This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 28th, 2006 at 12:13 pm.
Categories: News Chat.

Hey guys, John here with a quick update on the Films 4 Food Fest. Also, in the last point I have a question for you that I’d love for you to check into the comments section and answer for me. Ok, so here are your updates:

1) For those who don’t know, the Films 4 Food Fest is a 1 day event to raise money for family food services.

2) The Date is set! Saturday January 20th in Hamilton Ontario (about 40 minutes from Toronto)

3) There will be 3 or 4 movies (not yet set) with lots of time to yack about them in between films and meet all the folks there.

4) To keep over head costs down so as much money as possible can go right to the charity, this will be a no frills event. You buy your own food (available on site or in lots of places right around the venue)

5) A special Audio Edition will be recorded “live” with the audience.

6) Following the Audio Edition a special Panel discussion will take place with teh audience. On the panel will be the Movie Blog folks (Darren Conley, Doug Nagy, Bruxy Cavey, Rodney Brazeau, Jesse Bonner) as well as some special guests from other movie sites as well. All of it will be edited into the Audio Edition with all the questions and comments from the audience as well.

7) A Films 4 Food Fest page will be put up in the next week or so with a Paypal donations button for those of you too far away but who would like to donate anyway. OUR GOAL IS TO RAISE $5000 to help local families.

8) Doug Nagy and Jesse Bonner will each do a short stand up routine (oh god this could get me in trouble)

9) After the last movie of the night, there will be an optional group walk up to the local strip club with our special tour guide The Reverend Bruxy Cavey (please tell me you know I’m joking).

10) Cost - Ok, I need your input on this one guys. I’m thinking the “ticket” price for the event (actually, we’re calling it a “minimum donation” instead of an “admission price”) will be about $25 for the day. Is that reasonable? To high? Too low? Just right? We want to get at least 110 people in attendance… at $25 do you think we can do that?

Please please please leave your thoughts below. And thanks again guys… let’s do something good.

22 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Sujay

    Sounds like an awesome event. I think $25 is very reasonable.

  2. Jeff

    Dude! That sounds awesome, and for getting 3 movies, stand up comedy, a panel discussion and to be part of a Audio Edition, 25$ is an amazing price! I cant wait for the 20

  3. Ryan

    As one of the possible long distance people, is there any way we can guarantee a spot?

    I don’t want to drive out to Toronto and find out there’s already 110 people there and Doug and Boner toss me to the curb.

  4. Hey Ryan,

    Yes!!! We will be accepting advanced orders! Stay tuned.

  5. Babz

    That is great and efficient planning John, I’m expecting this to be a real success. Depending on how well it does the 1st time, this might even be a tradition for ya’ll. Maybe an anual thing. Coolest thing I’ve heard from this site.

  6. Phil Gee

    Sounds like it’s on Mr Campea. Thanks for listening to your British friends. We will support the local family food services in what small capactiy we can.

    Gosh, i just cannot wait to hear you guys to your trademark audio edition greetings to a cheering live audience.

  7. movie-replicas

    i for one never believed any of those rumors about you john. great idea, way to go movieblog team!

  8. Servant of Krom

    Hell… I vote you keep the strip club excursion after the last movie!!

  9. Joey 1.0

    I’m sad. Lol. I wish I could go. That sounds like it’ll be awesome. And 25 bucks sounds very reasonable.

  10. Pineapplehead


    Promise you’ll come to the UK next ! ! !

  11. Pineapplehead

    We put the ‘in’ in International Friends.

  12. Jeff

    I agree with Servant of Krom, keep in the strip club, with Bruxy leading the way ;)!!!

  13. Cam

    Will you also put a minimum donation through paypal?

  14. anonymousbrain

    If this goes well (which I suspect it will) I hope you make this an annual thing. I want to go but I can’t afford to fly there from Las Vegas right now. :-(

    But if you have this next year I will definetly be one of the first to pay the “minimum donation” as soon as you let us reserve a spot!!!


  15. Lou Sytsma

    $25 does indeed sound like a bargain!

    What are the plans for the technical side? Will this be seen on a TV with a 5.1 audio setup? I can bring my HD DVD player as I mentioned earlier. I have a few HD DVD movies like Batman Begins which rocks in True HD.

    This should be a blast! Can’t wait.

  16. Marina

    $25 seems reasonable to me. Are you collecting cash or food donations? I’m a bit confused about that bit.

  17. beejag

    hey john this sounds great, ill be sure to attend with at least a couple people. cant wait for the live audio audition. :D of course the strip club trip with bruxy will be a highlight of the night for sure (ha)

    By the way, i just got out tonight to catch a sneak screening of apocalypto ( i know its off topic jus a tad, but there rlly isnt anywhere else to post it,) and man, its one hell of a well made movie, and he has made an incredible film, but ive gotta say it, the violence in this thing is like watching hostel, he just goes over the top at one point, for instance, someone is killed rather violently to begin with, but of course mel doesnt believe that is enough to make the viewer understand, so of course, another person gets the same treatment, only this time, its through first person view, so while its a great movie, the gore and violence is insane !!!

    out of the 10 point score im gonna give this one an 8 and say only go if you can stomach heavy heavy amounts of violence.

  18. Jarrod-D

    $25 sounds reall god man, i would pay 25 just to hear Doug, but with Boner too. man thats a steal. but man, i can’t make it.urghhh i will try to donate though. Just let me know when…


  19. Jarrod-D

    Oh do you know if you can maybe get any celebs to come or the media, just a thought….


  20. al cock

    25! Deal! I’ll buy ya a drink at the rippers too man. time? address? advance info?

  21. John in Seattle

    Would love to come - do it in a heartbeat… but since I’m in Seattle it’s a little too far to go… any chance of the next one being in Vancouver, BC or somewhere more westerly?

  22. Mike Sturman

    The film fest sounds truly great. I would love to hop on a plane from the UK, make a first visit to Canada and meet up with all you guys. I find the Audio Edition to be like hanging out with a group of friends twice a week and I am envious of all of you who get the opportunity to do this for real in January. Please come to the UK soon!

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