Audio Edition - November 29th 2006

Posted by on 29. 11. 2006in Uncut Podcast

Welcome to our mid-week Audio Edition. Today on the show, Jesse Bonner and I discuss:

1) More on the Films 4 Food Fest

2) MPAA Stupidity and no DVDs on your iPod

3) Writers Guild Strike

4) Problems caused by Borat

5) Mr. Bean

6) Is Drew Barrymore cute? Jesse says yes, John says no. What do you think?

7) Preacher to be developed for TV and the advantage TV has over Movies

8) Open Water 2

9) Starship Troopers 3

All this and a few things more


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53 Responses to “Audio Edition - November 29th 2006”

  1. wispy says:

    hey guys, great to see a mid-week audio edition again :D cant w8 to listen, i must say though did u change how you upload your vids, before they wehn u save as, they were alrdy named audieditionxxx (xxx being the number) but now tere all download.mp3 and overwrite each other in my movieblog folder, please fix! ^^

  2. Doug F. says:

    Hey John I would agree with you about residuals except for one thing. If when the movie was made and that was the only money it made then I could get right behind what you say. Excpet that in todays world when the movie is initaly put into theaters that isn’t the only time it is making money for the studios. It makes for the studios on dvd, it makes money for them on pay per view, it makes money for the studios on network tv, money again and again and again. Its not like a play where they do it once, people see it once, people pay, actors get paid. It makes money again and again, and Im sure you and I agree that if the studios is getting money again, it is only right and fair for the people behind the movie to get what they deserve again. Also Drew Barrymore not so hot or cute.

  3. djspike says:

    Rowan Atkinson as Johnny English

  4. djspike says:

    Natalie Imbruglia

  5. Doug F. says:

    Still listening to the podcast, the secret agent movie was Johnny English, and I do like this midweek edition.

  6. Mr Stay Puft says:

    Drew is not cute or hot or whatever. Neither are the Olson twins.

  7. steven says:

    I like the mid-wek show…I think it’s a cool way of bringing news that might not make it to the round table.

    starship troopers was a really cool sci-fi film, blood, and huge bugs killing people w/ automactic weapons.

    I hope they can maintain the action level of the first film

  8. PhoenixP3K says:

    Drew is cute. She’s not hot at all, but cute is pretty nice :p
    And just forget about Olson twins… no worth the media coverage.

  9. Tanya Hernandez says:

    Hey, FYI Sci-Fi channel is having a 10hr Heroes marathon this weekend before the Monday episode (which will be the last ep until January).

  10. alfie says:

    Drew Barrymore is the most beautiful woman to have ever walked the planet and we should all be grateful to live in her time.

  11. Zero says:

    Deep six the midweek show. Its just not up to part with the real round table.

  12. Lou Sytsma says:

    Drew was cute back in the ET days.

    Next the MPAA will only allow you to watch movies at home by yourself. Friends and family will each have to buy their own copies!

  13. Phil D says:

    No to Drew - she will always look like a kid to me. I did, however, think her birthday present for Letterman, a few years ago, was pretty funny.

  14. viewaskew_bloke (formally Koko) says:

    I didn’t like Drew Barrymore at all until I watched a crappy little doco called “My date with Drew Barrymore”, and she just seemed so down to earth and she looked pretty sweet in it too. I actually like her now ….

    Oh and she looked pretty fuckin hot when she posed for playboy.

  15. Lina Moretti says:

    That was fun! Looking forward to your next show. Love you Jesse.

  16. Lina Moretti says:

    That was fun! Looking forward to your next show. Love you Jesse.

  17. Don says:

    Um, we need to hear the account of Jesse’s Ohio trip in its entirety. It sounds amazing.

  18. Jesse Boner says:

    this is Boner, i had to look up deep six hey zero what can i change for you to make the mid week show better. you know variety is the spice of life.

  19. viewaskew_bloke (formally Koko) says:

    Borat affecting Doco’s - Michael Moore abused people’s trust (appropriately), Charlton Heston mainly, in Bowling For Columbine long before Borat.

  20. Jay says:


    She was like 7 years old when she made E.T.

    Are you a closet pedophile by any chance?

    No offense, but that was kinda weird.

  21. Jay says:

    I do, however, think she is very attractive now.

    I was really into her look during the “Mad Love” and “Boys on the Side” era, but she’s still cute.

  22. alfie says:

    yeah but that was a great moment when heston talks about “mixed ethnicity” …what a fantastic ‘gotcha’ moment….

    i don’t mind trickery being used ot bring out peoples true colours…

    and thats why I admire mel gibson…he didn’t need a borat or a moore to trick him…..he just came out and said it!!

  23. goomack14 says:

    don’t upgrade your firmware in your ipod now…more than likely thats how they will enforce it by taking the ability to view certain types of media files

  24. viewaskew_bloke (formally Koko) says:


    Mel didn’t need Borat or Michael Moore, your right.

    He just need 25 tequilla slammers!


    Jay’s got a point. You’d better not let the police check your hard drive anytime soon mate.

  25. alfie says:

    drunk mans words are a sober mans thoughts….

  26. darren j seeley says:

    Grab on to something. Here comes a whirlwind.

    1) Could you provide info on the location in myspace page, or is it in your blog? Is this location tenative? For me, it’s at least a 4 hr drive to Hamilton. I don’t want to spend another hour looking for the joint. [it's also up in the air for me at this time...] Also…how ’bout a screening of The Prince Of Peace God Of War?

    2) I’m indifferent on this; but with all the double dips and HDVDs, why not? I don’t know why folks would watch feature films on iPods (small screen) but shit up a rope, If someone feels that need, I wouldn’t stop ‘em. Neither should the MPAA. In fact, I tempt any studio or company - big or small, to include such software in the DVD/HDVD and see how it goes.

    3) The Writer’s strike- I hope it doesn’t happen. Still, while it can be devestating, please keep in mind that any scripts worked on or in development will still be worked on. Some scripts put on a shelf may get looked at again; it will not stop indie writers/ filmmakers, it won’t stop those that work outside of the studio/union system. It will not effect projects/films/shows that are produced/made in the UK. [including foreign]. It won’t stop the buying or options of specs. It also does not stop writers from writing (just selling)

    The timing however, is targeted to where the absence of striking writers would hurt the most- television.

    4) Borat.

    The only doc filmmakers safe now aare those who film docs for the History Channel, A&E’s American Justice, National Geographic and Discovery Channel. If your names is Ken Burns, your worries are also minimal. If your name is John Campea, your worries are…oh, let’s move on…

    Ali G will be back in action.
    BTW, I hope Sasha isn’t the next Tom Green. One was enough.

    5) Don’t care

    6) Drew Barrymore. I laughed through Never Been Kissed, thought she was great in Guncrazy. When she made Charlies, which in my POV was away from an Andy Sedaris flick without skin, I thought whatever talent she had was pissed away. When I see her in interviews, I think she has brain damage.

    Is she ‘hot’? Well, if I..was stoned, and I never get stoned, yeah. That blurry image of the airhead blonde with a tint adjustment of the TV…yeah. She’s hot.

    But for fuck’s sake then the airhead opens her cakehole. Sexy women don’t intimate me. But airheaded overexposed celebs do.

    I side with John.
    BTW, Lucy Liu isn’t that much better. Only difference is she doesn’t speak like an airhead, but if I see her in another Dominatrix bullbusting slut role I’m going to fucking puke.

    7) Doesn’t sound like something I’d watch; but I agree with the format. Lots of ground can be covered. Hell, made Highlander look good.

    8) Not a new practice; but a shameless one. Next thing, you know, there will be a Shark Attack 4.

    9) Um…while this is NOT in defense of Starship Troopers 2, Jesse Boner better know what the hell he’s talking about. It wasn’t “more bugs” in Troopers 2, but the lack of them. Story actually borrowed from other sci-fi yarns, such as The Hidden, and Body Snatchers and not out of Henilien’s universe. Also, FX wiz Denis Muren directed the second film, Paul Verhoven the first one. The scribe on both pix is taking his turn behind the camera now.

    It’ll most likely go DTV. Unless Casper Van Dien is getting a serious comeback…in overacting.

    Sealer has spoken.

  27. TJ says:

    Hey John,

    What about premiering your documentry at the event?

  28. TJ says:

    Or at least show some footage of the film or like the first 10 minutes of it or something.

  29. ThS says:

    Drew Barrymore is not cute anymore, that’s for damn sure. And Diaz and looking so hot anymore either:


  30. Nacho says:

    Great audio edition. The more the better, so yeah, keep on doing it.

    Love the new player, by the way!! Makes it so much easier for me to listen to the podcast.

  31. Gabriel says:

    Just want to say I was bummed when you pulled the mail bag edition. How could I live without two movie blog shows a week. Thank god you do a mid week show now. Please for the love of god don’t stop…

  32. alfie says:

    Cameron Diaz was never hot. She is awful Drew is amazing. the new show is great. keep doing it. Jesse boner is funny.

  33. goomack14 says:

    Drew is cute, Lucy is exotic, Diaz looks like a victim of the Joker that girl is all teeth and not an ounce of attractive…one movie she looked ok in is the mask, besides that she should have been in the other mask with cher playing the big headed kid

  34. Erin says:

    Ha ha ha that Mask comment is priceless…ha ha ha good work goomack14!
    And good show boys once again!!
    Thanks for the Open Water 2 heads up John…that’s retarted…although I did like the first one…
    And I really liked the Mr. Bean drama movie idea…get the big headed kid from the Mask in there and it’ll be a blockbuster!
    Keep going with the show so I can keep procrastinating at work!

  35. alfie says:

    Poor old rocky dennis….
    “i’ll take of my mask when you take of yours”

  36. Vix says:

    Doug F. brings up an interesting point above. Do writers earn extra income from DVD sales and the like? If they’re not then they should.

    Drew Barrymore is cute!

    Starship Troopers 3?! Give me a break. I actually preferred the cartoon version of Starship Troopers over the movie…

  37. wolf says:

    2) Like Bonner said, what will they do check everyones ipods? And what will they do if they catch someone with a movie on it? Aresset someone? Smash the ipod? I think it’s a retarded move by the MPAA.

    5) Trailer looked horrible, didn’t make me smile once. The old Bean seris ruled.

    6) Yes Drew is a cutie pie. Shame John, shame.

    8) I hated open Water. Tears of boredom dripped from my eyes.

    9) The second one was a dreadful movie. Lets hope they make up in the 3rd for that mistake.

  38. Jarrod-D says:

    Yo whats up, Boner you rock man, John, i love these mid-week AE, it good just to hear a show,and i will always listen to them, anyway, take care and listen to ya later….

    (the blue monkeys in my basement won’t let me play banana games)

  39. Lou Sytsma says:

    She was cute in ET as kid cute, not in a sexual way. Jeez! What a bunch of gutter minds!

  40. Jay says:

    Ya gotta admit… it came off a little skeezy.

  41. Lou Sytsma says:

    No it did not come off as skeezy.

    Saying a kid or a bunny or a doll etc etc etc is cute as being construed as something sexual is well, a world I am not privy to.

  42. Jay says:

    Whatever you gotta tell yourself, man.

  43. Jay says:

    Two things for you to mull over -

    1: Learn to take a joke.

    2: When you deny it this adamantly, it kind of makes you look guilty. I think Shakespeare said it best… “The lady doth protest too much, Methinks”

    Like I said, It’s all in good fun, brother. Dont be so pissy.

  44. Kristina says:

    There’s a big diff between “cute” and “I whack it to her picture every fucking night”. People call Julia Roberts cute, too, but I’ve yet to meet a guy with her poster on their wall. Drew falls in that category. She’s cute, sure, but guys would shove her outta the way to get to Alba or Jolie.

    Cameron was very pretty in The Mask when she had curves, but she’s a stick now. Lucy Liu scares me. Not that she’s ugly, but she always plays the same crazy dominant Asian chick all of the time. I’m sure she’s a nice lady, but she scares me to death.

  45. darren j seeley says:

    I’m glad, Kristina, that I’m not alone in my assessment of Lucy Liu.

  46. Kristina says:

    Seriously, I’d be scared if I ran into her on the street.

  47. Lou_Sytsma says:

    Gee thanks for the pointers Jay.

    Here is a third one:

    3)Don’t affect a position of anonymous moral superiority. People end up making assumptions about you and me. You knoq what they say happens when you assume something.

    Call me shallow but I am more concerned about myself than you. ;)

  48. Jay says:

    I see the “dont be so pissy” comment fell on deaf ears.

    Just for shits and giggles…
    What assumptions do you think people would make about a guy who made a joke and the guy who doesnt know how to take one?
    And if you truly dont care about what others think (I am more concerned about myself than you), then why worry about any assumptions they might make?
    And how exactly was I affecting a position of moral superiority? By saying you should lighten up? By quoting a silly Shakespeare line? By making an obviously ridiculous and light-hearted jab at you concerning some throw-away comment about Drew Barrymore? How exactly is that me insinuating that I am your moral superior? I just dont get it, brother. I was kidding!

    Bottom line.
    It was a joke.
    I dont in any way, shape or form think you are a purveyor of child pornigraphy. Nor do I think that you derive sexual pleasure or gratification from the sexual exploits of minors.
    I’m sorry if what I said offended you. It was not my intention.

  49. Jay says:

    And if i missed the joke in your response then I guess people will just have to assume we’re both a couple of pissy pants. But in the end, do you really care?

  50. Lou_Sytsma says:

    Nope. Just making my position clear for posterity’ sake.

  51. Jay says:

    And no, as a matter of fact, I dont know what “pornigraphy” is.

    Porn-O-grphy I know all to well but that’s a story for another day.

    But anyway…
    Drop me a line. We’ll chat, maybe get together and have some lunch, maybe gossip a little. Who knows what kind of trouble we might get into. Just two crazy kids living life.
    Oh wait. Should I have said that?
    I bet some people out there are gonna start making assumptions.
    I say, LET ‘EM!
    Let’ em think whatever they wanna think, Lou.
    Stop letting them tie you down, man.
    Stop letting them control you.
    Be who you wanna be.
    Say what you wanna say.
    Go where you wanna go.
    Do whatever you frickin’ want to do, Lou.
    Scream to the heavens that you will not go gently into that good night!
    Scream it with me, Lou. Scream it with me…

  52. Jay says:

    Lou, life is about how much joy you take from it.

    Dont waste any of your time being offended by something I might have said in jest. I dont know anything about you so how could I possibly offend you? You know it’s not true. Hell, even I know it’s not true. So why waste time defending yourself when you could just point the joke back at me and we could have both had a laugh.

    Smile brother. This could all be over tommorrow.
    Do you want your last night on earth to be spent being offened by a joke made by a faceless paragraph?

    On a side note, It’s really hard to convey sarcasm and good-natured ribbing on the internet. We should all get together and decide on a font for sarcasm. :P

  53. Johan says:

    Natalie Imbruglia is one of the best looking girls I have seen!

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