Battlestar Galactica Movie?

It’s no secret around here that I think the new Battlestar Galactica show is the single best television show ever produced. Everyone has their favorites, this one is just mine. But why is it that all the best shows just can’t seem to find a solid audience (Deadwood anyone?)??? And no matter how good each season is, it’s never a certain thing that the show will be picked up for another.

The good folks over at Moviehole give us this scoop about the trouble Galactica is facing, and a possible movie being in the works:

“If it goes forward, the two hour telefilm will shoot in March during the series hiatus and prior to the commencement of production on the series fourth season in June. While there is no story for the telefilm at present, plans are afoot to come up with a screenplay that doesn’t step on existing continuity for the series, but utilizes most of its existing sets. There is also speculation the telefilm will somehow tie into the mythology for the Galactica spin-off series, Caprica, which has not been officially greenlit by SciFi Channel”, tells the site.

Yeah, apparently “Battelstar” has had a big drop-off of late, in terms of viewers, so the direct-to-video movie idea might be the network’s way of getting rid of the series - apparently a fourth season hasn’t been decided on yet by the network - as we know it, but continuing it on DVD.

Listen folks, I know a lot of people will decide on if they’ll watch a show based on what they THINK it will be, and on the commercial surface Battlestar Galactica may LOOK like just another Sci-Fi show… but TRUST ME… it’s not. This show is not what you might expect. A movie would be great… but I’d rather still have the show. Make sure you check it out.


  • 1. BHathaway replies at 29th December 2006, 11:08 am :

    Trouble Battlestar is facing? That’s unreal. Like you John, I love Battlestar. After I got hooked with the Miniseries I can’t watch away. The writing is brilliant and the mixture of sexual tension and fantastic effects/fighting there’s nothing more a MAN could ask for. It’s hard to believe that they are actually struggling. When I heard about them possibly doing a movie it baffles me, how would they do a movie and continue with the series, but if they’re having problems that’s a whole different story.

    I’ve heard you time and time again compare Star Trek to Battlestar and say that is what Star Trek needs to do to their sho (Have a fresh new start), but I’m not sure if it would/will work with Trek. I’ve been a Star Trek fan since I was little and consider myself very well versed in the series/movies. I’m just very much against that. It worked with Battlestar because the following/history wasn’t as pronounced as Trek.

    However, I can see the other point. The lack of turnout at the box office and following of Enterprise is a very good point for the so called tons of fans that I THOUGHT loved Trek. I think they either need to go low budget and continue the Trek movies/series for the fans and with the crew we’ve come to love, OR leave it be. I just think a reboot would kill the series because the following that it does have would not support it.

    Anyway, Gallactica is freaking AWESOME and I can’t wait to see more. WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

  • 2. B.Hathaway replies at 29th December 2006, 11:12 am :

    Sorry, should have proof read my above post. Sound like an illiterate retard.

  • 3. tedward (ted1108) replies at 29th December 2006, 11:35 am :

    BG is definately one of the best shows on television. Not THE best, but one of the best. This and other shows of its quality (such as Dexter, Deadwood, Brotherhood, Spooks-BBC, and The Shield) is one of the reasons I agreed with a previous post John made about the worst movies of 2006, and why there are so many bad movies of late.
    We’ve been spoiled with such fantastic television of late who’s quality is of such high calibre that they put most movies to shame.
    When you watch shows with such high quality of writing, acting, and suspensful drama, and then you go see a movie which had a lot more money to spend on production, but no one bothered with any of the above items I mentioned, you’re obviously going to be dissapointed (at least I am, most of the time).
    I seem to get less excited about the majority of movies coming out, but usually don’t want to wait another second for the next episode of my favourite tv drama.
    Anyway, I hope BG stays around for a very long time (at least as long as Stargate SG-1 did. It deserves that at least).

  • 4. Noa Altwynn replies at 29th December 2006, 12:01 pm :

    One of the problems that Battlestar is facing is the network that it’s on. SciFi is very bad when it comes to keeping their programming consistant and they’re really shooting themselves in the foot with things they’ve done recently.

    Last year, the SciFi Friday block of Stargate SG1, Stargate: Atlantis, and Battlestar Galactica was the highest rated three hours on television on a Friday night. This year they, in their infinite stupidity, decided to break that block up and, wow, the ratings dipped. What a surprise.

    Another thing that needs to be considered, which SciFi never does, is the second run of these shows on Friday. There’s a large portion of their audiance that tunes in for the second run for various reasons.

    In all honesty, I think that the arcahic ratings system that we still use today for television is holding alot of the quality programs down. Nobody is really willing to take a chance on something anymore because, oh my god, the ratings might suck. Perhaps the industry should take a look at the system and figure out a way to revise it so some of the good shows, that people do watch, don’t get shafted so badly anymore.

  • 5. bert belgium replies at 29th December 2006, 1:05 pm :

    hey, i’m only just beginning with watching season 1, only because you guys made such a big deal about it on the audio edition!! i only just picked up the box set over here a month ago, so i got a lot of catching up to do! woulld’nt hurt me if they slowed it down a but so i can catch up!

    bert from belgium

  • 6. ZICRON replies at 29th December 2006, 1:17 pm :

    I 100% agree, BSG is the single best show every to be on television!

  • 7. dave replies at 29th December 2006, 3:24 pm :

    Great show. Finish out the story arc and then kill it. Expect crappy spin off. No movie. Why? If they aren’t careful it will turn into a “find-Earth-Voyager-fiasco” unless they can throw a nice Borg v. Battlestar scenes. ;-)

  • 8. Jenny replies at 29th December 2006, 3:57 pm :

    A friend compelled me to watch the seasons in November (he loaned them to me and started guilting me into at least giving them a try) and I am now hooked on the show!!!!! It just can’t go away, not when I am just now getting into it! I would cry.
    I think it may have trouble finding an audience because of it’s network. It’s not your typical sci fi. There is actually some really good acting and writting. Unfortunetly, I know people who won’t watch it because it’s on the Sci Fi channel. They don’t like most sci fi, so they won’t give it a shot. Alot of people just don’t realize how different this show is! All I had to do was watch the mini-seriese to realize that
    But I would like to see a movie, some of the episodes really are movie quality.

  • 9. Joel Gustafsson replies at 29th December 2006, 4:09 pm :

    I find it hard to believe that BSG is loosing viewers. BSG and Heroes are the best shows in a long time. Lost is ok as well, but they should revealing some answers now… :)

  • 10. battlestar galactica collectibles replies at 29th December 2006, 4:27 pm :

    i’ve tried to watch bg, but just can’t get hooked on it. i’ve seen a few episodes, but since it’s on a friday (i believe), for me it’s simply easy to forget about it since that’s when i watch my dvd rentals. anyways, i plan on watching the season 1 on dvd soon, after lost.

    i’ve heard and read (from here) how awesome bg is. i remember being hooked on it as a kid right after i saw star wars. i knew back then that it was a star wars ripoff, but i needed my fix as a kid.

  • 11. TaraLeigh replies at 29th December 2006, 4:44 pm :

    Count me in as a certified geek for which BSG was the best thing to happen in a long time, HOWEVER, I most definitely agree with the poster above that pointed to SciFi’s problems with scheduling but also to the show’s thematic move from a broad allegorical stance to a much more deliberate political statement (inconsistent political statements at that). Also missing of late is the show’s vice like, breath stopping, “I-can’t-believe-the-show’s-over-already” tension. This season went from “insurgency” (grrrrr) on New Caprica- no real tension there, to Baltar lying around in his blinding white satin sheeted bed (with the red canopy). They managed to drain the tension from- then completely drop- what could have been a magnificent plot line- the misbegotten viral attack on the cylons (presumably an accident from us Earthling 13th colonials). I miss cylon introspection. I miss wondering whether or not Baltar is completely deranged or merely more in tune with his psychosis than the rest of us. I miss CHEERING HEROES struggling to survive their circumstance and their own fallacies. *sigh* The show isn’t struggling because new people aren’t watching. It’s struggling because those of us that would rather miss their children’s kindergarten graduations than a BSG episode (uhhh- not that I can relate or anything) just aren’t as riveted anymore.

    But, being a geek, it pains me to say that this season’s “Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip” is THE best thing to come along in ages. I can’t believe I’m actually on pins and needles about a Sorkin vehicle. Criminy. But it’s a tremendous show.

  • 12. darren j seeley replies at 29th December 2006, 4:58 pm :

    I wonder how big the dropoff will be when scifi puts Galactica on Sundays.

    I, for one don’t think the fanbase is so dropped off that it’s time “to axe the show” and hope they will watch the DVD movie/threatrical what have you. What will “they” do? Tricia Hefler and Grace Park really show some T&A this time, what? Someone slips up the word ‘frak’ or uses it in another way (”Hey Starbuck, Lets Frak Around”/ “Frak You, MotherFraker!”)

    No, the show’s fine. It’s just a lackluster season at worst. Folks will come back. Bring in Lucifer or the Ovions…

  • 13. Lou Sytsma replies at 29th December 2006, 5:07 pm :

    It is hard to understand why this show has not caught on bigger. It is excellent. The Sunday at 10 pm time slot seems like a death sentence to me. Hope the series will have a chance to wrap things properly.

  • 14. Joseph Ferrarelli replies at 29th December 2006, 5:12 pm :

    I am a big BSG fan, after watching Seasons 1,2,2.5 on DVD, but have only seen a few eps from season 3. Gonna catch it on DVD but I hope the second half of season 3 is alot better than what people are saying about the first half season 3.

  • 15. Lee replies at 29th December 2006, 6:09 pm :

    its one of the best damn shows on tv,but the name throws people off. they think its all space battles and shit and wont give it a shot.

    bring on the movies,if someone does it and it is a success,more tv shows will follow. Id love to see an Angel dvd movie.

  • 16. JaySmack replies at 29th December 2006, 8:02 pm :

    I havne’t seen BG but the fans of Firefly were/are just as passionate about that show, saying it was the best show EVER. I saw Firefly (part of one episode anyway -it was all I could make myself watch) and it sucked ass! I loved Deadwood though, but even I knew the massive amounts of profanity and the fact it’s a western would be trouble- people were expecting Lonesome Dove perhaps and got Sex, Guns, Lies and Violence. Sorry to see HBO wanted to be a bunch of jerks. BSG has gotten it’s share of press. If peolpe aren’t tuning in it’s because they don’t find it compelling enough. You may love it to death, (and I dont’ begrudge you that) but you see the same trend among rabid political activists -a small hardcore who make enough noise for a group a hundred times their size. Passion doesn’t equal appeal, no matter how much sense it makes to you.
    BTW, a while back John was saying Trek is dead. Well Star Trek: Enterprise (the worst bastardization of Trek ever) managed to stay on the air whole four whole seasons. Looks like 3 and a quarter is all BSG has got in it.

    As for Star Trek, restore the original vision of Rodenberry (exploration, emotional/political conflicts, engaging/evolving charaters and storylines) all the things Rick Berman and Branon Braga abandoned in their mindless quest to recast Trek in their image, and Trek will be fine.

  • 17. JaySmack replies at 29th December 2006, 8:28 pm :

    Anybody out there still feel Star Trek needs to follow the Battlestar Galactica model?

  • 18. louis replies at 30th December 2006, 12:52 am :

    we need your battle star podcast to get up and running.
    us fans need to build and expand the fan base to keep this show running.
    the shows future is likely in dout because we love the show so much, that we can’t wait to see it and download epsiodes before they show on local tv.

    god i hope this doesn’t die.

  • 19. matlot replies at 30th December 2006, 12:26 pm :

    I couldn’t agree more John. It would be tragic to lose this fantastic show. I have emailed you in the past regarding broadening your scope to include high quality television shows in discussion. Maybe this would highlight to the international friends that watching shows like BSG can be as fulfilling as any top movie.

  • 20. Don replies at 30th December 2006, 2:05 pm :

    Just food for your future analytical thought on this subject, John:

    I watched a few episodes of this a few months ago after you guys started making such a big deal out of it on the Audio Edition. I COULD BARELY MAKE ANY SENSE OF IT.

    I know, I know, “I should have watched from the beginning”, but I don’t have a way of renting or watching the first 48-hours’ (or whatever) worth of previous episodes. And I didn’t want to download 10 gigs worth over bittorrent (annoying in itself sometimes).

    “You should watch it from the beginning” is good advice, but let’s be honest-it isn’t a fool-proof or practical way of picking up viewers.

    Just factor this in to your analysis, John: I’m a sci-fi fan who was already to go and get on-board with this series, but I found the writing and framing of the show itself UNfriendly to new viewers. I still realize that “there’s something there” and will give the series another chance sometime, when the stars allign and I meet someone with the DVD-set, but until then I’m to be counted among the legion of would-be fans who aren’t able to help the series’ viewership.

  • 21. queen.padme.amidala replies at 31st December 2006, 3:20 pm :

    Oh god I love BSG. A movie would be amazing. But I can’t believe they switched it to Sunday nights. WTF??? I can’t watch that late, I have school the next morning at seven…

  • 22. Carol replies at 7th January 2007, 7:33 am :

    Help i brought my boyfriend the battlestar galactica box set 1/2 for xmas but when we watched it there was some missing. Apparantly there was a film you need to watch before the series. Series 1 starts with episode 1 and that starts with the words “previously on BS”. please help if you can and tell me what i need to get. Thanks x

  • 23. Deric replies at 11th January 2007, 7:58 pm :

    You need to get the miniseries that takes place before season 1. There was a box set that included the mini-series AND all of season one, but i dont know if you can still get that. If you already have season one, or part of it, but dont have the miniseries, just buy it seperate at Best Buy or Amazon:

  • 24. Rolymer replies at 8th March 2007, 10:13 pm :

    Wow! I’ve seen here n d phils the complete 3 seasons of BSG… but i was wondering… after episode 10 of season 2… most like a jump movie… its kinda freaking… i dnt get whats d result of galactica fighting with pegasus… how they reached caprica and established New Caprica… shocks!

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