Audio Edition: December 23rd 2006

Posted by on 23. 12. 2006in Uncut Podcast

Hey there folks. Welcome to the final Audio Edition of 2006. On today’s show, Jesse and I discuss:

1) The Films 4 Food Fest (Book your spot today!)

2) Movie Blog changes in 2007


4) The new Transformers Trailer

5) Why Transformers SHOULD move off of July 4th

6) Grindhouse Trailer

7) Smokin Aces Trailer

8) Ocean’s 13 Trailer

9) No more swag bags at the Oscars

10) Religious targeting bullshit

11) Jesse and John list their 10 worst films of 2006

12) John talks about House of Flying Daggers

13) John reviews “Rocky 6″ (aka Rocky Balboa)

All this and a few things more


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47 Responses to “Audio Edition: December 23rd 2006”

  1. Phil Gee says:

    I’m just saying that Die Hard 4 should move. Transformers was there first. But doing some video at the line-up sounds fantastic.

    A very merry Christmas to all at the movie blog and everybody else.

  2. YONATAN says:


  3. liyo says:

    Hey John! wal-mart is selling transformers toys already. :-)

  4. Kristina says:

    Hey, let Die Hard 4 stay there. It’ll get the shit kicked out of it like those fruity pirates raped Supes this year.

    I’m scared to get my hopes up for Transformers. Really scared.

  5. liyo says:

    Jlo suck as an actress, but she is hot!

  6. Lou_Sytsma says:

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!

    Jessie, Casino Royale?

  7. Mdean says:

    J’LO would break you dick.

    J’LO NO BRAINER!!!!!!!!!!!!


    John your drunk.

  8. Al says:

    I had the same arguement on J-Lo vs Jennifer Garner with my friends too. I take Jennifer Garner over J-Lo, hands down.

  9. Mdean says:

    I saw rocky last nite, it is a great flick. The part with Mike tyson was funny. This movie was more human and less superhero shit like Rocky 3 and 4. It’s almost a tear jerker it’s so touching.

  10. Don says:

    Both are in the same league-and I don’t think either one is elite status. I have the nod to J.Lo because she makes a point of wearing a lot of expensive clothes (the fashion sense of which I don’t even understand). So I’d have the added thrill of thinking I’m a bigshot if I was with someone in those clothes. And while banging her I’d like to think about how much money the jewelry she still has on is worth.

    J.Lo = Jen Garner
    J.Lo + the given half a million dollars worth of clothing and accessories >>> Garner

  11. Don says:

    By the way, this was one of the most enjoyable Audio Editions I’ve ever heard.

    The banter and the group-of-two feel between you and Jesse is great, John. You need to be praised more often for knowing what kinds of personalities to surround yourself with (um, on the Audio Edition, I mean).

  12. Fred says:

    What happened to the brain damage which caused Balboa to quit fighting in Rocky V?

    “When Rocky was diagnosed with brain damage, it must be noted that many athletes have a form of brain damage including football players, soccer players, and other individuals in contact sports such as rugby, etc. Rocky never went for a second opinion and yielded to his wife’s wishes to stop. So with the advent of new research techniques into brain damage, Rocky was found to be normal among fighters, and he was suffering the results of a severe concussion. By today’s standards Rocky Balboa would be given a clean bill of health for fighters.” Sylvester Stallone, 2006 ( interview), available at

    I got that from the FAQ section on the Rocky Balboa page.

    Soundwave was a cassette recorder and Blaster was a ghetto blaster. Soundwave’s 4 main cassettes were Laserbeak, Ravage, Rumble, and Frenzy. At the moment I can’t remember any of the names for Blaster’s cassettes.

    As for the Lopez vs. Garner thing, the way I look at it is like this, Lopez is the really hot chick you knew back in high school, you would go out with her, bang her, find out she’s a stuck up, spoiled bitch and dump her. But Garner is the one you would end up wanting to have a real relationship with. That’s just me though. Back in the day I thought Jlo was all hot and stuff, but then I found out how much of a diva she is and then I started to hate her heheh.

    hahah oh yea, Jesse’s little “Hallelujah”, “Drop it like it’s hot” bits during John’s mad rant, perfect.

  13. Fred says:

    Forgot to mention, Dixon was played by Antonio Tarver in Rocky Balboa, dude is a pro boxer, not an actor. It probably would have been different if they had got maybe Roy Jones, Jr. instead, he’s got charisma. The way Tarver played Dixon, it just didn’t seem like he wanted to be there, he was pretty much emotionless. Although I liked the scene near the beginning of the movie between him and his original trainer.

  14. troy says:

    j-lo every time she is f*cking hot!!

  15. Ruffian says:

    Dugg you at and JLo is indeed hotter than Jennifer Garner.

    I think Die Hard 4 wouldn’t movie its release date because the whole plot of that movie reveals around of July 4th. It’s very important for DH4 to be released on that day. As like you said, John, moving of the July 4th for Transformers would be a smart move because patriotic themes in that movie aren’t significant for the plot.

  16. Jarred says:

    Good rant on the religious thing John. We don’t get to hear you go off enough (that’s usually Doug’s job).

    Transformers trailer fucking rocked! Gave me chills!

    Jenffifer Garner easy. No contest. Do not pass go. Do not collect $100. JLo is an ugle mutt compared to Garner.

  17. wolf says:

    J-Lo is hotter BUT Garner would kick her ass, street fight style.

    My top 10 worst movies of 2006 are:

    1. Pirates of The Carribean
    2. Right At Your Door
    3. Final Destination 3
    4. John Tucker Must Die
    5. Grudge 2
    6. Brick
    7. Over The Hedge
    8. The Last Kiss
    9. March Of The Penguins
    10. When A Stranger Calls

  18. Kristina says:

    Jlo is a self-absorbed idiot. She was doing her nails the entire time that Ben Affleck took her to a Red Sox game. Garner actually gets into the games. Garner can act. Jlo was good in Selena and not much else. Jlo’s got her head in the clouds, but Garner’s got her feet on the ground. I know if they were guys, I’d go for Garner hands down. She might not be as rich, but she also comes with half the drama and garbage that Jlo does.

  19. Kristina says:

    And for Campea, that shitfest Night at the Museum opened number 1 this weekend with 30 million, according to There is no God.

  20. carl says:

    merry xmas guys and gals

  21. Boner says:

    Merry Christmas, to all the movie blog listeners. I wanna thank u for all the nice thigs u guys have said. i cant wait to here from u in the new year.

    love u all,
    jesse Boner

  22. Grundy says:

    J-lo is a cunt.

  23. HitokiriX says:

    Just wondering how come Crank wasn’t on anyones TOP 10 list this year?

  24. Anonymous says:

    Good show!
    I’m thinking you guys should make Bailey a regular third member of the show…we all know Jesse would love that!

    Good card by the way Jesse…you should be a writer!
    Merry Christmas All!!
    All the best!

  25. brian says:

    Have a nice christmas lads!!

    from here in England,


  26. darren j seeley says:


    I used to be a J Lo defender. Note used to be. As to who I would choose, I would choose neither. Both are overrated actresses who happen to have nice bodies. Both seem self centered, or at least that’s how the media tends to show them.

    I know; I am the Scrooge. So bah humbug.
    Merry Christmas to all anyway.

  27. Alfredo says:

    JENNIFER GARNER looks like a man. Jlo wins.

    Marry Christmas all.

  28. Nick Paramonte says:

    Screw continuity with Rocky V. Screw it. I hate Rocky V.

  29. Mozzerino says:

    This was a good show.
    I really have to admit I hated Jesse the first couple of episodes, but he is starting to improve. He really had some good points here and, more surprising, seemed to know what he was talking about. I’m glad that he finally realized that this blog is about movies.
    And to say it Borat-style:
    Jennifer Lopez is hotter than Jennifer Garner……NOT!!!!!

  30. Vix says:

    Merry Christmas guys! And a Happy New Year too!

    I love your geek outs on Transformers. I seriously loved the trailer though like John I wished there was more transforming but still, it was great.

    I think Die Hard will move because from the looks of it Transformers seems more patriotic than Live Free or Die Hard. If they were to move, when would they move to? Harry Potter comes out on July 14th if I’m not mistaken.

    Jennifer Garner hands down. I’d change sides for her. I’ve loved her since Alias! The only time I liked Jennifer Lopez when she was in Out of Sight but after that the diva personality outshone any character she’s played since.

    Wow! 2007 is shaping up to be a great movie year! Smokin’ Aces looks awesome and Grindhouse, man that is cool. I thought when the announcer said two feature length movies - I thought he meant it was going to be a 4 hour movie! But Jesse’s idea of them intercutting the movie sounds really kick ass - someone send that idea out to Tarantino and Rodriguez - if they’re not going to do it for the cinema release, that would be sweet for a DVD feature.

    Regarding your rant - John you are so right! It’s all about spin. PR people want to get butts in the seat and will do anything to get that.

    The only movie on your worst films that I did see was Underworld: Evolution and that was alright to me but then I haven’t seen the first one. Jesse, don’t agree with your view of Casino Royale and Superman Returns. Take The Lead just didn’t go anywhere. I remember thinking “When is this movie going to start?”

    Though I agree with Jesse on Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and Step Up. I was so disappointed by the pirates sequel. Like with Take the Lead I kept waiting for Step Up to begin but yeah very disappointing. But the most disappointing movie was Ultraviolet - what a farce of a movie - piss poor editing, dialogue and I’m pissed at the fact that they totally misused William Fitchner.

  31. wolf says:

    John if you start a TV thing, you need to start watching Lost dammit! Get watching, it’s worth it! Smallvile Rocks! I’m glad to hear you watch it.

  32. ThS says:

    Jennifer Garner, biatch!

    She is better looking and comes across as a much nicer person. I’ve only heard bad stuff about J.Lo.

  33. Joel Gustafsson says:

    Sorry John, I’ll have to go with Jessie on this one:

    Jennifer Lopez wins in all categories any day of the week and twice on sundays.

  34. TJ says:

    Rocky 6 was a great way to end the series. I wasn’t sure they needed to make the film until I saw it and now it really makes sense.

    “Yo Rocko”

  35. guess who says:

    You guys suck and your homophobes you Crash lovers!

  36. miles says:

    jennifer lopez all the way.

    garner looks like a man. at least lopez looks like a woman.

  37. Kristina says:

    I got to see Dreamgirls finally last night. WAY OVERHYPED, but still a good flick. I really don’t think Jennifer Hudson will win an Oscar for her performance, either. She brought the house down with her singing, but her acting was kinda meh. Same with the rest of the cast. All flash, no substance, but I’d give it a 7/10. Better than Chicago, but I’d watch Moulin Rouge over this any day.

  38. ted1108 says:

    Hmmm… J-Lo or J-Garner….
    I’ll take both, thank you very much…at the same time, if possible… yeah…a J-J sandwich would be nice indeed, yessss……
    Oh wait, I feel something…aw shit, I just woke up!!

  39. Rafael says:

    Guys, JLo wins. Sorry, but she does. Garner was hot in Electra, but Jlo’s got the booty and that’s very important to me. Isn’t the booty important to you? It is to me. Ben is a very lucky guy. He got to tap both of those beautiful women. I wonder why Matt never got that lucky? What’s the matter is he too good for Ben’s sloppy seconds? Take a look at this video and tell me that you wouldn’t bite that butt like an apple.
    Enough said.

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