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Open Water 2

I’m sorry… did that title just say “Open Water 2“??? Yep, it sure did. Now I know what you’re thinking. “How the hell do you do an Open Water 2?!?” And that my dear international friends is a very good question. If you’ve seen Open Water (based on a true story) you know damn well you CAN’T have an Open Water 2. You just can’t… the very notion is ridiculous right?

Well… as my friends over at Cinematical point out…. since when did ridiculous ever stop anyone who thought they could make a buck?:

Here’s what happens when you sell not only your movie, but your title: A distributor can take some completely unrelated flick and decide to slap that title in front of it and voila, you get a previously-reported, curious-looking direct-to-video title called Open Water 2: Adrift, which was actually known as simply Adrift before someone at Lionsgate realized, hey, both movies deal with shark attacks

Holy crap! If I understood the story right… they had a movie… the movie was called “Adrift”, and then out of nowhere the studio decides to rename it “Open Water 2: Adrift” even though the film has NOTHING to do with the first film other than the fact that it involves the same kind of circumstances? Seems dishonest to me.

So what is this Open Water 2: Adrift about? Well… the movie actually sounds kinda interesting:

A group of reunion-ing high-school pals decide to leap off the side of a yacht … but nobody remembered to lower that silly ladder! Which means they can’t get back on the boat … at all! And if that’s not weirdly tragic enough, one of the ill-fated bathers left a baby on board the boat! Alone!

You know what… ya… I’d see this. Why not? despite the stupid marketing move with the title. But hey… here we are… TALKING ABOUT IT… so I guess the marketing move worked. I still think it’s dishonest. Open Water 2: Adrift hits DVD shelves on February 20th.

20 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Peter

    Actually Adrift aka Open Water didn’t even have shark attacks. The group just can’t get back on board because they forgot to let down the ladder.

  2. Red Steven

    Dishonest? Probably.

    Done in such a way that it evokes sleazy exploitation cinema practices of the past, thereby bringing a big grin to my face? Definitely.

    The rats are coming! The werewolves are here!

  3. JdR

    Open Water still ranks as pretty much the worst movie on my list that takes itself serious. Just about everything is bad about it, but a cinema experience where you can see the finger of the cameraman at one point. THAT does it. It wouldn’t surprise me if I’ll actually find this not-so-much-sequal better.

  4. Zygon

    It’s not good. Straight to DVD for a reason.


  5. alfie

    I think it is hilarious they were so shameless is doing this. Just slapping a name on it like that. Very Funny….

  6. Gordon Hewitson

    This is an awful movie. I got the opportunity to see it as part of a film festival and was actually quite looking forward to it. Out of the 23 movies I say this was one of the worst. All the main characters were incredibly annoying and there wasn’t really any suspense to keep me interested. About 15 minutes after they were in the water I prayed for Sharks to end this quickly (knowing full well there weren’t any in it!!). Waste of time, wait for it to come on TV and even then only watch it if it’s on and you can’t find the remote.

  7. Richard Brunnton

    I can’t believe you’re shocked at this. It happens ALL THE TIME. Studios shell out bucks for scripts and most of them don’t get made, so they’ll take any chance they can to dust one off and see if they can recoup some of their dollars.

    Want a better example? Ocean’s 12!! They wanted to do another Ocean’s movie since the first was such a big success. Do you think they wrote the new script from scratch? No no no. They took a caper script they had lying around that never got made and just re-wrote it with the Ocean’s characters, and voila! Insta-sequel!! Probably has a lot to do with why it was nowhere near as good as the first. If not for the cast, it would have been complete garbage.

  8. IanHunt

    Okay these thriller-horror whatever movies can be scary and tragic if these people are victims, like the first movie had the boat leave without the couple. But, these people are morons, and probably deserve it. Poor baby though.

    Start giving medals to sharks.

  9. april

    I think the ending sucked. I still don’t know whether Amy died or not. Does anyone know?????

  10. Bonnie

    Does anyone know what the ending to this movie was OPEN WATER 2 did Amy die or not?????

  11. Zackary

    I happened to enjoy this movie even though it was in no way related to the first Open Water. I loved Open Water. A lot of people found it to be incredibly boring, but it was the idea of being trapped in a vast body of water that kept me interested. I have a grave fear of being in bodies of water where I can’t see the bottom. People may watch the movie and think, “How can these people be so stupid?” Well, people do stupid things. Also, Dan mentioned it wasn’t his boat. Maybe he didn’t know where the button was. I will admit, Michelle was extremely annoying, and I wanted her character to die off quickly. I’m not sure if she drowned herself or drowned due to exhaustion. The death of James was terribly sad. The idea of placing an abandoned baby in the movie was ingenious. It brought more emotion to the movie. Overall, I’d say it wasn’t as bad as everyone thinks. I’d give it a B-.

  12. Brian Brennan

    yes she died. I cant wait for open water 3!! Maybe, the crying baby will be in the third and last chapter of this trilogy. Good Plot idea .. She’s ahigh school swimmer, and saves the world!!!

  13. Tiffany AND Rigo

    This movie pissed me off so bad… I hated it, yeah it was so much better than number 1, but the ending pissed me off so bad I wanted to flash on everyone…What kind of dumb ass person dosn’t check the fucking later, and what kind of retard throws a water phobic person with a baby in the water…Me and Rigo personally own a yacht and have never been so stupid to not check the latter…Those idiots make me mad, and what kind of mother leaves her baby, i would have stayed with her in the bed untill all those dum dums jumped over board…Michelle i would have drowned after she tried to steal my life jacket, hahahahaha bitch drown!!!!!!!I am going to protest the next movie if they dont tell me personally that the mother lived, cause she is a dum ass for jumping in the water the second time after dum dum number 1 leaves the later to drown him self… Obviously he wanted to die…and he saved you for a freaking reason… saving him is not worth more than you baby growing up as scared and phyco of water as you beacuse mama and daddy dyed in the ocean…I’m just saying…..

  14. Shelly

    did Amy die?

  15. Ashley

    Oh my God! I thought this movie was pretty good. It was nerve recking. The baby made me really sad especially in the end. But does Amy die YES or NO??????

  16. Mary

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    Yes. they all died but the baby.

    I’m glad you’re not stupid but the word is “ladder”.

  17. Anonymous

    this movie was so great I wanted to watch it agaain.Did amy die?

  18. dream

    I honestly liked the movie and don’t agree with those who think the acting was really bad. I thought it was well acted for the most part and definitely kept you feeling sick to your stomache in a good interested way. But I do agree that the ending was completely idiotic.
    I think it was pretty stupid of this idiot director to leave the ending so obscure. First he shows the old man in the boat circling the yacht as if he was going to help the baby and none else were alive, then they show Amy looking around the boat with the loser laying face down on the boat with no old man in sight …..what the hell are we supposed to take from that. That’s some lame directing.

  19. david coloma

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    i enjoyed the movie…as an x-navy is
    the closest to the real thing that could happen
    when civilians are in open water….even some x-sailors
    would eventually panic…like myself…….don’t laugh at
    it (movie)………try staying afloat as long as they did.
    forgetting to lower the ladder could happen…….just like
    the dive boat leaving some people behind.

  20. cynthia harnist

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    people are capable of bravery and stupidity…all of us…under the “right circumstances”…as we can plainly see in both Open Water movies….

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