The Host Takes Top Honors At Korean Film Awards

I’ve been talking about “The Host” (also known as “Gwoemul”) for a while now. I still haven’t seen the film myself, but the stuff I”ve seen from it looks freaking amazing, and I have several friends who have seen it and swear by it. Well, it looks like they’re not the only ones who dig the Asian horror/monster flick.

The Host has just taken 6 awards at the Korean Film Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Sound Effects, Best Special Effects Best Lighting and Best Cinematography. Yup, that’s right… monster flick won best picture. Imagine that. Anyway, this is a film I’ve been salavating to see and I can’t wait to get my hands on it.

For those of you who haven’t heard of The Host yet, here’s the amazing trailer. Man this is so cool. Magnolia Pictures will release The Host in the United States in early 2007.

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7 thoughts on “The Host Takes Top Honors At Korean Film Awards

  1. I worked on 13 vfx shots for The Host…
    Saw a special screening… it was much better than I thought it would be….

    ALthough they did something strange to the color correction on some of the shots…. they looked fantastic when they left the studio.. on filmout…especially the fire scenes… but alas.. the fire is not so good in the final print….

    Let’s hope for the remastered directors cut to come soon..

  2. Well. this film. is out on DVD.. in Asia.. now. so pick it up from any asian dvd retailer online.. I have watched it twice now.. and it is worth it.. fantastic.. the creature has 2 woompy legs.. and often falls over when chasing people.. it’s a boat load of fun .. and it’ doe’snt take long for the film to get going either.. about 14 mins in get what some films would consider the big finally..but the movie keeps you going to the end. AGENT YELLOW.. haha.. great stuff. so get it and ENJOY..

  3. Great, great film. Saw it at VIFF this year and was lucky to hear the director speak about it ahead of time during a Forum panel. Shot almost entirely in the daylight and still thrilling. I actually screamed out loud at one point and can’t remember the last time I did that (if ever) in a theatre. Right after that someone (an older man) got up and left the screening (which was a sold out matinee) so I guess it scared the shit out of him too!!

    Have been lurking around here for months and thought I’d post. I enjoy the site. Thank you.


  4. Sadly, we may end up having a lot of sequels from this. Okay, that’s more of a good thing; Freddy, Jason, Myers, Godzilla, they all proved to gain an audience.

    I guess we should kiss Aliens goodbye; looks like we have a new hive in town!

  5. I also recommend the following from Korea:

    “A Bittersweet Life” - I just know this film is going to be remade.
    “My Sassy Girl” - The best romantic comedy in the past decade.
    “Attack the Gas Station” - 4 assholes + 1 big stick + corrupt cops + a lot of stuff = one of the most original comedies
    “Save the Green Planet” - Hollywood will never make a film like this.

  6. I reeeeeeeeeally like the direction Korean cinema has taken me in the past couple of years. I don’t know whether it has just gotten better, or if my persception of it has, But WOW.

    This particular film I have been dying to see. However, ever since I took my personal stand to not rent from a particular video store that allowed me to see these movies before North American studios decided to pick them up, if at all, I have been getting a bit of a jonesing.

    It is good that studios pick up films of this nature, and I hope that they do nothing to it, “creatively”.

    I’ll just have to sit tight and rewatch “A Tale Of Two Sisters”.
    or “Old Boy”
    or “JSA”
    You get the idea.

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