I don’t see myself shelling out 10 bucks to see this unless Beyonce does a full frontal and rear nude scene.

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