Tom Cruise offered three different movies

Posted by Rodneyon 25. 10. 2006in News Chat

tom.jpg I guess Tom Cruise’s name is still popular in some film industry circles, because the guy has options, three to be exact. The folks over at give us this on Criuse:

Variety says the now freelance actor is eyeballing three new projects: Two at Warner Brothers and Fox, and one indie.

The indie is supposed to be the one he’s most likely to sign up for. It’s a political drama called Lions for Lambs, about a platoon of soldiers in that other place we all forget about, Afghanistan. The really interesting thing about this one is that Robert Redford may direct and star in it. Cruise would play a congressman if he joins, and Meryl Streep is already involved to play a journalist.

The other two films are also interesting. One is another war movie called Ha-Ha. Cruise would play a Gulf War vet gone mute and charged with taking care of a 9-year-old boy. The third movie is a Spike Lee joint about a man who sells back chunks of time from his life in trade for a chance to relive the worst day in it.

Well those seem like rather decent options for any actor, let alone the publicity nightmare that is Cruise. So what gives? Why does the Scientology guy get all the action? Well to be fair nine times out of ten our Tom does make a lot of dough at the box office and he is a giving actor, he know how to share the screen quite well (Rain man, Interview with a Vampire, Magnolia, Jerry Maguire).

Tom Cruise is still a name, slightly tarnished but not even close to being ruined for good. Sure he is a loon, he’s a Kate controlling anti metal health meds nut but….he gets people into theaters, he’s professional on set and promotes the hell out of the films he’s in. If he chooses the right role (and all threeof these look promising) and does it well then he could be back on top in no time.

Let’s just hope it’s not the top of Oprah’s couch again.

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Rodney who has written 8885 posts on The Movie Blog

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11 Responses to “Tom Cruise offered three different movies”

  1. WES says:

    Spike Lee and R. Redford directing Tom? Sounds great!

  2. Matt Holmes says:

    The Spike Lee movie sounds the most interesting to me.

    The other two sound a little like bore-fests.

  3. bjon says:

    get over the fuckin “couch” bullshit. who gives a shit. it’s like, that’s all anybody’s got on him. And he’s not the only person in the world against psyche drugs, scientologists or not. he’s just got a bigger voice.

  4. scoville says:

    And don’t forget that he’s no alone in the Hollywood Scientology Club. The fact that he’s a scientologist pretty much guarantees that his career is stable. It’s like the mob. As long as you keep giving to the “church” they’ll keep helping you out.

  5. bjon says:

    there are a lot of scientologists in Hollywood, but “the church” has no pull in Hollywood. That’s like saying Jews are like the mob in Hollywood and if you give them money, you’re all good. It’s just black pr bullshit. Sorry, bud, but you have some serious false information. I mean, you guys have to be seriuosly watching too many movies to believe such nonsense. It’s ridiculous. There’s really not that much shit going on with the church. When Christianity was first being “started” peopel said it was a cult and they said this and that and black pr’d the shit out of it. Scientology is new and peope don’t know really anything about it so instead of goign to find out about it, they make the shit up. I read a couple of books written by the church’s founder (not some fake ass black pr book from the net) and it is actually some really good information. But the fact that people believe all that shit they hear is amazing.

  6. movie-replicas says:

    i agree with bjon. good points dude, especially your first post.

  7. bjon says:

    thank you. people don’t know how to think for themselves these days.

  8. Jax says:

    No-one who defends and/or follows an organized religion (I don’t care which one) should be permitted to use the phrase “people don’t know how to think for themselves”.

  9. Marina says:

    I’m hoping he takes the indy film. I’d love to see him do some ‘smaller’ stuff.

  10. bjon says:

    hey jax, what the do you know about different kinds of religions? what do really even KNOW about scientology? you don’t know shit. you’re probably just another one of thoughs punk ass computer techies who thinks he knows everyhting about the world because he read a book about why Bush is an asshole or why WalMart is destroying the economy or some shit. you’re pathetic. if you actually wanted real information, you’d pick up a book actually written BY L.R.H., the founder of Scientology, and read the fuckin thing to get some actual facts. it’s all right there. why get it from some dick on the net who doesn’t even know where he got his info from? uuhhh?? yeah. exactly.

    and ask yourself the question, “why is it organized and why is it a religion? and what are they organizing for?” and then read a book, or two, straight from THEM (not from some lil snot nose fuck on the net) to get your answers.

    If you do that, I give you props, if you don’t, you’re as sad as the rest because no matter what you say, no matter what you think your argument is, you have NO real data and you have NO real information and SHIT is just spilling and flying out of your mouth. so please whype that shit off your chin, bruh. you’ve got some serious diaria issues and you have NO argument. ZIP, ZERO. You could say but read this” and it’s just another shit like you who thinks he knows it all but really he got all his info from a guy who got it from a guy in this place who got it from guy across country who got it from some dude and so on and so on. NO FACTS! Got it? NONE! PERIOD!

  11. bjon says:

    hey jax, what do you know about different kinds of religions? what do really even KNOW about scientology? you don’t know shit. you’re probably just another one of thoughs punk ass computer techies who thinks he knows everyhting about the world because he read a book about why Bush is an asshole or why WalMart is destroying the economy or some shit. you’re pathetic. if you actually wanted real information, you’d pick up a book actually written BY L.R.H., the founder of Scientology, and read the fuckin thing to get some actual facts. it’s all right there. why get it from some dick on the net who doesn’t even know where he got his info from? uuhhh?? yeah. exactly.

    and ask yourself the question, “why is it organized and why is it a religion? and what are they organizing for?” and then read a book, or two, straight from THEM (not from some lil snot nose fuck on the net) to get your answers.

    If you do that, I give you props, if you don’t, you’re as sad as the rest because no matter what you say, no matter what you think your argument is, you have NO real data and you have NO real information and SHIT is just spilling and flying out of your mouth. so please whype that shit off your chin, bruh. you’ve got some serious diaria issues and you have NO argument. ZIP, ZERO. You could say but read this” and it’s just another shit like you who thinks he knows it all but really he got all his info from a guy who got it from a guy in this place who got it from guy across country who got it from some dude and so on and so on. NO FACTS! Got it? NONE! PERIOD!

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