Blockbuster Allows Returning Mail Movies To Stores. Brilliant!

Posted by on 02. 11. 2006in News Chat

I’m not the most positive cat around, and quite often I’ll blast companies on this site for doing stupid things (which they often do). But give credit where credit is due. Blockbuster has just announced a BRILLIANT move for their online order mail delivery service that competes with Netflix. Starting Wednesday, you can actually return your mail order movies right at a Blockbuster if you want instead of mailing it back (which you can still do.

There are a couple of major benefits to this move.

1) For Blockbuster, it takes advantage of the one thing they have Netflix doesn’t. Actual stores.

2) Returning the videos to my local store (walking distance to my place) means I get my new movies faster, since these companies don’t send out the new movies in your queue until the other ones are returned. The day you turn them in at the Blockbuster, they are immediately listed in the system as “returned” and your new movies get shipped out

3) This one is AWSOME! When you return a mail movie directly to the store, they immediately give you a FREE in store rental THAT DOESN’T COUNT AGAINT YOUR QUEUE OR AGAINST YOUR MAXIMUM MOVIE COUNT! You still have to returns this free movie like you would any other regular rental… but it’s free!

4) When you return a mail move to the store you ALSO get 1 free movie rental coupon. This also doesn’t count against your queue or your maximum movie count.

I have never used any of these online order mail delivery movie services, but this new move by Blockbuster may have just sold me on the idea. I think I’m going to try it out. Why on earth would I use Netflix now?

Your thoughts?

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48 Responses to “Blockbuster Allows Returning Mail Movies To Stores. Brilliant!”

  1. Gray Davis says:

    If memory serves, John, you’re based in Canada. Alas Blockbuster Online is not available for us Canuckians.

  2. Aaron M says:

    I have been using Blockbuster online for quite a while and it has been good and it seems that everytime I think about just letting the service go because I don’t use it as much as I thought I would, they add a new feature. They are trying hard to keep their customers. And their new site design is really nice. I would have to say that I would recommend blockbuster over netflix.

  3. Senor Chefy- AKA Chark Hammis says:

    Call me old school, but why wait a few days to a week for a new movie when you can pick it up at a rental store/ Red Box the day it comes out? Is it the convenience of being able to mail it back?

  4. Hector Martinez says:

    Why use Netflix? Blockbuster stores are still out of the way for me, whereas the mailbox is on my walk to the train every morning. Not like BB stores have anything worth renting in stock anyway, plus their are lines.

  5. TM says:

    I used blockbusters online movie rental for a year. The problem, not enough dvd copies around. Therefore I had 30 movies in my queue and 25 of them were on “wait”. This was for old and new titles.

    Now I’m a Netflix member and damn proud of it because they don’t have the same problem. Blockbuster can offer whatever deal they can, but if they don’t have a decent number of copies of dvds then it’s pointless for me or anyone to switch to blockbuster.

  6. Alfredo says:

    Who cares Blockbuster is dead no matter what. I have a blockbuster video card in my wallet and I haven’t used it since ’98. It’s just a matter of time before they’re gone.

  7. Tom says:

    You might want to compare Blockbuster’s inventory to that of Netflix. With the exception of porn, it is pretty safe to say that Netflix has practically every DVD ever created. I’m not sure you can say that about Blockbuster. And even if you want porn, you can rent Caligula from Netflix.

    In either case, you will learn to love the rental via mailbox experience.


    You’re 4th bullet point is incorrect. You recieve two or three ecoupons per month online that you can print out and bring to the store to use for a free movie rental. This has nothing to do with bringing your movie back to the store.
    Also, for the 3rd bullet point, just something that everyone should know, you have to rent another movie right there on the spot when you return the online rental to the store. You don’t get any kind of rain check or rental coupon.

    I know all of this because I just switched to the Blockbuster Total Access plan myself from Netflix. Some things I’ve noticed so far:
    1. The Blockbuster online website is not as good as Netflix. It locks up a bit more and just isn’t as intuitive in general. Not a huge gripe, but something to consider.
    2. This problem is a bit worse. The first three movies I put on my queue were X-Men 3, Praire Home Companion, and The Notorious Bettie Page. What do these movies have in common you ask? Well each one was given “Short Wait” status. Not a single one of these have short wait status on Netflix.
    3. Today I just got shipped one of the movies on my list. However, it wasn’t the first one on my list. I had three currently available titles listed, but for some reason it shipped the third movie down on my list. Odd. If I wanted to see the third movie down on my list first, I would have put it as number 1.
    4. Lastly, I signed up for the 1 online rental at a time $9.99 package. Under this plan your ecoupons are only good for 1 week rentals. Just something I thought everyone should be aware of. The 9.99 package is a great deal, because you can still take that movie back to the store and get a new release right then and there. Thats pretty awesome.

    Hope this helped everyone,

  9. Joe Shmoe says:

    The problem with Ballbuster is that they primarily carry the pan and scan version of movies instead of the widescreen. If you order the movie from Netflix, you almost always get the widescreen version. Ballbuster does not cater to the discriminating movie buff.

  10. John Campea says:

    This is all good feedback guys. Keep it coming.

    Anyone else have bad experiences with Blockbuster or still prefer Netflix? Or the other way around?


  11. TM says:


    Thanks for the update with Blockbuster online. It seems they still have “a lack of dvd copies” problem.

    I made the right choice. As the Knight in “The Last Crusade” says to Indiana Jones when he selects the correct Cup, “You chose wisely.”

  12. Henrik says:

    Pan & Scan versions should be outlawed and punished by severe torture.

    I would never, ever pay for a pan & scan version. It’s bad enough I have to put up with it if I choose to see a movie on TV, but actually paying extra for it? It feels so claustrophobic, not to mention you’re missing half the movie. I don’t get why it was ever invented, and I wish the guy who invented it all the suffering in the world.

    People are idiots. Pan & Scan movies, Reader’s digest versions of books etc… Everything has to be dumbed down.

    So if Blockbuster offers Pan & Scan versions only, I wouldn’t care if I got 10 movies for free, I would never use it. Thanks for the heads up…

  13. John Campea says:

    It should be noted that Blockbuster does NOT only offer pan and scan. As a matter of fact, I can’t remember the last time I got a movie from them that was.

    I’m not saying other people haven’t got Pan and Scan… I’m just saying it’s never happened to me.

  14. Norddeth says: is the Canadian version of Netflix and I was a proud member until recently.

    The thing I initially loved was the faster you got your movie back, the faster you got a new one. So with a flat monthly fee, the faster you are, the more bang for your buck.

    Except now they cap it at 11 and every movie after 11 for that month comes with a 2.50 postage fee. SO I would go so fast and get 11 by say, the third week of the month, I would have to pay extra for every movie until a new month begins.

    So its no longer the great deal it used to be. Also, the more movies you rent in a month makes it harder to get new titles because people who rent less get first crack atnew titles, so because Im a good customer I have to get moves that I ranked 25th in my que, I rarely get anything in my top ten list.

    Its virtually a big steaming pile of shit now.

    Thank god for Bittorrent!!


  15. John says:

    I have used blockbuster-online for a long time now.

    I rent alot of obscure movies that you can’t even find in a rental store.

    The secret to blockbuster online is having 100+ movies in your queue.

    I have around 200+ movies in my queue at all times.

    The biggest weakness to blockbuster online is multiple copies of NEW releases which happens to be the biggest STRENGTH of blockbuster stores.

    I always used my coupons for any new release such as x-men 3 i might want to see.

    Its pretty predictable which movies will have waits and which ones wont.

    If there was a Harry Potter Movie this X-mas all the harry potter movies would have shortwait or something slightly before and after the movie comes out etc…..

    I get all the movies I want easily.

    I get alot of box-sets, such as Film-Noir box sets, or entire series etc…..

    But now I will get all new releases from the STORE, and all older releases online it is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Joe Shmoe says:

    Maybe things have changed recently at Ballbuster, but back in the day when i was foolish enough to frequent the establishment, I just remember browsing the shelves and constantly being frustrated that they overwhelmingly carried the pan & scan versions of movies. Sure, they had the choice of widescreen on a few movies, but more often than not, the majority were definitely pan & scan. Have things changed?

  17. Paul says:

    This is a smart move for Blockbuster. Now they get you to come back to their physical store and they are getting you to rent form their store. I’m guessing this has the standard rental timeframes as any other movie you would rent at a store. Which means you can incur late fees, which is where they really make their money. Not only that, but they are conditioning you to get into the rental habit again.

    Seems like a last gasp to me. Movie stores are a dying breed.

  18. Colin says:

    Eh, I’ll stick with Netflix. They ship like lightning, and have a better inventory.

  19. RamenJunkie says:

    I’ve never used online rental services but I’ve had enough bad experience with Blockbuster’s overpriced brick and morter stores that I’ll not bother with them online.

    Do they still use that rediculous Noon return system? Who they hell uses noon? 6 is about the earliest good time though by close is much preferred.

    Anyway I used to love renting from the Mom and Pop stlye evideo store in my town until Movie Gallery came along and close it and the other cheaper store down. Movie Gallery is about as bad as Blockbuster price wise. 2.99 for a non new release? Screw that.

  20. Drewbacca says:


    I find the last comment hard to believe as Blockbuster has A NO LATE FEE policy. Nice try though. If this is true, you should not pay the fee and call corporate because the store is trying to scam you!


  21. Jake says:

    I’ve been a member of BB for awhile.

    I don’t know where some of you are getting this pan & scan stuff. Most of the movies I rent are in widescreen. They also tell you before what type of edition is.

    As someone else said, a good tip is to use your free coupons on new releases. Obviously, The store selection is not as good as online but the new releases are easy to get in store.

    BB Online probably would be of no use to you if don’t live near one though. I live in L.A where there’s a BB on every block so the free coupons and this new system is great for me.

    Also, I’m willing to bet this Total Access will be only available to everyone for a few months. I’m sure they’ll change it to a seperate plan.

  22. Chisox says:

    They waited too long to do this. I guarantee there is a limit to how much you can rent per week blah blah blah.

  23. borloff says:

    I have no complaints about Netflix and, being a creature of habit, will keep my Netflix membership (been a member for years).

    I have no love for the Blockbuster. I have no love for the Hollywood Video.

    I certainly don’t miss going to the store to pick out rentals.

  24. Chisox says:

    I rented a movie from blockbuster on a friday, and retured it at 4pam monday. Well they wanted to charge me double because there is a penalty because I didn’t retun the movie by 12pm. This policy at the time was complete bullshit. This is the sole reason why I won’t switch from netflix.

  25. Chisox says:

    Jhon don’t trust blockbuster. Netflix is still the way to go. Blockbuster will definatly go under soon. This is probably a last ditch effort.

  26. Chisox says:


    If you notice I said “it was the policy at the time”. I know there is a NO LATE FEE policy now.

  27. Chisox says:


    It was not a scam. At the time(I am going back like 2-3 years) it was blockbusters policy. I am sure other’s have had this same experience. Total utter fucking bullshit.

  28. DOWNWITHDLAW says:

    Thanks for updating the post. I promise I’m not trying to be a stickler here or anything, but bullet point four is still incorrect. Once you sign up they give you two or three coupons a month (depending on your plan) that you access on the website, print out, and take to the store. Each coupon is good for a free rental. They’ve offered that for a long time and it doesn’t really have anything to do with returning the mailed rental to the store.
    Not trying to be a jackass for pointing this stuff out. I just want people who consider joining Blockbusters online rental service because of this post to be properly informed about what they are getting into. Not that I’m trying to dissuade them, because it really is an AWESOME deal.
    The new Total Access thing allows you to take back your online rental to the store and immediately rent a another movie from the actual store. This is definitely the awesome part as you said.

    I’m really impressed with Blockbuster for this. Right now, under the 9.99 plan, I get:
    1) one rental online at a time
    2) 3 coupons that I print out on the website to rent a free movie at the store whenever I want.
    3) PLUS, I take the online rental back to the store and not only do they ship my next online rental faster, but they also give me a free rental at the store right then and there!

    PLEASE, can anyone tell me how this is not simply AWESOME for 9.99. Screw Netflix, screw Apple’s system. You CANNOT beat this. Blockbuster is truly playing hardball.

    Btw John, I don’t know if you read these very often, but I just have to throw my hand up in protest to you ending the weekly mail bag. I really enjoyed hearing your fresh opinion on film and the goings on behind the scenes of your life and to be honest, it was an excellent way to contrast the wilder style of the round table.

  29. DOWNWITHDLAW says:

    I completely agree with you, Blockbusters old policy was complete bullshit. I can’t begin to tell you how many times they got me with the exact same thing you are talking about. I’ve held a grudge against them for YEARS and have had a Netflix subscription for a very long time now. Yet for some reason I found myself still going to Blockbuster once in awhile to rent a movie because my girlfriend or I wanted to watch it THAT night. So it was almost like I was double paying. Sure, I had netflix movies to watch, but often nothing I would want to watch on a whim. I still wouldn’t go to Blockbusters service because I just really disliked them.
    I can’t deny a truly great deal though, and its finally become time to switch. I think I’m going to be really happy with this deal.

  30. Drewbacca says:

    I’ve written about this extensively - and had fights with people in my podcast about this many times. I AM CURRENTLY and HAVE BEEN a member of both services for quite some time, so I have a unique perspective.

    If you rent more than 2 movies/month why are you not part of either of these services!? It is so simple and much easier and cheaper. If you go to the store to rent your movies, either you just enjoy the store atmosphere or you’re just dumb.


    - Blockbuster DOES NOT edit or censor their movies in anyway. I don’t know where this rumor started, but it is absolutely NOT true.

    - Blockbuster stores have a NO LATE FEES policy. Basically, that means you can keep your movies for a quite a while. They send a friendly reminder after a couple of weeks, and after a month you get charged for the movie ($20). But c’mon, if you have an in store movie for a month, you don’t deserve to be renting movies at all.

    - Both online services have no late fees. You keep your movies as long as you like (literally forever if you want to) as long as you continue paying the monthly fee.

    - There is NO LIMIT to the number of movies you can see per month. As fast as you can watch them and get them back in the mail is the only restrition.

    - However, there have been alegations in the press that Netflix cheats it’s more “busy” members by slowing down shipments in favor of people of who use the service less. Never proven though.

    - The in store coupons vary from membership to membership. Depends on which policy you have and WHEN you started the service. I have GAME OR MOVIE rental coupons and I get 2/month. But there are variations on this policy.

    - Both services’ prices are almost exactly the same and have the same packages to choose from.

    -Netflix allows mulitple queues for each account. Which is cool for couples or those with kids. You and your spouse can have your own queue. Cool. Or you can set one to accept G or PG (or whatever) movies only for your kids to control.

    - NETFLIX website is WAAAAAY better. Friends list (much like Flixster) and RSS feeds are a huge plus. By the way, I’m looking for more friends, so email me. I like that you can see each others queues and write notes regarding movies etc. Also, the recomendation service makes so much more sense and doesn’t recommend movies you’ve already seen (unlike BB - the site is shit to be frank).

    - Having said that, BB has just instituted a new Beta site that is MUCH better, but still does not compare to Netflix.

    - NETFLIX does seem to ship faster and have more of an inventory.

    - These and and scan allegations above are preposterous. You don’t know what you’r doing if you’re gettng pan and scan from the online services.

    I think overall, Netflix is a better service, but when it comes to getting free stuff and the use of the store is a HUGE plus. So it all comes down to if you want web usability or free shit. HOWEVER, this new service mentiond above is HIGHLY awesome. According to the email I got this morning, it looks like a dream. In theory I could have 6 movies out at a time (with my current plan, 3 from online and 3 from the free store return service). Theoretically, if I have the 10 at a time plan, I could have a total of 20 movies in my home at one time! As John said, Brilliant. I can’t wait to try it out.


  31. Drewbacca says:


    Yes. I understand now. I boycotted Blockbuster for years because of their bullshit policies. They are a completely overhauled store now and it is totally different. Especially the online part (obviously). Sory for the misunderstanding.


  32. John Neal says:

    To the person that keeps saying John is wrong about the coupon quote.

    He is not.

    In the email I got today the new members will be getting 1 coupon a month.

    Old members will get to stay on whatever coupon plan they are on.

    I get 2 game or video coupons.

    They have gone away from the coupons being good for games for new people since the game rentals are 6+ bucks.

    But I know I will be using those game coupons again with the new Wii coming out, so I am glad I have that.

    All I know is I will be able to easily rent twice as many movies a month using blockbuster then I would with netflix for the same rate.

    Blockbuster does not slow the speeds of the mailings based on usage like netflix does from what I can tell.

    The timing of how fast blockbuster is based on when you mail things back, but now since if I return it to the store and exchange it for a movie there they send the next movie out on my queue the next day.

    This will make blockbuster online faster then Netflix now, since I get my movies in like 1-2 days easy since I am close to where they mail from, I always get the movie before its scheduled to arive.

    Blockbuster Online, I love it even more today.

    I rent 20-30 movies a month using the online service.

    Now that will jump up to 40-50 something a month, that is awesome, I will never have a shortage of movies or shows to watch now, not that I did before but for sure not now.

  33. John Neal says:

    I appologize for my wrong number above.

    I probaly rent 15-20+ a month online now.

    Now it will approach around 30-40 with this new service.

  34. Chisox says:


    Have people forgotten what happened when the NO LATE FEE POLICY was first implemented. It was a total fucking joke. Blockbuster blatantly lied to peoples faces, and numerous lawsuits follow because of it. This in addition to my in-store incident was the final straw for me. They can never regain my turst. Copy/paste this CNN article to find out more.

  35. Chisox says:


    John Neal dude are you serious 30-40 a week? Do you have a job, a girlfriend, a life? Just messing witcha. I remember when I first got Netflix I was pushing 24 a month, it was rough. After about 6 months they started throttling( which blockbuster does do by the way).

    Blockbuster admits throttling:

  36. Marina says:

    I love Blockbuster for mainstream flicks and their rewards program that totally works for me (5 rentals and the 6th free?? I get between 2 and 4 free rentals a month!) but I recently tried a 2 week trial of Zip and wasn’t that impressed by the service (though the number of films in their library is immense). Instead, I subscribe to a similar mail order deal for a local independent store which has excellent prices and a brillinatly obscure and huge library of videos. It’s still not the best option but it’s certainly getting better.

    I’d be willing to try the BB online if it’s available to canadians. I’ll have to check into it but my first impression is that it sounds too good to be true!

  37. nevadasmith says:

    I had Netflix, Blockbuster and Intelliflix at one time or another. Intelliflix was the worst online company of any kind I’ve ever had to deal with. Yes Netflix has the best site-quickest delivery-and most massive selection. That said Blockbuster online is getting there.
    1) I have never received a pan and scan film from them.
    2) You really should have around 150 movies in your queue to insure a good flow.
    3) Before-I used to get a free coupon a week which I would use on Tuesdays at the store for new releases.
    4) The new policy is great-you return your mailed movies to the store-get a free movie and get your queue freed up for the next movie in line. How are they making money on this and why wouldn’t everyone use this. You’re basically getting movies in the mail as fast as you want-and getting movies in the store as fast as you want all for (I’m paying) $17.99 per month. A single movie rental in the store comes out to about $5.00. I don’t see what the question is.

    Yes Blockbuster might not have every single obscure film ever released but they’re getting there. And for those films that have short waits (usually the newer releases) so you wait an extra few days-or you go into the store and get it-for free.

    I had Netflix and loved it-but the new Blockbuster is a no-brainer. I don’t even get how they’re making it economically feasible for themselves.

  38. drewbacca says:

    I have the same exact 200 movies in both my queues (BB and Netflix).
    [My BB account is curently on hold while I am trying Netflix]

    -2 movies on “SHORT WAIT”, 1 movie on “LONG WAIT”

    BB online
    -20 movies on “SHORT WAIT”, 4 on “LONG WAIT” and 2 “VERY LONG WAIT”

    Still, how can I not take BB up on their offer?
    Also, the NEW BB site is pretty damn close to being as good as netflix. The only thing they don’t have is a friends list and multiple queues on one account.

    I’ll shut up now.


  39. Chisox says:

    Drewbacca the reason why Blockbuster is pretty damn close to being as good as Netflix is because they copied Netflix. As you can tell I don’t like this company, and will badmouth them to the end.

    PS: Since were in the political season. Blockbuster raped my sister. Plus the CEO has had gay escorts over his house.

  40. drewbacca says:

    Netflix lied about WMD, supports no background checks for illegal immigration work visas and supports a ban on inter-species erotica.


  41. Ash1138 says:

    I used to be a Netflix user and loved it (back in the 19.99 for 2 movies days). The local library in my area is really good and they let you check out DVD’s for free (7 at a time for a week). They have a really good selection as far as movies go, and they even have an online website where you can reserve titles (they call you when it’s in and hold it for you). It’s not as good as Netflix but it’s free, and I never was the 40-movies per month kinda guy anyway.

    I use a service called Gamefly (Netflix for games) for my game rentals and I like it a lot. One of the features they offer is a rapid shipping service (I forget their name for it). The way it works is they don’t wait for your game to arrive to them before they ship out the next thing on your queue. They have some sort of arrangement with the post office to where as soon as the post office gets your return mailer, Gamefly is somehow notified and they send out your next game immediately. It’s amazing how fast you get stuff sometimes. Netflix never had anything like this when I used it, but I’ve been thinking of joining back up since the prices have dropped.

    My question is, does Netflix offer something like this?

  42. Zuke says:

    This has me more interested in the online rental action than ever before!

    Drewbacca - I usually find myself agreeing with many of your opinions, but the statement above that “If you go to the store to rent your movies, either you just enjoy the store atmosphere or you’re just dumb” is kind of narrow-minded. Aren’t you ever finishing dinner out or at the bars or whatever, and then you and your date/S.O./wife decide to go rent a video and kick it at home the rest of the evening? Perhaps nothing you have on que at home matches your moods of the moment…? Spontaneity? Possible? Sometimes part of the fun is picking something out together, or maybe just something she wants to watch.

    Anyways, my question is this - Looking at BB’s top 100 online rentals, why are there only nine (9) 2006 movies listed? And 1 of them is “RV”! Lucky Number Slevin? Nacho Libre? Inside Man? Walk the Line? X-Men 3? We’re in November… is this even logical or is the wait that jammed up for current releases?!?! That makes me reluctant.

  43. James says:

    The major problem I’ve had with blockbuster is that if you choose a more obsure title, sometimes they send you the wrong one. On two seperate occasions I recieved Tim Burton’s The Corpse Bride w/o it ever being in my que.

  44. washington says:

    I’ve been a longtime Netflix customer, but recently tried out Blockbuster Online. I have to agree with the people that say that Blockbuster’s inventory does not match Netflix’s. Indie, foreign, Anime, music videos - you name it - Netflix’s selection is much better. It doesn’t take much time comparing the two sites to figure that out. Also, I can’t remember the last time I had to wait for a movie at Netflix, but it’s pretty common at Blockbuster. Plus BB’s website is pretty horrid. All the extra perks that Blockbuster offers are compelling, but the cons totally outweigh the pros for me.

  45. TN says:


    I have been an participant with Blockbuster Online for several months. I wanted the public to hear the other side of the story so they could judge for themselves whether they wanted to deal with the headache, frustration and fraud I had to deal with!

    Beware…Beware….Beware! Once Blockbuster Online has your credit card info they can (and DID) charge my card for another month without my permission. My card was about to expire and they sent me several email notices, which I ignored since I was intending on canceling the membership in the next few days. My account credit card expired on the 1st of Feb. My membership was going to expire on 1st of Feb. so guess what they did? YOU GOT IT….they ran my card 3 days earlier without my permission to force me into another month’s membership!

    Several emails later to the On-Line Customer Service reps (located in the Philipines, by the way)….an On-Line customer service rep just up and cancelled my account! (Said he misunderstood my emails and was just trying to make me happy by cancelling my account!) Well, this presented a problem because they had just charged my credit card for the full month of February and according to Blockbuster Online…..THEY HAVE A NO REFUND POLICY! No matter what day of the month you or one of their employees cancels you…you get no refund of monies and no more movies!

    It took my IN-Store District Manager, emails to the out of country customer care and the McKinney Texas (Dallas) call center to get my account re-instated. All that time…I was requesting to speak to a Supervisor….Someone in Charge?….or Corporate Headquarters but NO ONE RESPONDED!

    Finally…the out of the counrty customer care person that had “accidently” (yeah…right!) cancelled my account reinstated me. What followed has been a month of lengthy delays, movies arrive broken in half, movies never arriving and the “icing on the cake”…..they stopped mailing me out my last 3 movies they owed me for my plan, 4 days ago because they knew I was cancelling my account today.

    Summary of what has happened to me and what I learned through much headache and frustration:

    ***Blockbuster Headquarter is located in McKinney TX. Corporate address is 1201 Elm St. 21st Floor, Dallas, TX 75270.
    ***According to Online info the Chairman and CEO is John F. Antioco. Two of the Board members are Robert A. Bowman and Jackie M. Clegg. Spokesperson is Randy Hargrove.
    ***Dallas distribution headquarters is located at 3000 Redbud Blvd,McKinney TX, 75069. Spoke to one of the customer care people at length and he admitted that the call center is hard up for more help. My hold times to get to talk to support ranged from 35 minutes to 1 hour waits…and that was the days I got through!
    ***ON Line customer support is located out of the country but they did try much harder than the US call centers to make up for the wrongs done me even though they have the least authority!
    ***My IN Store District manager has been wonderful and tried to intercede on my behalf. Even though he did not have to…he offered to finish out the month I had paid for with a free IN Store membership.
    ***Read their ON-Line agreement very carefully because you are giving them permission to charge your credit card anytime they want. They even have a statement about what they will do to you should you cancel your credit card so you will not be billed in the future.
    ***Pay close attention to their comments on cancellation and don’t be fooled into thinking you are protected! Once they have your card in their data base….they basically can do anything they want and you have no recourse!!!
    ***If you have “Sets” of movies in your Queue…they will send you out the first movie of the set and then never send the second…so you don’t get to see the ending of the movie!
    ***It really doesn’t matter in what order you arrange the movies in your Queue as the computer scans your list and sees which one it can get to you the fastest. So if your top 10 movie choices are housed in a warehouse far away…you will never get to see them as they will send you the movies that are available in the closest distribution center.
    ***They are closed on Saturday and Sunday so there are significant delays when you turn your movies in to your local store on the weekend…thinking your next movies will be shipped right away as they tout in their ads! Reality is….they are swamped on Mondays and Tuesdays trying to ship out all the movies owed for the weekend returns. So, if you return movies late Friday, all day Sat. & Sunday, chances are you still will not get any moviess until Thursday or Friday of the next week. So,basically you get movies only 1 time a week no matter what they want you to believe thru their false advertisments.

    I could go on and on about movies arriving broken, movies not arriving at all, movies not reaching the return center and them contacting you about where they are (like you have control over that once they are returned), movies arriving on the average of 5-6 days instead of the 2-3 they tout, etc. but I think you get the message by now. I have read many of your replies here and am glad somebody is being treated right. Others….take heed and beware. Your membership could turn out to be an nightmare like mine!

  46. dlmtahoe says:

    I’ve been with Netflix and Blockbuster. Netflix doesn’t have the stores. Blockbuster has the stores but doesn’t have many movies in them. Blockbuster also “throttles” and gives you some BS excuse about not having enough movies in your queue. I’ve heard more excuses from these people than I’ve heard in my entire lifetime. It seems like when you hit a high number of movies being sent to you they start slowing down shipping new ones to you. So much for the “unlimited” part of their deal. I had a free 6 month trial with them and it was more like a horror story. I got the same story from some of their own employees at the stores I’d swap discs at.

    They still can’t get it right in shipping series as well. I would put CSI Season 5 in my queue. They’d ship disc 1 and 2 and then I wouldn’t see disc 3 - 6 for a month or so. Either that or they would ship disc 6 and make me wait a month for the first discs in the set.

    I now go to Hollywood Video locally in Las Vegas. Screw Netflix and Blockbuster. Hollywood Video stocks more movies in their store than Blockbuster stores do.

    Does anyone know if someone is filing a class action against Blockbuster for their screwed up online service? If so email me at
    [email protected]

  47. dave williams says:

    I had Netflix for about 16 months, and then I joined Blockbuster for their free trial. I kept both running for an additional month after the Blockbuster trial expired. I keep several hundred movies in my queue at all times. I dropped Netflix after I saw how much better Blockbuster did with getting me movies at the top of my queue. With Netflix I rarely ever got a movie when it was first released. With Blockbuster I have yet to get the newest movies on either Monday or Tuesday when I have a return that day. Both services have a distribution site in the same city, about 120 miles from my home. I received on average 20 movies a month from Netflix, and 27 from Blockbuster. I dont know if Netflix is closed on Saturdays, but I never showed a movie either received or shipped on Saturday. With Blockbuster, Saturday is always a business day. Due to the extra day to receive and ship, I was able to get 6 movies each week. As far as I know, frequent renters do not get recent releases withheld and shipped to less frequent users at Blockbuster like they did at Netflix. I dont live close enough to use the in store service, but for those who do, its frosting on the cake. Say what you like about my post, but these are the facts in my case. Your experiences may not be the same as mine with these two services, but either one is far better then going to a video store and renting.

  48. Verity says:

    I have a collection of DVD’s most of which I purchased from CouponAlbum site. They are having branded stores of DVD’s with lots of exciting coupons.

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