3 Needles to star Lucy Liu

Thom Fitzgerald has created a movie worth watching, especially with Lucy Liu as the leading lady in his new movie 3 Needles. Liu was interviewed by comingsoon.net, here is the movie’s description:

The global widespread of AIDS is the main focus of the independent drama 3 Needles, in which the story is divided into three different parts of the world - South Africa, Canada and China. On each continent, there are various accounts as to why the disease is spreading and the film displays a social and cultural ignorance as to what’s happening in that country to prevent the disease from being contained. Lucy Liu plays Jin Ping in the China portion of the film.

The interview is quite good, you can see it by clicking here.

I have to say it is a delight to see Lucy Liu doing something with more substance for once. She is great to watch on screen and she always is an added bonus to whatever she may be in but she hasn’t had the chance to really show her acting chops in a movie with potential like this.

3 Needles is not only going to be a good movie for Liu but also for Fitzgerald who, although he has been making decent looking movies since the late nineties he has been missing larger success until this point.

.From what I am reading of the reviews and of the premise and Lucy’s interview this film is something that will be worth seeing.

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11 thoughts on “3 Needles to star Lucy Liu

  1. “Has anyone noticed that she can’t act?” ha ha, Alfredo,
    yeah, I noticed that, also.

    Personally, i have a chinese girlfriend called Lucy Wang, not Liu, and although I am no James Bond, I can testify that my missus is easier on the eyes than Lucy Liu.
    I never did see the interest with ms liu,; she just happened to be some lucky, square-jawed chinese actress at the right place at the righ time. Who has of course some fairly solid curves to her frame, where as her eyes are always full of contempt, and deciet… she’s hardly a lady worth trusting.

    When Mel Gibson biffed her in Payback, i laughed my ass off.. he he

  2. I was never a fan of Liu’s until she starred in the Kill Bill movies. Now I find her quite attractive and the freckles are to die for! Check her out in Lucky Number Slevin, she’s endearing in that.

    Saw her on Leno last night promoting this film. Worthwhile cause, but it will definitely be a sleeper. I’ll catch it as a rental.

  3. There is a review and director Thom Fitzgerald’s rebuttal to that review over at indie wire:


  4. One of the first times that I remember seeing Lucy Liu was on a first or second season episode of ER. I don’t remember much about the episode other than she was playing an immigrant mother of small children. The role was very powerful, though, and her portrayal was excellent!

  5. I’m sold. “The Hanging Garden” was easily one of the best films of its year and after seeing it again recently, it’s still a good one.

    As for this particular movie itself…though I’m interested in seeing it I’m not sold on these ensemble stories with a connection. They very rarely work. I’m interested to see what comes of it but I have reservations about this style of movie.

  6. I watched this movie with my wife and it is one of those little gems that will not be your most favourite film of all time, but I think it will really help raise some questions in your head.

    I thoroughly enjoyed this film although I resisted at first. It is worth watching.

  7. I saw this movie at the TIFF last year. It was good, but not great. And because the cast was so big, spread across stories in 3 locales, Lucy Liu — though she’s quite good — really doesn’t get much screen time.

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