Ethan Hawke in Dark Knight?

ethan.jpg In The Dark Night rumor mill there is now another talented actor that may or may not be playing D.A. Harvey Dent; Ethan Hawke. The folks over at give us this:

According to Batman On Film, Ethan Hawke may be donning the suit and tie of D.A Harvey Dent in the film. If Hawke signs up for the film, “The Dark Knight”, he’ll be required to make a long-term (well, a couple of films anyway) commitment to the “Batman” franchise: As we all know, Dent eventually becomes the villainous ‘Two Face’, so no doubt they’ll want the “Before Sunrise” star to don the mutated mug for that, too.

Well it’s just a rumor of course, but often there is some truth to those nasty little tales and to be honest this is the first candidate for Harvey Dent that makes sense, Hawke can act, and he is old enough to carry off this role, he hasn’t played a role too similar to this one and really he feels right for this part.

But that’s just me. How about everyone out there?

If you had to choose a Harvey Dents from Josh Lucas, Liev Schreiber, Jake Gyllenhaal and Ethan Hawke who would you choose?

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24 thoughts on “Ethan Hawke in Dark Knight?

  1. Ethan Hawke wouldn’t be my first choice. But he IS a good actor. And I have to admit, I’d enjoy seeing half of his face get disfigured by acid and watching Batman kick the crap out of him.

  2. Liev deserves the opportunity to prove himself, where as the other actors (with the exception of Josh Lucas) has proven themselves to be very good actors.

    And Josh Lucas? Really? Was Vin Diesel not available?

  3. I think Josh or Liev would be great for the role, with my preference going to Liev who I thing would be awesome! But Ethan Hawke would be good too and I think he would fullfill the obligations of the role quite well.

    If they do offer the part to him I can’t see him turning it down…it’s not like his career has been really hot as of late…make that the last decade.

    But I trust Chris Nolan. He’s a good director with good instincts ( Excluding katie Holmes) and the choices mentioned so far are great. Well Jake is a little to young for the role but he can act, but he is not my first choice.

  4. I like Josh Lucas or Ethan hawke for the role.

    Gyllenhaal is too young and I’ve never really cared for Schreiber as Dent. Dont know what it is about him, but i could never picture him as Dent.

    A few months back the idea of John Cusack as Dent was presented and made the rounds and to be honest, I really like that idea too.

  5. I dont know, for some strange reason, and dont make fun but i think christian slater would be really good in that role. He has the energy that i think would help this character develop.

  6. I loved batman begins and all my casting problems went away when i watched it so i have total faith they will pick the right guys for some of these new roles.
    Also if they pick him i sure hope he gains some weight hes starting to look like Skeletor.

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