Archive for December, 2006

The Movie Blog’s Top 10 Stories of 2006

While it may not have been the best year for movies, it certainly was an interesting year for movie news around here at The Movie Blog. I thought it might be interesting to compile my list for the top 10 stories of the year. It’s hard to say what criteria I based this list on. It was a couple of things including the scope of the story, how much interest it generated, how much discussion came about because of it and how much it influenced other stories. It’s quite a subjective list. So here are your top 10 movie stories of 2006 around here at The Movie Blog.


The Halo Movie Disaster - This story had more proverbial twists and turns than a freaking daytime soap opera and probably created more controversy around The Movie Blog this year than any other story. Ever since the film was announced, it seemed for a while that there was new news on it weekly. Lots of fan anticipation surrounded this project right from the start… and the other thing that surrounded it was an eerie sense of impending doom. First of all it was going to be a video game movie (obviously), and as all of you know, video game movies suck (I still have yet to understand how anyone can think that just because a video game is good, that mean a movie version would be good too. It’s like saying “Chess: The Movie” is sure to be amazing). Then the news Bungie, the company that knew nothing about making movies, was going to keep creative control of the film, the circus surrounding Peter Jackson coming on as a producer (if he cared half as much about Halo as he would have you and I believe he would have just directed it), the multiple changing of release dates and shooting schedules, the hiring of a “director” who had never worked a day in his life on any movie anywhere in any capacity whatsoever, changing scripts, changing writers, losing the studios, PR gaffs which all finally and mercifully ended back on Halloween day. Halo The Movie will be back sooner or later, and hopefully the folks over at Bungie would have learned a few things from this experience, hire real movie people they trust to have creative control, get a real experienced production team and get a director who has at the very least been a coffee boy on set of a real movie at least once. Oh yeah, no other story in 2006 got as many people mad at me too… gosh… I can’t imagine why.

The Rest In No Particular Order

Mel Gibson’s Racist Outburst - This was once of the most fascinating stories to watch unfold. Not just on the level of how moronic and stupid the things Mel Gibson said in his drunken tirade, but also how our society became band wagon witch hunters. To this day I still don’t understand it. Despite it’s best efforts, several news agencies couldn’t dig up any anti-semetic behavior or actions in Gibson’s past at all. He never had any hiring irregularities. He worked with, for, employed and hung out socially with people of Jewish heritage (way more than you or I do by the way… unless you’re Jewish that is), there were never any complaints from people around him with regards to anti-anyone behaviour or language, and numerous members of the Jewish community who know Gibson came passionately to his defence. And yet, one night, this guy who has struggled with alcoholism, got pulled over and in a drunken stupor spewed out some of the most ignorant jackass bullshit to a cop he was pissed at, and we instantly forgot about everything else… the only evidence that our pop-culture wanted to look at was the drunken comments. That was enough. We labeled Gibson a “racist”. Forget everything else. Forget all the other evidence that all pointed to a drunk guy just saying something idiotic but had no basis in reality… we didn’t care about “facts”, the tabloid shows didn’t care about “evidence”, and no one seemed to care about common sense. Despite all evidence pointing to Gibson just being a regular non-racist dude, a drunken outburst was all we needed to label him the next Hitler. I lost a little bit of my faith in humanity over this story, and it still drags on today.

Crash Wins Best Picture Over Brokeback - It’s been almost a year since this occurred, so a lot of us have forgot how much shock there was when Crash beat out Brokeback Mountain for best picture at the Oscars in 2006. It was almost a forgone conclusion that the Academy was going to hand the prize over to Brokeback. Thankfully, they didn’t. Instead they gave it to the better film, Crash. But oh man… it didn’t take long after the ceremony was over that accusations of “homophobia” were flying all over the place. Brokeback supporters (some of them anyway) couldn’t just accept that the better movie had won just because… well… it was a better movie. Nope, they had to start saying the only reason Brokeback lost was because of homophobia in Hollywood (which is one of the most stupid things I’ve ever heard in my life). Nope, even though the Academy gave Best Director to Ang Lee (the director of Brokeback), gave best actor to Philip Seymour Hoffman for his portrayal of a gay person and nominated Felicity Huffman for her role as a transsexual/transgener character, the Academy were “obviously” just a bunch of neo-conservative fuddy-duddys covered with homophobia. Yeah… ok.

Daniel Craig Bond Controversy - I’m cheating on this one a little bit. Although Craig was given the mantel of “Bond” back in late 2005, the controversy of the decision didn’t really spring to life until early 2006. The interesting thing about the outcry was that people weren’t upset based on Craig’s acting ability. Craig is actually a classically trained thespian and quite a good one at that. No, the “Craig Not Bond” people and their supporters were threatening to boycott the new James Bond film just because they didn’t like the “look” of Daniel Craig. Yup, that’s it. Because they didn’t like the facial features of Daniel Craig, that was enough for some people to label the new Casino Royale a failure 10 months before it would be released in theaters. This story brought up a larger issue that was spoken about a lot this year… the topic of “Look over talent” was one that came up a few times. It’s very satisfying as a movie fan to see that talent trumped, and Casino Royale went on to be an amazing film that has broke all boxoffice marks of any previous Bond film. Oh yeah… and Craig ended up being the best James Bond ever (in my little opinion anyway).

Legal Movie Downloading - 2006 was the year the inevitable started to happen. Studios, looking at the example of the music industry, decided to start investigating and testing the waters of pure digital movie distribution to consumers. It is the way of the future. It started with one studio, then another and now every major studio has some form of digital distribution method in place. The big break through was when it was announced that iTunes would start selling movies as well. There are still question marks surrounding the new system. Problems of price (still far too high), content (most still don’t offer any of the special features of a DVD disk), digital rights (most systems don’t allow you to burn a copy of the movie you just purchased for viewing on other devices such as your DVD player). Seems like the studios are just testing the limits to see how much they can get away with… testing to see at what point consumers say “Ok, this is good… at this point we’ll accept it en mass”. We’re still probably a good couple of years away from digital downloading becoming a SERIOUS player in the distribution game… but it is coming.

Who Will Play The Joker? - I personally don’t remember seeing any casting topic generate as much speculation and interest than the whole “Who will play The Joker in the next Batman film?” insanity. It seemed like every other day for months new names were being brought forth. Passionate fans arguing (in a good way) the merits or lack thereof of their personal choices for the role of the crown prince of crime. Some of the more interesting names that came up were Guy Pearce, Robin Williams, Jude Law, Michael Keaton (I still think that would have been cool to see), Crispin Glover (a very popular choice), Jake Gyllenhaal and a few others. But in the end, it was a dark horse that no one saw coming that nabbed up the role. Heath Ledger, a hit and miss sort of actor that can knock it out of the park… or stink the joint out. The fans reaction has been pretty level headed actually. Everyone (for the most part) has adapted a “wait and see” sort of attitude with Ledger. It’ll be interesting to see how this works out.

Chris Tucker Gets $25 Million For Rush Hour 3 - What actor has the largest single movie contract in history? Oscar winner Denzel Washington? Nope. Brad Pitt? Nope. Multiple Oscar winner Tom Hanks? Nope. No my dear international friends, according to the IMDB, the single largest base salary contract for any movie in history goes to… Chris Tucker for Rush Hour 3. At $25 million as a base salary for the film (not including his percentage that is also in the contract, so at this point we have no idea how big his pay day will end up being really) Tucker becomes the most valuable man in Hollywood. What a total joke. A talentless hack, who bases his whole persona on doing a bad Eddie Murphy in 48 hours imitation and gets his laughs from spewing racist jokes is getting $25 million dollars. It was on that day that I decided I would never show any sympathy to Studios when they complain about losing money. Why do you and I have to pay $12 at the ticket booth? Because they’re paying hack actors (or any actors for that matter) $25 million dollars before the camera even starts rolling. This has got to stop.

Pirates 2 Destroys Boxoffice - The first Pirates of the Caribbean was a charming and fun flick that took a little while to eventually find it’s audience… but as word of mouth spread about the quality of the film, it stuck around longer than most films in the top 10 until finally finishing a respectable run. It flew off the DVD shelves when it came out on video, and we all knew Pirates 2 was going to do great business at the boxoffice when it finally came out. We even knew it was going to be huge. But MAN… I don’t think ANYONE predicted just how huge it ended up being. Keep in mind, a film that pulls in over $50 million on opening weekend is considered to be a BIG hit. Well… Pirates of the Caribbean 2 came in at $135 million on opening weekend. Shattering all previous opening weekend boxoffice records and then went on to make over $1 BILLION dollars world wide. The funny thing is that it’s not even really that great of a movie… but WOW did it have an audience.

Paramount Shuts Down The Movie Blog - I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention this story, even though it wasn’t news to anyone else, but it was big to me. July 6th I woke up to find my website taken offline by my hosting company because Paramount Pictures sent them a threatening legal notice to have me taken out. The issue was surrounding The Transformers. To say I was pissed off is a massive understatement. However, as it all turns out it was just one big mistake on Paramount’s part. They apologized and everything is fine. Accidents do happen and I respect how Paramount handled the situation after it occurred (The vice-president of Paramount called me from her vacation to explain what happened… if that doesn’t say “we’re sorry” then I don’t know what does). After a week it was all done, and I was able to go back to being a happy Transformers geek again.

Trend of Studios Not Screening Movies For Critics - This year, the number of films that studios held back and hid from critics before their release more than tripled over last year. The reasons are obvious. When a studio knows their movie sucks, don’t let the critics get the word out. This should be a MASSIVE red flag to people. If you don’t see any reviews for a film before it opens… DON’T GO SEE THE MOVIE. Because hell… if the studio is basically admitting their movie sucks, why spend your money on it? Sadly, the move has worked for many studios, making big money on their opening weekends before negative word could get out about it. This is a disgusting trend that I hope people start to recognize and punish the studios for by going to see something else by another studio that has enough faith in their movies to let critics at it first.

So there you have it folks. My VERY VERY VERY subjective list of the top stories around The Movie Blog in 2006. What do you think of it? What big stories do you think I should have included on there that I failed to mention?

New Hannibal Rising trailer

hannibal.jpgNow I know that it seems that there is no blood left in any part of The Silence of the Lambs franchise but that character we love to hate Hannibal Lecter is quite an interesting fellow and now there is a trailer for his new movie Hannibal Rising. Yes it’s Hannibal the early years, much like Tom Waits his early years it will be loved by some and looked down upon by others.

I happen to like this trailer and wouldn’t mind seeing the early beginnings of this creepy yet (dare I say it? Ok I did have a small crush on Anthony Hopkins) somewhat sexy psychopathic killer. In “Hannibal Rising” we will learn about Lecter’s early life in Eastern Europe from age 6 to 20, following the death of his entire family during WWII.. As an added bonus Li Gong will be showing her chops (acting chops that is) in this film.

There is going to be a book release early on in the new year. The movie is expected out February 9th.

You can check out the trailer here.
Thanks to the good people over at for the link.

Justin Timberlake refused acting coaching for role

justin4.jpgJustin Timberlake recently stated that he didn’t need or want coaching or acting classes for his new role in the movie Alpha Dog. I’ll be giving my two cents about this after the information from

Singer/actor Justin Timberlake refused to take any acting classes to help prepare for his role in the film Alpha Dog, relying instead on the training he had as a young child. The “Sexyback” star plays an accused teen killer in the film and was keen to work on a project that was edgy and controversial. He says, “I thought it was a dark script, but I also thought that it was a great statement and I like to make statements .”Timberlake was adamant that he didn’t want to take any acting classes or work with an acting coach to prepare him for his role as one of Jesse’s friends. He explains, “I took classes when I was really young. I just use that as much as possible. For me it seems more natural to not do as much of that.”

Now first off I must say that this movie does look good, I want to see it because of the story and the great cast (Timberlake excluded obviously) there is Sharon Stone, Bruce Willis, Ben Foster and Emile Hirsch. Also the trailer is pretty good, you can watch it here

BUT the reason this movie looks good has nothing to do with Justin “I can’t keep my cocky mouth shut” Timberlake. Buddy hasn’t even gotten a review yet and already he’s decided that acting classes wouldn’t help him be better. As an actress I’m completely offended and disgusted. There are two types of people who refuse help when doing something, the people who have all the time in world to explore their new activity and stupid cocky people. Hum….yep, I’m looking behind door 2 on this one.

The guy is completely handled in every decision he makes, and boy he has amazing managers, while Janet Jackson went down if flames at the Super bowl wardrobe malfunction fiasco Timberlake walked away without so much as a sunburn. He also is one of the very few boy band members who have a real music career after leaving the boys. And he’s dating a beautiful, funny, talented actress, who he refuses to marry and for some reason (low self esteem perhaps) she stays with him.

So of course pretty boy Justin thinks he can do anything. But acting is hard, and the better you are at it the easier it looks and that sometimes makes people think that it doesn’t require a lot of work, but it does. What I get from Timberlake is that he didn’t want to do the work, he would rather try and be edgy and tack his name onto a “statement” that the movie makes, not caring if his careless work hurts the film, or for that matter the statement that he likes so much.

There is no amount of studio touch ups that will hide bad acting, unlike singing. What would have helped Justin Timberlake is an honest teacher who could say “stop making that stupid face and give me something you didn’t practice in the mirror”. Or, of course a good editor, who would simply takes him out of the movie. We’ll see how good his acting really is by how much of his mug is shown in Alpha Dogs.

George Lucas Says Indiana Jones To Start Filming Next Year

Well look at what we have here. George Lucas is saying that he and Steven Spielberg have completed an Indiana Jones 4 script and they’re ready to go into production next year. Hmmmm… where have I heard that before?

The good folks at Yahoo News give us this:

George Lucas said Friday that filming of the long-awaited “Indiana Jones” movie will begin next year. Harrison Ford, who appeared in the three earlier flicks, the last one coming in 1989, is set to star again.

Lucas said he and Steven Spielberg recently finalized the script for the film. “It’s going to be fantastic. It’s going to be the best one yet,” the 62-year-old filmmaker said during a break from preparing for his duties as grand marshal of Monday’s Rose Parade.

Ahem, you’ll have to excuse me if I don’t start planning the celebratory parade just yet. We’ve been hearing this kind of bullshit from Lucas and Spielberg both about Indy for over 2 years now. “Oh, we’re ready to shoot. Oh, we’re ALMOST ready. Oh, we’re certainly shooting next year (said 2 years ago)”. And we’re still sitting here with nothing.

Ok, so George says they’re ready to go. Whoopdido. I’ll believe it when i see it… and right now… I don’t believe it. Not for a second. Thanks to Tedd for the heads up.

The Movie Blog’s 10 Best Films of 2006

Well here we are, the annual list of the ten best films of 2006. These list are always hard to do because no matter what you put, there are going to be 1,000,000,000 people calling you an idiot for your list. But hey, it certainly gets the conversation going!

So without any further introduction, I present to you the Top Ten best films (that got wide release) of 2006.

Best-Departed.jpgThe Departed - Beyond any shadow of a doubt, The Departed is the single best film of 2006. Not only is it a fantastic film, but it also proves that remakes can work (as many of you know, The Departed is a remake of the brilliant asian cop film “Infernal Affairs”), and work crazy well. One of the best ensemble casts with one of the most gifted directors of our generation together were able to pull off cinematic gold. The performances by DiCaprio, Baldwin, Jack and the rest of the gang were astonishing and the beautiful pace of the film kept you on the edge of your seat without needing a car chase or fight scene to get your heart pounding. A magnificent film that should and WILL win the Oscar for best picture this year. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the best film of 2006, The Departed.

The rest in no particular order

Best-Borat.jpgBorat - What can be said about Borat? It’s one of those odd movie that caught me totally off guard. I knew it would be funny (as a matter of fact, Borat is the single funniest movie I’ve ever seen in my life) but what catches you is that it’s also extremely smart. A film not only filled with outrageous craziness, but also deep and shocking social commentary that holds up a proverbial mirror and forces us to look at some of the realities of our culture that aren’t so pretty to see. This movie does what 99% of other comedies fail to do… entertain and make us think all at the same time. Borat is a brilliant film, and I can say without much worry that there will probably never again be another film like it. Very nice.

Best-Slither.jpgSlither - The best film of 2006 that failed to gain any sort of audience whatsoever. Is Nathan Fillion doomed to appear in one of the best films of the year that no one goes to see (the same thing happened to him last year with the fantastic “Serenity”)??? How on earth do you tell people about a movie about zombie making slugs from outer space and get them to take you seriously? Nevertheless, Slither was one of the most fun and creative horror flicks I’ve seen in a long long time. The cast was perfect, the dialog was quick and witty, the visuals for a low budget movie were surprisingly good and the damn thing even manages to scare you at the same time. Honestly folks, if you haven’t seen this movie (and I know most of you haven’t) get out to your video store today and treat yourself.

Best-Behind-The-Mask.jpgBehind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon - I fell so in love with this movie when I first saw it at the Toronto After Dark Film Festival that it was the first film on my mind when we decided to do the Films 4 Food Fest. This movie is just pure genius. A look at the world where Freddy, Jason and Michael were all real, and a young man decides he wants to be the next great mass murderer. Hilarious from the first frame of the film, it becomes a classic slasher flick about 2 thirds of the way through, and it entertains you non-stop. See it when this film gets released later this year, or come see it on January 20th at the Films 4 Food Fest.

Best-Casino-Royale.jpgCasino Royale - I can honestly say I’ve never enjoyed a Bond flick as much as I did Casino Royale. A lot of rumblings were going on when Daniel Craig was handed the role of 007, but the man pulled it off and an argument could be made that no one has ever played the super spy as well as this man did. Finally, a James Bond who looks like he could actually kick my ass instead of kiss it. Craig pulled off all the suave, yet bad-assness the role of James Bond calls for. The film was a tad too long and could have been tightened up, but over all one of the best theater experiences of the year. Action, some terrific fights, one of the best most tension filled poker scenes in film history… and oh yeah… a lot of James tapping up the honeys. James Bond is alive again.

Best-Clerks-2.jpgClerks 2 - Aside from Borat, the single funniest film of the year. Kevin Smith brings his talent for writing great pure dialog to this project that is an amazing blend of sophomoric humor combined with actual thoughts and situations people in my age bracket (25-35) find themselves facing and thinking about. The issues of friendship, purpose, direction in life, all delt with from a light and hilarious perspective. A simple film that for the most part all happens on one set with nothing but the aforementioned pure dialog to press it forward. I never would have thought this movie would be on my list when I was first walking into the theater to see it, but Clerks 2 really is that damn good.

Best-Descent.jpgThe Descent - This is another one of those movies that I assumed was going to be mildly entertaining but entirely forgetable the moment I walked out of the theater. DAMN was I wrong! The Descent is without a doubt the single most stressful experience I’ve ever had in a horror film. The freaking tension starts almost right away when the film starts, and it grabs you by your brittle little throat and it just doesn’t let you go for a moment to catch your breath. Even when nothing is happening on screen you’re stressed beyond all measurement. The mood and atmosphere of this movie is the real star. Such a simple concept for a horror film… and yet so brilliantly executed. If you are a fan of horror films at all… you MUST make sure to catch The Descent.

Best-Smoking.jpgThank You For Smoking - This will be the film that starts the rise of Aaron Eckhart to true “A LIST” status in Hollywood. Easily the best performance of his career to date, and he showed us that he has a lot more to offer us in the future too. Thank You For Smoking has one of the most terrific concepts of any film this year… a story where the “hero” is an advocate for the smoking industry. How crazy is that? But the film goes beyond just being a pure comedy. It is constantly asking morally complex questions without offering up any easy answers and just leaves us to stew in the dilemmas it presents us with. By the end of the movie you find yourself cheering for Eckhart’s character… but you’re still not sure if you SHOULD be or not. Another one of those underviewed films of 2006 that deserved a lot bigger of an audience than it got.

Best-Vendetta.jpgV For Vendetta - Hugo Weaving (as the hero “V”) really shows off his stuff in this film. Giving us a compelling, passionate, complex, powerful yet fragile character who the audience believed and become charmed by… all while never showing his face once, and doing all his acting from behind a mask. That’s no easy feat, but he did it gloriously, so much so that I think the man deserves an Oscar nomination for it (but he won’t get it). Not your typical comic book movie. Sensational dialog, good action, poignant political commentary that is very relevant to our curent situation and one of the very best protagonists in any movie this year. A great movie that won’t win any awards or be remembered as any sort of classic, but certainly one that deserves to be on this list.

Best-Sunshine.jpgLittle Miss Sunshine - Just a brilliant, smart, touching and at its core funny movie that came into theaters without much fanfare, but that I’m happy to report gradually found its audience. An engaging film that almost instantly got you to feel vested in the family and got you to genuinely care about them despite all the quirks, problems and shortcomings they so obviously possess. Steve Carell shows us that he’s much more than just the 40 Year Old Virgin, Greg Kenear is his usual brilliant self, and Toni Collete deserves an Oscar nomination in my opinion (for that matter she deserves to WIN the damn thing).


- The Last King of Scotland
- The Queen
- Half Nelson

So there you have it folks. I’m sure 100% of you disagree with at least SOME of my list. So hop on into the comments section and tell me what you think. Is there anything on my list you think I’m crazy to have on? Is there anything missing?

Val Kilmer in Real Genius 2

I loved Val Kilmer’s most recent role in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, as the homosexual private eye “Gay Perry”. I love that pun. But it looks like he is returning to one of his earliest films in an effort to turn to comedy.

Cinema Blend says:

The original 1985 movie starred a very young Val Kilmer and Gabriel Jaret as two teenage geniuses developing a high powered laser for a college project, only to have it stolen by the government. It was Val’s second film, and from there he went on to Top Gun and stardom.

I honestly can’t say I have seen Real Genius, or perhaps I did and forgot, but I do like this idea.

In recent times we have been flooded with remakes of shows and movies from the 70s and 80s and it would be cool to see some sequels that serve almost as a remake too. Perhaps its more accurate to say they would be revitalizations. Having Kilmer star in the sequel to one of his old films suggests they will pick up with the characters from 17 years ago and see what they are up to now. I wonder if Gabriel Jarret will star in it with him.

Of course this didnt work so well with the Dukes of Hazzard Reunion.

Any other movies or shows that you think would make a great “15 years later” sequel?

Departed wins Best Picture

The critics are calling it now. These movies have been receiving so much acclaim its not a surprise that the critics are pegging them for the winner, but Departed seems to be at the front of the pack for Oscar night after winning Best Picture in Chicago.

Yahoo News says:

The capital of the Midwest has spoken:
Martin Scorsese’s “The Departed” nabbed best picture, director and adapted screenplay honors from the Chicago Film Critics Assn. Thursday.

Helen Mirren (“The Queen”) and Forest Whitaker (“The Last King of Scotland”) also continued their royal flush of lead actor awards from critics groups nationwide.

So with the Oscars just around the corner, what movie do YOU think will take top billing?

I am Legend plot Revealed

Ever wonder what it would be like to be the last man on earth? Will Smith will get a taste of the only condition that would have got me a date with Alisha Townsend in highschool. Now we have a peek at the plotline (and poster) that will span this adaptation of the book.

I am Legend will explode into theatres Dec 14th, 2007 and we just got the complete story on the remake. Robert Neville (Will Smith) is a brilliant scientist, but even he could not contain the terrible virus that was unstoppable, incurable…and manmade. Somehow immune, Neville is now the last human survivor in what is left of New York City…and maybe the world. But he is not alone. He is surrounded by “the Infected”—victims of the plague who have mutated into carnivorous beings who can only exist in the dark and who will devour or infect anyone or anything in their path.

Sounds like a lot of Zombie Fun. Im betting on the 5 billion zombie Infected.

If you cant beat em…

Dreamgirls is This Years Brokeback Mountain - Overrated

I finally got around to seeing Dreamgirls the other night, and I was really surprised by it. Not in a good way either.

Look, let me say this right up front: Dreamgirls is a good movie. It is. it was entertaining to watch, the music was fantastic (for the most part) and Eddie Murphy was surprisingly wonderful in it. This is a good movie, well worth the watching… but at the same time it isn’t a “GREAT” movie, and it also isn’t one I’ll be watching again.

The movie is a lot of pop and dazzle (which is fun to watch) without any soul or depth. One of the glaring weaknesses in this department is Beyonce Knowles, who wows us with her energy, but fails to do what most other actors do in movies… ACT. To bring the character to life, to give he character depth.

With so much hype, and so much adulation in advance before people even saw it, I feel pretty safe in saying that Dreamgirls is this year’s Brokeback Mountain. A good little film worth seeing, that got way too overpraised and became the “in” movie to say great things about before people even saw it.

This, like Brokeback Mountain, is just another example of Hollywood insiders getting caught up in the “trendy movie” of the month, saying outrageously positive things about it because that’s the “in” thing to do. Well… Dreamgirls just isn’t THAT good. It’s good, you should go see it… but lower your expectations a bit and just enjoy it for what it is… a fun little musical that will entertain you for 2 hours… but it’s really not much more than that.

This film deserves no Oscar nominations (except for PERHAPS Eddie Murphy) and even in a weak year certainly doesn’t deserve to be considered one of the year’s best. This is indeed Brokeback all over again.

Henstridge and Jackman in a Sexual Thriller!

I always liked Natasha Henstridge. She was absolutely staggeringly distracting in Whole Nine Yards (My all time favourite comedy) and wasnt that bad in SheSpies, though the show itself wasnt so hot. Its a shame she hasnt been in more high profile movies.

MovieHole notes:

Seems by merely being a ‘Bond Girl’ Contender, you’re guaranteed work elsewhere, even if you don’t get the role you’re gunning for. A chance to play the latest 007 squeeze seems to have worked for Henstridge, in a roundabout way.

The leggy fox – who would still be slumming it in “Species” sequels and “She Spies”, if not for the audition – was up for the role of Vesper Lynd in “Casino Royale”, and though about ten other girls were probably on the list above her, the mere association with the film seems to have resurrected the former model cum actresses career.

Hugh Jackman’s SEED productions will be writing Henstridge’s cheques for the next few months, as she films a role in the actor/producer’s new film, “The Tourist” opposite Wolverine himself; Ewan McGregor and Michelle Williams.

According to Page Six, Henstridge and Jackman were spotted filming scenes at The Dylan Hotel in New York. Being that the film’s a sexual thriller, we can only assume why and how a hotel room was being used.

So getting your name attached to rumours of a blockbuster you likely wont be in will get you a comeback? Is Henstridge pulling a Hasselhoff? Or is she just trying out for bigger roles and not getting them?

Here is hoping we see more of this beauty in upcoming films.

Hot Fuzz Website Up and Running

Hot-Fuzz-Movie.jpgI’ve been talking a lot about the new film from the team that brought us Shaun of the Dead called “Hot Fuzz”. The dynamic between Simon Pegg and Nick Frost is just amazing to see, and I was thrilled to see them hook up again! Now, the official website for Hot Fuzz has been updated and looks great. Check out the site here.

For those of you who don’t know much about this project yet, here’s the synopsis:

Top London cop, Police Constable Nicholas Angel, finds himself reassigned to the sleepy West Country village of Sandford. With garden fetes and neighbourhood watch meetings replacing the action of the city, Angel struggles to adapt to his situation and finds himself partnered with Danny Butterman, an oafish but well meaning young Constable. Just as all seems lost, a series of grisly accidents motivates Angel into action. Convinced of foul play, Angel realises that Sandford may not be as idyllic as it seems.

And just in case you’re interested, here’s the trailer (but just so you know, there is a higher quality one over at the official site):

Battlestar Galactica Movie?

It’s no secret around here that I think the new Battlestar Galactica show is the single best television show ever produced. Everyone has their favorites, this one is just mine. But why is it that all the best shows just can’t seem to find a solid audience (Deadwood anyone?)??? And no matter how good each season is, it’s never a certain thing that the show will be picked up for another.

The good folks over at Moviehole give us this scoop about the trouble Galactica is facing, and a possible movie being in the works:

“If it goes forward, the two hour telefilm will shoot in March during the series hiatus and prior to the commencement of production on the series fourth season in June. While there is no story for the telefilm at present, plans are afoot to come up with a screenplay that doesn’t step on existing continuity for the series, but utilizes most of its existing sets. There is also speculation the telefilm will somehow tie into the mythology for the Galactica spin-off series, Caprica, which has not been officially greenlit by SciFi Channel”, tells the site.

Yeah, apparently “Battelstar” has had a big drop-off of late, in terms of viewers, so the direct-to-video movie idea might be the network’s way of getting rid of the series - apparently a fourth season hasn’t been decided on yet by the network - as we know it, but continuing it on DVD.

Listen folks, I know a lot of people will decide on if they’ll watch a show based on what they THINK it will be, and on the commercial surface Battlestar Galactica may LOOK like just another Sci-Fi show… but TRUST ME… it’s not. This show is not what you might expect. A movie would be great… but I’d rather still have the show. Make sure you check it out.

New Smokin Aces Posters

The new flick “Smokin’ Aces” is quickly becoming one of those films I’m counting down the days to. Forget the fact that it looks like it totally re-invigorate the career of Ben Affleck (along with a possible Oscar nomination for his role in Hollywoodland), this just looks like one damn slick film. (See the trailer here)

The good folks over at JoBlo got their hands on a couple of the new Smoking Aces Posters:


You can see bigger versions of them over here.

Highlander: The Source Footage

The original incarnation of “The Highlander” still today stands on my top ten favorite films of all time list. It was beautiful in its scope and captivating in how it told its fantastic story. Sadly, the magic ended with the first film. The following series of sequels all SUCKED HUGE. As a matter of fact, the second Highlander movie sits on my top ten WORST films of all time list. Go figure.

So now here comes a new Highlander movie, this one featuring the cast and story line from the TV show (which for all its cheese, actually wasn’t all that bad). This IS NOT an official trailer, but rather looks like tons of leaked footage and images that one fan put together to give us this mock trailer. So thanks to Ed for hooking me up with this. Take a look and let me know if you’re interested in this new Highlander or not.

Black Christmas leaves X in box office

black.jpg Black Christmas didn’t look too bad from it’s trailers, sure it was pretty paint by numbers but I was considering seeing it. Of course I didn’t end up making it out, and judging by the box office numbers not many did. Here’s what the people over at had to say:

‘Tis the season for stabbings, gouged-out eyes and disembodied heads — at least that is the rationale behind the December 25 release of “Black Christmas,” an idiotic, over-the-top retelling of the trailblazing 1975 Bob Clark slasher movie. this tension-free cheese ball of a thriller earned just $3.3 million on its first day, and will likely land on the curb along with those dried-out Christmas trees not too long after New Year’s Day.

Wow….harsh. But undoubtedly deserved. It’s too bad too because I think if the movie had been at all decent or advertised with any finesse it could have had a good returnI. know that If I had seen enough advertisements I probably would have remembered to check it out. But I hardly saw any trailers or posters around, the cute sorority sister fighting the crazy killer movie just wasn’t on the radar. And now with nothing but bad reviews I highly doubt I’ll watch it at all.

Hopefully the DVD release will happen at Christmas next year and the makers can cash in. Because let’s face it, a lot of the time if a movie is cheap and has “Christmas” in the title with a few pretty faces on the cover it will be picked up for a stocking stuff. I can’t help pitying the people who get those lumps of coal for the holidays next year.

New White Noise 2 trailer

white noise.jpg
White Noise is a movie that I never though would have a sequel, ok movie, but it didn’t do anything all that unique and I forgot about it pretty much the second it was finished. The makes have decided to go for round two with it though, and the new trailer is here to excite and titillate us….sort of. The good folks over at gave us the peak.

You can see it here

It doesn’t make me want to see it but it might for some.

The Movie Blog’s 10 Worst Films of 2006

I think most people agree that 2006 was a horrible year for film. Oh, there were a few bright spots (see my post tomorrow for the Best Films of 2006), but overall it was a year we should quickly forget.

Usually, it’s harder to put together a “best” list than a “worst” list, but not this year. This year there was so much crap it was difficult to pick just 10 to represent our pick for the absolute worst (wide release) films of 2006. These are in no particular order, except the #1 worst film of the year. And the “winners” are:

The #1 Worst Film of 2006 is:

Worst-Lady.jpgLady in the Water embodies the downfall of M. Night Shyamalan and all the things that led to it. Without a doubt the most self absorbed, self serving and self praising piece of cinematic garbage to dirty the screen this year. What starts off with a promising concept and mythology, quickly gets flushed down the toilet with witless banter, massive logic jumps, poor story telling all of which was almost drowned out by the loud sound of M. Night patting himself on the back. A total mess from start to finish, Lady in the Water shows us what can happen when a director without all that much credits to his name starts believing all his own press. Easily, the worst film of 2006.
And the rest in no particular order:
Worst-Little-Man.jpgLittle Man - The mind boggling question of “How the hell does they Wayans brothers continue to get studios to green light their projects” quickly turns into “Why the hell do people actually spend money on seeing Wayans brothers crap movie after crap movie?” You can’t really blame the studios when this pile of crap makes almost $60 million at the boxoffice. The blame squarely lies with us… the movie going audience. All I can say, is that not once… not one single time did I even come close to cracking a smile during this horrible movie. Come to think of it, the whole audience I saw it with only had mild giggling throughout it. Bad bad bad movie, and thanks to all of us idiots who went to see it, there will probably be another one.

Worst-Stay-Alive.jpgStay Alive - When the synopsis of a movie reads: “For a group of teens, the answer to the mysterious death of their old friend lies within the world of an online video game based on the true story of an ancient noblewoman known as the Blood Countess.” you should probably know well enough to stay away. Sadly for many of us, we weren’t smart enough to heed the warning. It’s bad enough that all video game movies suck balls… but they take it to a new level when it’s a video game playing movie about a game that doesn’t even exist. To this day I don’t even know if the movie was one of the worst horror films of all time… or a Saturday Night Live joke skit that lasted 90 minutes. Maybe if the guy at the end jumped up and sang “It’s my dick in a box” it would have been more enjoyable. I’m still amazed some studio gave this thing the go ahead… and how they didn’t have the smarts to just make it direct to DVD when it was done. My brain still hurts this movie sucked so much.

Benchwarmers - Believe it or not, deep down there was a part of me that was really hoping Benchwarmers would show us that Jon Header wasn’t just a one trick pony and one hit wonder with Dynamite. That maybe it was possible for David Spade to pull himself back out of the slide he was in, and return to being funny again. That maybe Rob Schneider would do SOMETHING worth watching (the guy hasn’t been funny a day in his life). The trailers made me grin, and I thought maybe… just maybe this could be that movie. Nope. It’s wasn’t. A pathetic movie whose best moments were when none of Header Spade or Schneider were on the screen. An unfunny waste of time that only proved yet again Jon Heder has nothing to him, Spade is done like dinner and Schneider never was anything in the first place after leaving SNL.

Worst-The-Return.jpgThe Return - Will someone please tell Sarah Michelle Gellar that having once been Buffy the Vampire Slayer doesn’t cut it anymore and that she needs to start doing some project worth doing before she totally falls off of everyones radar? I mean come on. This film has the distinction of being the single most BORING movie I’ve ever had the displeasure of watching in my entire life. NOTHING HAPPENS IN THIS MOVIE. Ever. Not until the very end when we see a car crash… and by that point no one cared anymore. The film was marketed as if it was some spooky horror flick… when really it’s not a horror at all. Bad movie, with bad and misleading marketing with a horrible performance by Gellar. Never ever ever see The Return.

Worst-Silent-Hill.jpgSilent Hill - The next film in a long and glorious line of video game movies that totally suck ass. I don’t know which was more sad… this movie… or some fans of the game who desperately tried to convince themselves they actually thought the movie was “ok”. It wasn’t “ok”. It wasn’t even just a “little bad”. This movie rotted like bad meat in the Las Vegas sun. Some really horrible effects work, bad acting (except for perhaps Sean Bean) all in a movie that tried so bloody hard to be spooky that it just came off as laughable. Don’t bother with this film, it’ll just give you bad dreams of all the other cool things you COULD have been doing with your time and the money you wasted.

Worst-Underworld-Evolution.jpgUnderworld: Evolution - It’s difficult to say that ANYTHING with Kate Beckinsale wearing tight black leather was anything but marvelous… but sorry to say Underworld Evolution was just so bad that even Kate couldn’t save it from this list. I liked the first Underworld although it didn’t live up to it’s potential. I (and many other people) held out the hope that part 2 could improve upon what was good in the first one and make a really great fun action film. That didn’t happen. instead we got more of the stuff that made the first film weak. Hell, at least the first film had two FANTASTIC bad guys in Viktor (played brilliantly by Bill Nigh) and Lucian. What did this movie give us??? Stupid geeky looking Marcus and his dumb wolf brother?!?! Such a missed opportunity. Oh well, I guess we can always hope for better in Underworld 3.

Worst-Fast.jpgThe Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift - Here’s today’s lesson kiddies. Just because you like cars, and a movie is about cars… that doesn’t mean the movie is good. Just because you like dancing, and a particular movie has good dancing in it… that doesn’t mean it’s a good movie. How the fuck did FF3 even get CONSIDERED let alone actually made into a movie is totally beyond me. A film franchise with none of the characters from either of the previous 2 wretched films, set in a totally different country, wtih some of the WORST acting I’ve ever seen all mixed in with LAUGHABLE CGI effects that come to us via 1998 quality. The saddest part about this movie is that there will probably be another one… god have mercy on us. Just bring the next flood.

Worst-Scary.jpgScary Movie 4 - Haha… oh look, he’s got a big hard on. Haha… oh look, it looks like the one guy is touching the other guy’s balls. Haha, oh look, the blind girl is taking a dump in a room she thinks is a bathroom, but it’s not and there are lots of people watching her. Oh wow, this is soooooo funny. Welcome to North America… and people wonder why experts are telling us Asian countries are going to be dominating everything in the next couple of generations.

Worst-Ice-Age.jpgIce Age 2 - The first Ice Age movie wasn’t all that bad… it was even cute at times. However, this sequel just sucks. Some people try to defend it by saying “What are you expecting? It’s a kids movie”! To them I just say, Toy Story was a kids movie too… except it was a good movie. Finding Nemo was a kids movie, but it was a GOOD movie. Monsters Inc. was a kids movie, but it was a GOOD movie. Since when did we just accept that kids movies can’t also be GOOD movies too? Where the first one was cute, this one was stupid. Where the first one was funny, this one was boring. Farts and trips only go so far. Man, I wish they just made a movie with that damn squirrel… it would have been a lot more entertaining than this nonsense.

So there you have it folks, The Movie Blog’s list of the 10 worst films of 2006. Feel free to hop in the comments section and leave your thoughts. What films would you NOT have on that list? Which films do you think I should have included?

Silent Hill 2 a go says Christophe Gans

Christophe Gains, director of the horror movie Silent Hill has confirmed that there will be a Silent Hill 2. Here is what moviesonline had to say about it (although they were also quoting a lot from

When asked about the film and his goals with a second one he says: One of his goals for Silent Hill 2 is to correct mistakes he made with the 1st one which cost him a lot of energy. However, he wonders if he can truly come back for a 2nd movie because of Onimusha. He says that if he doesn’t come back, producers agree with him that the 2nd movie should keep the visual aspect of the 1st one. There is no way they are bringing a whole new vision of the town’s design. He doesn’t want a hollywoodian movie

Ok so…I for one do not want to see another Silent Hill with or without Christophe Gans. But if there has to be one I think I’d rather see a fresh director take this on since by his own admittance Gans did screw up the first film. But….who? Any ideas out there in the movie blog land for a new Silent Hill director?

Schwarzenegger is Human!

Schwarzenegger is getting older, and being sworn in on January 5th for a second term, future Arnie films are more doubtful. The Governator is proving to be less durable as he might have been in his younger days.

Yahoo News says:

The actor-turned-California governator is recovering nicely, however, after undergoing surgery Tuesday at a Los Angeles hospital to repair a broken leg he suffered while skiing over the holiday weekend.

“Following the surgery, the governor was awake, alert and talking in the recovery room,” orthopedic surgeon Dr. Kevin Erhart said in a statement. “He is now fully coherent and I have cleared him to resume his duties as governor.”

According to the Santa Monica-based doctor, a combination of cables and screws were used to “wire the two main fragments of the governor’s broken femur bone back together.” The “relatively common” procedure lasted about an hour and a half, and the post-op X-rays “look great.”

It is good to see Schwarzenegger is doing well. He is nearly 60. The man just may never return to films. At least not the same way he did before. I dont know that he is that good of an actor that he can do anything else. I like him as an action star, but I have no interest in him as a political figure.

Unless he becomes President. That would make me smile.

I liked Demolition Man.

Spike Lee Signs on to James Brown Biopic

Before the body is even cold, Spike Lee signs on to do a James Brown Biopic. I would imagine that this project was already being planned or considered, and recent news of James Brown’s death accellerated the signing.

Yahoo News says:

Spike Lee has signed on to shoot a movie about James Brown, the late “Godfather of Soul,” Daily Variety reported on Wednesday.

The authorized project is being developed for Viacom Inc.’s Paramount Pictures by Brian Grazer, the Oscar-winning producer of “A Beautiful Mind,” the trade publication said, adding that production would likely begin in 2008.

Considering recent biopics of musical stars has earned a metric pantload of Oscars, its no surprise that so many are being made.

HD TV Changes How We See TV

We all know that the eventual evolution of the home theatre experience is headed to High Definition. The stores sell widescreen plasma and LCD TVs almost exclusively, major TV Hits are being produced in Widesreen and recorded in surround sound. Its not just about Theatrical Release viewing anymore. Its widely expected that within the decade, square TVs will be as trendy as 8Track players are today. Even the super high quality that DVD delivers is being replaced in this Civil War of Next Gen DVD Formats.

So what does this mean for us? Clearer pictures, Finer Details, digital sound. But is it TOO clear?

MSN News says:

Some TV types say big-screen HDTV could lead to the end of the extreme close-up as we know it. Others predict hi-def fears could soon be reflected in artists’ contracts.

When “Good Morning America” debuted in high-definition last year, host Diane Sawyer, 61, noted that viewers will now know when she’s stayed up too late the night before. “They will see it right there,” Sawyer said, indicating the puffiness under her eyes.

Dissolve to the TV industry’s behind-the-scenes pros, who are developing new ways to help the talent keep up appearances in today’s hi-def world.

“The grain structure of film allows a softness that HD video tends not to have, posing more challenges, especially when it comes to capturing female faces,” says Stephen McNutt, director of photography for the Sci Fi Channel’s “Battlestar Galactica.”

“We seem not to care about seeing men in a rougher, more edgier way,” he explains, “whereas females, we’re used to seeing them in a softer, more appealing way. So there’s a little more filtration needed, and you have to approach it from a different standpoint.”

If you have ever encountered a celebrity who is on set, the makeup they wear looks completely out of place in person, but VERY appealing on TV. Many of their physical imperfections are magically washed away with a molehair brush and stage cosmetics. But will HD reveal THAT makeup instead?

Will this higher definition change the face of makeup on tv (get it??.. see what I did there???)

Casino Royale sets new record with Bond movies

Casino Royale has surpassed all expectations with the crossing of the $300 million mark internationally this week. Here’s the news from

According to Variety, Casino Royale has shot past the worldwide record for a James Bond movie, thanks mostly to strong international performance over the Christmas holiday weekend.

Sony’s Casino Royale cashed in overseas with $14.5 million at 6,300 during the weekend through Sunday, lifting the foreign total to $304.4 million — the 41st biggest international gross of all time. It’s only the fourth 2006 pic to clear $300 million, joining “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest,” The Da Vinci Code and Ice Age: The Meltdown.

In total the movie has made over $448 million dollars, 17 million more than Die Another Day. Wow that’s a lot of money! Especially considering all the controversy with the leading man. But with all of the hard work Daniel Craig put in (cracked teeth anyone) not to mention the producers, the directors and all of the people behind the scenes on this movie it is good to see it paying off so nicely for everyone involved.

Just goes to show that sticking to your vision and casting someone who isn’t pretty can still pay off in the movie industry today….as long as the bond girls are still hot that is.

Sabertooth Is The New Mike Meyers

As most of you know, I lost most of my interested in the new Halloween Remake project that is coming out the moment I learned that Rob Zombie was going to direct it. Granted, we’ve only really seen him direct 2 films so far, both were horrible pieces of visual garbage that for some reason that I just can’t grasp a few people actually like. The man has no sense of pace or timing or how to properly use the camera to help tell the story. Oh well… that’s just my opinion.

Back to the Halloween film. Looks like the role of Mike Meyers has now been filled. And what world class thespian did they recruit to play this iconic role? Well none other than Tyler Mane (the dude who played Sabertooth in X-Men)!!! Start inscribing those Oscar statues!!!

Ok ok ok… in all seriousness, it’s not like the role of Meyers takes a lot of acting talent to play… the physical presence is more important in that particular role. And, to be honest, I think Mane’s job in playing Sabertooth in X-Men was actually pretty good considering the weird character he was asked to play.

So I’m still not looking forward to Halloween… but giving the role to Mane isn’t a bad move (and considering he’s worked with Zombie before in The Devil’s Rejects it also seems logical).

New Fantastic Four Teaser Trailer

As you know, a couple of days ago I posted about the LEAKED blurry version of the new Fantastic Four Trailer featuring the Silver Surfer. Well, the good folks over at Apple have put it up online now (thanks to Pat for the original heads up).

I have always like the visual effects look for The Human Torch. I thought the way they decided to approach him was excellent, because let’s face it, a human fireball could have looked really goofy, but they did a great job. I had the same thoughts about The Silver Surfer. To be honest, I’m not really thrilled with him. I like the design concept they took to bringing him to the screen… but to me he looks just a bit too cartoony. Still, I really like the way he moves.

So enough of what I thought about it… what do YOU think of the new Fantastic Four trailer? You can go see it here.

James Brown dies at 73

Not the most Merry of Christmases for those close to legendary Godfather of Soul, James Brown.

CNN Reports

James Brown, the dynamic, pompadoured “Godfather of Soul,” whose rasping vocals and revolutionary rhythms made him a founder of rap, funk and disco as well, died early Monday, his agent said. He was 73.

Brown was hospitalized with pneumonia at Emory Crawford Long Hospital on Sunday and died around 1:45 a.m. Monday, said his agent, Frank Copsidas of Intrigue Music. Longtime friend Charles Bobbit was by his side, he said.

I know Brown isnt exactly movie news, but with the impact he made on stage showmanship being mimicked in so many movies, I didnt think anyone would mind.

For more information about Mr Brown, Click Here

Audio Edition: December 23rd 2006

Hey there folks. Welcome to the final Audio Edition of 2006. On today’s show, Jesse and I discuss:

1) The Films 4 Food Fest (Book your spot today!)

2) Movie Blog changes in 2007


4) The new Transformers Trailer

5) Why Transformers SHOULD move off of July 4th

6) Grindhouse Trailer

7) Smokin Aces Trailer

8) Ocean’s 13 Trailer

9) No more swag bags at the Oscars

10) Religious targeting bullshit

11) Jesse and John list their 10 worst films of 2006

12) John talks about House of Flying Daggers

13) John reviews “Rocky 6″ (aka Rocky Balboa)

All this and a few things more


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You can visit each member of the round tables sites here:

Bruxy Cavey’s Site
Darren Conley’s Site
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Transformers Feature In Empire Magazine

Al sent me this image of the newest cover of Empire magazine. Oh yes… do I actually need to say anything?

Harry Potter 7 Book Title

Just a short note for the Harry Potter fans who visit the site.

If you didnt know already, they have announced the name of the upcoming, and last Harry Potter book.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Yeah, it sounds as dumb as The Phantom Menace, but in time it will grow as accepted terminology in the Potterverse and lose all real meaning.

I still predict that Harry will die while destroying Voldemort. If J.K. Rowling doesnt kill Harry off, the drooling fanbase will not let her rest on the bed of money she has built on this empire. She will be haunted by nerdy Hermoine fans and die a lonely old secluded woman never seeing daylight.

If she offs Harry, all she has to do is say “Ees Dead!” and the fans will have to live without.

Someday when she thinks she needs the money, she can re-release the movies in their Special Editions, and Special Director’s Cut Editions, Special Extended Directors cut and Special Extended Lucas didnt go this far Edition

Merry Christmas from Rodney

I would like to take this time to thank everyone who comes to the Movie Blog to read, discuss and download the Audio Edition. It is truly an honour to be able to write and share my thoughts here. A special thanks for John for letting me share in his little corner of the Interweb. I look forward to meeting those of you who are coming to the Films 4 Food Fest

In perfect tradition of the Magic of Christmas, I would like to direct you to a Wiki entry on the Official Transformers Wiki that outlines how the Magic of Christmas affects those in the various Transformers Univers…es.

From the UK Transformers continuity.

The magic of Christmas made Circuit Breaker not kill Jazz. (Christmas Breaker!)

The magic of Christmas made Jetfire appreciate his Earth heritage. (The Gift)

The magic of Christmas made Starscream realize that even if he doesn’t care, helping people can make him feel… well, he still doesn’t really care. (Stargazing)

The magic of Christmas made Optimus Prime renew his pledge to protect Earth.

Thanks to David Willis of ShortPacked! Fame for this article.

Mark This On Your Calendars - John Was Wrong About Transformers Date

Ok, I’m just being a smart ass with the title. As you know, I put up a post yesterday with a prediction that Paramount would movie the release date of Transformers off of the July 4th weekend. The main reason for this is that it would be a smart move. As you know, I think Transformers could break opening weekend box office records… but that will never happen if it opens on the exact same day as Die Hard 4.

Tarnsformers will make FAR more money than Die Hard 4… but the reality is that Die Hard 4 will still make a butt load of cash, and take away some of the Transformers revenue. A simple move like moving Transformers off the date would solve that. But it appears my prediction that Paramount would move the release date was dead dead wrong.

This morning I got a call from Paramount asking me “who told you we were changing dates???” So there you have it. Transformers is NOT moving off the July 4th release date… even though they SHOULD.

See kiddies… when I’m wrong, I’ll put up a whole post to admit it, ;)

Fantastic Four 2 Trailer

Wolf sent this to us. The Fantastic Four teaser trailer. Ok now listen… most of it is totally unwatchable because it’s SERIOSOULY blury… BUT… it does come into focus here and there… so hang in there with it. Watch it quick before it disappears.

Transformers: The Movie Prequel Comic

If you’re like me and you’re counting down the freaking days to the release of the new Transformers movie and July seems way too far away to get your greedy little robotic mayhem fix, then I bring you tiddings of good new my international friends… sort of.

It seems starting in Fegruary, they are releasing a 4 part comic story entitled “Transformers: The Movie Prequel”. And you know what… it sounds pretty good. The good folks over at Coming Soon give us this:

“This is no peripheral movie tie-in,” said co-writer Chris Ryall (who also spends his days as IDW’s publisher and editor-in-chief. “Rather, it’s a fully realized, generations-spanning tale that also sets up and explains much of the backstory in the coming movie. With Paramount and Hasbro’s assistance, we’re able to show you the characters and explain some situations that are integral parts of the movie. It should also assuage any early fan trepidation and show that this prequel and the movie together are going to comprise quite an epic Transformers story.”

So there you have it. The question I have for you guys is:

1) Do you care?
2) You’d love to read it, but don’t want to see a thing till the movie.
3) Will buy it the moment it hits the shelves?

New Grindhouse Trailer

Oh my freaking sweet merciful crap!!! Just finally watched the new Grindhouse trailer, the newest film from Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez. My jaw is still on the floor. The thing just oozes style, and I think that’s what hooked me the most. I can’t wait to see this thing.

Ok, so my question is: Is there a device on earth that is capable of measuring how cool Kurt Russell is? I submit that there is not.

Huge Jackman Denies Two-Face

Hugh Jackman is a terrific actor. I’ve watched him in comic book films, romatic comedies and dramas and he always gives us something great to watch, even if the movie is unwatchable.

Ever since Jackman appeared in Christopher Nolan’s (the same dude who is directing the batman films) “The Prestige” people have been whispering that Nolan has snagged Jackmand to appear in the next Batman flick… as Two-Face. Well… it’s just not true. The good folks over at Movlie Hole give us this:

Jackman said the “Batman” rumours are exactly the same as the “Superman” rumours from a while back - ones which had him playing Superman’s father in Bryan Singer’s “Superman Returns”; all which turned out to be false - pure bullshit. “Same thing [as Superman]. I think because I’d worked with Chris Nolan. I think it was just fanboy stuff”.

So there you have it. No Jackman for Batman.

First Look At The Silver Surfer

Here’s the first look we get at a SIlver Surfer from the upcoming Fantastic Four 2 courtesty of The USA Today. Ummmm… the only word I have is unimpressed. Your thoughts?


New Smokin Aces Trailer

There is a new Smoking Aces trailer up and floating around the web. The first Smokin Aces trailer was good, but this one, even though it’s very similar to the first one, just seems to be cut a bit better, quicker paced and some VERY cool lines added into it as well. As a side note, the last quick conversation at the end of the trailer is hilarious.

For those of you who don’t know what the movie is about:

A dying mob boss takes out a $1 million contract on the life of his former protégé, a Vegas magician turned gangster who has agreed to testify against the mob. The FBI attempts to protect their key witness as an array of hit men and women descend on Lake Tahoe in a race to take the magician out.

So there’s the set up… now go on over and catch the new Smokin Aces trailer. Then come back and tell me what you thought.

2 Stargate Movies Coming

The success of the Stargate SG1 TV show confuses a lot of people. The show is the longest running Sci-Fi show in North American history, and yet never had a HUGE following… and come to think of it the show wasn’t all that good either. Personally I liked it. It was a fantastic story arc (for the first 7 seasons anyway) with a great mythology… the writing was a little hammy and the acting wasn’t exactly Emmy worthy, but it was a fun show to watch from time to time.

News has been circulating around recently about there being a movie of the Stargate SG1 TV franchise. Well… looks like there are going to be 2. The following comes from Filmstalker:

…Rob is writing and directing has to do with wrapping up the Ori storyline, which is the storyline that has taken prominence for the last two years of the show. I don’t know if he is going to wrap it up completely or bring it to some conclusion for the sake of the fans and the franchise, to bring that epic struggle to a close…

…Brad is writing one, as far as I know, is a bit more standalone that will involve some kind of time travel and has something to do with our main mustache twiddling villain Baal doing something in the past that alters…he basically finds a way to lift the stargate from Earth so the Stargate Program never happens

Ok, here are the problems as I personally see it:

1) The whole Ori story they did in the show sucked ass. As a matter of fact, everything in that show after the main Goa’uld story arc was over has sucked.

2) The show is just a shell of it’s former self since the departure of Richard Dean Anderson.

So, for me… get back Anderson, and just go with the second idea with a plot that revolves around the Goa’uld, and I’m interested… or just make a sequel to the original movie and pretend the tv show didn’t exist. Other than that… I just don’t care. What are your thoughts?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Voice Casting News

This doesnt meet the excitement of the Transformers Movie for me, but its still pretty damned sweet. I am actually looking forward to this movie. The original trailer had me all goosebumpy and giddy until the last 10 seconds, but still it looks good. Hopefully it wont be TOO aimed at the kiddies. We now have news of some of the voice actors signed on.

MovieWeb says:

Sarah Michelle Gellar (The Grudge, and TV’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer) has signed on as the voice of April, the human researcher who serves as the Turtles’ tech-services worker and mother figure. Fantastic Four’s Chris Evans is the hockey-stick-swinging Casey Jones, and Clerks filmmaker Kevin Smith also voices a cameo as a greasy-spoon chef.

Now this is groovy cool. It might be the first thing with Sarah Michelle Gellar involved that I have liked SINCE Buffy, and I can hear the hothead attitude that Evans can bring to Casey Jones. Kevin Smith having a cameo is just awesome too.

Patrick Stewart is being reported as the head of the new opposition in this movie, which means no Shredder. Zhang Ziyi(Memoirs of a Geisha) voices the villain Karai, who leads an evil army known as the Foot Ninjas. Karai was the leader of the Japan Foot Ninjas in many incarnations of the Turtles Movies. After Shredder’s defeat she comes to New York and takes over the Foot Clans. Also, I havent heard any news of a Splinter.

The article continues to say that the Turtles themselves will have no famous voices to them. So maybe Corey Feldman IS involved.

Hear Peter Cullen As Optimus Prime!!!

Kneon pointed this out to me, and I’m giddy asa school girl now! By now most of you have seen the new Transformers trailer that we posted a link to yesterday. Well… if you go directly to the official Transformers website and watch the trailer there… at the very end of the trailer you get to hear Optimus Prime actaully speak… yes… the mighty voice of Peter Cullen saying a line as Optimus for the first time in almost 20 years. I just stoped and played the short clip over and over and over again… I’ve gotta admit it was magical hearing the old guy again as Prime!!!

So head on over to the Transformers site and give it a listen. Remember… it’s at the end of the trailer.

Transformers Moving Off Of July 4th Weekend (John’s Prediction)

The producers of Die Hard 4 must be breathing a glorious sigh of relief this morning. Why? Because it looks like Paramount has moved the release date of The Transformers off of July 4th onto another unamed July date… and that was a smart move.

Don’t get me wrong, Transformers was going to kick the shit out of Die Hard 4 at the Box Office… BUT… DIe Hard 4 is going to attract much of the same audience as Transformers, and even though Transformers would “win” the weekend… the fact of the matter is that Die Hard was still going to take a lot of the weekend money away. I’ve been saying for months that having these two movies open on the same weekend was just pure stupidity on both studios part. One of them needed to move.

So why did Transformers move instead of Die Hard 4? I think the answer is easy. July 4th is a patriotic weekend… and let’s face it, Die Hard follows more in that theme (even though Bay is directing Transformers).

The first “announcement trailer” for The Transformers proclaimed “July 4″… but this new Transformers trailer just says “July”. Personally, I think it’s obvious that someone over at Paramount realized it would be the smart move to take Transformers off July 4th. It makes sense, and is good for both Transformers and Die Hard 4.

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